Funny wills
"Being of sound mind ..." It was such a formulation is typically present at the beginning of wills drawn up almost in all countries of the world. However, closer acquaintance with some of them significantly expands our understanding of the soundness of mind.
The most indecent in the history of the will left the shoemaker from Marseilles. Of 123 recorded it is impossible to say 94 words, even in a relatively decent society.
The longest in the world a will left behind anyone so far not well-known American housewife Evelyn Stilwell Frederick Cook in 1925. It consisted of 95,940 words and has never been fully read out loud, as it usually happens. Mrs. Cook did not have a large fortune, and her movable and immovable property could be counted on the fingers. But Mrs. Cook nazhivshaya during his long life many friends and enemies had a brilliant memory and found a few words (good or bad - is another matter), all of them. She composed a will 20 years, and many who had seen her in the act, were convinced that she is writing a novel. By the way, those who are still able to read the last will and testament entirely, claiming that it reads like a novel, women, and if printed, the reader's success is guaranteed.
The most annoying was testament to the Australian Francis Lord, who unsubscribed his fortune to charities, friends and servants, and at the end mentioned his wife. She bequeathed it one shilling - that she "bought a ticket on the tram to go somewhere and drowned."
The most generous testator can be considered famous writer Robert Louis Stevenson, who gave one of her friends birthday. The lady was born on Christmas Day on December 25 and its own holiday always forget. Change this date of November 13, the birthday of the writer, could change the situation, but the last will of the author of "Black Arrow" and "Treasure Island" to satisfy the court has forbidden: Stevenson was not the legal owner of the birth, and therefore could not bequeath it to anyone.
A resident of the American city of Springfield (Oregon) in the will willed that out of his skin made binding for his collection of poems. But the authorities refused to heirs: the will of the testator in direct contradiction with local regulations on how to deal with corpses.
It has not been fulfilled, and the last wish of Mary Murphy, a rich Californian widow. She ordered euthanize her beloved dog Side, "to save the latter from moral anguish related to the loss of the mistress." For the dog intervened society to combat cruelty to animals, which proved that the killing of healthy and young dogs violates California law.
The hardest part for understanding the will was drawn up as a laboratory of the famous physicist Niels Bohr. The will had so many technical terms and complex set phrases that he had to call the decryption expert linguists.
The most stupid story of inheritance associated with the name Roger Dorcas. The millionaire film producer and all of its $ 65 million left Maximilian beloved dog. The court found the decision lawful, because the life of a millionaire straightened Maximilian perfect human instruments. His wife Dorcas left 1 cent. But it is, on the same dog's documents, married a dog and, after his death, quietly entered the inheritance as a dog, of course, did not leave a will.
The richest animal is considered to be a dog called Gunther IV. In 1991, the German millionaire Countess Carlotta von Liebenstein left a 139 million German marks to his dog Gunther III. From his money went to his only son and heir - Gunther IV.
A heavy smoker Samuel Bratt used his last wish merely for the purpose of revenge. Since the life of his wife would not let him smoke in his will he left her 330,000 pounds with one condition: to obtain a widow inheritance is obliged to smoke 5 cigars a day.
Millionairess Leona Helmsley famous that left 5 million to his grandchildren, and 12 million - his dog. When the dog dies, she should be buried next to his mistress in a magnificent mausoleum worth nearly half a million dollars.
Rodenberri Gene (Gene Rodenberry), creator of the phenomenon of "Star Trek" and wished that after his death his body was cremated and sent into space. In 1997, the Spanish satellite delivered the ashes of the deceased into orbit, where the contents of the ballot boxes were produced in the upper atmosphere.
Last wish lawyer misogynist, who died in 1930, was the construction of the library in which all the works have been written only by men, and also the staff consisted only of men. To this he left $ 35,000. His daughter received a bequest of $ 5.
One woman from Cherokee County (NC) left his entire fortune to God. The Court examined the will and finding no grounds to cancel it, instructed the local sheriff to find the beneficiary and ensure the transfer of his inheritance. A few days later Cherokee County became famous throughout the world as the only place on the planet, is officially recognized by his abandonment by God. In a report to the local sheriff to the judge stated: "After the widespread and thorough research, we could not find God in the territory of the district."
In turn, the Finnish government has every reason to be considered as the sole representative of the devil on earth. One of the country's citizens bequeathed all his possessions to Satan. The state successfully sued all the money.
And one of the still unfulfilled wills made certain Frenchman, leaving all their belongings, "the first person to make contact with a resident of any celestial body except Mars."
A Frenchman left the money on the annual competition for the most beautiful nose, which "allowed the representatives of all nations and races, except Russian, provided that the contestants have red hair and black eyebrows." And a Viennese millionaire feared darkness, demanded that his tomb is always light was on.
John Bowman, an entrepreneur from Vermont, died, buried in front of this beloved wife and two daughters. Absolute certainty that he would meet them in the next world, and somehow be able to return to this world, he ordered to keep their house in readiness to return every night and bring to the table late dinner. Bowman died in 1891. Late dinner at his mansion ceased to apply only in 1950, when ran allocated for the maintenance of the house and the servants of money.
Last Will Star in California high society Sandra West was to bury her in a silk dressing gown favorite car behind the wheel of Ferrari, and the executor was instructed to see to it that the chair was pushed back for maximum comfort. The last will was executed. However, the executor has decided to pour concrete tomb, fearing vandalism, which would encroach on an expensive car.
One of the theaters of Buenos Aires gladly accepted tens of thousands of dollars from the former actor Juan Potomac, agreed to the terms of the will that Mr Potomac skull would be used in the production of "Hamlet."
With all the variety of the most eccentric wills champion among the testator can rightly be considered a Canadian lawyer Charles Millar, whose last will and testament - not just a collection of not too good jokes on neighbors, but a document which has a fantastic impact on the lives of not only his hometown of Toronto, and across Canada.
Charles Millar died in 1928 and his last will immediately become a sensation. He mentioned in the will of the two friends, the judge and the priest, known across Canada hatred to any kind of gambling. They, he left a large stake in one of the racecourses. In addition, both as a result of a profit from gambling, they automatically - as shareholders - became members of the Jockey Club, which are both many years of fighting. The judge and preacher accepted the gift. Five more to his comrades, the principal opponents of drunkenness and alcohol, Millar shares bequeathed brewer. Only one of the five refused to inheritance. Another three friends, who hated each other so much that they refused to be in the same time in the same place, he bequeathed his villa in Jamaica. But the most important point was the unusually large amount of money that a lawyer will "one of the residents of Toronto, who for ten years from the time of my death the light will produce the greatest number of children." This item is testament not once tried to challenge in court, but Millar was a good lawyer, so the fault was not to anything. What happened then in Canada, called the "big derby of Toronto." Baby boom in Toronto, and across Canada in this decade has been phenomenal. As a result, May 30, 1938, exactly ten years after the death of Millar, the City Court began to consider the application of inheritance. The woman, who had ten years to give birth to ten children, was disqualified - it turned out that not all of her children by the same man, as required by Millar. Disqualifications and underwent another woman: she gave birth to nine times, but five children were stillborn. Both ladies got a consolation prize of $ 13 thousand. $ 500 thousand. Were distributed equally among the four families who for ten years was born of nine children. As later reported by the newspaper, more children in these families were not.
Source: www.bishelp.ru basik.ru radiokarnaval.ru

The most indecent in the history of the will left the shoemaker from Marseilles. Of 123 recorded it is impossible to say 94 words, even in a relatively decent society.
The longest in the world a will left behind anyone so far not well-known American housewife Evelyn Stilwell Frederick Cook in 1925. It consisted of 95,940 words and has never been fully read out loud, as it usually happens. Mrs. Cook did not have a large fortune, and her movable and immovable property could be counted on the fingers. But Mrs. Cook nazhivshaya during his long life many friends and enemies had a brilliant memory and found a few words (good or bad - is another matter), all of them. She composed a will 20 years, and many who had seen her in the act, were convinced that she is writing a novel. By the way, those who are still able to read the last will and testament entirely, claiming that it reads like a novel, women, and if printed, the reader's success is guaranteed.
The most annoying was testament to the Australian Francis Lord, who unsubscribed his fortune to charities, friends and servants, and at the end mentioned his wife. She bequeathed it one shilling - that she "bought a ticket on the tram to go somewhere and drowned."
The most generous testator can be considered famous writer Robert Louis Stevenson, who gave one of her friends birthday. The lady was born on Christmas Day on December 25 and its own holiday always forget. Change this date of November 13, the birthday of the writer, could change the situation, but the last will of the author of "Black Arrow" and "Treasure Island" to satisfy the court has forbidden: Stevenson was not the legal owner of the birth, and therefore could not bequeath it to anyone.
A resident of the American city of Springfield (Oregon) in the will willed that out of his skin made binding for his collection of poems. But the authorities refused to heirs: the will of the testator in direct contradiction with local regulations on how to deal with corpses.
It has not been fulfilled, and the last wish of Mary Murphy, a rich Californian widow. She ordered euthanize her beloved dog Side, "to save the latter from moral anguish related to the loss of the mistress." For the dog intervened society to combat cruelty to animals, which proved that the killing of healthy and young dogs violates California law.
The hardest part for understanding the will was drawn up as a laboratory of the famous physicist Niels Bohr. The will had so many technical terms and complex set phrases that he had to call the decryption expert linguists.
The most stupid story of inheritance associated with the name Roger Dorcas. The millionaire film producer and all of its $ 65 million left Maximilian beloved dog. The court found the decision lawful, because the life of a millionaire straightened Maximilian perfect human instruments. His wife Dorcas left 1 cent. But it is, on the same dog's documents, married a dog and, after his death, quietly entered the inheritance as a dog, of course, did not leave a will.
The richest animal is considered to be a dog called Gunther IV. In 1991, the German millionaire Countess Carlotta von Liebenstein left a 139 million German marks to his dog Gunther III. From his money went to his only son and heir - Gunther IV.
A heavy smoker Samuel Bratt used his last wish merely for the purpose of revenge. Since the life of his wife would not let him smoke in his will he left her 330,000 pounds with one condition: to obtain a widow inheritance is obliged to smoke 5 cigars a day.
Millionairess Leona Helmsley famous that left 5 million to his grandchildren, and 12 million - his dog. When the dog dies, she should be buried next to his mistress in a magnificent mausoleum worth nearly half a million dollars.
Rodenberri Gene (Gene Rodenberry), creator of the phenomenon of "Star Trek" and wished that after his death his body was cremated and sent into space. In 1997, the Spanish satellite delivered the ashes of the deceased into orbit, where the contents of the ballot boxes were produced in the upper atmosphere.
Last wish lawyer misogynist, who died in 1930, was the construction of the library in which all the works have been written only by men, and also the staff consisted only of men. To this he left $ 35,000. His daughter received a bequest of $ 5.
One woman from Cherokee County (NC) left his entire fortune to God. The Court examined the will and finding no grounds to cancel it, instructed the local sheriff to find the beneficiary and ensure the transfer of his inheritance. A few days later Cherokee County became famous throughout the world as the only place on the planet, is officially recognized by his abandonment by God. In a report to the local sheriff to the judge stated: "After the widespread and thorough research, we could not find God in the territory of the district."
In turn, the Finnish government has every reason to be considered as the sole representative of the devil on earth. One of the country's citizens bequeathed all his possessions to Satan. The state successfully sued all the money.
And one of the still unfulfilled wills made certain Frenchman, leaving all their belongings, "the first person to make contact with a resident of any celestial body except Mars."
A Frenchman left the money on the annual competition for the most beautiful nose, which "allowed the representatives of all nations and races, except Russian, provided that the contestants have red hair and black eyebrows." And a Viennese millionaire feared darkness, demanded that his tomb is always light was on.
John Bowman, an entrepreneur from Vermont, died, buried in front of this beloved wife and two daughters. Absolute certainty that he would meet them in the next world, and somehow be able to return to this world, he ordered to keep their house in readiness to return every night and bring to the table late dinner. Bowman died in 1891. Late dinner at his mansion ceased to apply only in 1950, when ran allocated for the maintenance of the house and the servants of money.
Last Will Star in California high society Sandra West was to bury her in a silk dressing gown favorite car behind the wheel of Ferrari, and the executor was instructed to see to it that the chair was pushed back for maximum comfort. The last will was executed. However, the executor has decided to pour concrete tomb, fearing vandalism, which would encroach on an expensive car.
One of the theaters of Buenos Aires gladly accepted tens of thousands of dollars from the former actor Juan Potomac, agreed to the terms of the will that Mr Potomac skull would be used in the production of "Hamlet."
With all the variety of the most eccentric wills champion among the testator can rightly be considered a Canadian lawyer Charles Millar, whose last will and testament - not just a collection of not too good jokes on neighbors, but a document which has a fantastic impact on the lives of not only his hometown of Toronto, and across Canada.
Charles Millar died in 1928 and his last will immediately become a sensation. He mentioned in the will of the two friends, the judge and the priest, known across Canada hatred to any kind of gambling. They, he left a large stake in one of the racecourses. In addition, both as a result of a profit from gambling, they automatically - as shareholders - became members of the Jockey Club, which are both many years of fighting. The judge and preacher accepted the gift. Five more to his comrades, the principal opponents of drunkenness and alcohol, Millar shares bequeathed brewer. Only one of the five refused to inheritance. Another three friends, who hated each other so much that they refused to be in the same time in the same place, he bequeathed his villa in Jamaica. But the most important point was the unusually large amount of money that a lawyer will "one of the residents of Toronto, who for ten years from the time of my death the light will produce the greatest number of children." This item is testament not once tried to challenge in court, but Millar was a good lawyer, so the fault was not to anything. What happened then in Canada, called the "big derby of Toronto." Baby boom in Toronto, and across Canada in this decade has been phenomenal. As a result, May 30, 1938, exactly ten years after the death of Millar, the City Court began to consider the application of inheritance. The woman, who had ten years to give birth to ten children, was disqualified - it turned out that not all of her children by the same man, as required by Millar. Disqualifications and underwent another woman: she gave birth to nine times, but five children were stillborn. Both ladies got a consolation prize of $ 13 thousand. $ 500 thousand. Were distributed equally among the four families who for ten years was born of nine children. As later reported by the newspaper, more children in these families were not.
Source: www.bishelp.ru basik.ru radiokarnaval.ru