Grandson Takes Care of Grandma's Garden After She Left, What He Discovered Changed His Life

Inheritance issues often cause quarrels in the family. Few people can amicably share and separate. There are always scandalous stories associated with wills. However, ours is a little different from them. We want to tell a story about a grandmother who left an unusual inheritance to her grandchildren. Gone Grandma, what else can I say?

Editorial "Site" He asks you to read an unusual story about the last wish of an old woman.

Grandmother Zhenya lived in a large country house, which she once inherited from a wealthy father. Near the house was a luxurious garden, which she tried to care for until the last days. Years went by and her health deteriorated. She was saddened that her beautiful garden would disappear with her. Then in her head and ripened this unusual plan.

Grandma's unexpected will passed into the world in the autumn. After the funeral, it was time to take care of the inheritance. My grandmother, as a businesswoman, left an inheritance. Everyone knew that it would go to her two grandchildren, because her daughter had long been well provided. However, everything did not turn out as everyone expected. The will stated that the grandchildren inherit only a garden and a plot near the house. Not a word was said about the house itself.

The eldest grandson Igor immediately burst into flames: What a stupid joke? Why do I need this garden? I was counting on a house or at least my grandmother's savings! Sasha’s younger grandson was happy about this. He always enjoyed spending time in his grandmother’s garden. They often talked there together, his grandmother read him books. He loved to see the roses he grew. He also loved to lie in the shade of an apple tree on hot summer days.

The will stated that the grandmother’s last wish was that her garden should be taken care of by her grandchildren. She wanted it to continue to blossom and make everyone happy. Sasha immediately decided that he had to fulfill his grandmother’s last wish. Igor just snorted and told him not to come and ask him for money. He said he would not take care of the garden.

The will was also accompanied by detailed instructions on what to do in the garden first. Particular attention was paid to the fact that it is necessary to dig up dahlia bushes to send for wintering. When the rainy days ended, Sasha decided to do the job. He started digging and soon heard a shovel banging against the glass. Sasha carefully dug up the ground and saw a small jar there.

There was a note in the bank and a package of money. The note read: "You didn't think Grandma would leave you without an inheritance, did you?" Of course I left everything to you. I just wanted to make sure you did my last wish. You need to find 19 more of these to get everything I left for you. Good luck finding it! Don't forget to dig up all my precious dahlias.”

Sasha laughed. He knew that his grandmother had always had a character and wanted everything to be according to her rules. How could he not have thought that she had prepared the last game for them? The guy started digging further. When he dug up all the dahlia bushes, he found 18 jars of money and Grandma's jewelry. But where's the last one?

He was sitting there wondering where to find the last jar. All the dahlias are excavated, so the last one is somewhere special. He decided to take a walk in the garden. I saw beautiful rose bushes, a whole wall of grapes, and at the end a luxurious apple tree that grew right under the window of my grandmother’s bedroom. He was flooded with memories. After all, with this apple tree, he has so many pleasant childhood memories.

And then he realized! Where else is the last bank if not here? He took a shovel and started digging. He soon found the jar. But it wasn't the money, it was the document. It was stated that whoever presented this document owned all the property of the deceased grandmother Zhenya. Sasha looked at this document for a long time, then put it in his pocket and for a long time just sat under an apple tree, remembering his childhood.

18-year-old Sasha got his grandmother’s house and her generous savings. Since he was the only one to do the will of his grandmother, the eldest grandson had no right to challenge the will. He continued to work in the garden, began to live in the house of Grandma. Eventually, he decided to grow and sell flowers. Over time, he bought a neighboring plot and made the garden even bigger. Most importantly, he fulfilled his grandmother’s last wish. The garden was fragrant and continued to please everyone around.

This is a story about an unusual inheritance to grandchildren, which left a gone grandmother. The main conclusion that can be drawn from this story: never neglect the last wish of your family. This is important to them, so it will be right to do it. Of course, not for any benefit, but so that the soul of the deceased could rest in the next world.


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