13 most popular drugs for influenza work
After studying the 13 top-selling drugs against influenza, Slon found that the number of "unique inventions by Russian scientists" do not have proven efficacy
Each year, Russian citizens spend more than 29, 5 billion rubles for a cure for colds and flu. After studying the quality and history of the 13 best-selling drugs, Slon found that some of them improve the symptoms of the common cold, the rest of "the unique invention by Russian scientists" and does not have proven efficacy.
History and manufacturer
Arbidol was patented in 1974 by a group of Russian scientists from the three institutions. Developments were commissioned by the military, so the fate of the invention and its effectiveness has not been any information.
Industrial production of "Arbidol" began in 1992 on the union "Moshimfarmpreparaty." In 2001, "Masterlek" established entrepreneurs Alexander and Vitaly Martyanov Schuster, bought the patent for the production of "Arbidol". Soon they raised the price of the drug to 20 rubles to 120 rubles, and launched an advertising campaign on television. For the first year sales of the drug increased fourfold.
In 2003 the company "Profit-House" manages assets of Roman Abramovich, has acquired five factories in Russia, the American corporation ICN Pharmaceutical and several independent companies. Later management "Profit-House" led by Viktor Kharitonin bought shares of "Pharmstandard". In 2006, Schuster and Martianov sold "Masterlek" the leader of the Russian market of drugs - "Pharmstandard", which lacked a flagship product. They became "Arbidol".
Shortly after the transaction to have joined the campaign the head of Health Minister Tatyana Golikova and the chief sanitary doctor Gennady Onishchenko, recommended that "Arbidol" for treatment of influenza. In 2009, during the outbreak of swine flu, Arbidol sales jumped 102%. The apotheosis of the campaign was telecast in 2010, which Vladimir Putin went to the pharmacy and persistently interested in whether there is a sale and how much arbidol. Soon "Arbidol" included in the list of vital and essential drugs (VED), which guaranteed the drug-scale public procurement in hospitals across the country.
"Pharmstandard" enjoyed the favor of the Ministry of Health. About 90 of the 240 names of products manufactured by "Pharmstandard", entered the list of the Ministry of Health VED, while foreign competitors were often unable to register their products in Russia, in direct competition with the production of "Pharmstandard". Business partner and relatives Haritonin Lev Grigoriev headed the largest state holding "Microgen" producing vaccines.
"Pharmstandard" - the largest in Russia production farmholding revenue in 2011 - 42, 65 billion rubles, net profit - 8, 78 billion rubles.
The active substance and effectiveness
Arbidol (50 mg) according to the instruction to inhibit viral surface protein hemagglutinin and prevents influenza A and B into cells. Paradoxically, these studies effectiveness of "Arbidol", conducted in the 1970s, are still classified. Former Director-TSHLS VNIKhFI Robert Glushkov willingly paints his dignity: "The antiviral activity, stimulation of immunity, an antioxidant," but these studies do not lead.
Pavel Vorobiev, who worked in the early 2000s in the Formulary Committee of the Ministry of Health, was one of the few who have seen the results of the research "Arbidol". "We made three of the seven studies, - says Vorobyev. - It turned out that the study of very poor quality and did not prove the efficacy of the drug. After we told the companies - manufacturers of "Arbidol", our cooperation was interrupted ».
In the international medical database Medline scientific publications contains 77 publications devoted to testing of "Arbidol", but the results are ambiguous. The site of the drug indicates that the use of "Arbidol" leads to a reduction in the mean disease duration of 1, 7-2, 65 days, and the duration of symptoms such as fever, intoxication, rhinorrhea, - 1, 3-2, 3 days. The American Administration of Quality Supervision drugs and refused to register the product "Arbidol».
Basically, Russia. In Ukraine "Arbidol" is sold under the name "Immustat" in Belarus - "Arpetol", in China it manufactures small pharmaceutical company Nanjing Gemsen. In 2007, the expired patent for "Arbidol", and now it can produce any manufacturer. Wishing, however, a little bit. TERAFLU
History and manufacturer
The combination of paracetamol-based tool that eliminates the symptoms of SARS and influenza. Owned by the Swiss company Novartis, in Canada under the brand name NeoCitran, the US and Europe - Theraflu. Paracetamol has been tested on patients pharmacologist Joseph von Mering in 1886. Novartis International is the second largest pharmaceutical manufacturers in the world, the turnover in 2012 amounted to $ 56, 7 billion.
The active substance and effectiveness
The product effectively eliminates the symptoms of a cold, but struggling with the virus.
- Paracetamol (325 mg) - a major component, reduces fever, pain relievers and constricts blood vessels. The content of paracetamol in standard packaging "Theraflu" 10 bags that are sold in pharmacies 300 rubles less than in conventional packaging paracetamol value of 5 rubles (see. Table).
- Pheniramine maleate (20 mg), an antihistamine, eliminates puffiness.
- Phenylephrine hydrochloride (10 mg) constricts blood vessels of the nose, also eliminates the swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.
- Ascorbic acid (50 mg), and vitamin C - considered that increases the body's resistance to infections. This is a fallacy disproved in numerous studies in recent years.
History and manufacturer
The most telling case of the Russian pharmaceutical market. In 1992 Oleg Epstein doctor who treated alcoholism method Dovzhenko in Khanty-Mansiysk, and Valery Naraikin, who led the government pharmacies in the Chelyabinsk region, the company created a "Materia Medica Holding" for the production of drugs, invented in the Tomsk Institute of Pharmacology. The site Research Institute under the "development" listed the entire range of "Materia Medica" as well as more than 70 kinds of dietary supplements (dietary supplements). Some time shareholder "Materia Medica" was the president of the Institute of International Law and Economics named after AS Griboyedov Mikhail Ilchikov.
One of the first drugs "Materia Medica" was "Anaferon." He quickly got into the VED list, that is, was sold in all pharmacies and recommended for procurement. In late 2011, however, it is excluded from the list of vital drugs at the request of the manufacturer, says Epstein. The fact that the list of VED fixed the selling price of the drug, which has not changed for several years, "the company has been forced to suffer losses».
However, the exclusion of "Anaferon" List of VED has not led to a reduction in government procurement, much of which passes through the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, and the Secretary of the competition committee in this department is Dygai Michael, the son of the inventor "Anaferon" Alexander Dygaya.
In 2006 and 2007, the inventors' Anaferon "were awarded the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology for the creation, production and introduction into clinical practice of new highly effective medicines.
"Materia Medica Holding" is the sixth-largest producer among Russian pharmaceutical companies. The main brands - "Proproten-100", "Impaza", "tenoten."
Turnover in 2011 - 3, 6 billion rubles, net profit - 628 million rubles.
The active substance and effectiveness
According to the instructions, it is purified antibodies are extracted from the serum of rabbits immunized with the recombinant human gamma interferon. However, since this homeopathy antibody bred repeatedly aqueous-alcoholic solvent, so that the active substance contained in the tablet is no more than 10-15 nanogram / gram. Simply put, a hundred million tablets to be found no more than a single molecule of the active ingredient.
Registered as a "drug activating antiviral immunity." According to the manufacturer, with preventive and curative reception children "Anaferon" twice reduces the incidence of influenza, more than half of the children removes heat on the second day of getting the flu in 2, 3 times reduces the frequency of bacterial complications (otitis, sinusitis).
In the international medical database Medline contains 18 publications devoted to testing "Anaferon", but they were held in Russia and Ukraine, in the majority of cases involving Oleg Epstein and other staff "Materia Medica».
According to Epstein, the initial trials of the drug were in a hospital in Volsk in the Saratov region, and then at the Novosibirsk Center "Vector", SRI flu clinic. However, the director of the Influenza Research Institute Oleg Kiselev in an interview to "Rain" to the question about the drug responded unequivocally: "Anaferon" I have been running around the country, and not driven out. Now I am preparing a letter [Health Minister] Skvortsova, to bring order to the market. Because even the idea [of the drug] is simply a fraud ».
Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Armenia, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Azerbaijan. Oscillococcinum
History and manufacturer
"Oscillococcinum" invented in 1925 by French physician Joseph Roy, who spotted some bacteria in the blood of patients with influenza, herpes, tuberculosis, rheumatism, cancer. Mystical germs he called Oscillococcus. Medical science has disproved the theory of Roy, he simply could not see with an optical microscope viruses. "Vaccine", which was created from the extract Roy otsillokokkov proved totally ineffective.
However, Roy found the same bacteria in the liver musk ducks Long Island, of which was to prepare a homeopathic preparation. In 2011, the company "Boiron" lawsuit was filed on behalf of "all California residents who purchased the" Oscillococcinum "over the past four years." The lawsuit "Boiron" accused of a false statement that "Oscillococcinum" can cure the flu. In fact the active ingredient of the drug has not proven medicinal properties. The parties entered into a pre-trial agreement.
"Laboratoires Boiron" - the world's largest manufacturer of homeopathic preparations with headquarters in France. Turnover in 2011 - 523 million euros.
The active substance and effectiveness
Anas Barbariae Hepatis et Cordis Extractum - extract liver and heart barbariyskoy duck - 200SK 1 dose. Barbariyskoy duck Anas Barbariae not exist in nature. Moreover, the concentration 200CK indicates that for the preparation of tablets was made 200 dilution of a 1: 100 initial extract of duck liver and heart. The concentration of the original extract per dose is so low, which excludes the presence of at least one molecule of active ingredient in all the works of "Laboratoires Boiron" granules together.
The representative of the "Boiron Laboratories" Gina Casey asked about the dangers of the use of the extract of the heart and liver of duck stated that "Oscillococcinum", of course, is safe, because there is nothing ».
The results of seven clinical trials involving 3459 patients who did not confirm the effectiveness of the preventive "Oscillococcinum" homeopathic remedies and similar against influenza.
In late 2012, the British Society of evidence-based medicine Cochrane published a report denying the effectiveness of "Oscillococcinum».
Sold in more than 50 countries, it is particularly popular in France, is the most sold in the country of OTC flu. Kagocel
History and manufacturer
Designed by academician of RAMS, Director of the Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after NF Gamalei Felix Ershov and head of the Department of Immunology of the Institute Vladimir Nesterenko. In 2005, "Niarmedik plus", Nesterenko founded in 1989, began manufacturing "Kagocel" as OTC.
Since 2010, "Kagocel" is a list of VED. Then Health Minister Tatyana Golikova reporters raid conducted on pharmacies in Moscow, where in front of television cameras was asking pharmacists presence "Kagocel».
In February 2012, "Niarmedik plus" with the state corporation "Rosnano" created a company "Niarmedik Pharma" to build their own pharmaceutical factory in the Kaluga region, worth 4 billion rubles.
Revenue "Niarmedik plus" in 2011 - 1, 9 billion. Net profit - 87 million rubles. Nesterenko also owns a network of medical centers "Niarmedik plus" company "Biofarmaholding", which produces reagents for medical research and clinic therapy with stem cells "Contemporary Medicine".
At the end of 2012 against the "Kagocel" he began anonymous of PR-campaign, during which argued that the drug allegedly adversely affects the reproductive functions of men.
The active substance and effectiveness
"Kagocel" (12 mg). Vladimir Nesterenko in an interview described his invention: "We took the cellulose, a polymer made of cotton, has taken a particular substance derived from cotton, combined it with the pulp and the polymer obtained. It is called "Kagocel».
Manufacturers' Kagocel "conducted the most extensive clinical studies of all such products - were attended by more than two thousand people. Most studies "Kagocel" conducted and published it themselves inventors Felix Ershov Vladimir Nesterenko. The study notes that "Kagocel" reduces the incidence of influenza and SARS in 3, 4 times.
In the international medical database Medline has nine publications all - only from Russian magazines.
In addition to Russia, "Kagocel" has sold in Ukraine, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Armenia and Georgia.
History and manufacturer
The popular umbrella brand for a group of drugs that relieve symptoms of colds, owned by British GlaxoSmithKline, the world's third farmholdingu turnover (after Pfizer and Novartis). Main brands: "Panadol", "Coldrex", "Solpadein", "Augmentin", "Fortum". Revenue in 2011 - $ 43, 4 billion, net profit - $ 9 billion.
The active substance and effectiveness
- Paracetamol - 500 mg, reduces fever, pain relievers and constricts blood vessels. The average price per package of 10 doses of 240 rubles (pack of 10 tablets of paracetamol simply the same concentration - 5 rubles);
- Caffeine - 25mg, stimulates mental and physical performance, reduces drowsiness;
- Phenylephrine hydrochloride - 5 mg, constricts blood vessels of the nose, eliminating swelling;
- Terpin hydrate - 20 mg, dilutes and improves expectoration;
- Ascorbic acid - 30 mg, it is assumed that vitamin C increases the body's resistance to infections. This is a fallacy disproved in numerous studies of recent years.
Effectively eliminates the symptoms, but does not possess an antiviral activity.
Central and Eastern Europe, Hong Kong, New Zealand.
History and manufacturer
Combination analgesic paracetamol based on the Russian company "Natur Product", founded in 1993 by businessman Sergei Nizovtseva. For the first time, "Antigrippin" appeared in pharmacies in the mid-1990s, in 2006 the "Natur Product" registered exclusive rights to the trademark containing the word "antigrippin" and then filed a lawsuit against the company "Antiviral", which produces a drug like name - "Antigrippin Maximum". As a result, the court rejected the claim "Natur Product" to other producers.
The company specializes in the production of OTC products, ranked fourth in the Russian market of dietary supplements. In 2009 the company became the owner of the holding "Renova" Viktor Vekselberg. In 2012 the company was sold to the Canadian farmholdingu Valeant Pharmaceuticals International. The main brands - "Antigrippin", "Anti-Angin", "Vita Plant».
The active substance and effectiveness
- Paracetamol - 500 mg, reduces fever, pain relievers and constricts blood vessels. The average price per package of 10 doses of 230 rubles (pack of 10 tablets of paracetamol simply the same concentration - 5 rubles);
- Chlorphenamine maleate - 10 mg, constricts blood vessels of the nose and eliminate the swelling of the mucous nasopharynx;
- Ascorbic acid - 200 mg, it is assumed that vitamin C increases the body's resistance to infections. This is a fallacy disproved in numerous studies of recent years.
The drug is effectively relieves symptoms, but has no antiviral activity.
Each year, Russian citizens spend more than 29, 5 billion rubles for a cure for colds and flu. After studying the quality and history of the 13 best-selling drugs, Slon found that some of them improve the symptoms of the common cold, the rest of "the unique invention by Russian scientists" and does not have proven efficacy.

History and manufacturer
Arbidol was patented in 1974 by a group of Russian scientists from the three institutions. Developments were commissioned by the military, so the fate of the invention and its effectiveness has not been any information.
Industrial production of "Arbidol" began in 1992 on the union "Moshimfarmpreparaty." In 2001, "Masterlek" established entrepreneurs Alexander and Vitaly Martyanov Schuster, bought the patent for the production of "Arbidol". Soon they raised the price of the drug to 20 rubles to 120 rubles, and launched an advertising campaign on television. For the first year sales of the drug increased fourfold.
In 2003 the company "Profit-House" manages assets of Roman Abramovich, has acquired five factories in Russia, the American corporation ICN Pharmaceutical and several independent companies. Later management "Profit-House" led by Viktor Kharitonin bought shares of "Pharmstandard". In 2006, Schuster and Martianov sold "Masterlek" the leader of the Russian market of drugs - "Pharmstandard", which lacked a flagship product. They became "Arbidol".

Shortly after the transaction to have joined the campaign the head of Health Minister Tatyana Golikova and the chief sanitary doctor Gennady Onishchenko, recommended that "Arbidol" for treatment of influenza. In 2009, during the outbreak of swine flu, Arbidol sales jumped 102%. The apotheosis of the campaign was telecast in 2010, which Vladimir Putin went to the pharmacy and persistently interested in whether there is a sale and how much arbidol. Soon "Arbidol" included in the list of vital and essential drugs (VED), which guaranteed the drug-scale public procurement in hospitals across the country.
"Pharmstandard" enjoyed the favor of the Ministry of Health. About 90 of the 240 names of products manufactured by "Pharmstandard", entered the list of the Ministry of Health VED, while foreign competitors were often unable to register their products in Russia, in direct competition with the production of "Pharmstandard". Business partner and relatives Haritonin Lev Grigoriev headed the largest state holding "Microgen" producing vaccines.
"Pharmstandard" - the largest in Russia production farmholding revenue in 2011 - 42, 65 billion rubles, net profit - 8, 78 billion rubles.
The active substance and effectiveness
Arbidol (50 mg) according to the instruction to inhibit viral surface protein hemagglutinin and prevents influenza A and B into cells. Paradoxically, these studies effectiveness of "Arbidol", conducted in the 1970s, are still classified. Former Director-TSHLS VNIKhFI Robert Glushkov willingly paints his dignity: "The antiviral activity, stimulation of immunity, an antioxidant," but these studies do not lead.
Pavel Vorobiev, who worked in the early 2000s in the Formulary Committee of the Ministry of Health, was one of the few who have seen the results of the research "Arbidol". "We made three of the seven studies, - says Vorobyev. - It turned out that the study of very poor quality and did not prove the efficacy of the drug. After we told the companies - manufacturers of "Arbidol", our cooperation was interrupted ».
In the international medical database Medline scientific publications contains 77 publications devoted to testing of "Arbidol", but the results are ambiguous. The site of the drug indicates that the use of "Arbidol" leads to a reduction in the mean disease duration of 1, 7-2, 65 days, and the duration of symptoms such as fever, intoxication, rhinorrhea, - 1, 3-2, 3 days. The American Administration of Quality Supervision drugs and refused to register the product "Arbidol».
Basically, Russia. In Ukraine "Arbidol" is sold under the name "Immustat" in Belarus - "Arpetol", in China it manufactures small pharmaceutical company Nanjing Gemsen. In 2007, the expired patent for "Arbidol", and now it can produce any manufacturer. Wishing, however, a little bit. TERAFLU
History and manufacturer
The combination of paracetamol-based tool that eliminates the symptoms of SARS and influenza. Owned by the Swiss company Novartis, in Canada under the brand name NeoCitran, the US and Europe - Theraflu. Paracetamol has been tested on patients pharmacologist Joseph von Mering in 1886. Novartis International is the second largest pharmaceutical manufacturers in the world, the turnover in 2012 amounted to $ 56, 7 billion.
The active substance and effectiveness
The product effectively eliminates the symptoms of a cold, but struggling with the virus.
- Paracetamol (325 mg) - a major component, reduces fever, pain relievers and constricts blood vessels. The content of paracetamol in standard packaging "Theraflu" 10 bags that are sold in pharmacies 300 rubles less than in conventional packaging paracetamol value of 5 rubles (see. Table).
- Pheniramine maleate (20 mg), an antihistamine, eliminates puffiness.
- Phenylephrine hydrochloride (10 mg) constricts blood vessels of the nose, also eliminates the swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.
- Ascorbic acid (50 mg), and vitamin C - considered that increases the body's resistance to infections. This is a fallacy disproved in numerous studies in recent years.

History and manufacturer
The most telling case of the Russian pharmaceutical market. In 1992 Oleg Epstein doctor who treated alcoholism method Dovzhenko in Khanty-Mansiysk, and Valery Naraikin, who led the government pharmacies in the Chelyabinsk region, the company created a "Materia Medica Holding" for the production of drugs, invented in the Tomsk Institute of Pharmacology. The site Research Institute under the "development" listed the entire range of "Materia Medica" as well as more than 70 kinds of dietary supplements (dietary supplements). Some time shareholder "Materia Medica" was the president of the Institute of International Law and Economics named after AS Griboyedov Mikhail Ilchikov.
One of the first drugs "Materia Medica" was "Anaferon." He quickly got into the VED list, that is, was sold in all pharmacies and recommended for procurement. In late 2011, however, it is excluded from the list of vital drugs at the request of the manufacturer, says Epstein. The fact that the list of VED fixed the selling price of the drug, which has not changed for several years, "the company has been forced to suffer losses».
However, the exclusion of "Anaferon" List of VED has not led to a reduction in government procurement, much of which passes through the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, and the Secretary of the competition committee in this department is Dygai Michael, the son of the inventor "Anaferon" Alexander Dygaya.
In 2006 and 2007, the inventors' Anaferon "were awarded the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology for the creation, production and introduction into clinical practice of new highly effective medicines.
"Materia Medica Holding" is the sixth-largest producer among Russian pharmaceutical companies. The main brands - "Proproten-100", "Impaza", "tenoten."
Turnover in 2011 - 3, 6 billion rubles, net profit - 628 million rubles.

The active substance and effectiveness
According to the instructions, it is purified antibodies are extracted from the serum of rabbits immunized with the recombinant human gamma interferon. However, since this homeopathy antibody bred repeatedly aqueous-alcoholic solvent, so that the active substance contained in the tablet is no more than 10-15 nanogram / gram. Simply put, a hundred million tablets to be found no more than a single molecule of the active ingredient.
Registered as a "drug activating antiviral immunity." According to the manufacturer, with preventive and curative reception children "Anaferon" twice reduces the incidence of influenza, more than half of the children removes heat on the second day of getting the flu in 2, 3 times reduces the frequency of bacterial complications (otitis, sinusitis).
In the international medical database Medline contains 18 publications devoted to testing "Anaferon", but they were held in Russia and Ukraine, in the majority of cases involving Oleg Epstein and other staff "Materia Medica».
According to Epstein, the initial trials of the drug were in a hospital in Volsk in the Saratov region, and then at the Novosibirsk Center "Vector", SRI flu clinic. However, the director of the Influenza Research Institute Oleg Kiselev in an interview to "Rain" to the question about the drug responded unequivocally: "Anaferon" I have been running around the country, and not driven out. Now I am preparing a letter [Health Minister] Skvortsova, to bring order to the market. Because even the idea [of the drug] is simply a fraud ».
Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Armenia, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Azerbaijan. Oscillococcinum
History and manufacturer
"Oscillococcinum" invented in 1925 by French physician Joseph Roy, who spotted some bacteria in the blood of patients with influenza, herpes, tuberculosis, rheumatism, cancer. Mystical germs he called Oscillococcus. Medical science has disproved the theory of Roy, he simply could not see with an optical microscope viruses. "Vaccine", which was created from the extract Roy otsillokokkov proved totally ineffective.
However, Roy found the same bacteria in the liver musk ducks Long Island, of which was to prepare a homeopathic preparation. In 2011, the company "Boiron" lawsuit was filed on behalf of "all California residents who purchased the" Oscillococcinum "over the past four years." The lawsuit "Boiron" accused of a false statement that "Oscillococcinum" can cure the flu. In fact the active ingredient of the drug has not proven medicinal properties. The parties entered into a pre-trial agreement.
"Laboratoires Boiron" - the world's largest manufacturer of homeopathic preparations with headquarters in France. Turnover in 2011 - 523 million euros.

The active substance and effectiveness
Anas Barbariae Hepatis et Cordis Extractum - extract liver and heart barbariyskoy duck - 200SK 1 dose. Barbariyskoy duck Anas Barbariae not exist in nature. Moreover, the concentration 200CK indicates that for the preparation of tablets was made 200 dilution of a 1: 100 initial extract of duck liver and heart. The concentration of the original extract per dose is so low, which excludes the presence of at least one molecule of active ingredient in all the works of "Laboratoires Boiron" granules together.
The representative of the "Boiron Laboratories" Gina Casey asked about the dangers of the use of the extract of the heart and liver of duck stated that "Oscillococcinum", of course, is safe, because there is nothing ».
The results of seven clinical trials involving 3459 patients who did not confirm the effectiveness of the preventive "Oscillococcinum" homeopathic remedies and similar against influenza.
In late 2012, the British Society of evidence-based medicine Cochrane published a report denying the effectiveness of "Oscillococcinum».
Sold in more than 50 countries, it is particularly popular in France, is the most sold in the country of OTC flu. Kagocel
History and manufacturer
Designed by academician of RAMS, Director of the Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after NF Gamalei Felix Ershov and head of the Department of Immunology of the Institute Vladimir Nesterenko. In 2005, "Niarmedik plus", Nesterenko founded in 1989, began manufacturing "Kagocel" as OTC.
Since 2010, "Kagocel" is a list of VED. Then Health Minister Tatyana Golikova reporters raid conducted on pharmacies in Moscow, where in front of television cameras was asking pharmacists presence "Kagocel».
In February 2012, "Niarmedik plus" with the state corporation "Rosnano" created a company "Niarmedik Pharma" to build their own pharmaceutical factory in the Kaluga region, worth 4 billion rubles.
Revenue "Niarmedik plus" in 2011 - 1, 9 billion. Net profit - 87 million rubles. Nesterenko also owns a network of medical centers "Niarmedik plus" company "Biofarmaholding", which produces reagents for medical research and clinic therapy with stem cells "Contemporary Medicine".
At the end of 2012 against the "Kagocel" he began anonymous of PR-campaign, during which argued that the drug allegedly adversely affects the reproductive functions of men.
The active substance and effectiveness
"Kagocel" (12 mg). Vladimir Nesterenko in an interview described his invention: "We took the cellulose, a polymer made of cotton, has taken a particular substance derived from cotton, combined it with the pulp and the polymer obtained. It is called "Kagocel».
Manufacturers' Kagocel "conducted the most extensive clinical studies of all such products - were attended by more than two thousand people. Most studies "Kagocel" conducted and published it themselves inventors Felix Ershov Vladimir Nesterenko. The study notes that "Kagocel" reduces the incidence of influenza and SARS in 3, 4 times.
In the international medical database Medline has nine publications all - only from Russian magazines.
In addition to Russia, "Kagocel" has sold in Ukraine, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Armenia and Georgia.

History and manufacturer
The popular umbrella brand for a group of drugs that relieve symptoms of colds, owned by British GlaxoSmithKline, the world's third farmholdingu turnover (after Pfizer and Novartis). Main brands: "Panadol", "Coldrex", "Solpadein", "Augmentin", "Fortum". Revenue in 2011 - $ 43, 4 billion, net profit - $ 9 billion.
The active substance and effectiveness
- Paracetamol - 500 mg, reduces fever, pain relievers and constricts blood vessels. The average price per package of 10 doses of 240 rubles (pack of 10 tablets of paracetamol simply the same concentration - 5 rubles);
- Caffeine - 25mg, stimulates mental and physical performance, reduces drowsiness;
- Phenylephrine hydrochloride - 5 mg, constricts blood vessels of the nose, eliminating swelling;
- Terpin hydrate - 20 mg, dilutes and improves expectoration;
- Ascorbic acid - 30 mg, it is assumed that vitamin C increases the body's resistance to infections. This is a fallacy disproved in numerous studies of recent years.
Effectively eliminates the symptoms, but does not possess an antiviral activity.
Central and Eastern Europe, Hong Kong, New Zealand.

History and manufacturer
Combination analgesic paracetamol based on the Russian company "Natur Product", founded in 1993 by businessman Sergei Nizovtseva. For the first time, "Antigrippin" appeared in pharmacies in the mid-1990s, in 2006 the "Natur Product" registered exclusive rights to the trademark containing the word "antigrippin" and then filed a lawsuit against the company "Antiviral", which produces a drug like name - "Antigrippin Maximum". As a result, the court rejected the claim "Natur Product" to other producers.
The company specializes in the production of OTC products, ranked fourth in the Russian market of dietary supplements. In 2009 the company became the owner of the holding "Renova" Viktor Vekselberg. In 2012 the company was sold to the Canadian farmholdingu Valeant Pharmaceuticals International. The main brands - "Antigrippin", "Anti-Angin", "Vita Plant».
The active substance and effectiveness
- Paracetamol - 500 mg, reduces fever, pain relievers and constricts blood vessels. The average price per package of 10 doses of 230 rubles (pack of 10 tablets of paracetamol simply the same concentration - 5 rubles);
- Chlorphenamine maleate - 10 mg, constricts blood vessels of the nose and eliminate the swelling of the mucous nasopharynx;
- Ascorbic acid - 200 mg, it is assumed that vitamin C increases the body's resistance to infections. This is a fallacy disproved in numerous studies of recent years.
The drug is effectively relieves symptoms, but has no antiviral activity.
