Correct Color Diet

Color Diet is considered one of the non-standard diets. You will ask why? Yes, because of bans on products does not, as a person loses weight. The whole essence of the color diet is reduced to the distribution of all food into 6 groups. The main feature on which this division is carried out, - the color of the product.
Designed colored diet for a week. Every day, you can eat foods with only one color, and combine different colors can not be in any way. It is important that you enable the products with all the colors of the rainbow. A poocherednost they can and disturb.
Benefit or harm?
Dietitians agree to the idea that substances such as phytonutrients (found in foods of plant origin) - the most useful for the organism food
. Time of the color diet is best left for the second half of the summer and autumn, when there is an abundance of vegetables, fruits and berries. So you can eat more diverse every day and get a balanced diet.
Losing weight in a week with the color diet is about 2-3 kg. If you manage to hold on to it a month, the figure will surprise the owners of magnificent forms - more than 10 kilograms will leave you. Even if you do not calculate the daily calories and allow myself a good portion, excess weight will still leave. With this you will always be well fed and in good spirits. Much of this comes from the fact that excludes fatty, fried foods, fast food, flour, and their place is taken by fresh fruit and vegetables (mostly low-calorie).
As with any diet has its limitations in color diet. For example, you can not eat refined sugar (for white day is an ideal product for color - but undesirable) and a lot of salt. Drinking hard liquor should be minimized. It is also necessary to abandon the consumption of food with preservatives.
The latter technique is better to arrange a meal 4-5 hours before you go to bed.
color diet menu
The best result from the color in the diet may be achieved when even choose the dishes according to the color of the day. This will enhance the effect
First Day - white. Dinner is permitted only white foods. Foods rich in white carbohydrates and proteins contained therein and vitamins of group B (very useful for the skin). You do not have to starve.
For white products include: rice, spaghetti, pasta, potatoes boiled in their skins, cabbage and cauliflower, coconut pulp, banana
. The "white" day is important not to overeat, not to gain extra calories.
Day Two - red. The red color makes us active, more alive and moving. The most auspicious day to do sports or go on a date with a loved one. Red foods rich in antioxidants, which have undoubted benefits to the circulatory system.
You can eat any product in red. It tomatoes, red bell peppers, beets, red beans, red currant, red apples, red grapes, cranberries, cherries, strawberries, watermelons, pomegranates, cayenne pepper.
Day Three - Green. Color luscious greenery gives peace and tranquility. It promotes relaxation, helps combat stress and tension. Green foods are rich in B vitamins and vitamin E. They also contain a lot of useful minerals that do not slow down the color diet is reflected in the improved condition of your hair, nails, skin and vision.
The green day we eat all just green: leafy vegetables, Brussels sprouts and broccoli, sea kale, peppers green, green peas, cucumbers, rhubarb, kiwi fruit, herbs green (parsley, dill, etc.), green onions, green tea.
Day Four - orange. Lift your spirits with orange products. Such dishes unleash you and will give a reason to wake up fantasies. Orange foods are rich in beta-carotene. Therefore, to improve vision. And in general, strengthen your immune system. Citrus orange will fill your body with vitamin C.
Resolved Products: pumpkin, carrot, orange pepper, sea buckthorn, peach, mango, papaya, apricots, oranges, tangerines, melon, persimmon
. Fifth day - purple. Most unappetizing day as violet slows down metabolism. But there is in this day and its advantages - purple color beneficial effect on the processes of thinking and sharpens intuition. Dedicate this day to spiritual development.
Anything is possible in this day: black grapes, black currants, eggplant, plums, blueberries, blueberry, blackberry, tarragon
. Sixth day - yellow. As the sun's rays, yellow foods give us energy boost. They help to keep yourself in good shape. Yellow foods save you from beriberi, vitamin C will saturate and strengthen immunity.
Your diet will make any products yellow. This millet, honey, mustard, beer (do not overdo it with this strong drink to all the efforts to reduce weight were not crossed out), zucchini yellow corn, sweet pepper yellow, yellow tomatoes, yellow apples, lemons, Mirabelle (yellow plum), pineapple .
Seventh day - transparent. It is also called the hungry during the day, because on the seventh day is recommended to do the unloading. Allowed to drink only mineral water (non-carbonated). The daily rate for a clear day - at least 3 liters of fluid
. Coloured diet. Reviews
Many women appreciated the possibility of color dieting and discovered his gift of cooking. For a list of permitted products not too small. But preparing food products from only one color, it has the opportunity to experiment. In addition, it is possible to eat new types of food that you previously could not afford.
For some people, a pleasant surprise is the opportunity to eat during a diet strong drink (in moderation, of course). There is no need to abandon the proposal friends sit in the evening over a glass of wine or go to the bar. Important update to arrange a day and red (red wine is allowed) or yellow (beer can) day.
Normally, the first six days withstand difficult. Fears creep in about the seventh day, which is necessary to carry out on the water alone.
Try out the color on the diet itself recommends find yourself on this day for some exciting activity, that there was no time to think about food. From the house is better to go out without a purse (or take a certain amount, you only need to travel or buy any thing) - that there are no unnecessary temptation to go to a cafe, shop and buy yourself something tasty to snack
. Coloured diet is not suitable for fast results in reducing excess weight. Minimal effect - a pound a week (up to 2 kg). Significant results can be seen in a month - from 7 to 10 kg and above. Writhing color diet - training your figure for the beach season or important event, which will not be soon. All of course depends on how much you want to lose weight and from which products can give up, but to the diets of "first aid" to carry the color diet is difficult. Speed up the process of losing weight is possible, if you replace some products (for example, foods high in carbohydrates (bananas, potatoes). In any case, the color diet is designed for a gradual release of the body of excess weight.