62% of moms don't trust drugs

The survey was conducted among mothers who have a child under 3 years. Sociologists revealed the amazing fact that every mother will give the child medication, even if prescribed by your doctor. Most mothers do not trust the antibiotics, hormones and antihistamines drugs. The reason is the side effects of the drugs.
Mom complained that the treatment of the common cold is necessary to give antibiotics after which not infrequently children experience nausea, dizziness, and upset stomach. What to speak of the hormonal drugs which impair the metabolism (obesity, compromised immune system). Antihistamines protect from allergies, but at what cost have to treat the kids? Drowsiness is the most harmless plus to it – dizziness, blurred vision, and even sometimes confused. As if such diseases can safely develop the child?
In this case, ceases to moms dilemma: how to cure baby, if it does recovery require medication with lots of side effects? How can you get rid of side effects to cure stomach upsets after taking antibiotics, remove nausea, remove toxins formed in the body from antihistamines. In this case, for the withdrawal of intoxication after ingestion of various drugs is required sorbent.
Are there safe chelators for newborns and pregnant? Chelators – drugs designed to remove the body of harmful substances that cause disease. On the Russian market for a long time there is a universal enterosorbent Polisorb. The effect of the drug was analyzed and tested by many pediatricians of Russia from various cities. Polisorb used in children's city hospital №2 of Rostov - On - don, Chelyabinsk medical Academy in Barnaul city children's infectious hospital, and in many other medical institutions.
Doctors prescribe POLYSORB for getting rid of harmful side effects after taking antibiotics and other heavy medications.
Allergies, diathesis, dermatitis drug on the basis of silicon dioxide (POLYSORB) advise to use in conjunction with antihistamines. The cure captures allergens and helps you to get rid of allergies, in addition softens the effect of side effects from antihistamines.
Pediatricians suggest to give universal treatment to babies, it is made from natural silicon and has no chemical additives, so does not cause allergies. The disadvantage is that this medicine tastes like chalk. And that the child was able to drink it, it is better to dilute the medicine in the juice or compote. The drug entering the organism, captures all harmful substances and removes them from the body, so the medication enters the bloodstream, it remains in the body. According to these criteria are universal, the treatment can be applied to children and pregnant women.
The modern variety of medications often puts buyers in a difficult position. The choice between price and quality, focus on advertising or experience. Wrong choice of medication may cause side effects, to reduce the speed of recovery. And it makes sense to focus on those drugs that are approved by doctors and have many years of experience in the pharmaceutical market.
According to scientists, antibiotics in 10 years will not be applied for therapeutic purposes
Scientists from UK made a very serious statement that in the nearest time the organism becomes more resistant to antibiotic drugs, therefore these drugs would be pointless to apply in the medical purposes. The basis of this statement on the human factor with the common purpose of these drugs by physicians patients, causing viruses and get used to antibiotics. To come to this conclusion, researchers conducted several studies Withtoday's antibiotics increase the resistance of microbes of German and British researchers after conducting several studies it has been found that the stronger the properties of modern antibiotics, the better is the adaptation of microbes in the human body. When taken for a long time of strong antibiotics, the body stops producing the protective function and many species of microbes are practically invulnerable. Researchers believe that all bacteria have a special mechanism that helps them to adapt during the reception of an antibiotic.
Source: globalscience.ru