Invisible house in London from the architectural Studio JaK
British architectural Studio JaK decided to implement the incredible design and complexity of the project "invisible house". The structure, an estimate which is estimated at a million dollars, plan to build in a quiet London neighborhood Lewisham, and, according to the architects and orchestrators of this mansion – Kevin Morton, neither London nor the UK, nothing was seen.
The basis of amazing mansion will be the façade created of glass mirrors. Matched, they will, due to the reflection, thus to conduct a landscape design of the plot that the house will merge with the surrounding greenery (area under the house is located in a green area) and average distance to determine the presence of the structure would be virtually impossible.
It is also important that the house, in addition to visual harmony with nature, will be a real example of energy efficient and environmentally friendly buildings. Facade glass and mirrors are covered with special light-absorbing substances, which will accumulate the necessary for the functioning of the house energy and applied thermal insulation will allow to reduce power consumption.
Kevin Morton, who is going to live in this three-story mansion with his family, hopes that this futuristic building, despite its originality, for it will be the usual house where he can hide from the outside world, and not a British tourist attraction with crowds of tourists at the gate.
But soberly assessing the prospects of this unique project, we can assume that he is likely to be assigned the role of a Museum of engineering under the open sky, because even judging by the responses now available on the Internet, wanting to see the "house of darkness", a lot.
Note that the beginning of construction of this building is scheduled for next autumn. And towards the end of 2015 architectural Studio JaK intends to pass the object into operation. And soon everyone will be able on the website to find detailed specifications of the project with a partial disclosure of the technology.
Source: zeleneet.com