Kinesiology: Allergy = Emotional trauma
Emotional Allergy from the point of view of kinesiologyPeople create illnesses themselves, then themselves, and they can be cured through a clear understanding of the causes of disease.
Allergy is a hypersensitivity of the body to any substance.
Allergy refers to diseases associated with the immune system. The terms "emotional allergens" and "emotional allergies" was first performed at the conference of the European Association for neuro-linguistic psychotherapy, held on 8-9 April 2005 in Moscow, this theme is sounded in the report Anchikov Vladimir Nikolaevich.
Emotional Allergy is a conditioned reflex protective reaction of the organism, which is formed on the basis of course protective reflex reactions, e.g. histamine inflammation.
Unlike phobias, which protects the body from danger, Allergy protects the body from a hidden, implicit risk.
Cause an emotional Allergy is an emotional trauma.
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Emotional trauma occurs in a situation coldpressed the threshold of emotional adaptation of the nervous system –when the mechanism of emotional response of the nervous system cannot withstand the excessive stress and is forced to use extraordinary measures for protection. To continue to prevent emotional overload — mechanism is triggered by emotional hypersensitivity.
The difficulties encountered in identifying the causes of allergies, due to several main factors:
1. The duration of the latent period between the cause and the first clear manifestation of an Allergy can vary from several days to tens of years.
2. Emotional trauma causing allergiesis subjective.
3. In situations causing allergies, there is no evidence of an objective threat or injury.
4. Physical allergens yavlyaetsyaprostota factor in the mechanism of occurrence and development of allergies.
Among the main reasons for allergic reactions called bad heredity and failures in the immune system, but, according to some experts, allergies often caused by purely psychological reasons: fear, panic, self-doubt, severe stress, loneliness, rejection.
Reduced emotional background and stressful situations negatively affect the immune system, so, make the body less stable and vulnerable to allergies. Psychologists call this reaction an emotional Allergy.
Why is the organism inadequately responds specifically to certain stimuli?
Because they are in the subconscious are associated with some negative or stressful situation. These specific emotional States was given the title vallergan. For example, the cause of Allergy to flowering or poplar fluff may be related to the fact that once this period had a strong negative emotional experiences that now every year I will remind myself of allergies.
Exudative diathesis, eczema, atopic dermatitis and other allergic skin diseases almost always occur in the nervous system and is often laid in early childhood. Have inclined to them children there is an increased need for maternal affection, but their previously given to the nursery or entrust to the care of a babysitter and the rest of his life at a deep psychological level, they feel left out.
Adult sick skin allergies when they arrive in a hostile social environment and in a hopeless situation. Vasomotor rhinitis and chronic allergic rhinitis given the desire of the patient to dissociate itself from the adverse environment. During times of stress or emotional conflict, the cold intensified.
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Bronchial asthma the result of the suppression of the impulse of crying at the subconscious level. A crying baby wants to be heard, understood and treated kindly, but told him: "Shut up!»
These children when they become adults, conflicts often arise in communicating with people, especially significant for them — spouses, parents, bosses.
Diseases of joints and musculoskeletal system, occurring with a strong allergic and autoimmune component payback for the tight swaddling, and later introduction to physical activity. Such people keep all feelings to yourself and prefer to keep a low profile.
To identify negative emotions and psychological trauma that contribute to the formation of allergies, different methods (NLP, homeopathy, diet, medicine, folk remedies, etc.).
One of the most efficient and reliable method for working with the emotional component of Allergy is psychotherapeutic kinesiology. This is due to the fact that one of the main tool in this method is muscle testing. Muscle testing originated from applied kinesiology and used to determine stress.
It is a way to bypass the belief system and get to the inner truth, to establish contact with past visions for the future. This biofeedback with the body and the brain never lies.
Using muscle testing we can determine the age of the cause, an emotion, a situation, which will contribute to the early formation of allergies in the future. Another important tool in dealing with negative emotions is a Barometer of behavior, which can be described as a map of emotional behaviour.
Its main function is accurate the definition of emotional States experienced by man and those emotions he wanted to feel.
The behavior barometer is a great tool for revealing blocked emotions. Many years of practical experience in dealing with such problems as allergies shows that the reason for its occurrence most often such emotions as: not loved, not wanted, rejected, not needed.
Precisely define the emotion and the age of reason, when in what situation was this emotion, after correction, aimed at getting rid of this emotional injury, the kinesiologist helps people to get rid of negative emotions and thereby start on the path of recovery. So it's safe to say that it psychotherapeutic kinesiology, with its tools and algorithm ( correction) helps get rid of past emotional trauma, and as a consequence getting rid of allergies.
Please note: Allergy occurs when the body encounters the real biological hazards (pathogenic germs, bacteria and viruses). But somehow, the Allergy occurs when meeting with those substances that are real threats to life are not.
If you investigate this regularity, it turns out that certain emotional States can also pose a real threat and harm to life or health, and the immune system can respond to them. Possible allergic reaction is the method by which the body makes us to avoid getting in those situations in which we experience "harmful emotions".
And allergens only labels that have an indirect relationship to the situation. After all, experiencing physiological discomfort, we, of course, avoid allergens — by avoiding allergens, we avoid re-entry in places or situations in which you felt particularly "harmful emotions".
There are harmful emotions there are allergic. No bad emotions, no allergies.
Observation of the world's leading psychologists to suggest that the basis for allergic reactions is often child traumatic emotional experience. When the child grows, its development and the formation of the psyche the most serious is the impact of environment, family relationships, the nature of his relations with adults. If the child lives among people who constantly argue and conflict with each other, the echoes of these conflicts (even if adults try to hide them) necessarily communicated to him and each time hurt his soul.
Grieving, emotional distress and wish the little man to reconcile parents lead to serious internal conflict, which, in turn, can become the impetus for the development of allergic diseases. Much less to the development of psychopathology and subsequent Allergy causes the opposite extreme, when the child becomes in building the center of the Universe, when everything is subordinated to his desires, with him day after day worn, continuously patronize, try to please.
Whatever the initial makings of a kid with this education, he loses the sense of reality and self-control.
Child allergies can be a good way to attract attention in cases where the attention for some reason was enough for him. Finally, the cause of allergies can be a large emotional burden and severe emotional distress, experienced in childhood. For example, parental divorce, loss of someone close, separation from family, moving to a new place of residence, and even the birth of a younger brother or sister (which would automatically deprive the older child of a number of "privileges" and parental care and attention). Overvoltage at school (in the pursuit of good grades), problems in communication with peers (especially when the child is in your class falls into the category of outcasts or losers) also undermine the immune system and increase the chances of the child becoming allergic.
Example(experience specialist-kinesiologist):
Allergy to dust. At the reception asked a woman of 50 years. Allergy suffers in early childhood. According to the Barometer of behavior, through muscle testing determined that negative emotion causes this disease is Neprikasaemye (innocent love). Age of onset the reasons for the formation of this condition began when she was only 5 years old. The girl's mother sent her to live in the village to the grandmother, and she went to town. Grandmother great love for her had, liked to drink, so the child interfered with her. The girl felt lonely and wanted to mother. One day when mom came to visit, she began to ask her to take. Sitting at the table, mom and grandma started drinking, and then mom said, "Dance, gonna be okay dance, gonna take you with me" the Child begins to dance, but no one pays attention and then the girl exhausted falls to the floor, where a lot of dust. It is this emotional trauma was the beginning of the formation of Allergy to dust. Dispelling emotions with the help of special instruments, she was able to get rid of this negative state and, as a consequence, from allergies.
Sometimes all these problems are often in one way or another are resolved or processed by our consciousness in the transition to adulthood, 18-20 years of age. At this age many people have allergies disappearing.
But about a third of people are allergic in adolescence does not go away, and some, on the contrary, for the first time, suddenly begins to Mature years.
It is associated with accumulated heavy feelings, with strong emotional fatigue from work, from life, from someone or something.
Often encountered in adulthood Allergy indicates a person experiences a strong hostility, even rejection, to someone from the surrounding people or deaf irritation reacts to their actions. No wonder, when you do not want someone to communicate, we often say: "I Have allergies", ie sometimes Allergy is a rejection, released on the physical level. Moreover, the rejection may relate not only to some people or their actions. It can be applied to the work, place of residence, and yet, oddly enough, on themselves, on their body, some their quality or their alleged and obvious shortcomings.
Sometimes comes to the absurd, and the person begins to reject all the world, is experiencing the frustration of all the reality surrounding him. In General, psychologists have noticed that many Allergy sensitive and often prone to consider themselves the object of aggression, sometimes they feel that they "turned the whole world".
But if the person with allergies, it is possible to reconstruct its internal state, if he goes out of state internal conflict with others, if he internally calms down and stops feeling like a "victim of a global conspiracy", thus it knocks out "the ground from under the feet Allergy» This does not mean that a tendency to allergies should immediately disappear because the immune system is already in an aggressive state and it will take time to the body's immune system is "used" to a new state and rebuilt. Because almost all problems are hidden not in the world, and in the man, or rather, in his Outlook, his attitude to himself and to the world. published
Author: Zinaida Zozulya
P. S. And remember, only by changing your consciousness — together we change the world! ©
Source: telo.by/bodytherapy/kineziologiya_-_effektivniy_metod_viyavleniya_i_ustrane/
Allergy is a hypersensitivity of the body to any substance.
Allergy refers to diseases associated with the immune system. The terms "emotional allergens" and "emotional allergies" was first performed at the conference of the European Association for neuro-linguistic psychotherapy, held on 8-9 April 2005 in Moscow, this theme is sounded in the report Anchikov Vladimir Nikolaevich.
Emotional Allergy is a conditioned reflex protective reaction of the organism, which is formed on the basis of course protective reflex reactions, e.g. histamine inflammation.
Unlike phobias, which protects the body from danger, Allergy protects the body from a hidden, implicit risk.
Cause an emotional Allergy is an emotional trauma.
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Emotional trauma occurs in a situation coldpressed the threshold of emotional adaptation of the nervous system –when the mechanism of emotional response of the nervous system cannot withstand the excessive stress and is forced to use extraordinary measures for protection. To continue to prevent emotional overload — mechanism is triggered by emotional hypersensitivity.
The difficulties encountered in identifying the causes of allergies, due to several main factors:
1. The duration of the latent period between the cause and the first clear manifestation of an Allergy can vary from several days to tens of years.
2. Emotional trauma causing allergiesis subjective.
3. In situations causing allergies, there is no evidence of an objective threat or injury.
4. Physical allergens yavlyaetsyaprostota factor in the mechanism of occurrence and development of allergies.
Among the main reasons for allergic reactions called bad heredity and failures in the immune system, but, according to some experts, allergies often caused by purely psychological reasons: fear, panic, self-doubt, severe stress, loneliness, rejection.
Reduced emotional background and stressful situations negatively affect the immune system, so, make the body less stable and vulnerable to allergies. Psychologists call this reaction an emotional Allergy.
Why is the organism inadequately responds specifically to certain stimuli?
Because they are in the subconscious are associated with some negative or stressful situation. These specific emotional States was given the title vallergan. For example, the cause of Allergy to flowering or poplar fluff may be related to the fact that once this period had a strong negative emotional experiences that now every year I will remind myself of allergies.
Exudative diathesis, eczema, atopic dermatitis and other allergic skin diseases almost always occur in the nervous system and is often laid in early childhood. Have inclined to them children there is an increased need for maternal affection, but their previously given to the nursery or entrust to the care of a babysitter and the rest of his life at a deep psychological level, they feel left out.
Adult sick skin allergies when they arrive in a hostile social environment and in a hopeless situation. Vasomotor rhinitis and chronic allergic rhinitis given the desire of the patient to dissociate itself from the adverse environment. During times of stress or emotional conflict, the cold intensified.
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Bronchial asthma the result of the suppression of the impulse of crying at the subconscious level. A crying baby wants to be heard, understood and treated kindly, but told him: "Shut up!»
These children when they become adults, conflicts often arise in communicating with people, especially significant for them — spouses, parents, bosses.
Diseases of joints and musculoskeletal system, occurring with a strong allergic and autoimmune component payback for the tight swaddling, and later introduction to physical activity. Such people keep all feelings to yourself and prefer to keep a low profile.
To identify negative emotions and psychological trauma that contribute to the formation of allergies, different methods (NLP, homeopathy, diet, medicine, folk remedies, etc.).
One of the most efficient and reliable method for working with the emotional component of Allergy is psychotherapeutic kinesiology. This is due to the fact that one of the main tool in this method is muscle testing. Muscle testing originated from applied kinesiology and used to determine stress.
It is a way to bypass the belief system and get to the inner truth, to establish contact with past visions for the future. This biofeedback with the body and the brain never lies.
Using muscle testing we can determine the age of the cause, an emotion, a situation, which will contribute to the early formation of allergies in the future. Another important tool in dealing with negative emotions is a Barometer of behavior, which can be described as a map of emotional behaviour.
Its main function is accurate the definition of emotional States experienced by man and those emotions he wanted to feel.
The behavior barometer is a great tool for revealing blocked emotions. Many years of practical experience in dealing with such problems as allergies shows that the reason for its occurrence most often such emotions as: not loved, not wanted, rejected, not needed.
Precisely define the emotion and the age of reason, when in what situation was this emotion, after correction, aimed at getting rid of this emotional injury, the kinesiologist helps people to get rid of negative emotions and thereby start on the path of recovery. So it's safe to say that it psychotherapeutic kinesiology, with its tools and algorithm ( correction) helps get rid of past emotional trauma, and as a consequence getting rid of allergies.
Please note: Allergy occurs when the body encounters the real biological hazards (pathogenic germs, bacteria and viruses). But somehow, the Allergy occurs when meeting with those substances that are real threats to life are not.
If you investigate this regularity, it turns out that certain emotional States can also pose a real threat and harm to life or health, and the immune system can respond to them. Possible allergic reaction is the method by which the body makes us to avoid getting in those situations in which we experience "harmful emotions".
And allergens only labels that have an indirect relationship to the situation. After all, experiencing physiological discomfort, we, of course, avoid allergens — by avoiding allergens, we avoid re-entry in places or situations in which you felt particularly "harmful emotions".
There are harmful emotions there are allergic. No bad emotions, no allergies.
Observation of the world's leading psychologists to suggest that the basis for allergic reactions is often child traumatic emotional experience. When the child grows, its development and the formation of the psyche the most serious is the impact of environment, family relationships, the nature of his relations with adults. If the child lives among people who constantly argue and conflict with each other, the echoes of these conflicts (even if adults try to hide them) necessarily communicated to him and each time hurt his soul.
Grieving, emotional distress and wish the little man to reconcile parents lead to serious internal conflict, which, in turn, can become the impetus for the development of allergic diseases. Much less to the development of psychopathology and subsequent Allergy causes the opposite extreme, when the child becomes in building the center of the Universe, when everything is subordinated to his desires, with him day after day worn, continuously patronize, try to please.
Whatever the initial makings of a kid with this education, he loses the sense of reality and self-control.
Child allergies can be a good way to attract attention in cases where the attention for some reason was enough for him. Finally, the cause of allergies can be a large emotional burden and severe emotional distress, experienced in childhood. For example, parental divorce, loss of someone close, separation from family, moving to a new place of residence, and even the birth of a younger brother or sister (which would automatically deprive the older child of a number of "privileges" and parental care and attention). Overvoltage at school (in the pursuit of good grades), problems in communication with peers (especially when the child is in your class falls into the category of outcasts or losers) also undermine the immune system and increase the chances of the child becoming allergic.
Example(experience specialist-kinesiologist):
Allergy to dust. At the reception asked a woman of 50 years. Allergy suffers in early childhood. According to the Barometer of behavior, through muscle testing determined that negative emotion causes this disease is Neprikasaemye (innocent love). Age of onset the reasons for the formation of this condition began when she was only 5 years old. The girl's mother sent her to live in the village to the grandmother, and she went to town. Grandmother great love for her had, liked to drink, so the child interfered with her. The girl felt lonely and wanted to mother. One day when mom came to visit, she began to ask her to take. Sitting at the table, mom and grandma started drinking, and then mom said, "Dance, gonna be okay dance, gonna take you with me" the Child begins to dance, but no one pays attention and then the girl exhausted falls to the floor, where a lot of dust. It is this emotional trauma was the beginning of the formation of Allergy to dust. Dispelling emotions with the help of special instruments, she was able to get rid of this negative state and, as a consequence, from allergies.
Sometimes all these problems are often in one way or another are resolved or processed by our consciousness in the transition to adulthood, 18-20 years of age. At this age many people have allergies disappearing.
But about a third of people are allergic in adolescence does not go away, and some, on the contrary, for the first time, suddenly begins to Mature years.
It is associated with accumulated heavy feelings, with strong emotional fatigue from work, from life, from someone or something.
Often encountered in adulthood Allergy indicates a person experiences a strong hostility, even rejection, to someone from the surrounding people or deaf irritation reacts to their actions. No wonder, when you do not want someone to communicate, we often say: "I Have allergies", ie sometimes Allergy is a rejection, released on the physical level. Moreover, the rejection may relate not only to some people or their actions. It can be applied to the work, place of residence, and yet, oddly enough, on themselves, on their body, some their quality or their alleged and obvious shortcomings.
Sometimes comes to the absurd, and the person begins to reject all the world, is experiencing the frustration of all the reality surrounding him. In General, psychologists have noticed that many Allergy sensitive and often prone to consider themselves the object of aggression, sometimes they feel that they "turned the whole world".
But if the person with allergies, it is possible to reconstruct its internal state, if he goes out of state internal conflict with others, if he internally calms down and stops feeling like a "victim of a global conspiracy", thus it knocks out "the ground from under the feet Allergy» This does not mean that a tendency to allergies should immediately disappear because the immune system is already in an aggressive state and it will take time to the body's immune system is "used" to a new state and rebuilt. Because almost all problems are hidden not in the world, and in the man, or rather, in his Outlook, his attitude to himself and to the world. published
Author: Zinaida Zozulya
P. S. And remember, only by changing your consciousness — together we change the world! ©
Source: telo.by/bodytherapy/kineziologiya_-_effektivniy_metod_viyavleniya_i_ustrane/