Unusual wills
March 9 in Belize - small country located in Central America - National Holiday, which is called the Baron Bliss Day. Died March 9, 1926 British millionaire Henry Edward Ernest Victor Bliss, better known as the Baron Bliss, for reasons unknown willed his fortune to citizens of British Honduras (now - Belize). Status of the money has been impressive - 2 mln. US dollars, and the late Baron was declared a national hero of the country.
Russian Emperor Nicholas I, when still a young age he was offered, just in case, make a will, without hesitation, he wrote: "Not having the means, with only 2 rubles. and 80 sous silver, will make them God knows who. " And then, apparently, finally provoke, added: "Let out of my skin to make a drum for the Izmailovo Regiment". Arguing with the crown prince did not, the document drawn up by all the rules. That's just not known to the king later rewrote it or not.
Another fan of the secrets and hoaxes, illusionist Harry Houdini left a will in which he pointed out that all the secrets of their own tricks recorded and put in the safe, which allows to open only the day of his centenary. When the appointed day safe opened, it was empty.
Quite unexpected was the last will of the American Margaret Elizabeth Taylor (not to be confused with the famous actress Elizabeth Taylor), she left instructed his lawyer to transfer all its assets valued at one million one hundred thousand dollars to cover the US public debt. Lawyer, surprised at the unusual decision, the woman offered other options for disposal of their finances, but Margaret refused flatly, explaining his decision that has always been a loyal Democrat, and believed that the national debt should be covered. Children at Taylor was not the spouse died in 1977, relatives of the property is not claimed, so she decided to make a contribution to the liberation of America from the burden of debt. It is worth noting that this is a total of 8, $ 1 trillion.
After living in Alberta Leroy died at the age of eighty, chest on a shelf in his house was found a handwritten will. In it the old man passed his fortune, which is estimated at 140 million euros, the advice of the village, on the condition that it be spent "preparing for communism."
Patricia O'Neill, heir to the British aristocratic family, all of the money (almost 60 million pounds) has decided to leave his chimpanzee. Her husband, she did not mention in his will. According to their family close people, Patricia took the decision after her husband, Frank, went to the Olympic Games in Sydney, leaving her alone. Brighten up lonely aristocrat helped 15-year-old chimpanzee named Kalu. That's it-it and gave all the money, and besides also property in South America. According to Mr. O'Neill, a former Olympic champion in swimming, Kalou behaves with him very casually - drinking his beer, smoking his cigarettes and did not hesitate to hit him on the head.
The great comedian Charlie Chaplin bequeathed 147 thousand dollars to anyone who, smoking a cigar, 9 let smoke rings in the middle of them, and even stream of smoke. One American was trying to put the ring, but in the moment when he shot the last trickle of the ninth broke up the ring. From the failure of the poor man crazy! A 147 thousand dollars are still waiting for its owner.
The most piquant testament left 77-year-old German Rolf Eden. In his native Berlin, he has always been a fair reputation as a womanizer and had not the best. When his popularity with the fair sex began to decline, he officially announced that he would give his fortune (244 thousand dollars), the one in whose passionate embrace dies. After that, he did not hang up on those wishing to spend the night with him. Eden prefers that the hour of death with him was a person under 30 years of age. According to him, wanting to get an inheritance should hurry. "Given my age, the wait is very long, and the latter could be even tomorrow night," - he warned. But in fact, Eden was not going to die, and happily enjoy the fruits of wisdom of making a will, give him so many wonderful minutes ...
The most famous in the world of the will left by Alfred Nobel. A talented inventor and industrialist, the owner of a multimillion state, he left all his relatives half a million crowns, while the remaining 30 million given to the establishment of the famous prize, which later received his name. This will was contested by relatives, but they have not achieved success. And money Nobel disposed of according to his will. Will this great man provides funds for awards to representatives of the following five areas: literature, physics, chemistry, physiology and medicine, the promotion of peace throughout the world. Prizes awarded since 1901, and in 1969 awarded the Nobel Prize in economics. Not the least role in the global recognition of its Nobel Prize plays a size of 1, 5 million dollars. Also, in the testament of Nobel ordered as follows: before he was buried in the cemetery, he cut the veins on his hands. More than anything, Nobel was afraid of being buried alive.
Recently, a middle-aged Swiss surprised his friends and relatives, as well as all readers of the local newspaper asking unusual suicide. He bequeathed to publish in the newspaper obituary titled "Relocate". After the death of the Joker, the family of Roland Jacob had to fulfill his last wish. On the band newspaper obituaries "Tagez-Anzeyger" advertisement appeared "My new address - Rehalp cemetery, grave number 4276. Waiting for you at a party. Ralf Jacob. "

Russian Emperor Nicholas I, when still a young age he was offered, just in case, make a will, without hesitation, he wrote: "Not having the means, with only 2 rubles. and 80 sous silver, will make them God knows who. " And then, apparently, finally provoke, added: "Let out of my skin to make a drum for the Izmailovo Regiment". Arguing with the crown prince did not, the document drawn up by all the rules. That's just not known to the king later rewrote it or not.

Another fan of the secrets and hoaxes, illusionist Harry Houdini left a will in which he pointed out that all the secrets of their own tricks recorded and put in the safe, which allows to open only the day of his centenary. When the appointed day safe opened, it was empty.

Quite unexpected was the last will of the American Margaret Elizabeth Taylor (not to be confused with the famous actress Elizabeth Taylor), she left instructed his lawyer to transfer all its assets valued at one million one hundred thousand dollars to cover the US public debt. Lawyer, surprised at the unusual decision, the woman offered other options for disposal of their finances, but Margaret refused flatly, explaining his decision that has always been a loyal Democrat, and believed that the national debt should be covered. Children at Taylor was not the spouse died in 1977, relatives of the property is not claimed, so she decided to make a contribution to the liberation of America from the burden of debt. It is worth noting that this is a total of 8, $ 1 trillion.

After living in Alberta Leroy died at the age of eighty, chest on a shelf in his house was found a handwritten will. In it the old man passed his fortune, which is estimated at 140 million euros, the advice of the village, on the condition that it be spent "preparing for communism."

Patricia O'Neill, heir to the British aristocratic family, all of the money (almost 60 million pounds) has decided to leave his chimpanzee. Her husband, she did not mention in his will. According to their family close people, Patricia took the decision after her husband, Frank, went to the Olympic Games in Sydney, leaving her alone. Brighten up lonely aristocrat helped 15-year-old chimpanzee named Kalu. That's it-it and gave all the money, and besides also property in South America. According to Mr. O'Neill, a former Olympic champion in swimming, Kalou behaves with him very casually - drinking his beer, smoking his cigarettes and did not hesitate to hit him on the head.

The great comedian Charlie Chaplin bequeathed 147 thousand dollars to anyone who, smoking a cigar, 9 let smoke rings in the middle of them, and even stream of smoke. One American was trying to put the ring, but in the moment when he shot the last trickle of the ninth broke up the ring. From the failure of the poor man crazy! A 147 thousand dollars are still waiting for its owner.

The most piquant testament left 77-year-old German Rolf Eden. In his native Berlin, he has always been a fair reputation as a womanizer and had not the best. When his popularity with the fair sex began to decline, he officially announced that he would give his fortune (244 thousand dollars), the one in whose passionate embrace dies. After that, he did not hang up on those wishing to spend the night with him. Eden prefers that the hour of death with him was a person under 30 years of age. According to him, wanting to get an inheritance should hurry. "Given my age, the wait is very long, and the latter could be even tomorrow night," - he warned. But in fact, Eden was not going to die, and happily enjoy the fruits of wisdom of making a will, give him so many wonderful minutes ...

The most famous in the world of the will left by Alfred Nobel. A talented inventor and industrialist, the owner of a multimillion state, he left all his relatives half a million crowns, while the remaining 30 million given to the establishment of the famous prize, which later received his name. This will was contested by relatives, but they have not achieved success. And money Nobel disposed of according to his will. Will this great man provides funds for awards to representatives of the following five areas: literature, physics, chemistry, physiology and medicine, the promotion of peace throughout the world. Prizes awarded since 1901, and in 1969 awarded the Nobel Prize in economics. Not the least role in the global recognition of its Nobel Prize plays a size of 1, 5 million dollars. Also, in the testament of Nobel ordered as follows: before he was buried in the cemetery, he cut the veins on his hands. More than anything, Nobel was afraid of being buried alive.

Recently, a middle-aged Swiss surprised his friends and relatives, as well as all readers of the local newspaper asking unusual suicide. He bequeathed to publish in the newspaper obituary titled "Relocate". After the death of the Joker, the family of Roland Jacob had to fulfill his last wish. On the band newspaper obituaries "Tagez-Anzeyger" advertisement appeared "My new address - Rehalp cemetery, grave number 4276. Waiting for you at a party. Ralf Jacob. "