Valery Sinelnikov: "a Cure for every disease known for a long time!»
Valery Sinelnikov — known physician, homeopath, and author of popular science books about health and psychology. Its publication has found its readers in the countries of the former CIS. Most of his works are devoted to themes of responsibility and the understanding that every human action entails serious consequences.
Valery Синельников
In the book "Love your disease" the author calls to respect the day and nutrition, respect for nature, heritage, ancestors, and carefully follow his speech. Great attention Sinelnikov pays region of the subconscious.
The author believes that a psychological, subconscious problems are the beginning of all diseases. Our editors have compiled the most accurate quote from this book, here is something to think about…
Forty nine million four hundred ten thousand five hundred thirty eight
Do you agree with the statements of famous doctor? Be sure to share your opinion about it in the comments!
The author
Victoria Poplavskaya Believes that art knows no rest! Enjoys drawing, used to look at life with a painter's eye. Cleaning the house and cooking finds work, a pleasure after all to any business can be creative! Loves unorthodox methods of solving problems. Favorite book Victoria — "Three comrades" E. M. Remarque.
Valery Синельников

In the book "Love your disease" the author calls to respect the day and nutrition, respect for nature, heritage, ancestors, and carefully follow his speech. Great attention Sinelnikov pays region of the subconscious.
The author believes that a psychological, subconscious problems are the beginning of all diseases. Our editors have compiled the most accurate quote from this book, here is something to think about…
Forty nine million four hundred ten thousand five hundred thirty eight
- "In any case do not treat disease as something bad, even if the disease is fatal. Don't forget that this disease has created your subconscious mind, which always and everywhere takes care of you. So it had its good reasons. You shouldn't abuse your body and your illness. Give up the fight against the disease. But on the contrary, thank God, your subconscious mind over disease. Thank the disease itself. Even if it sounds strange — do it".
Twenty four million one hundred ninety two thousand five hundred fifteen - "Illness is a signal of imbalance. Nerve endings let us know that in a certain place in our body that something is wrong. Pain — just healthy nervous reaction that wants to say to us: "Hey, honey, there's something that you have to pay attention." And if people do not pay proper attention or numbs the pain pills, the subconscious will make the pain stronger."
Forty one million five hundred fifty seven thousand five hundred four - "Lowering blood pressure, up to fainting, means that you lose your vitality, don't believe in yourself, in your strengths and opportunities, try to avoid conflict situations, to shirk responsibility. In this case, it becomes impossible to fully experience reality."
Seventy four million two hundred twenty seven thousand sixty two - "If you have a problem in your personal life or illness is a signal to you about what in your life, in your mind there is stagnation".
Sixty nine million nine hundred fifty one thousand three hundred seventy seven - "It is very important that the patient understand that modern medicine only alleviates suffering, inhibiting the disease or eliminating their consequences. The philosophy of modern medicine is simple: to clean up the investigation, regardless of the causes of disease."
Twelve million three hundred forty thousand five hundred eighty six - "We can influence their thoughts, emotions and behavior. We can affect the world around us. Worrying about the purity of their intentions, we care about your health."
Twenty nine million two hundred seventy one thousand six hundred three - "If a man constantly suppresses in himself such emotions as irritation, anger and resentment begin to suffer the liver, joints, respiratory system and other organs and systems of the body. Unexpressed feelings begin to accumulate in those organs which are responsible for their expression."
Thirty six million five hundred one thousand seven hundred thirty eight - "If a person starts to change internally, he cured himself and around him creates a special space which has a beneficial effect on the environment".
Thirty five million eight hundred thirteen thousand five hundred twenty two - "A chronic increase in blood pressure indicates that you live in a state of stress, threats to themselves or their loved ones."
Fifty seven million two hundred forty seven thousand two hundred seventy one - "Cancer is a CURABLE disease. And there is very little exposure to traditional media: chemicals, radiation, surgery. All it suppresses the illness and gives only a reprieve, as it not eliminated the causes of the disease. Because cancer is a disease of the whole organism. Healing from cancer is first and foremost a deliverance from the cancer of the world."
Fifty three million five hundred twenty seven thousand eight hundred twenty eight
Do you agree with the statements of famous doctor? Be sure to share your opinion about it in the comments!
The author

Victoria Poplavskaya Believes that art knows no rest! Enjoys drawing, used to look at life with a painter's eye. Cleaning the house and cooking finds work, a pleasure after all to any business can be creative! Loves unorthodox methods of solving problems. Favorite book Victoria — "Three comrades" E. M. Remarque.
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