Than synthetic vitamins differ from natural
The effectiveness of vitamins is not determined by the amount of these vitamins into our bodies, and their biological value. That is to say, their activity and the ability to participate in metabolic processes. In synthetic vitamins, as well as isolated from natural products don't have the necessary components that help these vitamins to be absorbed. Without the presence, of these components, the artificial vitamins have no value. At best, they are simply excreted.
Synthetic vitamins, often cause toxic reactions. (Natural) vitamins, even in large amounts, no side reactions do not cause. Uncontrollably we receive a large number of vitamin preparations. We believe that vitamins are useful, and the more, the better. The way it is. But only if we are talking about natural vitamins (contained in food). Artificial vitamins, even in small amounts, can cause digestive disorders and allergic reactions. The use of synthetic vitamins in large quantities can cause cancer and kidney stones.
Natural vitamin, is a natural biological complex. It includes many active components (bioflavonids, Tocopherols, etc.) the Entire complex is closely related and has its own special structure. Vitamins contained in natural products. The vitamins that are even made from natural products, it's just "dead" crystals. They are not active. And acquire biological activity, they can only finding the form of natural (natural) vitamins. And this will happen only if they interact with other components that are part of natural vitamins. These components of our body, like vitamins, does not synthesize. They must come from food. That is why, at best, only a small portion of artificial vitamins can be absorbed by the body. Excess, these vitamins circulate in our body, settling in our bodies and damaging the walls of blood vessels.
Poor nutrition poses a real threat to our health. In our diet, do not enough vitamins. Using such a deplorable situation with a deficit of natural vitamins, manufacturers of artificial, trying to convince us (and it at them not bad it turns out) that their vitamins or not worse than natural. After repeatedly discussed the question of the use of synthetic vitamins, the producers have found a new gimmick. Now they claim that their vitamins are natural, because they are manufactured from natural products (normally this yeast). But for us as consumers, it changes nothing. In the end, we are offered the same "dead" crystals. They absolutely can not be distinguished from their synthetic analogues obtained by chemical means. In the process of such recycling of organic (living) form of the vitamin is converted into an inorganic form.
In this, these vitamins, as well as synthetic, our body can not digest. They definitely need a protein component. This is not hard to make yourself. After the use of any, even the most expensive vitamin complex urine turns bright colors (mainly the color of these same vitamins), and you receive distinct smell (perfumed same vitamins). With such a "recovery" we are seriously overloaded my kidneys and liver. Artificial vitamins imbalance in our body. An overdose of vitamins in natural form by eating foods, it is practically impossible to obtain. But it is not uncommon when a person gets an overdose of artificial vitamins. There are cases of deaths.
There is a perception that taking vitamin C in larger doses, increases the resistance of our organism to infections. Such a statement is at least debatable. But, the fact that large doses of synthetic vitamin C exacerbates allergic diseases, it is a fact. An ardent supporter and advocate of "shock" doses of artificial vitamin C, Linus Pauling died of cancer! They say that at the end of his life, he focused his attention on natural sources of essential human nutrients.
Recently British scientists have published data which suggests that artificial vitamins to cause harm to humans, and contribute to the development of cancer. The first doubts about the benefits of vitamins in artificial form appeared in the early 80-ies of the last century. It had been believed that vitamins A and E, prevent the development of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. So it was, until it was about natural vitamins. But after extensive experiment, conceived and carried out to promote synthetic vitamins, many experts were shocked. The experiment involved several thousand smokers who explained how beneficial the vitamins affect their body. They were offered for several years free to use the vitamins A and E (the participants were divided into two different groups). The results of the experiment have led many to wonder. In the group of smokers, actively taking vitamin A, the number of lung cancer cases was above the national average (among smokers). In the group taking vitamin E, there were a higher number of strokes (in comparison with the average).
The Commission's conclusion was clear: smokers should not take drugs containing vitamins A and E, as it can increase the risk of lung cancer and cardiovascular diseases. And now, as he wrote to Vladimir Vysotsky: "get ready, now will be sad." Another study conducted by Boston University showed that the use of artificial forms of vitamin A, in the early stages of pregnancy, can cause defects in newborns. In America was even printed warnings for expectant mothers. However, almost all vitamin complexes for expectant mothers, vitamin a, is still present.
It does, of course, does not apply to natural forms of vitamin A (beta-carotene) contained in carrots and many other vegetables. Any relation it has to other natural forms of this vitamin contained in different food products (liver, eggs, butter, etc.). It only proves that these forms of vitamin A, completely different.
Not less significant are the results of another experiment. During this experiment it was proved that the synthetic analogs of vitamins A and E, violate the body's natural ability to deal with "defective" (cancerous) cells. Since the beginning of the 80s, similar experiments with artificial vitamins, have conducted a large number, in different countries of the world. Listed, only the results obtained during these experiments. Passion analogues of vitamin B6 can lead to poor circulation. Abuse of vitamins C, D, E can result in the digestive disorders and atherosclerosis.
Preparations containing iron that negatively affect the cardiovascular system. Passion of zinc leads to reduced immunity. Drugs with selenium may adversely affect the condition of our nails and hair. Patients with diabetes should know that large doses of vitamin C, inhibit the activity of the pancreas, reduce insulin production and improve blood sugar. The latest studies have shown that the abuse of artificial vitamin C slows down the speed of nerve impulse transmission, leading to muscle fatigue and loss of coordination. Synthetic vitamins, of course, have the right to exist. Moreover, there are times when they are essential. But we must treat them as medicines, i.e., apply only in extreme cases and only on doctor's advice.
Let's think about what drives us to buy synthetic vitamins. Fashion? Advertising? Maybe we're feeling bad about what we have a deficiency? Our doctor strongly recommended we specific vitamins and prescriptions? So what? Crystalline vitamins is a medical drug, and we must treat them as medicines. We blindly believe the advertising and are careless about their nutrition and their health.
Indeed, all the nutritionists, state shortage in our diet vitamins. But, the deficiency has arisen due to changes in the structure of our food. More than vitamins in our diet lacks coarse, poorly digested food (cellulose). Only such food that can clean our digestive system and normalize its work (to allow vitamins and minerals to be absorbed). We need to adjust our nutrition. Incorporate beneficial foods: grains (and products made from whole grains that contain cereal germ and bran), legumes (all kinds), vegetables, fruits, herbs etc of the Vitamins contained in these foods is enough for our body. And the deficit occurs because of the fact that we have eliminated these products from your diet. We eat fatty refined food with a high content of carbohydrates. To such food, our body just is not genetically predisposed. From this problems with digestion. With such a diet, our body cannot absorb, even those vitamins (natural) that are received. About the vitamin tablets, and say, is not necessary. They, in this situation, do not need.
The vitamin industry is a multi-billion dollar turnover. This is the only sector of the economy where increase of sales volumes in all reports I believe, not a percentage, and in times! Look at what has become our pharmacies. This shopping vitamins. This business on our health. In parallel, the number of used vitamins, a growing number of serious diseases. 20 years ago, the Oncology departments lay mostly elderly. And today, there half of patients is under forty. Much "younger" of cardiovascular disease. I'm not talking about allergies, she suffers every fourth inhabitant of Russia. To help solve these problems, can only be rational healthy nutrition and natural, healthy products.
source: 111let.ru
Source: /users/1077

Synthetic vitamins, often cause toxic reactions. (Natural) vitamins, even in large amounts, no side reactions do not cause. Uncontrollably we receive a large number of vitamin preparations. We believe that vitamins are useful, and the more, the better. The way it is. But only if we are talking about natural vitamins (contained in food). Artificial vitamins, even in small amounts, can cause digestive disorders and allergic reactions. The use of synthetic vitamins in large quantities can cause cancer and kidney stones.
Natural vitamin, is a natural biological complex. It includes many active components (bioflavonids, Tocopherols, etc.) the Entire complex is closely related and has its own special structure. Vitamins contained in natural products. The vitamins that are even made from natural products, it's just "dead" crystals. They are not active. And acquire biological activity, they can only finding the form of natural (natural) vitamins. And this will happen only if they interact with other components that are part of natural vitamins. These components of our body, like vitamins, does not synthesize. They must come from food. That is why, at best, only a small portion of artificial vitamins can be absorbed by the body. Excess, these vitamins circulate in our body, settling in our bodies and damaging the walls of blood vessels.
Poor nutrition poses a real threat to our health. In our diet, do not enough vitamins. Using such a deplorable situation with a deficit of natural vitamins, manufacturers of artificial, trying to convince us (and it at them not bad it turns out) that their vitamins or not worse than natural. After repeatedly discussed the question of the use of synthetic vitamins, the producers have found a new gimmick. Now they claim that their vitamins are natural, because they are manufactured from natural products (normally this yeast). But for us as consumers, it changes nothing. In the end, we are offered the same "dead" crystals. They absolutely can not be distinguished from their synthetic analogues obtained by chemical means. In the process of such recycling of organic (living) form of the vitamin is converted into an inorganic form.
In this, these vitamins, as well as synthetic, our body can not digest. They definitely need a protein component. This is not hard to make yourself. After the use of any, even the most expensive vitamin complex urine turns bright colors (mainly the color of these same vitamins), and you receive distinct smell (perfumed same vitamins). With such a "recovery" we are seriously overloaded my kidneys and liver. Artificial vitamins imbalance in our body. An overdose of vitamins in natural form by eating foods, it is practically impossible to obtain. But it is not uncommon when a person gets an overdose of artificial vitamins. There are cases of deaths.
There is a perception that taking vitamin C in larger doses, increases the resistance of our organism to infections. Such a statement is at least debatable. But, the fact that large doses of synthetic vitamin C exacerbates allergic diseases, it is a fact. An ardent supporter and advocate of "shock" doses of artificial vitamin C, Linus Pauling died of cancer! They say that at the end of his life, he focused his attention on natural sources of essential human nutrients.
Recently British scientists have published data which suggests that artificial vitamins to cause harm to humans, and contribute to the development of cancer. The first doubts about the benefits of vitamins in artificial form appeared in the early 80-ies of the last century. It had been believed that vitamins A and E, prevent the development of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. So it was, until it was about natural vitamins. But after extensive experiment, conceived and carried out to promote synthetic vitamins, many experts were shocked. The experiment involved several thousand smokers who explained how beneficial the vitamins affect their body. They were offered for several years free to use the vitamins A and E (the participants were divided into two different groups). The results of the experiment have led many to wonder. In the group of smokers, actively taking vitamin A, the number of lung cancer cases was above the national average (among smokers). In the group taking vitamin E, there were a higher number of strokes (in comparison with the average).
The Commission's conclusion was clear: smokers should not take drugs containing vitamins A and E, as it can increase the risk of lung cancer and cardiovascular diseases. And now, as he wrote to Vladimir Vysotsky: "get ready, now will be sad." Another study conducted by Boston University showed that the use of artificial forms of vitamin A, in the early stages of pregnancy, can cause defects in newborns. In America was even printed warnings for expectant mothers. However, almost all vitamin complexes for expectant mothers, vitamin a, is still present.
It does, of course, does not apply to natural forms of vitamin A (beta-carotene) contained in carrots and many other vegetables. Any relation it has to other natural forms of this vitamin contained in different food products (liver, eggs, butter, etc.). It only proves that these forms of vitamin A, completely different.
Not less significant are the results of another experiment. During this experiment it was proved that the synthetic analogs of vitamins A and E, violate the body's natural ability to deal with "defective" (cancerous) cells. Since the beginning of the 80s, similar experiments with artificial vitamins, have conducted a large number, in different countries of the world. Listed, only the results obtained during these experiments. Passion analogues of vitamin B6 can lead to poor circulation. Abuse of vitamins C, D, E can result in the digestive disorders and atherosclerosis.
Preparations containing iron that negatively affect the cardiovascular system. Passion of zinc leads to reduced immunity. Drugs with selenium may adversely affect the condition of our nails and hair. Patients with diabetes should know that large doses of vitamin C, inhibit the activity of the pancreas, reduce insulin production and improve blood sugar. The latest studies have shown that the abuse of artificial vitamin C slows down the speed of nerve impulse transmission, leading to muscle fatigue and loss of coordination. Synthetic vitamins, of course, have the right to exist. Moreover, there are times when they are essential. But we must treat them as medicines, i.e., apply only in extreme cases and only on doctor's advice.
Let's think about what drives us to buy synthetic vitamins. Fashion? Advertising? Maybe we're feeling bad about what we have a deficiency? Our doctor strongly recommended we specific vitamins and prescriptions? So what? Crystalline vitamins is a medical drug, and we must treat them as medicines. We blindly believe the advertising and are careless about their nutrition and their health.
Indeed, all the nutritionists, state shortage in our diet vitamins. But, the deficiency has arisen due to changes in the structure of our food. More than vitamins in our diet lacks coarse, poorly digested food (cellulose). Only such food that can clean our digestive system and normalize its work (to allow vitamins and minerals to be absorbed). We need to adjust our nutrition. Incorporate beneficial foods: grains (and products made from whole grains that contain cereal germ and bran), legumes (all kinds), vegetables, fruits, herbs etc of the Vitamins contained in these foods is enough for our body. And the deficit occurs because of the fact that we have eliminated these products from your diet. We eat fatty refined food with a high content of carbohydrates. To such food, our body just is not genetically predisposed. From this problems with digestion. With such a diet, our body cannot absorb, even those vitamins (natural) that are received. About the vitamin tablets, and say, is not necessary. They, in this situation, do not need.
The vitamin industry is a multi-billion dollar turnover. This is the only sector of the economy where increase of sales volumes in all reports I believe, not a percentage, and in times! Look at what has become our pharmacies. This shopping vitamins. This business on our health. In parallel, the number of used vitamins, a growing number of serious diseases. 20 years ago, the Oncology departments lay mostly elderly. And today, there half of patients is under forty. Much "younger" of cardiovascular disease. I'm not talking about allergies, she suffers every fourth inhabitant of Russia. To help solve these problems, can only be rational healthy nutrition and natural, healthy products.
source: 111let.ru
Source: /users/1077
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