Hypoglycemia: causes, symptoms and how to treat
What is hypoglycemia?
Hypoglycemia is a pathological condition characterized by low levels of glucose in the blood (below 3.3 mmol/l).
How is it in our blood attain a certain level of sugar, and why he may fall to a critical level? After we eat that contains carbohydrates, of which glucose is extracted, and distributed in all nooks and crannies of the body. It is the fuel without which we cannot live. In response to the ingress of glucose in the blood the pancreas synthesizes a particular hormone – insulin which allows the cells of our body get energy from glucose.
A sharp drop in blood sugar levels dangerous, because a person can lose in just 30 minutes. Among diabetics is walking phrase: "insulin is medicine smart". Why I say so? Because victims of hypoglycemia almost always be inconsiderate and irresponsible people who ignore the advice of the doctor, and piercing themselves to an incorrect insulin dose at the first sign of poor health. No need to panic. You can always avoid the risk, if done right and consistently.
Hypoglycemia may occur due to insufficient amount of sugar consumed, and reinforced the body to produce the hormone insulin, responsible for the processing of glucose.
Causes of hypoglycemia
Diabetes mellitus is of several types. Simplify our narrative and say that you have insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and is insulin dependent. Now, people with the first type of the disease have to inject yourself with insulin so as to be enough for processing exactly the amount of glucose (HEH – bread units), which is obtained from food. The injections are placed at equal intervals of time, they are correlated with meals and the dosage determined by the attending endocrinologist.
If the patient injected himself with more insulin than required for the breakdown of ingested glucose, the liver begins to save the situation and throw the blood of a strategic reserve of starch – glycogen. But when the coffers are empty, attack of hypoglycemia can not be avoided.
The fact of the matter, because diabetics have nowhere to take a big or at least the standard supply of glycogen. These people consume very little of starchy foods, they have literally every carbohydrate counts (and, on a bad bill).
List the order of all possible causes of hypoglycemia:
The crisis came when he went fishing with friends on the weekend. Men two days were freezing, lifting gear, paddle boats and ate almost only one fish (that is, carbohydrate-free diet). And to maintain morale and drank vodka. In the end, our hero lost consciousness and miraculously was on time taken to hospital, where he learned, finally, that he has a low blood sugar level.
If the person is not sick with diabetes, hypoglycemia can be a symptom of another disease of the endocrine system. For accurate diagnosis must pass a medical examination and treatment of the disease causing the condition.
Symptoms of hypoglycemia
Symptoms of hypoglycemia begin to manifest, if the sugar level in the blood falls below normal, which is 3 mmol/L.
In all patients the disease manifests itself differently, so you should know what symptoms you need to pay attention in the first place.
People with hypoglycemic syndrome often experience dizziness, impairment of consciousness, nervousness, hunger, headache and chills. The patient's pulse quickens, the skin becomes pale, there is sweating, disturbed coordination of movements and concentration. A person can lose consciousness or even fall into a coma.
It is important to know that hypoglycemia has three degrees of severity: mild, moderate and severe. The lower down the sugar level in the blood, the more pronounced the symptoms.
In mild hypoglycemia the meter readings fall below 3.8 mmol/L. the Patient feels unexplained anxiety, nervousness, nausea, hunger, and his cold, numb fingertips or lips; may manifest tachycardia.
Hypoglycemia average weight is manifested by deterioration of consciousness and mood: the person is anxious, irritable, has difficulty in concentration or thinking. Leads to blurred vision, dizziness and headache. Because of the weakness and lack of coordination of movements of people walking and talking with difficulty.
If the blood sugar level falls below 2.2 mmol/l is a sign of severe hypoglycemia. This condition can lead to epileptic seizures, convulsions, loss of consciousness and coma. The body temperature is greatly reduced.
People suffering from severe hypoglycemia for a long period of time, subject to the occurrence of cardiovascular system diseases, lesions of the brain.
Do not forget that the symptoms of hypoglycemia can be similar to symptoms of other diseases, so the patient is necessary to consult a doctor.
Complications and consequences of hypoglycemia
What is dangerous hypoglycemic syndrome, as such, we have already discussed. But the often repeated "avalanches" of blood sugar levels is fraught with equally serious problems. Small peripheral vessels are destroyed and, first and foremost, the affected eye and legs. The person may eventually develop the disorder and blindness.
Low glucose levels is extremely dangerous for the brain. This organ is the most voracious in our body, and as soon as it lacks sugar, it starts to honk and desperately require food. For a long time to go without sugar the brain physically can't, that is why the level of blood glucose below 2 mmol/l in humans occurs hypoglycemic coma. If the patient is not time to revive the brain cells die, it means death.
Other organs of our body are also constantly need glucose and respond to its deficiency very painful. The time would have gone for a listing of all syndromes and diseases affecting the person with a low level of blood sugar. Let's just say that this condition it is better to avoid. How to do it? Read on.
Treatment of hypoglycemia
People who have a higher risk of hypoglycemic syndrome must carefully monitor their condition and to conduct regular measurements of blood sugar: situations that can lead to its reduction, should be given close attention.
It is important to notice the first symptoms of hypoglycemia and to take steps to address them.
If the sugar level drops below normal, you need to drink fruit juice, eat a piece of sugar, candy or other food rich in carbohydrates.
People from the inner circle of the patient is also required to know the symptoms of hypoglycemia and be able to provide first aid if you feel unwell. It is important to always have a card or piece of paper with medical information in case an attack of hypoglycemia happens far from home.
Patients with diabetes, hypoglycemia can occur because of alcohol intake or a missed meal, so you need to constantly keep a balanced diet, time to take anti-diabetic medication, avoid strenuous exercise and stressful conditions.
When hypoglycemia, the patient should refrain from eating simple carbohydrates but eat protein foods or complex carbohydrates. During an attack of hypoglycemia should also carry glucose tablets or glucose gel.
Here is a list of products that can be taken in the event of deterioration:
If hypoglycemic reactions occur more a couple times a week, be sure to consult your doctor.
People who suffer from hypoglycemia, often losing consciousness. It is best in this case, it will help the injection of glucagon that increases blood sugar levels. Dosage and application of this drug you should discuss in advance with your doctor.
To avoid the onset of symptoms of severe hypoglycemia, the patient should always carry sugar, candy and any other food containing carbohydrates (crackers, cheese, fruit juice, etc.)
Treatment of hypoglycemia balanced diet
Hypoglycemia may indicate diabetes or some other diseases, so you should first conduct a medical examination and to identify the disease causing this condition. It is necessary to assign the correct treatment and medications. But to deal with hypoglycemia is possible and traditional methods at home.
First of all when hypoglycemia the person should pay special attention to their nutrition. Food should be taken regularly, at the same time, at least five times a day. Every 3 hours you should eat small portions of complex carbohydrate rich food. Preference should be given rice, fish, cabbage, fruit juices, crackers with peanut butter, dairy products, honey, nuts and so on. Thus the blood sugar will be maintained at a sufficient level.
You should limit the use of products containing high levels of sugar (candy, cookies, cakes), though the increase of glucose in the blood, but at the same time stimulate the production of insulin, responsible for its processing. After some time the blood sugar level may be even lower, which will cause deterioration of health.
Treatment of hypoglycemia herbs and berries
Medicinal plants can have positive influence on the metabolism in the body, improve the appetite and digestive organs.
St. John's wort, plantain, cranberries and garlic improve metabolism in the body. Cranberries and garlic eaten fresh or added to food, and from St. John's wort and plantain is possible to prepare medicinal infusions.
Rosehip, black currant and lemon – fortified foods, and is useful for hypoglycemia.
Rose hips extract should be prepared from unpeeled fruit, Bay 1 tablespoon chopped berries in two cups of boiling water. Then, the infusion is kept on the steam bath for 15 minutes, strain and drink half a Cup twice a day. For a taste of the medicine can slightly sweetened.
Black currants may help with irritability, nervousness, to calm headaches and normalize sleep.
Yarrow, sea-buckthorn berries and oregano are able to inhibit the oxidation of organic substances. Calendula, thyme and Aronia improves the appetite and the digestive system.
When the hypoglycemic syndrome use prescription treatment fees. We need to take 2 g St. John's wort, Burnet, wheat grass, plantain, chamomile and cudweed herb swamp and grams of wormwood and licorice. The mixture pour two cups of water and boil it. Decoction is taken three times a day (before meals) 50-75 g. the medication lasts for a month.
Treatment of hypoglycemia lewsey.
Rhaponticum is a plant that can improve the composition of the blood, to normalize the number of red blood cells and white blood cells, increase hemoglobin, improve overall health, give strength and energy. Take lewsey three times a day in tincture, diluting 15-30 drops in a tablespoon of warm boiled water.
Lemongrass is also a wonderful tonic that can not only strengthen the immune system but also notably improved the General condition of hypoglycemia. From its leaves you can prepare a healthy salad: lemongrass finely chopped onions, fresh nettles, dandelion leaves, a tablespoon of vegetable oil and sour cream. Thanks to this simple recipe patients with hypoglycemia people will be able to avoid such symptoms as General weakness, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, irritability, decrease in blood pressure. published
Author: Sobolenko Valentina, endocrinologist
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.ayzdorov.ru/lechenie_gipoglikemiya_chto.php
Hypoglycemia is a pathological condition characterized by low levels of glucose in the blood (below 3.3 mmol/l).
How is it in our blood attain a certain level of sugar, and why he may fall to a critical level? After we eat that contains carbohydrates, of which glucose is extracted, and distributed in all nooks and crannies of the body. It is the fuel without which we cannot live. In response to the ingress of glucose in the blood the pancreas synthesizes a particular hormone – insulin which allows the cells of our body get energy from glucose.
A sharp drop in blood sugar levels dangerous, because a person can lose in just 30 minutes. Among diabetics is walking phrase: "insulin is medicine smart". Why I say so? Because victims of hypoglycemia almost always be inconsiderate and irresponsible people who ignore the advice of the doctor, and piercing themselves to an incorrect insulin dose at the first sign of poor health. No need to panic. You can always avoid the risk, if done right and consistently.

Hypoglycemia may occur due to insufficient amount of sugar consumed, and reinforced the body to produce the hormone insulin, responsible for the processing of glucose.
Causes of hypoglycemia
Diabetes mellitus is of several types. Simplify our narrative and say that you have insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and is insulin dependent. Now, people with the first type of the disease have to inject yourself with insulin so as to be enough for processing exactly the amount of glucose (HEH – bread units), which is obtained from food. The injections are placed at equal intervals of time, they are correlated with meals and the dosage determined by the attending endocrinologist.
If the patient injected himself with more insulin than required for the breakdown of ingested glucose, the liver begins to save the situation and throw the blood of a strategic reserve of starch – glycogen. But when the coffers are empty, attack of hypoglycemia can not be avoided.
The fact of the matter, because diabetics have nowhere to take a big or at least the standard supply of glycogen. These people consume very little of starchy foods, they have literally every carbohydrate counts (and, on a bad bill).
List the order of all possible causes of hypoglycemia:
- Incorrect dosage of insulin;
- A long period of time even without food (more than 6 hours);
- Intense physical activity, resulting in complete emptying of the body from the glucose (including glycogen stores in the liver);
- Reducing the amount of sugar in the blood can also be related to alcohol use.
- Hypoglycemia may occur due to improper diet or consumption of certain medicines, poorly coupled with antidiabetic drugs (aspirin, warfarin, allopurinol, probenecid, etc.), the reinforcing effect of insulin. It may not be only specialized tools, like Diabetes, Glinate, Prandina, Starlix, Januvia or Diabinese. There are medicines, not belonging to the group of antidiabetic drugs, but still enters into a dangerous interaction with insulin.
The crisis came when he went fishing with friends on the weekend. Men two days were freezing, lifting gear, paddle boats and ate almost only one fish (that is, carbohydrate-free diet). And to maintain morale and drank vodka. In the end, our hero lost consciousness and miraculously was on time taken to hospital, where he learned, finally, that he has a low blood sugar level.
If the person is not sick with diabetes, hypoglycemia can be a symptom of another disease of the endocrine system. For accurate diagnosis must pass a medical examination and treatment of the disease causing the condition.
Symptoms of hypoglycemia
Symptoms of hypoglycemia begin to manifest, if the sugar level in the blood falls below normal, which is 3 mmol/L.

In all patients the disease manifests itself differently, so you should know what symptoms you need to pay attention in the first place.
People with hypoglycemic syndrome often experience dizziness, impairment of consciousness, nervousness, hunger, headache and chills. The patient's pulse quickens, the skin becomes pale, there is sweating, disturbed coordination of movements and concentration. A person can lose consciousness or even fall into a coma.
It is important to know that hypoglycemia has three degrees of severity: mild, moderate and severe. The lower down the sugar level in the blood, the more pronounced the symptoms.
In mild hypoglycemia the meter readings fall below 3.8 mmol/L. the Patient feels unexplained anxiety, nervousness, nausea, hunger, and his cold, numb fingertips or lips; may manifest tachycardia.
Hypoglycemia average weight is manifested by deterioration of consciousness and mood: the person is anxious, irritable, has difficulty in concentration or thinking. Leads to blurred vision, dizziness and headache. Because of the weakness and lack of coordination of movements of people walking and talking with difficulty.
If the blood sugar level falls below 2.2 mmol/l is a sign of severe hypoglycemia. This condition can lead to epileptic seizures, convulsions, loss of consciousness and coma. The body temperature is greatly reduced.
People suffering from severe hypoglycemia for a long period of time, subject to the occurrence of cardiovascular system diseases, lesions of the brain.
Do not forget that the symptoms of hypoglycemia can be similar to symptoms of other diseases, so the patient is necessary to consult a doctor.
Complications and consequences of hypoglycemia
What is dangerous hypoglycemic syndrome, as such, we have already discussed. But the often repeated "avalanches" of blood sugar levels is fraught with equally serious problems. Small peripheral vessels are destroyed and, first and foremost, the affected eye and legs. The person may eventually develop the disorder and blindness.
Low glucose levels is extremely dangerous for the brain. This organ is the most voracious in our body, and as soon as it lacks sugar, it starts to honk and desperately require food. For a long time to go without sugar the brain physically can't, that is why the level of blood glucose below 2 mmol/l in humans occurs hypoglycemic coma. If the patient is not time to revive the brain cells die, it means death.
Other organs of our body are also constantly need glucose and respond to its deficiency very painful. The time would have gone for a listing of all syndromes and diseases affecting the person with a low level of blood sugar. Let's just say that this condition it is better to avoid. How to do it? Read on.
Treatment of hypoglycemia
People who have a higher risk of hypoglycemic syndrome must carefully monitor their condition and to conduct regular measurements of blood sugar: situations that can lead to its reduction, should be given close attention.
It is important to notice the first symptoms of hypoglycemia and to take steps to address them.
If the sugar level drops below normal, you need to drink fruit juice, eat a piece of sugar, candy or other food rich in carbohydrates.
People from the inner circle of the patient is also required to know the symptoms of hypoglycemia and be able to provide first aid if you feel unwell. It is important to always have a card or piece of paper with medical information in case an attack of hypoglycemia happens far from home.
Patients with diabetes, hypoglycemia can occur because of alcohol intake or a missed meal, so you need to constantly keep a balanced diet, time to take anti-diabetic medication, avoid strenuous exercise and stressful conditions.
When hypoglycemia, the patient should refrain from eating simple carbohydrates but eat protein foods or complex carbohydrates. During an attack of hypoglycemia should also carry glucose tablets or glucose gel.
Here is a list of products that can be taken in the event of deterioration:
- sweet candy;
- fruit juice;
- milk;
- honey;
- sugar;
- corn syrup
If hypoglycemic reactions occur more a couple times a week, be sure to consult your doctor.
People who suffer from hypoglycemia, often losing consciousness. It is best in this case, it will help the injection of glucagon that increases blood sugar levels. Dosage and application of this drug you should discuss in advance with your doctor.
To avoid the onset of symptoms of severe hypoglycemia, the patient should always carry sugar, candy and any other food containing carbohydrates (crackers, cheese, fruit juice, etc.)
Treatment of hypoglycemia balanced diet
Hypoglycemia may indicate diabetes or some other diseases, so you should first conduct a medical examination and to identify the disease causing this condition. It is necessary to assign the correct treatment and medications. But to deal with hypoglycemia is possible and traditional methods at home.
First of all when hypoglycemia the person should pay special attention to their nutrition. Food should be taken regularly, at the same time, at least five times a day. Every 3 hours you should eat small portions of complex carbohydrate rich food. Preference should be given rice, fish, cabbage, fruit juices, crackers with peanut butter, dairy products, honey, nuts and so on. Thus the blood sugar will be maintained at a sufficient level.
You should limit the use of products containing high levels of sugar (candy, cookies, cakes), though the increase of glucose in the blood, but at the same time stimulate the production of insulin, responsible for its processing. After some time the blood sugar level may be even lower, which will cause deterioration of health.
Treatment of hypoglycemia herbs and berries
Medicinal plants can have positive influence on the metabolism in the body, improve the appetite and digestive organs.
St. John's wort, plantain, cranberries and garlic improve metabolism in the body. Cranberries and garlic eaten fresh or added to food, and from St. John's wort and plantain is possible to prepare medicinal infusions.
Rosehip, black currant and lemon – fortified foods, and is useful for hypoglycemia.
Rose hips extract should be prepared from unpeeled fruit, Bay 1 tablespoon chopped berries in two cups of boiling water. Then, the infusion is kept on the steam bath for 15 minutes, strain and drink half a Cup twice a day. For a taste of the medicine can slightly sweetened.
Black currants may help with irritability, nervousness, to calm headaches and normalize sleep.
Yarrow, sea-buckthorn berries and oregano are able to inhibit the oxidation of organic substances. Calendula, thyme and Aronia improves the appetite and the digestive system.
When the hypoglycemic syndrome use prescription treatment fees. We need to take 2 g St. John's wort, Burnet, wheat grass, plantain, chamomile and cudweed herb swamp and grams of wormwood and licorice. The mixture pour two cups of water and boil it. Decoction is taken three times a day (before meals) 50-75 g. the medication lasts for a month.
Treatment of hypoglycemia lewsey.
Rhaponticum is a plant that can improve the composition of the blood, to normalize the number of red blood cells and white blood cells, increase hemoglobin, improve overall health, give strength and energy. Take lewsey three times a day in tincture, diluting 15-30 drops in a tablespoon of warm boiled water.
Lemongrass is also a wonderful tonic that can not only strengthen the immune system but also notably improved the General condition of hypoglycemia. From its leaves you can prepare a healthy salad: lemongrass finely chopped onions, fresh nettles, dandelion leaves, a tablespoon of vegetable oil and sour cream. Thanks to this simple recipe patients with hypoglycemia people will be able to avoid such symptoms as General weakness, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, irritability, decrease in blood pressure. published
Author: Sobolenko Valentina, endocrinologist
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.ayzdorov.ru/lechenie_gipoglikemiya_chto.php