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How to get rid of insomnia WITHOUT drugs

What is the cause of sleep disorders?

The article describes the various causes of sleep disorders and methods of treatment without drugs and without side effects.

Trying to stay afloat in today's fast-paced world, we are deprived of a normal, healthy sleep and begin to use various stimulants. As a result, the billions of dollars made by companies on sleeping medications and energy drinks, and these numbers increase year by year, but sleep problems do not disappear, moreover, there are addictive and the side effects.

If you have difficulty falling asleep, restless sleep, or simply you do not feel well-rested when you Wake up in the morning, these problems can have a profound impact on your health and well-being. Chronic sleep deprivation has been shown in research that contributes to clinical depression, obesity, diabetes, arthritis and many other degenerative diseases.

Healthy sleep is so important for good health because a large part of the processes of recovery and regeneration of our bodies takes place when we sleep. Our natural growth hormone production of human cells occurs mainly during sleep. Years of research have shown that people who normally sleep, live longer and are less likely to develop such degenerative diseases as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, obesity and even cancer.

A good doctor is always very concerned about normal sleep of the patient and considers that the main task of the doctor in the first stage of treatment is the restoration of a good night's sleep, as well as normalization of body weight. Simultaneously investigated the causal relationships and treatment begins.

So, what are the causes of sleep disorders, and what treatments without medication can I use?

These few reasons and many of them are linked. There are many methods of treatment without drugs (natural ways), and with drugs. Although there are many over-the-counter and prescription sleeping medications, which can be a simple solution to the problem, their benefits usually do not last long, as sleep disorders are only a symptom of a more serious problem. This means that over time, you will have to increase the dosage of the medication to its action remain effective.

In addition, these drugs frequently have harmful and sometimes devastating side effects. These side effects can range from prolonged drowsiness to dizziness, diarrhea, memory problems, and chemical dependency on sleeping pills.

In some cases, long-term effect of these drugs is expressed in a hormone imbalance, which, ironically, is one of the most common causes of sleep disorders. Maybe that's why some of these drugs actually worsen the problem of insomnia in many people.

Below is a brief description of the various causes of sleep disorders, and some treatments without medications that are presented in order of decreasing their prevalence and effectiveness. If the first method doesn't work, move on to the next and so on.

If you are currently taking medication, consult your doctor before trying to use any recommended here dietary Supplement.

The cause of the SLEEP disorder: Winter depression

Occurs when a lack of sunlight in winter, is controlled by the hypothalamus and the pineal gland of the brain acting jointly as a measure of the intensity of light emission. In Sunny weather, this light counter stimulates the production of serotonin-the hormone of good mood, and Vice versa, with a lack of sunlight produces more melatonin, the hormone of "hibernation", which allows us to enjoy a restful sleep.

The body always needs to be a certain balance of serotonin / melatonin, but winter depression can disrupt this balance by a too strong reduction of serotonin and then reduced secretion of melatonin, causing insomnia.

This can occur in the summer from people who rarely go outdoors. And as soon as the sleep becomes a problem, the daily cycle is broken, and begins a vicious cycle of fatigue and insomnia.


1. Lamp full spectrum of radiation (fluorescent lamp) ─ reproduces the type of solar radiation with wavelengths in the infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) parts of the spectrum. These lamps are installed in the room, complement the natural sunlight and thus stimulate the optimal production of serotonin / melatonin.

2. Sleep in complete darkness ─ a condition that promotes optimal increase melatonin production. It is necessary to remove from the field of view of sleeping all led displays, including the electronic clock.

3. Go to bed early and at the same time — Try to sleep 10:30 — 11:00 PM and make it a habit for your body to get used to the rhythm and earned your biological clock.

4 . L-tryptophan is a proteinogenic amino acid, which is composition of proteins of all living organisms, is a precursor to serotonin / melatonin. It contains in meat products, so some people, especially vegetarians, are experiencing quite a large deficiency of this essential amino acids. Food Supplement L-tryptophan can be found in capsules, take them for 500 – 1000 mg within one hour before bedtime for optimal results.

5. 5-HTP-enhancing nutrient (a nutrient), which turns L-tryptophan. It is always better to take such food additive, which is as close as possible to the beginning of the hormonal chain to increase the likelihood that your body eventually will know how to implement these transformations. So if L-tryptophan does not work, try taking a dietary Supplement, 5-HTP is 50 — 100 mg one hour before bedtime.

6. Vitamin D — There are many recent studies of this vitamin, which is actually a hormone. It plays a key role in the production of other hormones, including serotonin and melatonin. Although vitamin D is a fat soluble substance, studies show that most of us feel its deficiency, and the minimum daily demand is much higher than 400 IU ─ the current recommended daily intake. The minimum daily dose of vitamin D intake from food should be 3,000 IU. For peace of mind it is better to regularly check the vitamin D level through a blood test. Normal values are in the range of 45-60 ng / ml (ng ─ nanograms).

7. Melatonin. If the above methods do not work, can be taken as a dietary Supplement the hormone melatonin. Hormones are always the last resort because there is always a risk to become dependent on them for life. 3 mg of melatonin taken before bed is usually enough.

The CAUSE of SLEEP DISORDERS: adrenal Fatigue / Chronic stress

In fact, the adrenal glands are the glands of stress, the activity of which is directly tied to stress levels of a person. Stress of any kind ─ a physical, mental or emotional ─ causes the same reaction in the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands are responsible for the production of many hormones and act in conjunction with the hypothalamus to maintain our circadian rhythm ─ biological clock.

When it comes to sleep, the main active hormones are cortisol and DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone — adrenal androgen). When these two hormones are in imbalance, our body can not relax and sleep is disturbed. At the end of the day the cortisol level is reduced, but in times of stress increases sharply, reaching the peak values. When cortisol levels are high, the body can not relax, but when stress is chronic, the adrenals get tired.

Repeatedly elevated cortisol at night is the first stage of adrenal fatigue and a common cause of insomnia or interrupted sleep. The most reliable test for adrenal fatigue is a saliva test, which measures the levels of the respective hormones and monitor a 24 - hour cycle of the adrenal glands.


1. Phosphorylated serine. This nutrient is the activated form of phosphatidylserine, which can be found in the fatty tissues of animals that are in foods such as egg yolks. It plays a very important role in the regulation of cortisol levels and weakens its action in cases of elevated cortisol.

The best source of this nutrient is a dietary Supplement called Seriphos, which contains 1000 mg phosphorylated serine per capsule. If you suspect that at night you have high cortisol, or is it already confirmed by a saliva test, take 1000 — 2000 mg phosphorylated serine and / or within one hour before bedtime.

2 . Electrolytes. The adrenal glands require such elements as sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium. When you are under stress (physical or emotional), these are some of the first nutrients that your body uses intensively and it can lead to micronutrient deficiencies and deterioration of the adrenal glands. In the case of iodised (dining room) salts can be additional problems. A good source of sodium and other electrolytes is not processed (raw) Celtic sea salt naturally contains over 80 different trace elements.

3 . B vitamins, especially B5, B6 and Biotin. This is extra nourishment to the adrenal glands. Good dose: 250mg B5, 25 mg B6 and 1000 mcg of Biotin.

4. Vitamin C. This vitamin is adopted high doses, can help to cleanse the adrenal glands and other organs of toxins, after which they will again be able to work effectively. The question arises: what should be the minimum necessary dosage of vitamin C for cleaning the body?

One way to determine this dose experimentally ─ increase your intake of vitamin a to the occurrence of diarrhoea, which in this case would mean that the minimum required dose of vitamin C for the purpose of detoxification is exceeded, and the excess remains in the intestines, diluting the excrement. Take every hour one teaspoonful of the powder, the tongue in the form of a solution in water before the appearance of diarrhea. Then subtract from that total amount the tongue ½ teaspoon ─ this will be the dose of vitamin C that should be taken to detoxify the body.

5. Grass. On sale are herbs, called adaptogens because of their therapeutic effects on the adrenal glands. Such plants include Rhodiola ( 100mg), licorice (20mg ), Ashwaganda (100mg ), Siberian ginseng ( 250mg), and American ginseng (100 mg ). There are products that contain combinations of two or more of these herbs. Due to the fact that these herbs are designed to solve the General problem of fatigue adrenals, they are not directly cause sleep, so they should not be taken after 15:00.

6. Keep the room temperature in the range From 18-21, since it affects the hormonal level and this temperature range is optimal.

The CAUSE of SLEEP DISORDERS: Hypoglycemia

It is directly related to the function of the adrenal glands. When the blood sugar falls to a low level, the body can feel it as the effects of stress on the system, and then cortisol could jump. As explained above, it may interfere with sleep. That is why it is very important to maintain a balanced blood sugar level throughout the day, eating a daily amount of food in small portions every 3-4 hours. The theory that eating before bedtime will contribute to the accumulation of fat is a myth. If you are going to bed hungry the night you might have low blood sugar and a corresponding reaction in the form of increased levels of cortisol that not only deprive you of a good night's sleep, but will also contribute to the accumulation of fat.

If you have trouble waking up in the middle of the night and you are hungry at this time, low blood sugar is certainly one of the factors contributing to this problem.


1. Exercise. Performed daily exercise helps in proper regulation of sugar and insulin in the blood. They include training of the cardiovascular system (running, fast walking) and weight training. If you suffer from adrenal fatigue (see above), simply reduce the exercise intensity to a moderate level to avoid exacerbating problems.

2. Eat small, frequent, balanced meals throughout the day. Eat every 3-4 hours and ensure that at every meal, including snacks, were the proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This approach to food will contribute to proper regulation of blood sugar throughout the day and reduce the likelihood of a strong fall in sugar at night time.

3. Do not go to bed hungry. If you're hungry, eat a protein snack within the hour before bedtime, for example, a handful of raw walnuts or almonds, eat eggs or even drink a small protein shake. If your bedtime snack is mostly carbohydrate, you will have more chances to peak increase in blood sugar followed by a sharp drop in its level in the night.

4. Chrome. This trace mineral plays a key role in the regulation of sugar utilization. In particular, it is possible to take chromium picolinate or chromium GTF in the amount of 800-1000 micrograms per day during meals.

5 . Vitamins , In particular B1 (50 mg), B2 ( 25 mg ), B6 (30 mg ).

6. Omega-3 fatty acids. These essential fats indirectly influence the level of blood sugar, contributing to the production of hormones such as insulin. Fats omega-3 rich eggs free-range hens, raw walnuts, Flaxseed oil, fatty fish and organ meats. Cod liver oil is the best source because it also contains the natural vitamins D and A. Start by taking 1 tbsp.daily.

7. Other nutrients to consider food supplements: Garcinia cambogia, bitter melon, fenugreek and the trace mineral vanadium.


Allergy happens to you more often than you think. In fact, almost all health problems begin with allergies to something. Allergies affect sleep, as they promote inflammation and muscle tension that often leads to nasal congestion, making breathing difficult respiration, and restless muscles.

There are two kinds of allergies. Allergy 1 type, familiar to most of us, has such obvious symptoms, such as sneezing or rash that occurs immediately after exposure to the allergen, for example, after taking a new food or after inhalation. The most common Allergy type 1 is associated with exposure to substances such as pollen or pet dander.

More common, but less known Allergy is the type 2 (allergic reaction in slow motion). This allergic reaction can occur in a few hours or even days after consumption of allergenic foods.

The most common food allergens of this type ─ the foods we eat very often and a lot, for example, wheat (bread, pasta, cereal, etc.) and dairy (cheese, yogurt, etc.) of the product as well as soy, corn, eggs. There are blood tests for these allergic reactions, but the best way to determine the allergen is the complete removal of the suspect food product for 3-4 weeks and then re-inject to test the response of the body.


1 . Avoid foods containing gluten – gluten which is one of the most common food allergens and is contained primarily in wheat and in oats, rye and barley. Gluten is present in most foods made from flour such as breads, cereals, crackers, bagels, pasta and many packaged foods, including some salad dressings.

2. Avoid milk and products containing milk. It is yogurt, cheese, many sauces and packaged foods. Always read the labels, pay attention to the presence of milk powder, skimmed milk powder and casein ─ milk protein. Note that the other milk protein, in the serum, very rarely causes allergies.

3. Alternate the foods in the diet. Try not to eat the same products every day to reduce the likelihood of developing food allergies type 2.

4. Keep Windows closed at night. This will reduce the amount of pollen and other allergens in the bedroom.

5. Keep your bedroom clean. Frequently vacuum and clean everywhere dusty places to reduce the amount of pollutants in the air. You can also purchase hypoallergenic pillow cases that create an impenetrable barrier between your head and the mites and dander, which can stay in the pillow.


Acid reflux or other gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), affects sleep, as it irritates the esophagus and causes difficulty in breathing and anxiety. This is not always the heartburn, the symptoms of which are similar. GERD symptoms are often more subtle, unobtrusive. In fact, many people have acid reflux, but don't even know it. In principle, GERD occurs when gastric juices from the stomach are thrown back up into the esophagus, causing irritation and ultimately, damage the inner lining of the esophagus.

Despite the similarity with heartburn, the cause of GERD, usually is not excess stomach acid, but rather the lack of it. Insufficient amount of stomach acid leads to insufficient digestion of food, which have too long to be in the stomach. This delay leads to the fact that the juices from the food mixed with stomach acid, which continues to produced by the body in trying to digest the contents of the stomach, fill the stomach and thrown back into the esophagus.

To neutralize stomach acid, doctors usually prescribed antacids, inhibitors and blockers of the proton pump (the cell's ion channels blocking which stops acid production), but it actually aggravates the cause of GERD ─ deficit of stomach acid, without which the body cannot break down proteins and fats.


1. Drink plenty of filtered water. We know that water is the most important nutrient, but most of us drink insufficient amount of water, and this disrupts the body's ability to produce adequate juices of the stomach and increase the motility of consumed products passing through the gastrointestinal tract. The minimum daily demand for water is ½ ounce (14 g) per pound (0,423 kg) of body weight. This means that a person weighing 150 lb (63,4 kg) should drink at least 75 oz (2.12 kg) of water. Avoid unfiltered tap water because it contains excess minerals, and other irritants of the digestive tract, such as chlorine and fluoride.

2. Avoid overly processed grain products and refined sugar, as they inhibit digestion, disrupting the mucous membrane of the stomach and small intestine, and lead to the development of imbalance of intestinal flora.

3. Betaine hydrochloride. This Supplement when taken as an additional source of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, the lack of which (low stomach acidity) leads to acid reflux and the growth of harmful bacteria that may be present in the eaten food. When our body's ability to produce enough stomach acid is compromised (chronic stress or poor diet), and food is not absorbed well, and there is GERD and other complications associated with indigestion.

Additive betaine hydrochloride is taken during a meal. The dose is increased until the disappearance of the discomfort. Don't take this Supplement on an empty stomach.

4. Fresh garlic. Many people with GERD infected with bacteria Helicobacter pylori which can cause stomach ulcers and exacerbate the problem of acid reflux. Garlic is a natural antibacterial and antiviral remedy, but only when it is eaten fresh, slightly crushed. Garlic pills less effective.

5. DGL. This plant based dietary Supplement deglycyrrhizinated licorice (extract of licorice from which the glycyrrhizin is removed). This form of licorice extract promotes the formation of mucus in the stomach lining and can prevent the burn of the stomach that often accompanies acid reflux. Glycyrrhizin is the component in licorice that can raise blood pressure in people with high blood pressure, so it is removed from the original extract, and DGL. This Supplement is sold in chewable tablets and should be taken 20-30 minutes before meals.

6. Probiotics. People who suffer from sleep disorders often have an imbalance of bacteria (microflora) in your intestines. The beneficial bacteria of the digestive flora are vital for proper digestion, immune system functioning and production of essential nutrients such as vitamins. Beneficial bacteria can be taken orally in different forms, but the best are capsules. Take them in accordance with the recommendation on the label for Breakfast and dinner, keep these supplements in the refrigerator.

7. Extract of orange peels. In recent studies it has been shown that this extract can prevent GERD and even heal the lining of the esophagus. But to take it recommended only during a short period of time.


Apnea happens when air flow into the lungs from the nose or mouth overlaps during sleep, for example, language in which the person stops breathing for up to one minute, sometimes hundreds of times per night. Most people don't know about it until then, until someone else will say. On hearing is perceived as snoring, and it really is sleep apnea. There are many versions regarding the cause of sleep apnea, including depression (psychological) and obesity, as well as food. In fact, many cases of sleep apnea are associated with food allergies .

Sleep apnea is often treated (by prescription) by the use of CPAP therapy (CPAP – Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, that is, continuous positive air pressure in respiratory ways). With CPAP therapy the patient during sleep wears a special mask over the nose through which air from the blower enters the nasal passages, creating a positive pressure that prevents the airway to close. This method of treatment for sleep apnea is effective, but very inconvenient to use, and only works when used properly and consistently.


1. To eliminate food allergens, particularly grains and dairy products.

2. To reduce fat in the body. This requires a combination of regular exercise and proper nutrition.

3. Use a pillow with a cushion under the neck, as sometimes the appearance of apnea associated with the position of the head on the pillow, and then put the pillowcase cushion as a support for the neck that supports the natural curve of the neck during sleep, optimal for air flow.

The CAUSE of SLEEP DISORDERS: Acute stress / anxiety

Unlike chronic stress (see above), acute stress rather a temporary state associated with the current situation ─ a hard day's work, family scandal, financial problems, etc. If the level of acute stress is high enough, it can provide you the overwhelming effect in the form of panic or anxiety attack.

There are a lot of drugs from stress, for example, valium and prozac, but there are natural alternatives that help to return to normal.


1. GABA — gamma-aminobutyric acid is the chief inhibitory neurotransmitter in the Central nervous system. It is a natural sedative available in the body, but many people are deficient of this substance. The best way to take GABA ─ to put the pill under the tongue where it rapidly dissolves and goes straight into the bloodstream, without getting lost in the digestive tract, as it happens when swallowing pills. This allows you to quickly fend off an acute attack of anxiety.

2. Magnesium — This important trace mineral is a natural muscle relaxant. Magnesium can be so effective that in high doses can cure constipation. Start with 300 mg at bedtime and increase the dose to normalize bowel function as well as acting with vitamin C (see above).

3. Diary. Keep a diary to track all of their actions, it can help you to clear your head of anxious thoughts.

4. Try not to watch TV before bed, as interesting program stimulates the brain and gives then to sleep.

5. Do not read before bedtime, detective stories and horror novels – they will not help you to relax.

If none of these tips does not help to sleep better, it's possible you have unresolved emotional problems that can cause stress and contribute to insomnia. In this case, you can help other, less direct, methods of treatment without medication, but they should be conducted only under the supervision of professional psychiatrist. These methods include:

Emotional freedom technique (EFT), Desensitization and reprocessing eye movement ( EMDR ), acupuncture, cranio-sacral therapy, Reiki (healing by touch palms), traditional psychotherapy and rapidly developing field of ecotherapy (restore emotional balance in conscious communion with nature).


To read and understand: the Biochemical analysis of blood — Norma and decodingMichael Grothaus: As a rejection of the sugar has changed my life

No matter what other factors may contribute to solving your sleep problems, if the underlying emotional issue is not resolved, any success achieved at the expense of the treatment methods without medicines described in this article will be short-lived. Good luck and sweet dreams!

Source: budzdorovstarina.ru/archives/2617