When Arseny died, the wife immediately called the lawyer to get the right to inherit the house, but she was waiting for an unpleasant surprise.
The wife of the main character of today’s story Arseny wanted to get inheritanceThe one I used to live in. However, a conversation with a lawyer prepared her a lot of surprises. What happened and on whose side will be the truth, read further in the article.
When Arseny was just beginning to conduct the affairs of his father, a terrible grief occurred in his family. His beloved wife was six months pregnant. In the house where the couple lived, there was a terrible fire. Maria suffered a huge amount of injuries incompatible with life. A few hours after what happened, she was gone.
Arseniy tried to forget, with his head went into work and development of his father’s business. He could not forgive himself for what had happened. The man blamed himself for everything, because on that ill-fated day he could be home and save his beloved. For many years after the incident, Arseny did not let anyone near him. He didn’t even think about starting a family. He felt that loneliness made him stronger.
When the man was 55 years old, a young pretty woman got a job in his company. Arseny immediately noticed something special in her. Agatha’s appearance reminded him of his beloved wife. And it changed his mind.
The hero began to pay attention to the woman, and she reciprocated his sympathy. They soon began a serious relationship. But everyone around said that Agatha only needed money from Arseny. At first, he did not notice it, because of it, his life took on new meaning. The man asked her to marry, and after a while she became pregnant.
However, very soon Arseny suspected that the child was not from him at all, and Agatha herself really only pumped money out of him. When she gave birth to her daughter, the man secretly took a paternity test, confirming his fears. But even after that, he didn't kick Agatha out or divorce her. Everything was decided by itself, when the aging Arseny was given a serious diagnosis.
When the wife of Arseny found out that because of the disease, her husband needs special care, she immediately left. I just took my daughter and moved somewhere else. He stopped answering his phone and disappeared from his life.
To deal with the vile Agatha he had neither strength nor desire. Doctors made disappointing predictions, so it was just to follow all the instructions and wait. Lucky that the last couple of years in the house of Arseny lived a housekeeper, which he once sheltered with her young son.
She cleaned the house and cooked food for the hero. And now she's his nurse. They spent long evenings together: Arseny talked about his life, and Galina about his. Even before the birth of her son, her husband abandoned her. She survived as best she could because she had no help from him or her family.
When Arseny was looking for a good candidate for the post of housekeeper, Galina immediately liked him. A decent woman with all the tasks coped with hurrah. He didn’t think she would be his closest friend.
The man knew that he would soon be gone. He made sure that his property was in the right hands. He called a lawyer to the house and made a will, which contained only one name. And it was not his wife, but the housekeeper Galina.
She didn’t know what her boss had done. The last hours of his life a woman spent beside his bed. She saw him fade right in front of her eyes. But Arseny looked very calm and happy. Before leaving, he said to Galina: “Everything will happen, Galochka, believe in yourself!”
When Arseny died and his wife found out about it, she immediately called the lawyer. The woman wanted the right to inherit the house and other property. But the lawyer quickly returned her from heaven to earth: "All his inheritance Arseniy Sergeyevich bequeathed to his housekeeper Stepanenko Galina Alexandrovna."
Agatha couldn't believe her ears. She was convinced that her husband was too ill to change his will. It used to be just her name. The woman planned to deal with this through court. However, there was another disappointment: her husband’s decision was absolutely legal and notarized.
Galina for a long time could not believe what happened. But every time she doubted herself, she remembered Arseny's last words.
Life Wisdom: What does this story teach us? This story shows that people will always get what they deserve. It is impossible to deceive fate: the karmic forces of the universe are much more powerful than human attempts to escape punishment.
Do good and it will be rewarded a hundred times. Only if your thoughts are pure and your intentions are sincere. This is what happened to Galina, who did not expect any gifts from Arseny. She helped him because she couldn’t help her.
How did you feel after reading this story?

When Arseny was just beginning to conduct the affairs of his father, a terrible grief occurred in his family. His beloved wife was six months pregnant. In the house where the couple lived, there was a terrible fire. Maria suffered a huge amount of injuries incompatible with life. A few hours after what happened, she was gone.
Arseniy tried to forget, with his head went into work and development of his father’s business. He could not forgive himself for what had happened. The man blamed himself for everything, because on that ill-fated day he could be home and save his beloved. For many years after the incident, Arseny did not let anyone near him. He didn’t even think about starting a family. He felt that loneliness made him stronger.

When the man was 55 years old, a young pretty woman got a job in his company. Arseny immediately noticed something special in her. Agatha’s appearance reminded him of his beloved wife. And it changed his mind.
The hero began to pay attention to the woman, and she reciprocated his sympathy. They soon began a serious relationship. But everyone around said that Agatha only needed money from Arseny. At first, he did not notice it, because of it, his life took on new meaning. The man asked her to marry, and after a while she became pregnant.

However, very soon Arseny suspected that the child was not from him at all, and Agatha herself really only pumped money out of him. When she gave birth to her daughter, the man secretly took a paternity test, confirming his fears. But even after that, he didn't kick Agatha out or divorce her. Everything was decided by itself, when the aging Arseny was given a serious diagnosis.
When the wife of Arseny found out that because of the disease, her husband needs special care, she immediately left. I just took my daughter and moved somewhere else. He stopped answering his phone and disappeared from his life.
To deal with the vile Agatha he had neither strength nor desire. Doctors made disappointing predictions, so it was just to follow all the instructions and wait. Lucky that the last couple of years in the house of Arseny lived a housekeeper, which he once sheltered with her young son.

She cleaned the house and cooked food for the hero. And now she's his nurse. They spent long evenings together: Arseny talked about his life, and Galina about his. Even before the birth of her son, her husband abandoned her. She survived as best she could because she had no help from him or her family.
When Arseny was looking for a good candidate for the post of housekeeper, Galina immediately liked him. A decent woman with all the tasks coped with hurrah. He didn’t think she would be his closest friend.
The man knew that he would soon be gone. He made sure that his property was in the right hands. He called a lawyer to the house and made a will, which contained only one name. And it was not his wife, but the housekeeper Galina.

She didn’t know what her boss had done. The last hours of his life a woman spent beside his bed. She saw him fade right in front of her eyes. But Arseny looked very calm and happy. Before leaving, he said to Galina: “Everything will happen, Galochka, believe in yourself!”
When Arseny died and his wife found out about it, she immediately called the lawyer. The woman wanted the right to inherit the house and other property. But the lawyer quickly returned her from heaven to earth: "All his inheritance Arseniy Sergeyevich bequeathed to his housekeeper Stepanenko Galina Alexandrovna."

Agatha couldn't believe her ears. She was convinced that her husband was too ill to change his will. It used to be just her name. The woman planned to deal with this through court. However, there was another disappointment: her husband’s decision was absolutely legal and notarized.
Galina for a long time could not believe what happened. But every time she doubted herself, she remembered Arseny's last words.
Life Wisdom: What does this story teach us? This story shows that people will always get what they deserve. It is impossible to deceive fate: the karmic forces of the universe are much more powerful than human attempts to escape punishment.

Do good and it will be rewarded a hundred times. Only if your thoughts are pure and your intentions are sincere. This is what happened to Galina, who did not expect any gifts from Arseny. She helped him because she couldn’t help her.
How did you feel after reading this story?
Squeeze your hand in a fist and see which finger is on top, a personality characteristic that hits the target directly.
“Master of the taiga” made of potatoes, which warms the inhabitants of Siberian villages in a frosty and long winter