History of music —oddities +video
It is impossible to imagine our life without music. Many styles, trends, classical music, contemporary instrumental, etc etc. Music is part of our life. In music, as usual life, occurred and are occurring unusual incidents. And so...
• Well-known historical fact — the Emperor Nicholas I did not like the music of the composer Glinka. And so very much loved that the guilty officers were ordered to replace the brig with a visit to the Opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila". • The story of the great tenor Caruso. Once arriving at the Bank without any documents, he was forced to sing the cashier that he would have made sure that it really Caruso. The cashier, after hearing an Aria from "Tosca," agreed that the voice identity of the great singer and paid the money. Later Caruso admitted that never in life so did not try. • Chaliapin and Bitter around the same time auditioned for the choir. oddly enough, Gorky took, and the future of the great Chaliapin is not. • In the history of music has happened is absolutely amazing curiosities. A unique case occurred in 1792 at the premiere of the Opera by Cimarosa, composer of "the Secret marriage". The audience is so loud and long clapping that artists were forced to do an encore ... the whole Opera. Even the great singer Luciano Pavarotti never had to do such. • Composers are honored in the Soviet era. At the time, on the Volga river walked the ship, whose nose was adorned with the inscription, "K. Dunaevsky". How so? Dunaevsky was the name of Isaac Osipovich! But the crew insisted that the inscription is correct. The steamer was named "Composer Dunayevsky", but such a long name on the nose does not fit. Here and reduced. • From the fairy tales we know that rats can be derived from the city by means of pipes. That's a myth or fiction? No. In the middle ages there was even a special profession — the pied Piper-the Piper. By the way, after recently held in a historic castle in England a rock concert, the rat is also out of the castle completely disappeared. • Napoleon said, while in exile on the island of St. Helena, that his troops in the Russian campaign had two main enemies — frost and Russian military music. French soldiers really was terrified of rollicking Russian songs. They did not understand why the Russian yell these songs about maiden and falcons, and even in the fierce cold.
Curiosities of modern Opera stage. Video.
Source: /users/147

• Well-known historical fact — the Emperor Nicholas I did not like the music of the composer Glinka. And so very much loved that the guilty officers were ordered to replace the brig with a visit to the Opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila". • The story of the great tenor Caruso. Once arriving at the Bank without any documents, he was forced to sing the cashier that he would have made sure that it really Caruso. The cashier, after hearing an Aria from "Tosca," agreed that the voice identity of the great singer and paid the money. Later Caruso admitted that never in life so did not try. • Chaliapin and Bitter around the same time auditioned for the choir. oddly enough, Gorky took, and the future of the great Chaliapin is not. • In the history of music has happened is absolutely amazing curiosities. A unique case occurred in 1792 at the premiere of the Opera by Cimarosa, composer of "the Secret marriage". The audience is so loud and long clapping that artists were forced to do an encore ... the whole Opera. Even the great singer Luciano Pavarotti never had to do such. • Composers are honored in the Soviet era. At the time, on the Volga river walked the ship, whose nose was adorned with the inscription, "K. Dunaevsky". How so? Dunaevsky was the name of Isaac Osipovich! But the crew insisted that the inscription is correct. The steamer was named "Composer Dunayevsky", but such a long name on the nose does not fit. Here and reduced. • From the fairy tales we know that rats can be derived from the city by means of pipes. That's a myth or fiction? No. In the middle ages there was even a special profession — the pied Piper-the Piper. By the way, after recently held in a historic castle in England a rock concert, the rat is also out of the castle completely disappeared. • Napoleon said, while in exile on the island of St. Helena, that his troops in the Russian campaign had two main enemies — frost and Russian military music. French soldiers really was terrified of rollicking Russian songs. They did not understand why the Russian yell these songs about maiden and falcons, and even in the fierce cold.
Curiosities of modern Opera stage. Video.
Source: /users/147