When Grandma flew to heaven, the grandchildren received an invitation to see a lawyer, they were surprised to hear his story.

Grandma Lida unexpectedly paid a visit to her granddaughter. Marina, who had two children and three jobs, huddled in a dormitory and barely made ends meet. The granddaughter could not even buy her grandmother tea and was very worried about it. But the grandmother came not to drink tea, but to talk seriously, offering her granddaughter a mutually beneficial relationship.

Grandma came to talk to her granddaughter about the future, began to complain about old age and helplessness. However, the old grandmother Lida was difficult to name. She always had a perfect posture, like a ballerina, although the old woman tried to slouch in order to cause pity, but she was able to do it with difficulty: “I am already old, I can’t cope at all. I came to ask for help from you, as a beloved and most native granddaughter, the grandmother said that she needed financial support and help around the house, and if Marina agrees to take care of her, she bequeaths her apartment to her.

Marina, although she worked three jobs, would still help her grandmother. But after considering the proposal of Lida’s grandmother, Marina agreed. Especially since the old woman insisted that Marina visit her only once a week, on Saturdays, because Lida does not like sudden visits of guests: Just don’t tell anyone about the will, I have many grandchildren, and you don’t need any envy. And when I'm gone, you'll live like a human with your children, said Lida's grandmother, squeamishly examining the old cramped room without repair in the communal room.

And Marina, of course, wished her grandmother health and longevity. But the prospect of one day owning her own home pleased her. Of course, now she will visit her grandmother, buy her the necessary foods and vitamins and help around the house, not leave her alone. She'll do her best.

Now Marina's schedule has become even more strained. The only day a woman could take a break from night shifts was Saturday, and now she was driving across town by public transport to look after her retired grandmother. Marina's modest budget was much smaller - her grandmother constantly needed expensive vitamins and procedures.

Marina would never allow herself such an expensive pleasure, too expensive. At home, grandmother Marina immediately took up business: cleaned, washed, washed, cooked food, went shopping. And then, tired, she came home, because on Sundays, she also worked. So she turned without respite, like a squirrel in a wheel, for the sake of a bright future.

Marina had an unsweet life before: three jobs, in total, the salary was one salary of the average citizen. And then a fourth job appeared, which does not bring income, but only draws vitality and funds from the budget. But the dream of a beautiful future encouraged the woman, and she was happy to go to help her grandmother.

Seeing how easily one granddaughter agreed to support her grandmother, Lida again dressed up in a dark scarf and a gray jacket - all the pathetic put on, and went by taxi to handle the second granddaughter. In total, Lida’s grandmother had 6 grandchildren and nephews, and she promised to bequeath an apartment to everyone. So relatives who were not friendly with each other, responsibly performed their duties and visited their grandmother on one of the specified days.

The sixth granddaughter of the grandmother did not want to join the scam, because she knew that Vika is a wealthy woman, she would not agree to go to the old woman every week, and she did not need her grandmother’s apartment. To be calm and make sure she was right, Grandma called her granddaughter. As expected, she refused to help, saying that she did not have time, they say, too much to do.

Lida had a friend of Paradise, with whom they had lived in the neighborhood for 20 years. Paradise over these 20 years has become an obese sweet old woman, and Lida did not get any weight, was still slim, fit, and not a single spot from time to time appeared on her: “How can you, Lida, do this to your relatives?” They live modestly, and you draw money from them, are you ashamed? You have a husband’s pension, there is enough money, and what your children bring you, you spend on chocolate wraps and travel, she wondered.

But Lida did not regret anything, she had grandiose plans: “I, Raechka, still want to live.” That's how they all rushed to help me when I promised an apartment. I'd be sitting alone. Now I am saving for the Maldives, I have never seen so many beautiful places.

A lawyer’s call alerted Marina, was told to come to the office at the specified address at the specified time. After leaving work, Marina came to the office. When she saw the crowd of disgruntled relatives, she immediately knew what was going on. Grandma lied to everyone about the will and led the grandchildren by the nose for 7 years. And now they will all be changed, and no one will receive the inheritance. The woman did not wait for the verdict of the notary and left the building.

I was just thinking about how good my grandmother was. When she said that she was in a hospital and did not want to be visited, her grandmother brazenly lied, and at that time she flew to Turkey and spent money on beauty salons. Now there is no grandmother, there will be no apartment, but this is not what Marina regretted. She regretted spending precious years on an ephemeral dream that turned to dust. How could a family member do so unscrupulously?

Marina came home and sighed tiredly. Now she can quit at least one job. No need to spend money on expensive supplements for Grandma, and two jobs with girls is enough for her. Marina's gaze descended on the porcelain statuette. Her daughter took this figure from her grandmother. Then Marina scolded her daughter for taking other people’s things without permission, and intended to put a figure invisibly during one of the visits to her grandmother. She wouldn't have noticed that figure didn't exist.

But when Marina called her grandmother, asked how she felt, she just replied that she does not accept guests and is very focused on treatment. So this figure stayed at her house. My grandmother went to Indonesia at the time. A few weeks later, a lawyer contacted Marina and said that her grandmother had passed away during one of the trips. Marina's grandmother Lida indicated as a contact person. That's when it came out. In the tour company, Lida’s grandmother was a regular customer and bought vouchers 15 times. She has visited the Maldives, Bali, Indonesia and other picturesque corners of the world.

Recalling everything, Marina from anger abruptly got up from her chair and hooked a porcelain figure. The woman noticed something in the shrapnel. The figure was hidden money: a tight bundle of currency, a large amount. Marina laughed hysterically. Tears splashed from her eyes: Here comes the promised apartment, Grandma. Rest in peace.


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