Diagnosis and neutralization of the virus of poverty
60 QUESTIONS TO ask YOURSELF to IDENTIFY SYMPTOMS of the PSYCHOLOGY of POVERTYFor each affirmative answer put yourself one point. For every negative response you will not receive any points.
Have you noticed a desire to buy "cheaper" when it's not so important to the quality of the product is, how attractive its low price?
Is it possible that buying something "cheaper", after a while you saw that it failed? However, do you continue to buy things because of their cheapness?
Do you tend to keep in your home outdated things that are no longer in use, for the reason that "throw a pity, and suddenly come in handy someday"?
Do you keep empty plastic bags, empty cans, and other packaging from under something, despite the fact that don't you use it?
How many places in your home is a thing that you do not use and who simply "collect dust"?
Do you begin to overcome the fear that "money will not" "do not have anything to live?"
Do you tend to fall into sadness because of the lack of necessary for you at the moment.
Forbid if you yourself mentally make bold plans associated with large expenses?
If you stop yourself in your dreams with the words "Well, it's not for me, I have no such money" or "This is not about our honor?"
Stop if you find yourself in his plans with the words "Where I will take the money"?
Have you noticed the tendency to compare yourself with others?
Do you tend to underestimate your abilities and opportunities?
Do you have thoughts about how unfair disposes of wealth destiny: rascals and scoundrels she gives money, good people settle for a miserable existence?
Have you noticed the envy of more successful people than you?
Do you waive some useful and promising cases because of fear "what if I fail"?
Have you noticed a habit of feeling sorry for yourself?
Or do you complain about life and injustice to you personally and people in General?
If you are inclined to whining or grumbling?
Do you tend to say: "Well, again, it's bad"?
When you do, do you the idea that everything is falling apart and "will get worse"?
Do you do things that you hated?
How often do you have to do "servile work," meaningless work according to the will of another from which you depend?
Have you noticed a "habit suffer" when reduced emotional background, a sense of degradation and hopelessness become the normal state?
Do you tend to blame others for their life difficulties?
Often life seems unfair?
When you have money, whether you catch yourself wanting to buy some honey, "status" thing that will show others that you are a rich man?
Do you tend to spend money to "show off"?
When you have free money, you will rather spend it on something that will make an impression on other people than on something important and useful?
Have you noticed a tendency to seem "cooler than you really are"?
If you catch yourself on the desire to seem not who you are, what you want to see the other?
Do you have a tendency to accumulate resentment for the people around you?
Do you consciously forgive loved ones for any offense?
Do you tend to blame their parents and family that they get something "not received", and so now you are not satisfied with their wealth and lives?
Do you tend to explain their failures by hostility from relatives ("In my life, everything would be fine, if not...")?
If you are confident that your life difficulties?
Have you noticed a tendency to measure the success and samorealizatsii person solely by the amount of its capital?
Have you noticed a very respectful, even obsequious attitude towards the rich people?
Have you noticed a fear of rich people that block your inner freedom in dealing with wealthy people?
Deep within yourself are you convinced that people not having money — loser?
Do you find money in someone else's pocket and discuss whether their guesses with others? Who gets how much, who and how many earned or concealed, for what amount people can afford to spend, etc.?
Do you tend to look for quick retrieval is desired, the intention to get "all at once"?
Do you have a tendency to have easy money without much work?
Is it permissible for you to obtain the money through the deception of another, even a small lie?
Whether you spend a easy to get you money?
Do you tend to save for a "rainy day"?
Do you tend to refuse to work only because of laziness?
Have you noticed a lack of desire to work more and earn more?
Have you noticed a tendency to expect that someone will offer you a job or tell you what to do?
Do you have a tendency to "wait for the sea weather", not through their own efforts to improve their financial situation?
Have you noticed a symptoms of laziness and inertia, unwillingness to change anything in life, the desire to live in "the rut"?
Are there traits of your character fussiness?
Sometimes you fear something doesn't make it?
It happens so that you start to grasp at all things at once, tired, nervous and not bring any thing to the end?
Do you tend to simulate their own activities that others consider you industrious and active man?
Do you tend to strong emotions because of the fact that he did not finish something because of fatigue or factors?
Can you say that your mood depends on the presence or absence of money you have or the prospects of their getting?
Do you think that money can solve all of man?
Are you confident that any person can buy, only need to offer the right price?
Are you ready to do something just "for the money"?
Do you think that the most important thing in life is money?
There is hardly a person among us that all these questions will honestly be answered in the negative and not earn any points. Infection "the virus of poverty" is much deeper than we can imagine.
The normal state of consciousness — when you score no more than 15-17 points. If you score more points, you'll need your conscious special work, aimed at healing from the psychology of poverty.
The virus of poverty primarily affects our consciousness. Therefore, antiviral therapy based on positive claims that require thinking and in which it is important to believe to such an extent that they became the credo.
With these positive statements can be purposefully forming new beliefs. Entrenched in your mind and heart, they will gradually displace the misconceptions imposed by the virus of poverty and heal from the psychology of poverty.
Author: Marina Smolensk
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: marinasmolenskaya.ru/techniki/diagnostika-i-obezvrezhivanie-virusa-nishhety.html

Have you noticed a desire to buy "cheaper" when it's not so important to the quality of the product is, how attractive its low price?
Is it possible that buying something "cheaper", after a while you saw that it failed? However, do you continue to buy things because of their cheapness?
Do you tend to keep in your home outdated things that are no longer in use, for the reason that "throw a pity, and suddenly come in handy someday"?
Do you keep empty plastic bags, empty cans, and other packaging from under something, despite the fact that don't you use it?
How many places in your home is a thing that you do not use and who simply "collect dust"?
Do you begin to overcome the fear that "money will not" "do not have anything to live?"
Do you tend to fall into sadness because of the lack of necessary for you at the moment.
Forbid if you yourself mentally make bold plans associated with large expenses?
If you stop yourself in your dreams with the words "Well, it's not for me, I have no such money" or "This is not about our honor?"
Stop if you find yourself in his plans with the words "Where I will take the money"?
Have you noticed the tendency to compare yourself with others?
Do you tend to underestimate your abilities and opportunities?
Do you have thoughts about how unfair disposes of wealth destiny: rascals and scoundrels she gives money, good people settle for a miserable existence?
Have you noticed the envy of more successful people than you?
Do you waive some useful and promising cases because of fear "what if I fail"?
Have you noticed a habit of feeling sorry for yourself?
Or do you complain about life and injustice to you personally and people in General?
If you are inclined to whining or grumbling?
Do you tend to say: "Well, again, it's bad"?
When you do, do you the idea that everything is falling apart and "will get worse"?
Do you do things that you hated?
How often do you have to do "servile work," meaningless work according to the will of another from which you depend?
Have you noticed a "habit suffer" when reduced emotional background, a sense of degradation and hopelessness become the normal state?
Do you tend to blame others for their life difficulties?
Often life seems unfair?
When you have money, whether you catch yourself wanting to buy some honey, "status" thing that will show others that you are a rich man?
Do you tend to spend money to "show off"?
When you have free money, you will rather spend it on something that will make an impression on other people than on something important and useful?
Have you noticed a tendency to seem "cooler than you really are"?
If you catch yourself on the desire to seem not who you are, what you want to see the other?
Do you have a tendency to accumulate resentment for the people around you?
Do you consciously forgive loved ones for any offense?
Do you tend to blame their parents and family that they get something "not received", and so now you are not satisfied with their wealth and lives?
Do you tend to explain their failures by hostility from relatives ("In my life, everything would be fine, if not...")?
If you are confident that your life difficulties?
Have you noticed a tendency to measure the success and samorealizatsii person solely by the amount of its capital?
Have you noticed a very respectful, even obsequious attitude towards the rich people?
Have you noticed a fear of rich people that block your inner freedom in dealing with wealthy people?
Deep within yourself are you convinced that people not having money — loser?
Do you find money in someone else's pocket and discuss whether their guesses with others? Who gets how much, who and how many earned or concealed, for what amount people can afford to spend, etc.?
Do you tend to look for quick retrieval is desired, the intention to get "all at once"?
Do you have a tendency to have easy money without much work?
Is it permissible for you to obtain the money through the deception of another, even a small lie?
Whether you spend a easy to get you money?
Do you tend to save for a "rainy day"?
Do you tend to refuse to work only because of laziness?
Have you noticed a lack of desire to work more and earn more?
Have you noticed a tendency to expect that someone will offer you a job or tell you what to do?
Do you have a tendency to "wait for the sea weather", not through their own efforts to improve their financial situation?
Have you noticed a symptoms of laziness and inertia, unwillingness to change anything in life, the desire to live in "the rut"?
Are there traits of your character fussiness?
Sometimes you fear something doesn't make it?
It happens so that you start to grasp at all things at once, tired, nervous and not bring any thing to the end?
Do you tend to simulate their own activities that others consider you industrious and active man?
Do you tend to strong emotions because of the fact that he did not finish something because of fatigue or factors?
Can you say that your mood depends on the presence or absence of money you have or the prospects of their getting?
Do you think that money can solve all of man?
Are you confident that any person can buy, only need to offer the right price?
Are you ready to do something just "for the money"?
Do you think that the most important thing in life is money?
There is hardly a person among us that all these questions will honestly be answered in the negative and not earn any points. Infection "the virus of poverty" is much deeper than we can imagine.
The normal state of consciousness — when you score no more than 15-17 points. If you score more points, you'll need your conscious special work, aimed at healing from the psychology of poverty.
The virus of poverty primarily affects our consciousness. Therefore, antiviral therapy based on positive claims that require thinking and in which it is important to believe to such an extent that they became the credo.

With these positive statements can be purposefully forming new beliefs. Entrenched in your mind and heart, they will gradually displace the misconceptions imposed by the virus of poverty and heal from the psychology of poverty.
- If you noted the symptoms of the psychology of poverty from 1 to 5, ponder and often repeat the statement: "We are not rich enough to buy cheap things".
- If you noted the symptoms of the psychology of poverty from 6 to 10, meditate, and repeat the statement: "the Difficulties, the unusual situation is an invitation to creativity and prayer. It will be necessary — we'll figure something out. The Lord will provide".
- If you noted the symptoms of the psychology of poverty from 11 to 15, meditate and repeat the statement: "Everyone is deserved in accordance with the level of preparedness".
- If you noted the symptoms of the psychology of poverty from 16 to 20, meditate and repeat your affirmation: "Everything passes, but love to God and yourself remain. Love of self sees virtue, self-pity sees only the weakness."
- If you noted the symptoms of the psychology of poverty, from 21 to 25, meditate and repeat the statement: "Do what is pleasing to the bowl and a longer 75 minutes to be lazy. Remember, suffering is expensive: afford if you want it?!".
- If you noted the symptoms of the psychology of poverty from 26 to 30, meditate and repeat the statement: "Tinsel of the corruptible life. First, know yourself better — then make a decision whether or not to look better".
- If you noted the symptoms of the psychology of poverty from 31 to 35, reflect and repeat your affirmation: "Everything is a lesson. Everyone can be your teacher. Love the close UPS with the knees in the most difficult moment".
- If you noted the symptoms of the psychology of poverty from 36 to 40, meditate and repeat the statement: "the Size of the Bank account or the stocking is not associated with wealth. The real wealth is the ability to raise money through beautiful idea."
- If you noted the symptoms of the psychology of poverty from 41 to 45, meditate and repeat the statement: "Quick — thing out of an unclean, gradual and well-deserved — from God."
- If you noted the symptoms of the psychology of poverty from 46 to 50, meditate and repeat the statement: "Who has a job, that blessed".
- If you noted the symptoms of the psychology of poverty from 51 to 55, reflect and repeat the statement: "All the time. Know the truth — not in a hurry".
- If you noted the symptoms of the psychology of poverty from 56 to 60, meditate and repeat your affirmation: "God decides, not the money and not the people. Money cry if forced misconceptions of the person involved in the sale of human souls."
Author: Marina Smolensk
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: marinasmolenskaya.ru/techniki/diagnostika-i-obezvrezhivanie-virusa-nishhety.html