Sandwiches that do not raise blood sugar !?

Enjoy a variety of sandwiches, but to give them up due to the rise in blood sugar levels? Scientists have found a useful alternative - use in sandwiches rye bread (of course consider and what you eat it)
. Swedish and Finnish scientists in numerous studies, concluded that rye bread is the most useful of the pastry. He has a positive effect on blood sugar levels and weight loss slows down processes. If you replace the white bread in the rye, you can get rid of problems associated with digestion and speed up the process of losing weight. Experts from the University of Lund claim that rye is effective to support normal blood sugar levels.
At that time, unlike rye, wheat products tend to sharply raise blood sugar levels, and in some people, sugar rises much higher after use than the sweet.
The study's authors argue the fact of the use of rye bread that Rye lowers cholesterol in the blood, strengthens the heart and prevents the development of diabetes and cancer. The rye flour rich in potassium, fiber, iron, zinc, vitamin E and Group B. Due to these properties of rye flour products useful as people with diabetes, and those who want to protect yourself as much as possible from him.
Eat well and stay healthy!