Universal Vivaldi
Scientists once again delight us with news about the benefits of classical music. Despite the fact that in the famous song from the movie "Almost funny story" to the music of Antonio Vivaldi is offered "sad about this and that", psychological studies have shown that the fast part of the well-known musical "The Four Seasons" stimulate the speed of thought, memory, and attention.
Experts from Northumbria University (UK) asked 14 young people to perform the test on mental concentration and reaction speed. Volunteers need to press the button when the monitor displays a green square. If it is the wrong color, or if it was not a square, and, say, an oval, then it should be ignored. Along with the EEG was recorded electrical activity of the brain.
As you might guess, before performing the test subjects were given to listen live recording of Antonio Vivaldi. It was found that listening to the fast part of the concert "Spring" accelerates the reaction of the brain - from 408 to 393 ms, 1, 8. The control group performed the same test in absolute silence. If a person is listening to slower music and keep out of the autumn series of concerts, the reaction of the brain slows down to 413, 3 ms. Tone on the effect does not affect: the "Spring" and "Autumn" written in a major key.
According to numerous studies, the creators of classical music is not in vain considered geniuses. Their music is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also heals, comforts, soothes. The works of the Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart has on the brains of people marked recreation and developmental impact. Moreover, the music of this composer affect the brain in the neurobiological level.
In 1993, Frank Roche neurologist at the University of Wisconsin (USA) was the first in the world has found a very unusual effect of Mozart's music on the physiology of people: the works of this composer has beneficial effects on the health of his patients.
In 1995, psychologist Frances Rauscher (USA) conducted a more detailed experiments with rats. A group of 30 rats was placed in a room where for 2 months for 12 hours a day, sounded the same product - Sonata in C Major by Mozart. At the same time, rats were trained to navigate a maze. It turned out that after listening to the music of the famous Austrian rodents ran the maze by an average of 27% faster and 37% made fewer errors than their counterparts who these 2 months living among the natural noise or silence. This experiment led scientists to believe that the universal "mechanism" of the impact of classical music on living organisms has not only emotional, but neurobiological nature.
American scientist Gordon Shaw and his colleague from the Los Angeles branch of the University of California, neurologist Mark Bodner, used MRI brain scans to get a picture of the activity of those parts of the patient's brain that react to listen to music by Mozart, Beethoven's "Fur Elise" and pop music 30 years of XX century. As expected, all kinds of music have stepped up the plot of the cerebral cortex, which receives air vibrations caused by sound waves - to put it simply, the auditory center, and sometimes excited parts of the brain associated with emotions. But only music Amadeus Mozart intensified almost all parts of the cortex - including those involved in motor coordination, spatial thinking and visual information processing.
American neuroscientist John Hughes from Illinois tested the effects of Mozart on 36 patients with severe epilepsy who suffered from almost constant seizures. In the process of monitoring of patients included Mozart scholar and compared EEG brain before and during exposure to music. 29 patients from this group brain wave activity occurs during an epileptic seizure, became weaker and less soon after the music. When instead of Mozart's works, these same patients listened to music of some other classical composers or complete silence, they have not seen any improvement. It turns out that the works of Austrian classics really heals and the developing brain!
In 2009, there is evidence that Mozart's music can slow down metabolism in premature infants, helping thereby to add the necessary weight. This discovery was made by Israeli scientists from the medical center in Tel Aviv. The researchers measured the metabolism in newborn infants in a state of complete rest, as they listened to the music of Mozart on 30 minutes for two days, and then measured rates of metabolism, when the children were already in silence. They found that on average, the metabolism slows down for 10-30 minutes while listening to Mozart.
But the music of Ludwig van Beethoven, according to psychologists, helps to cope with mental anguish, depression, fear, sadness, despair, anxiety, aggression, and similar problems. Experiments have shown that the great music of Beethoven, which must have been familiar and despair, fear and longing (and what can still feel the man who has lost his beloved, and musician, who lost his hearing?) Helps to understand their own feelings.
Experts from Northumbria University (UK) asked 14 young people to perform the test on mental concentration and reaction speed. Volunteers need to press the button when the monitor displays a green square. If it is the wrong color, or if it was not a square, and, say, an oval, then it should be ignored. Along with the EEG was recorded electrical activity of the brain.
As you might guess, before performing the test subjects were given to listen live recording of Antonio Vivaldi. It was found that listening to the fast part of the concert "Spring" accelerates the reaction of the brain - from 408 to 393 ms, 1, 8. The control group performed the same test in absolute silence. If a person is listening to slower music and keep out of the autumn series of concerts, the reaction of the brain slows down to 413, 3 ms. Tone on the effect does not affect: the "Spring" and "Autumn" written in a major key.
According to numerous studies, the creators of classical music is not in vain considered geniuses. Their music is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also heals, comforts, soothes. The works of the Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart has on the brains of people marked recreation and developmental impact. Moreover, the music of this composer affect the brain in the neurobiological level.
In 1993, Frank Roche neurologist at the University of Wisconsin (USA) was the first in the world has found a very unusual effect of Mozart's music on the physiology of people: the works of this composer has beneficial effects on the health of his patients.
In 1995, psychologist Frances Rauscher (USA) conducted a more detailed experiments with rats. A group of 30 rats was placed in a room where for 2 months for 12 hours a day, sounded the same product - Sonata in C Major by Mozart. At the same time, rats were trained to navigate a maze. It turned out that after listening to the music of the famous Austrian rodents ran the maze by an average of 27% faster and 37% made fewer errors than their counterparts who these 2 months living among the natural noise or silence. This experiment led scientists to believe that the universal "mechanism" of the impact of classical music on living organisms has not only emotional, but neurobiological nature.
American scientist Gordon Shaw and his colleague from the Los Angeles branch of the University of California, neurologist Mark Bodner, used MRI brain scans to get a picture of the activity of those parts of the patient's brain that react to listen to music by Mozart, Beethoven's "Fur Elise" and pop music 30 years of XX century. As expected, all kinds of music have stepped up the plot of the cerebral cortex, which receives air vibrations caused by sound waves - to put it simply, the auditory center, and sometimes excited parts of the brain associated with emotions. But only music Amadeus Mozart intensified almost all parts of the cortex - including those involved in motor coordination, spatial thinking and visual information processing.
American neuroscientist John Hughes from Illinois tested the effects of Mozart on 36 patients with severe epilepsy who suffered from almost constant seizures. In the process of monitoring of patients included Mozart scholar and compared EEG brain before and during exposure to music. 29 patients from this group brain wave activity occurs during an epileptic seizure, became weaker and less soon after the music. When instead of Mozart's works, these same patients listened to music of some other classical composers or complete silence, they have not seen any improvement. It turns out that the works of Austrian classics really heals and the developing brain!
In 2009, there is evidence that Mozart's music can slow down metabolism in premature infants, helping thereby to add the necessary weight. This discovery was made by Israeli scientists from the medical center in Tel Aviv. The researchers measured the metabolism in newborn infants in a state of complete rest, as they listened to the music of Mozart on 30 minutes for two days, and then measured rates of metabolism, when the children were already in silence. They found that on average, the metabolism slows down for 10-30 minutes while listening to Mozart.
But the music of Ludwig van Beethoven, according to psychologists, helps to cope with mental anguish, depression, fear, sadness, despair, anxiety, aggression, and similar problems. Experiments have shown that the great music of Beethoven, which must have been familiar and despair, fear and longing (and what can still feel the man who has lost his beloved, and musician, who lost his hearing?) Helps to understand their own feelings.