What good will give you the CE
As soon as we start to move to thermally unprocessed food, all our vital signs are improving rapidly. We feel a surge of vitality, growth of the organism activity, mobility and energy, and that's not counting the fact that excess weight itself out. Why, you ask?
The man begins to realize that raw foods allows you rid your body of excess cholesterol, complex amino acids and metals, as well as to obtain the necessary dose of vitamins and fiber, which are stored in the live food and help to improve digestion. Immediately eliminates the need to buy a bunch of expensive synthetic vitamins, the harm that many are saying today.
A major role in improving digestive tract and plays that with raw food human body gets a huge dose of the natural enzymes and water, from which the plants are composed of 80%. So, after a meal you do not want to drink tea or coffee.
Raw food is chewed many times because of the solid content of valuable fiber, but this is offset by the fact that the longer the time to grind the food, the better it is digested, thereby allowing the body to get more nutrients. Increasing the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and reduces gastric acidity.
In addition, consumers of plant foods, with food prepared with valuable sun energy - prana. It fills our body of vital juices, gives positive feelings soul and the heart of moral satisfaction.
People who use live food without salt, sugar and spices quite differently perceive the taste, much brighter and richer.
Raw food diet can not only be in the form, but also to love the world, ourselves and all around.