Swine flu pandemic
Health professionals around the world are beginning to mass vaccinations and track the progress of the virus H1N1 / 09 (also referred to in the media as "swine flu"). Representatives of the World Health Organization has recently noted that the virus was leaked in almost every country in the world, reaching even to the remote tribes in Venezuela and aboriginal Australian. Although the number of deaths from swine flu remains low (currently 7000) compared with the level of mortality during seasonal flu (several hundred thousand deaths per year), health professionals are concerned about the instability of the virus H1N1 / 09 and its tendency to hit the young, healthier people . Collected here are photos, united by the theme of struggle with swine flu worldwide.
Medic preparing students to enter the University of vaccine against the swine flu virus in Vladivostok November 9, 2009. According to Russian media, on November 9 last Monday, Russia launched a program of vaccination against influenza H1N1. (REUTERS / Yuri Maltsev)
An Afghan boy selling protective masks on a market in Kabul on Monday, November 9, 2009. In Afghanistan, the swine flu killed 11 people. In this country, hundreds of Afghan and international troops fighting the disease and the increasing activities of the rebel forces. The Afghan Ministry of Health reported Monday that 710 cases of swine flu infection occurred among 779 general war. (AP Photo / Anja Niedringhaus)
Israeli health worker keeps a vial of vaccine against the H1N1 virus in a Jerusalem hospital on Nov. 4, 2009. Israel has ordered a vaccine which is sufficient for the inoculation of 30% of the population, even though the vaccine is still in development. (AP Photo / Bernat Armangue)
Pilgrims pass the instrument with thermal sensors to determine the body temperature on arrival at Jeddah airport in Saudi Arabia November 10, 2009. Expecting that to the Holy Land of Mecca for the annual Haj pilgrimage will arrive about three million pilgrims from 160 countries, the Saudi authorities have tightened health in airports and seaports, as well as set up in the hospital of King Saud special department for 300 beds for patients with swine flu . (REUTERS / Susan Baaghil)
Lisa Foley (in the center) looks like a doctor Lana Peta brings the H1N1 vaccine her 5-year-old daughter Maddie in Wellesley Congregational Church Hill shta Massachusetts, on Saturday November 7th, 2009. Wellesley Hospital Ministry of Health has provided 200 doses of the vaccine for children from 2 to 19 years. (Globe Staff Photo / Wendy Maeda)
Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko in a mask during his visit to the district hospital in Lutsk, 400 km from Kiev on Monday, November 9, 2009. Presidential elections in Ukraine scheduled for January could be postponed due to swine flu. This was officially announced by representatives of the Ukrainian government. (AP Photo / Aleksandr Prokopenko)
Believer gaining automatic holy water dispenser in the church of the city Fornatsi Di Briosco 40 km north of Milan, November 10, 2009. Parishioners in northern Italy have begun installing automatic holy water dispensers with the churches, the believers were not afraid of contracting the flu virus H1N1, using a common water. (REUTERS / Stefano Rellandini)
Merchant displays garlic at vegetable market in Belgrade on Friday 13 November, 2009. On Friday, the vegetable market of Belgrade captivated buyers with one purpose: to buy garlic. In Serbia, garlic is used at a variety of diseases - including for the prevention of influenza H1N1, which inspired a wave of panic in the population. The price of garlic in the markets of Belgrade immediately increased due to increased demand, and now the smell of garlic everywhere, as people chew it like apples. (AP Photo / Darko Vojinovic)
Girl making a vaccine against the H1N1 virus during a special program on the vaccination directly in cars at the Medical Center of San Pablo, California, Nov. 5, 2009. Representatives of the Ministry of Health of California reported that in the state of shortage of vaccines against H1N1. In hospitals and clinics staff received less than 45% of the ordered medicines. (Justin Sullivan / Getty Images)
Work of municipal service Beyoglu disinfects grade of primary school against the H1N1 virus in Istanbul on Friday, October 30, 2009. Two patients died in Turkey from the flu virus on Thursday, which amounted to a total of 3 deaths. (AP Photo / Ibrahim Usta)
Schoolgirl doing vaccinated against the H1N1 virus in a hospital in Suining, Sichuan province, China, November 11, 2009. According to the World Health Organization, is now in China and Japan, people are more likely to get sick with swine flu, after an unusually early start of the winter influenza season in Europe, Central Asia and North America. (REUTERS / Stringer)
Muslim pilgrims wearing a mask against the H1N1 virus is in the yard of the mosque of the prophet Muhammad in the holy city of Medina November 11, 2009. (MAHMUD HAMS / AFP / Getty Images)
A young man in a gas mask in the western Ukrainian city of Lviv on Nov. 4, 2009. The World Health Organization reports that most cases of influenza in Ukraine are caused by a virus H1N1. (YURIY DYACHYSHYN / AFP / Getty Images)
3-year-old Sheila Garcia measures the temperature before the visit to a patient in the hospital Lucile Packard in Palo Alto, California, on Monday, October 19, 2009. Hospitals across the country children are not allowed in the chamber of the sick - the measure aims to limit the spread of the H1N1 virus among patients with other diseases. (AP Photo / Paul Sakuma)
Technicians conduct a trial run for the production of vaccine in an industrial plant in Sviftvoter, Pennsylvania. Despite the increased demand for a vaccine against the virus H1N1, its production is behind schedule, and the authorities have reported that because of the pressure on pharmaceutical companies to manufacture vaccines against ordinary flu, which uses millions of chicken eggs may also stall. (AP Photo / Sanofi Pasteur, David W. Coulter)
Work dumps boiled eggs used in the production of a vaccine against the virus H1N1, in the truck company «Sinovac Biotech» in Beijing, November 3, 2009. (AP Photo)
Boy in a mask awaiting their turn to be vaccinated in a hospital in Taipei, Taiwan, November 9, 2009. On that day, the government of Taiwan beginning of the H1N1 vaccine for children from 6 months to a year. (REUTERS / Nicky Loh)
Israeli nurse makes the man an injection of the H1N1 virus in a Jerusalem hospital on Wednesday, November 4, 2009. (AP Photo / Bernat Armangue)
Reporters removed, as a nurse carries out vaccination against the H1N1 virus worker clinic in Hamburg October 26, 2009. (REUTERS / Christian Charisius)
Doctor in full protective suit inserts a tube into the throat dummy, designed specifically to help doctors detect the H1N1 virus in the exhibition «Security & Safety Trade Expo» in Tokyo on Thursday, October 22, 2009. This humanoid full human growth has been developed by «Medical Education Technologies, Inc.» - the world's largest supplier of simulators patients - to help doctors recognize the symptoms and learn to treat patients. The robot can sweat, moaning, crying and convulsing like an ordinary person with the virus H1N1. And if time does not help the robot, the symptoms get worse, and he stops breathing. (AP Photo / Koji Sasahara)
The announcement from physicians on the doors of the school closed because of the spread of infection of the H1N1 virus among students in Bucharest, Romania, November 2nd, 2009. The authorities have decided to close several schools due to the rapid spread of swine flu, and strengthen vaccination program, to give a decisive rebuff to the disease. (REUTERS / Bogdan Cristel)
A student from South Korea, with a high temperature was placed in a separate class as a precaution before the entrance exam in Daejeon south of Seoul, South Korea, on Thursday, November 12, 2009. (AP Photo / Yonhap, Yang Yong-suk)
People stand in line for a vaccination against the H1N1 virus in Hult City, Texas, October 30, 2009. Tarrant County vaccinations against the H1N1 virus in children aged 6 months to 18 years and pregnant women. (REUTERS / Jessica Rinaldi)
The teacher measures the temperature of the student for the prevention of swine flu in a primary school in Wuhan, Hubei Province, on Monday, November 2, 2009. (AP Photo)
Masks in the figures the scene of birth of Jesus Christ in a shop in the city of Naples, November 5, 2009, that a wave of the swine flu epidemic. Authorities say that in Italy, the virus killed 26 people, while 41 000 people were vaccinated at the beginning of November. (REUTERS / Stefano Renna / Agnfoto)
Belarusian "suspected" of being infected with swine flu are waiting for medical examination at a hospital in Minsk November 2 2009. Belarus has not yet reported deaths from the virus H1N1, but doctors are on the alert, especially because of the panic in neighboring Ukraine. (VIKTOR DRACHEV / AFP / Getty Images)
Teacher sprinkles alcohol on hand to schoolchildren during the prevention of the spread of the H1N1 influenza virus in a primary school in Wuhan Province, Hubei, China, Nov. 2, 2009. (AP Photo)
Soldiers of reserve troops wearing masks against swine flu virus taking part in the exercises at the military training ground in Seoul, November 4, 2009. On Tuesday, South Korea raised its alert status against the influenza virus to the level of "red dot" to prepare for a possible emergency in the country caused by the spread of the virus. (REUTERS / Yonhap)
A dog in a protective mask against the H1N1 flu virus on a street in Enshi, Hubei, China, November 5, 2009. (REUTERS / China Daily)
Kevin Solis and his mother Abdi Santoyo wearing masks against swine flu virus on the beach in Cancun, Mexico. (AP Photo / Israel Leal)
Students rubbed his hands in the classroom after being vaccinated against the swine flu virus at school in Shanghai November 10, 2009. (REUTERS / Aly Song)
Nurses in Saudi Arabia during the launch of the vaccination campaign against the H1N1 virus in Riyadh on Saturday, November 7, 2009. The Minister of Health of Saudi Arabia said on Saturday that the Haj pilgrimage this year will not be banned in the kingdom because of the high risk of the spread of the epidemic. (AP Photo / Hassan Ammar)
Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou doing vaccinated against the H1N1 flu virus in an elementary school in Taipei County November 16, 2009. Ma decided to be vaccinated in support of vaccination. (REUTERS / Nicky Loh)
Two Afghan zookeeper looking like eating only in Afghanistan pig named Kanzhir. The picture was taken at the zoo in Kabul November 2, 2009. This pig - a real curiosity in Muslim Afghanistan, where pork is considered illegal for reasons of religion. Mumps quarantined in July, as the visitors were afraid that it could be a vector of the disease, but later in the same month quarantine was lifted. (REUTERS / Oleg Popov)
Assault Squad confronts fans team Paris Saint-Germain in Morsele, southern France, on Sunday October 25, 2009, stirred the cancellation of a football match of the First League between Marseille and Paris Saint-Germain. The match was postponed, as on Sunday the third player team Paris Saint-Germain were found signs of the flu. The team was placed in quarantine. (AP Photo)
Newlyweds kissing in masks at the exit from the registrar's office in Lviv October 31, 2009. (YURIY DYACHYSHYN / AFP / Getty Images)
Girl watching her mother being vaccinated against the H1N1 flu virus in Vancouver October 26, 2009. (REUTERS / Andy Clark)

Medic preparing students to enter the University of vaccine against the swine flu virus in Vladivostok November 9, 2009. According to Russian media, on November 9 last Monday, Russia launched a program of vaccination against influenza H1N1. (REUTERS / Yuri Maltsev)

An Afghan boy selling protective masks on a market in Kabul on Monday, November 9, 2009. In Afghanistan, the swine flu killed 11 people. In this country, hundreds of Afghan and international troops fighting the disease and the increasing activities of the rebel forces. The Afghan Ministry of Health reported Monday that 710 cases of swine flu infection occurred among 779 general war. (AP Photo / Anja Niedringhaus)

Israeli health worker keeps a vial of vaccine against the H1N1 virus in a Jerusalem hospital on Nov. 4, 2009. Israel has ordered a vaccine which is sufficient for the inoculation of 30% of the population, even though the vaccine is still in development. (AP Photo / Bernat Armangue)

Pilgrims pass the instrument with thermal sensors to determine the body temperature on arrival at Jeddah airport in Saudi Arabia November 10, 2009. Expecting that to the Holy Land of Mecca for the annual Haj pilgrimage will arrive about three million pilgrims from 160 countries, the Saudi authorities have tightened health in airports and seaports, as well as set up in the hospital of King Saud special department for 300 beds for patients with swine flu . (REUTERS / Susan Baaghil)

Lisa Foley (in the center) looks like a doctor Lana Peta brings the H1N1 vaccine her 5-year-old daughter Maddie in Wellesley Congregational Church Hill shta Massachusetts, on Saturday November 7th, 2009. Wellesley Hospital Ministry of Health has provided 200 doses of the vaccine for children from 2 to 19 years. (Globe Staff Photo / Wendy Maeda)

Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko in a mask during his visit to the district hospital in Lutsk, 400 km from Kiev on Monday, November 9, 2009. Presidential elections in Ukraine scheduled for January could be postponed due to swine flu. This was officially announced by representatives of the Ukrainian government. (AP Photo / Aleksandr Prokopenko)

Believer gaining automatic holy water dispenser in the church of the city Fornatsi Di Briosco 40 km north of Milan, November 10, 2009. Parishioners in northern Italy have begun installing automatic holy water dispensers with the churches, the believers were not afraid of contracting the flu virus H1N1, using a common water. (REUTERS / Stefano Rellandini)

Merchant displays garlic at vegetable market in Belgrade on Friday 13 November, 2009. On Friday, the vegetable market of Belgrade captivated buyers with one purpose: to buy garlic. In Serbia, garlic is used at a variety of diseases - including for the prevention of influenza H1N1, which inspired a wave of panic in the population. The price of garlic in the markets of Belgrade immediately increased due to increased demand, and now the smell of garlic everywhere, as people chew it like apples. (AP Photo / Darko Vojinovic)

Girl making a vaccine against the H1N1 virus during a special program on the vaccination directly in cars at the Medical Center of San Pablo, California, Nov. 5, 2009. Representatives of the Ministry of Health of California reported that in the state of shortage of vaccines against H1N1. In hospitals and clinics staff received less than 45% of the ordered medicines. (Justin Sullivan / Getty Images)

Work of municipal service Beyoglu disinfects grade of primary school against the H1N1 virus in Istanbul on Friday, October 30, 2009. Two patients died in Turkey from the flu virus on Thursday, which amounted to a total of 3 deaths. (AP Photo / Ibrahim Usta)

Schoolgirl doing vaccinated against the H1N1 virus in a hospital in Suining, Sichuan province, China, November 11, 2009. According to the World Health Organization, is now in China and Japan, people are more likely to get sick with swine flu, after an unusually early start of the winter influenza season in Europe, Central Asia and North America. (REUTERS / Stringer)

Muslim pilgrims wearing a mask against the H1N1 virus is in the yard of the mosque of the prophet Muhammad in the holy city of Medina November 11, 2009. (MAHMUD HAMS / AFP / Getty Images)

A young man in a gas mask in the western Ukrainian city of Lviv on Nov. 4, 2009. The World Health Organization reports that most cases of influenza in Ukraine are caused by a virus H1N1. (YURIY DYACHYSHYN / AFP / Getty Images)

3-year-old Sheila Garcia measures the temperature before the visit to a patient in the hospital Lucile Packard in Palo Alto, California, on Monday, October 19, 2009. Hospitals across the country children are not allowed in the chamber of the sick - the measure aims to limit the spread of the H1N1 virus among patients with other diseases. (AP Photo / Paul Sakuma)

Technicians conduct a trial run for the production of vaccine in an industrial plant in Sviftvoter, Pennsylvania. Despite the increased demand for a vaccine against the virus H1N1, its production is behind schedule, and the authorities have reported that because of the pressure on pharmaceutical companies to manufacture vaccines against ordinary flu, which uses millions of chicken eggs may also stall. (AP Photo / Sanofi Pasteur, David W. Coulter)

Work dumps boiled eggs used in the production of a vaccine against the virus H1N1, in the truck company «Sinovac Biotech» in Beijing, November 3, 2009. (AP Photo)

Boy in a mask awaiting their turn to be vaccinated in a hospital in Taipei, Taiwan, November 9, 2009. On that day, the government of Taiwan beginning of the H1N1 vaccine for children from 6 months to a year. (REUTERS / Nicky Loh)

Israeli nurse makes the man an injection of the H1N1 virus in a Jerusalem hospital on Wednesday, November 4, 2009. (AP Photo / Bernat Armangue)

Reporters removed, as a nurse carries out vaccination against the H1N1 virus worker clinic in Hamburg October 26, 2009. (REUTERS / Christian Charisius)

Doctor in full protective suit inserts a tube into the throat dummy, designed specifically to help doctors detect the H1N1 virus in the exhibition «Security & Safety Trade Expo» in Tokyo on Thursday, October 22, 2009. This humanoid full human growth has been developed by «Medical Education Technologies, Inc.» - the world's largest supplier of simulators patients - to help doctors recognize the symptoms and learn to treat patients. The robot can sweat, moaning, crying and convulsing like an ordinary person with the virus H1N1. And if time does not help the robot, the symptoms get worse, and he stops breathing. (AP Photo / Koji Sasahara)

The announcement from physicians on the doors of the school closed because of the spread of infection of the H1N1 virus among students in Bucharest, Romania, November 2nd, 2009. The authorities have decided to close several schools due to the rapid spread of swine flu, and strengthen vaccination program, to give a decisive rebuff to the disease. (REUTERS / Bogdan Cristel)

A student from South Korea, with a high temperature was placed in a separate class as a precaution before the entrance exam in Daejeon south of Seoul, South Korea, on Thursday, November 12, 2009. (AP Photo / Yonhap, Yang Yong-suk)

People stand in line for a vaccination against the H1N1 virus in Hult City, Texas, October 30, 2009. Tarrant County vaccinations against the H1N1 virus in children aged 6 months to 18 years and pregnant women. (REUTERS / Jessica Rinaldi)

The teacher measures the temperature of the student for the prevention of swine flu in a primary school in Wuhan, Hubei Province, on Monday, November 2, 2009. (AP Photo)

Masks in the figures the scene of birth of Jesus Christ in a shop in the city of Naples, November 5, 2009, that a wave of the swine flu epidemic. Authorities say that in Italy, the virus killed 26 people, while 41 000 people were vaccinated at the beginning of November. (REUTERS / Stefano Renna / Agnfoto)

Belarusian "suspected" of being infected with swine flu are waiting for medical examination at a hospital in Minsk November 2 2009. Belarus has not yet reported deaths from the virus H1N1, but doctors are on the alert, especially because of the panic in neighboring Ukraine. (VIKTOR DRACHEV / AFP / Getty Images)

Teacher sprinkles alcohol on hand to schoolchildren during the prevention of the spread of the H1N1 influenza virus in a primary school in Wuhan Province, Hubei, China, Nov. 2, 2009. (AP Photo)

Soldiers of reserve troops wearing masks against swine flu virus taking part in the exercises at the military training ground in Seoul, November 4, 2009. On Tuesday, South Korea raised its alert status against the influenza virus to the level of "red dot" to prepare for a possible emergency in the country caused by the spread of the virus. (REUTERS / Yonhap)

A dog in a protective mask against the H1N1 flu virus on a street in Enshi, Hubei, China, November 5, 2009. (REUTERS / China Daily)

Kevin Solis and his mother Abdi Santoyo wearing masks against swine flu virus on the beach in Cancun, Mexico. (AP Photo / Israel Leal)

Students rubbed his hands in the classroom after being vaccinated against the swine flu virus at school in Shanghai November 10, 2009. (REUTERS / Aly Song)

Nurses in Saudi Arabia during the launch of the vaccination campaign against the H1N1 virus in Riyadh on Saturday, November 7, 2009. The Minister of Health of Saudi Arabia said on Saturday that the Haj pilgrimage this year will not be banned in the kingdom because of the high risk of the spread of the epidemic. (AP Photo / Hassan Ammar)

Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou doing vaccinated against the H1N1 flu virus in an elementary school in Taipei County November 16, 2009. Ma decided to be vaccinated in support of vaccination. (REUTERS / Nicky Loh)

Two Afghan zookeeper looking like eating only in Afghanistan pig named Kanzhir. The picture was taken at the zoo in Kabul November 2, 2009. This pig - a real curiosity in Muslim Afghanistan, where pork is considered illegal for reasons of religion. Mumps quarantined in July, as the visitors were afraid that it could be a vector of the disease, but later in the same month quarantine was lifted. (REUTERS / Oleg Popov)

Assault Squad confronts fans team Paris Saint-Germain in Morsele, southern France, on Sunday October 25, 2009, stirred the cancellation of a football match of the First League between Marseille and Paris Saint-Germain. The match was postponed, as on Sunday the third player team Paris Saint-Germain were found signs of the flu. The team was placed in quarantine. (AP Photo)

Newlyweds kissing in masks at the exit from the registrar's office in Lviv October 31, 2009. (YURIY DYACHYSHYN / AFP / Getty Images)

Girl watching her mother being vaccinated against the H1N1 flu virus in Vancouver October 26, 2009. (REUTERS / Andy Clark)