Diet 5 tablespoons

The diet of 5 tablespoons refers to a balanced diet, and is solely for the benefit of the body. 5 tablespoons contain 100 – 150 grams, that is, this amount of any product can be eaten during one meal in order to lose weight. When following this diet, the body gradually learns to consume less food, as a result of which there is a decrease in body weight.
This diet is not based on unfounded claims about the benefits of small portions, but on scientifically based data obtained by scientists - nutritionists of the European Association, the results of which were presented at the 13th International Congress of Nutritionists.
Scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences have come to the conclusion that people who are overweight and those who are obese have an increased stomach size, compared to those who do not have such health problems. In 90% of sick people, the size of the stomach is similar to the stomach of cattle.
They need more food to satisfy their hunger. Here there is a vicious circle or a vicious chain: to fill a large stomach requires a large amount of food, and a large amount of food, in turn, increasingly stretches the stomach, the size of which normally corresponds to the size of an ordinary human fist. And in connection with all the above, the most useful and effective diet for weight loss, which provides for a reduction in portions, rather than limiting the intake of substances.
Scientific methods have proven that five tablespoons or 100-150 grams, this is the volume in one meal, which is more than enough to replenish all the resources spent by the body and completely satisfy the feeling of hunger. And the stomach, no longer receiving huge amounts of food, will gradually begin to shrink, contracting until it reaches its normal physiological size.
The effectiveness of the diet "5 tablespoons" is so high, because the body gradually gets used to so much one-time consumed food, and after such a diet, there will almost never be disruptions and a return to the previous type of nutrition. Diets in which reduce or completely eliminate fats or carbohydrates, as well as sharply reduce the calorie content of food, in this respect are inferior to this diet, since a person cannot eat exclusively healthy low-calorie foods, or completely protein-free foods all his life. Instilled in the body, the natural needs will still take their toll, and the person will return to the consumption of his former nutritional diet. After that, all the pounds dropped with such difficulty, come back again, and the weight can become even more than it was before the diet.
The diet of 5 tablespoons is an example of the correct way of losing weight, when the work of the entire human body is normalized, the stomach regains physiological dimensions and the excess weight goes away forever. Moreover, the effectiveness of the diet, absolutely does not affect the number of dropped kilograms. Someone needs to lose 3 kilograms, someone - 20. But a brilliant result remains in any case.
It is very important to note that when using this diet, there is no such problem as a constant feeling of hunger and a terribly increased appetite. This is all due to the reduced size of the stomach, which, now, these small volumes of food, is enough to fully saturate for five hours. And, in addition, there is a complete normalization of all metabolic processes, which also stimulates the development of normal appetite.
Basics of the 5 Tablespoons Diet
Compliance with this diet will not require any serious restrictions. Therefore, it will be extremely easy to observe it. In the diet, there are no exceptions to specific foods, you can eat everything. The emphasis in this case is solely on the size of a single portion. It should not be more than five tablespoons. And what exactly will contain these spoons depends only on the taste preferences and desires of each individual. The main thing to remember is that you can not exceed this volume!!!
Another rule that will also be easy to follow is that the time between each meal should be more than three hours. This time is enough for the stomach to fully digest and absorb the amount of food received.
These were all the restrictions that will be faced by those who will follow the “5 tablespoons” diet, the main idea of which is solely to reduce portions, and not impoverish the nutritious diet.
What can you eat and drink?
1) Food.
You can consume a variety of food products;
The number of meals is absolutely unlimited;
The time interval between two meals exceeds 3 hours;
The volume of food consumed at once is 5 tablespoons, which is 100-150 grams of the product.
2) Drinks.
Drinking water can be consumed in absolutely unlimited quantities, and the more, the better, since water improves the body as a whole, ensures the normal flow of all metabolic processes, and neutralizes the “false” feeling of hunger;
- all unsweetened liquids without sugar content can also be consumed in unlimited quantities, in other words, there is no need to stop drinking your favorite tea, well, or coffee, as long as they are unsweetened;
- as a sweetener for any liquid, fructose can be used (one teaspoon is calculated per 250 ml);
The only restriction in this diet concerns carbonated drinks, since they contain just a huge amount of sugar, and other sweet liquids.
From all the above, we can conclude that excluding from the nutritional diet, drinks containing sugar, no longer have to limit themselves. And when consuming a portion of 5 tablespoons in size, it does not matter what exactly is in them - biscuit cake, semolina or stew made of vegetables.
One of the difficulties that arise when using the 5 tablespoons diet is that it is quite difficult to measure solid foods with spoons, such as a piece of meat. There are two possible solutions to this problem. First, you can cut off a large piece, five pieces smaller, so that their size corresponds to the size of one tablespoon. Secondly, knowing that the volume of five tablespoons is approximately equal to 100 - 150 grams, you can simply weigh the piece on the kitchen scale and cut the piece of the desired size. The same can be said about fish, for example. Approximately 150 grams corresponds to a small piece of meat, somewhere the size of a palm.
If you want to eat a sandwich, you can imagine that 100 – 150 grams usually correspond to two small sandwiches of medium size. That is, two sandwiches are put in five tablespoons.
For people who are used to using not tablespoons, but teaspoons, it will be useful to know that three teaspoons are equal to one dining room, so the amount of food for one time should correspond to the volume of 15 teaspoons.
As for fruits and vegetables, then you can follow the same methods as with meat, and you can make it easier, and rub your favorite fruit on the grater, then measuring its volume in tablespoons will be very simple. In general, you should know that the average pear, apple or banana corresponds to 100 – 150 grams, that is, they are the volume that can be consumed in one meal.
Another important issue is the content of salt, sugar and spices in foods consumed. As mentioned above, there are no restrictions on these ingredients in the 5 tablespoons diet. But always remember one thing: that very salty or containing a large amount of spices dishes always provoke increased appetite. As a result, staying in this volume for one meal can be extremely difficult.
What can we get out of it?
The results of the diet can be seen after 3-4 days. Following it, you can lose up to 5 kg per week, as well as up to 20 kg per month.
Source: dieta-dieta.ru