"The Ten Commandments" nutrition

Healthy people are now in the trend. Fashion returns to health in recent years. However, on the way to achieve good health in recent years it has grown formidable wall - addiction to "delicious culinary products" and junk food (literally English: junk food)
. What are the principles of management, nutrition, nutrition in which the normal digestion? What principles are the foundation of the power of healing and rejuvenation of the system? What rules can be called: "The Ten Commandments" nutrition (analogue - the famous biblical "Ten Commandments")? Let's take a look at them. These are the "ten commandments" of proper nutrition.
The first commandment of a healthy person - do not overeat
. Put both hands, palms together - you've got the volume, approximately equal to the volume of your stomach. That is how much food you need to eat a person at a time, no more. All food consumed by us in excess of this amount can not be fully digested and assimilated by our body and therefore leads to the formation of internal contamination - the cause of all our illnesses
. Author of the famous diet besslizevoy German naturist Arnold Ehret hundred years ago, said: "Every extra piece of food is us a piece of life, because it is useless consumer of our energy." And the most famous American hygienist Herbert Shelton wrote: "Our digestive glands has its limits, so they will not be able to digest dense three meals every day, and that such a person eats over their digestive abilities. Nature does not allow excesses. Food drunkards eat in two, three, four times more than they can digest. Boozer can live to old age, and glutton - never. »
The second commandment: food raw fruit and vegetables
. Particular emphasis in the correct, healthy food should be placed on the use of raw fruits, vegetables and herbs. Such a living plant foods in our diet should not be less than 80% of the total number of calories eaten per day. Eat fruits should be as a separate meal, not as a dessert after the consumption of other foods. This is a great and widespread error. Herbert Shelton reiterated that the habit of eating unnatural foods is a major cause of overeating.
Third Commandment: thorough chewing any food
. Without abundant wet saliva does not occur the full digestion and assimilation of food our digestive organs. Even a breath of fresh juice or infusion of rose hips need to hold in the mouth, so that he thoroughly mixed with saliva and then you need to swallow. Therefore, it is necessary to drink in small sips and slowly.
A hundred years ago, the American Horace Fletcher emphasized that if slowly and chew for a long time, you can quickly and easily lose weight. Fletcher taught that chew need a hundred times, thanks to the food completely "blows". Followers Fletcher's techniques were John D. Rockefeller (the world's first billionaire) and writer Mark Twain.
Monotrofnoe or separate power supply.
For one meal to eat one type of raw natural product. For example, in the morning some apples for dinner - cabbage, for dinner - some tomatoes. Shelton wrote: "gourmand passion for food mixtures and greed in eating produces all kinds of ailments and porcine lifestyle. (HLS there, and there is coolant - porcine lifestyle). The simpler the food mixture, the better digestion. Meals should characterize simplicity. The diversity and mix of products - a boost to
gluttony. " Avoid eating after six in the evening.
Late dense dining, as well as constant snacking throughout the day, leading to the fact that food is normally can not digest, starts to rot and ferment. As a result, violated the entire composition of the intestinal microflora. A malfunction of the digestive tract, especially the intestine immediately weakens the immune system, which badly affects the entire human body. In addition, as a result of excessive gas formation in the colon begin to mechanically squeezed bowel organs located above the chest, leading to a deterioration of the heart. Sam deformed colon descends and begins to put pressure on the pelvic organs, causing the ladies women's diseases, and in men with prostate gland problems.
Rarely eat.
It is important to give the stomach and the entire digestive system to rest more often, so the time intervals between meals should be preferably not less than 4-5 hours. People who have always something to chew the stomach and intestines can be compared to the pan, which is constantly being cooked some food weight, but never brought to readiness. Our stomach, pancreas, liver and other digestive organs like the rest, but not overtime.
Shelton wrote: "Fasting improves food digestion process." Famous Russian naturist-rawfoodist Valentin Nikolaev called it "an increase in food absorption coefficient." Best lunch - a missed lunch
. Say "no" product-killers.
It is necessary once and for all abandon the most harmful products from sweets and refined sugars (other than natural sweets), bread and rolls, meats and sausages, cheese and cottage cheese, junk food and fast food (fast food). Shelton argued: "Nature vetoes animal proteins (proteins)»
. Abundant drinking regime.
The important role of proper nutrition in the system is given a liquid drink, but not everyone, but only pure water. On the day you need to drink two to three liters of clean water (in addition to fresh juices and herbal teas), in order not to make problems with the kidneys. It is best to drink or twenty minutes before a meal, or a half or two hours after meals and in the intervals between meals. In no case it is not necessary to wash down the food, so as not to dilute the gastric juice (which greatly interferes with normal digestion).
Dinner is not on time, and not for the company, but only when there is a strong desire.
Otherwise, the body can not digest and does not take all the useful from the food eaten.
The Tenth Commandment: periodically arrange fasting
short. Doing physiological interruptions in the reception of food, that is unloaded and cleaned medical starvation. Shelton said: "Hunger - the best dish. Starvation leads to normalization of the chemistry of the whole body. »
By following these "Ten Commandments" of proper nutrition, we will render the greatest service to their health.