After leaving his mother, the son decided to clean the closet and found a letter there, after reading it, he turned pale.
Sooner or later, there comes a time in life when it is time for children to take care of their elderly parents. It is a sad and difficult time, but it can teach us a lot. And also show the real appearance of the most native people. As it happened to the hero of our history. We tell a story about a mother’s will to her son and a terrible truth that was revealed too late.
The mother’s will to the son of the Hero of this story is called Valery. He's 35. He lives with his mother because she needs constant care. Valery is the eldest son in the family. He has a younger brother and sister. His father died early, so his mother raised them alone. So Valery became a father to them all. He started working early to help the younger ones get back on their feet.
From the age of 16, he took on various part-time jobs to help his mother. She also worked hard, giving everything to her family. It went on for years. The younger ones grew, became independent, and Valera’s money continued to go to the general budget. But he was not offended, he believed that it should be so. Through hard work, they raised money for the start-up capital for brother Valery.
He was able to open his own business, it went right away. Deep down, Valery hoped there would be some extra help. But he kept working and saving almost all the money. The younger sister Valeria decided to get married and had to help with the wedding. And for several years they helped the young with the first installment for the apartment.
Valery kept putting off his own life, waiting for the little ones to settle down. But it didn't turn out as expected. He decided to start his business abroad, so he left. Over time, he stopped appearing in their lives, didn't even call. Her sister gave birth to two children and rarely enjoyed their visits.
At the age of 35, Valery realized that he had arranged the life of his brother and sister, but did not arrange his own. When he had already planned to move away from his mother and start an independent life, a disaster occurred. Mom had a stroke. Then began the dark years of his life. He realized he couldn't leave her alone. So I took care of her. Over time, she got better, but she could not live by herself.
The care of the mother fell on the man with a heavy load. He couldn’t work full time like he used to. He's stuck in the cycle of caring for his mother and his job. He tried to reach out to his brother and sister, asking for help. But the brother did not answer the phone, and the sister kept saying that she had small children, she had no time. So they were left with this one-on-one problem.
Soon, her mother had a second stroke, which deprived her of the ability to walk. Valery took care of her for 6 years. He has come to terms with the fact that it is his destiny and the meaning of his life only to help his family. But Mom didn't want to leave it that way. One day Valery returned home and found an unfamiliar woman there. It turned out that this was the daughter of our neighbor, who returned to the city after a long absence.
Valery and Elena immediately got along and found a common language. She turned out to be a very nice and bright woman. When they had an affair, the man honestly said that he would not abandon his mother. But Elena did not demand this, she understood everything perfectly. Over time, she even moved in to help take care of her mother. The woman became a beacon of hope in Valeria's dreary life.
However, a new calamity awaited them. Soon Valeria's mother passed away. She left suddenly after another stroke. The man was very worried about her departure, because he was very attached. When he chose the last outfit for his mother, he found a small bundle in the closet. But he was too depressed to deal with it. So I just put it on the table.
The mother’s will to her son came to the funeral and younger children. Valery was glad that they came at least to take my mother on her last trip. However, he did not want to communicate with them. After 6 years of mother's disease, they never called, did not come. And, as Valery realized after the funeral, they were not as worried about her mother as her three-bedroom apartment. They asked him to buy their parts of the apartment. They said that if they do not get consent, they will go to court.
The man was depressed. He knew he would have to sell the apartment. He had no money to pay a portion of the cost of the apartment. When he returned home, he noticed a bundle on the table. He opened it and was surprised. There was a solid stack of money and a letter. He opened it.
His mother said that he was not his own son. During her first pregnancy, she suffered a miscarriage. He and his father decided to adopt a child. She thanked him for staying with her and apologized for not being able to tell the whole truth in person.
A will was also attached to the letter. It said the money should be split equally between her youngest children. The apartment was supposed to go to Valeria without the right to divide property. Valery was stunned by so much news in one day. The woman who entered the room was frightened. He was pale.
He discussed the situation with her. Elena smiled affectionately and said, "Does it make any difference that you are not blood relatives?" You were the one closest to her. That's the most important thing! With the advent of the will, the situation has changed. Valery honestly divided the money among the younger ones. Although they were dissatisfied, they retreated. Valery has finally started building his family life.
Life is an unpredictable thing. Sometimes blood ties don't matter. Like in this story. Their children turned away from their mother, who put their lives on their well-being. Only the adopted son remained nearby. He was rewarded for his loyalty. Not only the apartment, but also the beautiful wife he met. Karma must still exist.
What do you think of this story?

The mother’s will to the son of the Hero of this story is called Valery. He's 35. He lives with his mother because she needs constant care. Valery is the eldest son in the family. He has a younger brother and sister. His father died early, so his mother raised them alone. So Valery became a father to them all. He started working early to help the younger ones get back on their feet.
From the age of 16, he took on various part-time jobs to help his mother. She also worked hard, giving everything to her family. It went on for years. The younger ones grew, became independent, and Valera’s money continued to go to the general budget. But he was not offended, he believed that it should be so. Through hard work, they raised money for the start-up capital for brother Valery.

He was able to open his own business, it went right away. Deep down, Valery hoped there would be some extra help. But he kept working and saving almost all the money. The younger sister Valeria decided to get married and had to help with the wedding. And for several years they helped the young with the first installment for the apartment.
Valery kept putting off his own life, waiting for the little ones to settle down. But it didn't turn out as expected. He decided to start his business abroad, so he left. Over time, he stopped appearing in their lives, didn't even call. Her sister gave birth to two children and rarely enjoyed their visits.
At the age of 35, Valery realized that he had arranged the life of his brother and sister, but did not arrange his own. When he had already planned to move away from his mother and start an independent life, a disaster occurred. Mom had a stroke. Then began the dark years of his life. He realized he couldn't leave her alone. So I took care of her. Over time, she got better, but she could not live by herself.

The care of the mother fell on the man with a heavy load. He couldn’t work full time like he used to. He's stuck in the cycle of caring for his mother and his job. He tried to reach out to his brother and sister, asking for help. But the brother did not answer the phone, and the sister kept saying that she had small children, she had no time. So they were left with this one-on-one problem.
Soon, her mother had a second stroke, which deprived her of the ability to walk. Valery took care of her for 6 years. He has come to terms with the fact that it is his destiny and the meaning of his life only to help his family. But Mom didn't want to leave it that way. One day Valery returned home and found an unfamiliar woman there. It turned out that this was the daughter of our neighbor, who returned to the city after a long absence.

Valery and Elena immediately got along and found a common language. She turned out to be a very nice and bright woman. When they had an affair, the man honestly said that he would not abandon his mother. But Elena did not demand this, she understood everything perfectly. Over time, she even moved in to help take care of her mother. The woman became a beacon of hope in Valeria's dreary life.
However, a new calamity awaited them. Soon Valeria's mother passed away. She left suddenly after another stroke. The man was very worried about her departure, because he was very attached. When he chose the last outfit for his mother, he found a small bundle in the closet. But he was too depressed to deal with it. So I just put it on the table.

The mother’s will to her son came to the funeral and younger children. Valery was glad that they came at least to take my mother on her last trip. However, he did not want to communicate with them. After 6 years of mother's disease, they never called, did not come. And, as Valery realized after the funeral, they were not as worried about her mother as her three-bedroom apartment. They asked him to buy their parts of the apartment. They said that if they do not get consent, they will go to court.
The man was depressed. He knew he would have to sell the apartment. He had no money to pay a portion of the cost of the apartment. When he returned home, he noticed a bundle on the table. He opened it and was surprised. There was a solid stack of money and a letter. He opened it.
His mother said that he was not his own son. During her first pregnancy, she suffered a miscarriage. He and his father decided to adopt a child. She thanked him for staying with her and apologized for not being able to tell the whole truth in person.
A will was also attached to the letter. It said the money should be split equally between her youngest children. The apartment was supposed to go to Valeria without the right to divide property. Valery was stunned by so much news in one day. The woman who entered the room was frightened. He was pale.
He discussed the situation with her. Elena smiled affectionately and said, "Does it make any difference that you are not blood relatives?" You were the one closest to her. That's the most important thing! With the advent of the will, the situation has changed. Valery honestly divided the money among the younger ones. Although they were dissatisfied, they retreated. Valery has finally started building his family life.

Life is an unpredictable thing. Sometimes blood ties don't matter. Like in this story. Their children turned away from their mother, who put their lives on their well-being. Only the adopted son remained nearby. He was rewarded for his loyalty. Not only the apartment, but also the beautiful wife he met. Karma must still exist.
What do you think of this story?
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