"These 7 things I did in order to lose weight by 100 kg, without dieting." Incredible personal experience!
in 2001, I weighed more than 180 kilograms. By the time I had to try a myriad of diets for weight loss. They were all about the same - I get a long list of foods that could not be there. I followed all instructions and lose a little weight, which cost me a tremendous effort, endurance and infinite self. But sooner or later there comes a moment when I could not stand and broke. I almost immediately gained back all the weight that is dropped and weighed a couple of weeks, even a couple of kilos more than before the diet. In the period from 1990 to 2001, I again and again lost 5 kg, but then scored 7 until he was weighing 185 kg. Em>
Then came a turning point. September 11 I accidentally missed UAL flight 93 (as a result of the crash killed all passengers). After this incident, I began to feel that I'm living on borrowed time. Here I am, killing myself hated working on Wall Street, which in addition to the stress does not bring anything into my life, and the universe has just given me a second chance. Em>
So, I decided to leave behind forever the roller coaster diet and never come back to them. Instead, I was determined to find out why my body makes me gain so much weight. I wanted to figure out how to make it once again wanted to be slim. Armed with an arsenal of solid knowledge of the biochemistry of the discharge, I received the University of Pennsylvania, I spent 12 hours a day, learning everything you can about the hormones, enzymes and neurotransmitters that trigger weight gain. Em>
I've learned that in order to lose weight, do not need to count calories, and establish hormonal balance of the body. Since stress and emotional factors cause disturbances in hormones is to look at the process from the standpoint of the soul-body. The approach should be holistic - affecting the psychological and emotional state to the same extent as what we eat. Em>
For two and a half years without dieting, I dropped to 100 kg. I remained the same weight, and over the next 10 years, at the time, I allowed myself to eat whatever I want. Em>
Here are 7 things that I did before completely transformed: em>
1. Ceased to diet and began to nourish your body. Em>
Thanks to his research, I realized that my body is constantly critically lacked some specific nutrients, such as omega-3, live foods and high-quality proteins. I tried to fill their daily diet. But if I feel that I want to eat pizza, candy or chips, I did it without hesitation. In the end, my body has lost interest in the harmful food and began to prefer a useful rich in vitamins and minerals food. Em>
2. Healed digestion. Em>
One of the reasons for lack of nutrients was the fact that I had broken digestion. Therefore, everything useful that it was in the products, simply do not assimilate. Digestive problems often cause the body to operate in the "accumulation". To normalize the process of feeding, I began to eat fermented foods and cultured, as well as probiotics and digestive enzymes. Em>
3. Acquired respirator for sleep apnea. Em>
Sleep apnea - a condition that is often the case with people who are overweight. It creates hormones in the body, which stimulates the weight increase, causing an increased cortisol levels, leading to junk food cravings for harmful and insulin resistance. For the treatment of sleep apnea, you can use a special respirator. It blows air into the nose and mouth, opening the trachea, to be able to sleep without problems all night. Most people who suffer from sleep apnea do not even know about the problem. Although it is certainly known to those with whom they live, as they bother very loud snoring at night. It turned out I had a very severe case of sleep apnea, and when I started to use a respirator at night, I began to feel more alert during the day. I stopped to pull harmful food and weight become gradually go away. Em>
4. He began to use the practice for body and soul, to reduce stress. Em>
As well as sleep apnea, stress leads to increased levels of cortisol and hormones that cause the body to store fat, so it is very important to learn to reduce stress levels. I started practicing meditation and visualization every morning, and after a while noticed a dramatic change. Em>
5. I make your life more measured and sustainable. Em>
I lowered embezzlement, moved to smaller accommodations and began to grow vegetables and fruit around the house. So I felt more confident and calm. I liked that at any time I can go and eat something fresh and useful with their mini-garden. Stress no more makes me a fat storage. Em>
6. I worked on emotional problems. Em>
Some people feel more secure when their body a lot of fat. The subconscious uses weight as a pillow for protection from the world. Practice visualization helped me to deal with past trauma and make the body feel comfortable and without reservation in the form of extra padding. Em>
7. Held detoxification. Em>
When I dropped 80 kg, I started looking for information on toxins and how the human body copes with them. It turned out that toxins are placed in the fat cells, and I realized that most of my life my body served as a large number of sealed storage in fat toxins. To remedy the situation, I have introduced into their mode of constant use alkaline liquids, such as water with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, green juices, plenty of greens, salad and sprouts. Due to this, the last 20 kg I lost a lot easier than the first 20. So, I quickly got rid of the remainder at the time of excess weight. Em>
Using a holistic approach to weight loss, which takes into account body and soul, you probably will attain unprecedented progress without useless diets and exhausting exercise. Weight will not return back as in the diet, and your life will become more fulfilling and rich.
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Then came a turning point. September 11 I accidentally missed UAL flight 93 (as a result of the crash killed all passengers). After this incident, I began to feel that I'm living on borrowed time. Here I am, killing myself hated working on Wall Street, which in addition to the stress does not bring anything into my life, and the universe has just given me a second chance. Em>
So, I decided to leave behind forever the roller coaster diet and never come back to them. Instead, I was determined to find out why my body makes me gain so much weight. I wanted to figure out how to make it once again wanted to be slim. Armed with an arsenal of solid knowledge of the biochemistry of the discharge, I received the University of Pennsylvania, I spent 12 hours a day, learning everything you can about the hormones, enzymes and neurotransmitters that trigger weight gain. Em>
I've learned that in order to lose weight, do not need to count calories, and establish hormonal balance of the body. Since stress and emotional factors cause disturbances in hormones is to look at the process from the standpoint of the soul-body. The approach should be holistic - affecting the psychological and emotional state to the same extent as what we eat. Em>
For two and a half years without dieting, I dropped to 100 kg. I remained the same weight, and over the next 10 years, at the time, I allowed myself to eat whatever I want. Em>
Here are 7 things that I did before completely transformed: em>
1. Ceased to diet and began to nourish your body. Em>
Thanks to his research, I realized that my body is constantly critically lacked some specific nutrients, such as omega-3, live foods and high-quality proteins. I tried to fill their daily diet. But if I feel that I want to eat pizza, candy or chips, I did it without hesitation. In the end, my body has lost interest in the harmful food and began to prefer a useful rich in vitamins and minerals food. Em>
2. Healed digestion. Em>
One of the reasons for lack of nutrients was the fact that I had broken digestion. Therefore, everything useful that it was in the products, simply do not assimilate. Digestive problems often cause the body to operate in the "accumulation". To normalize the process of feeding, I began to eat fermented foods and cultured, as well as probiotics and digestive enzymes. Em>
3. Acquired respirator for sleep apnea. Em>
Sleep apnea - a condition that is often the case with people who are overweight. It creates hormones in the body, which stimulates the weight increase, causing an increased cortisol levels, leading to junk food cravings for harmful and insulin resistance. For the treatment of sleep apnea, you can use a special respirator. It blows air into the nose and mouth, opening the trachea, to be able to sleep without problems all night. Most people who suffer from sleep apnea do not even know about the problem. Although it is certainly known to those with whom they live, as they bother very loud snoring at night. It turned out I had a very severe case of sleep apnea, and when I started to use a respirator at night, I began to feel more alert during the day. I stopped to pull harmful food and weight become gradually go away. Em>
4. He began to use the practice for body and soul, to reduce stress. Em>
As well as sleep apnea, stress leads to increased levels of cortisol and hormones that cause the body to store fat, so it is very important to learn to reduce stress levels. I started practicing meditation and visualization every morning, and after a while noticed a dramatic change. Em>
5. I make your life more measured and sustainable. Em>
I lowered embezzlement, moved to smaller accommodations and began to grow vegetables and fruit around the house. So I felt more confident and calm. I liked that at any time I can go and eat something fresh and useful with their mini-garden. Stress no more makes me a fat storage. Em>
6. I worked on emotional problems. Em>
Some people feel more secure when their body a lot of fat. The subconscious uses weight as a pillow for protection from the world. Practice visualization helped me to deal with past trauma and make the body feel comfortable and without reservation in the form of extra padding. Em>
7. Held detoxification. Em>
When I dropped 80 kg, I started looking for information on toxins and how the human body copes with them. It turned out that toxins are placed in the fat cells, and I realized that most of my life my body served as a large number of sealed storage in fat toxins. To remedy the situation, I have introduced into their mode of constant use alkaline liquids, such as water with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, green juices, plenty of greens, salad and sprouts. Due to this, the last 20 kg I lost a lot easier than the first 20. So, I quickly got rid of the remainder at the time of excess weight. Em>

Using a holistic approach to weight loss, which takes into account body and soul, you probably will attain unprecedented progress without useless diets and exhausting exercise. Weight will not return back as in the diet, and your life will become more fulfilling and rich.
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