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Synthetic vitamins

In itself vitamins - complex biological systems. Their activity (count - utility) depends on many factors, which are virtually impossible to predict. Vitamins can not just take, shove in the sweet business envelope. In fact, it is not at all the vitamins and synthetic poison for any healthy creatures.

Turning to history, we learn that the true pioneer of the vitamin case was Dr. Royal Lee, who in the mid-20th century, first wondered about the nature of vitamins. His work, research data, no one can deny. All who are now seriously engaged in vitamins, based on his books.
On itself Lee felt the full power of "drug industry," Contrary arbitrariness which fought 40 years ago, the US Supreme Court on the suit "Office for sanitary inspection by the Food and Drug Administration» (FDA) took an unprecedented decision and ordered the scholar to burn all the material for 20 years work! And all because of the fact that Royal could prove detrimental effects of refined sugar and bleached flour on the health of the arteries, digestive system, heart and cancer.

As the FDA has become a monopoly watchdog - a separate conversation. In the early 20th century, control over medical and food companies exercised "Chemical Management". Before 1912 the management headed by Dr. Harvey Wiley, who was ... unusual, for our times, a point of view on the health of the nation: "No American food does not contain benzoic acid, sulfurous acid, sulfites, alum or saccharin. Soft drinks should not contain caffeine or theobromine. Bleached flour can not be in free retail anywhere in America. Food and medical supplies must be protected against counterfeiting and workmanship. Only then will people's health will steadily increase, and life expectancy

increase. " Dr. Wylie even tried to knock the Coca-cola company to market with its artificial drink!

But back to the vitamins. Let's start with vitamin C. Whenever a resource we would not have discovered vitamin C is associated with ascorbic acid, as if it were the same thing! But it is not so! Ascorbic acid is only isolate, fragment natural vitamin C. In addition to ascorbic acid, vitamin C should include: rutin, bioflavonoids, Factor K Factor J, the P factor, tyrosinase, ascorbigin

. If someone wants to get active vitamin, all components of the vitamin C is important to choose the correct aspect ratio. Ascorbic acid, in particular, the need to prevent rapid oxidation and vitamin decomposition. And only ... All pharmacists zatarivatsya, by the way, at one point, in the factory Hoffman-LyaRosha in New Jersey, where ascorbic acid on an industrial scale manufacture of chemicals. The output of different packaging and labels, but not the content ...

The word "synthetic" refers to two conditions: the product of human hands and set up anywhere in nature does not occur
. It is important to understand the difference between the vitamin and its activity. Imagine that the body - machine, and vitamins - gasoline. Your task is to make the car go. You fill up petrol, but this alone is not enough! Motor, carburetor, fuel supply - it should work in the complex, for the success of the entire venture. Catches of thought?
Vitamins - a lot more than ascorbic pills that you buy once a month at the pharmacy. Vitamin C contained in plants, vegetables, berries, fruits passes life, a piece of sunshine, land! A synthetic vitamins just poison cells. Vitamins do not need a lot, enough of those substances that we get from food. They are, incidentally, completely harmless. It's about healthy food.

Ascorbic acid does not act as a nutrient. She did not even cure scurvy! Onions - treats. Potatoes, which contains only 20 mg of vitamin C - also treats! And there is no ascorbic acid.
Of course, the environmental situation leaves much to be desired, only some chemicals are not used by farmers to increase income (per year, according to UN data, in the world use more than 2 000 000 tons of pesticides). 50 years ago, the products were much cleaner. Although even then Royal Lee described the diet of Americans as "consumption of food sacrificed».

Vitamins and minerals are inseparable: Vitamin D is needed by the body for absorption of calcium, copper, "activates" the vitamin C. This is another important difference between synthetic vitamins from natural: consuming artificial pills we force the body to use its own reserves of minerals that still get from food . Synthetic vitamins - hazardous "sosalki" or "razgryzalki" that our body does not need

! In America, sales of vitamin complexes involved 110 companies. Only 5 of them are working with whole food vitamins. The reason is simple: whole vitamins are more expensive. Americans are saving, prefer to spend on synthetic vitamins (wait for it!) 9 billion dollars a year (in 2008, according to some sources, on food additives have already spent 23 million dollars, primordial article was written in the late 20th century). < br>
In Russia the same situation and the same results. Alas -. Deplorable
On the other vitamins the situation is not better: the natural vitamin A is important for the preservation of visual acuity, DNA synthesis, protect against free radical cells. Vitamin A (beta carotene) is an antioxidant, supporting the work of the heart, lungs, arteries. In 1994, an independent study showed that synthetic vitamin A does not work. Absolutely. But people take it, 8% more likely to suffer from heart attacks and lung cancer than (attention!) Who use a placebo. Synthetic vitamin B simply and tastefully led to infertility 100% of the test pigs!
What? Profit is the most important ...