So what constitutes the so-called potato chips
Pringles releasing company that in the UK, in order to avoid the increased tax rates, claimed that its product content of potatoes is so low that from a technical point of view it is not potato chips at all.
So what is it?
First, the factory creates suspension of rice, wheat, corn, potato flakes. special in their compressed form. The material is then rolled out to the ultra-thin sheets of a special machine on a conveyor belt.
Then they create a special curved shape.
These forms are placed in boiling oil, and then dried, powdered flavors are sprayed. Finally, it ends up that these sheets are packed by banks and packages. And get on the shelves, where they are bought by unsuspecting consumers.
The most dangerous component is added to the potato chips are not on purpose, but is a by-product of such processing.
Acrylamide - a substance that causes cancer and provider eyrotoksicheskoe strong effect on the body. It is found in carbohydrate foods cooked at high temperatures - whether they are fried or baked
. The potato chips, preparing in boiling oil, contain as much acrylamide that in 2005 California wanted to prohibit them to sell.
It all ended so that the authorities and the public's insistence chip manufacturers have promised that will reduce the amount of acrylamide in their products in dozens of times. So, to a billion grams of final product had less than 275 g of acrylamide.
This rate was maintained by American manufacturers of chips up to 2011, but in other countries like dealing with this matter was not!
New research in California experts show that the acrylamide content in potato chips manufacturers today exceeds the norm by 39-910 times!
This prompted scientists to warn us: any product associated with the potatoes and cooked under the influence of the enormous temperatures, dangerous just because of the fact that the starch in such treatment emits large amounts of acrylamide.
But manufacturers do not pay attention to it. Moreover, to remove from the final products it completely technically impossible.
If you want to be sure that you consume normal foods, you must eat them, or raw or subjected to minimal heat treatment.
At least a third of all edible products should be eaten raw.
And ideally, the diet must be such that the proportion of fresh food therein reached 80%.