Zinaida Serebryakova – the genius of Russian painting


September 19, 1967 in Paris died talented artist Zinaida Serebryakova. She was one of the first in Russia to prove by her own example that women can paint pictures no worse than men.

Bibliotekar.ru.Website publishes the material of the magazine “Amateur” about the life and creative path of the brilliant artist.

Hereditary artist Grandfather Zinaida Serebryakova (maiden name Lancere) – Nikolai Benois – was one of the most famous Russian architects, his father – Eugene Lancere – an outstanding sculptor, his mother – a graphic artist. Therefore, the fate of the girl, born in the estate of Neskuchne, near Kharkiv, was almost predetermined: one way or another, she had to connect her life with art. Exactly along the same path, by the way, went the brothers Zinaida: one of them became an architect, the other – a painter.

Almost all his youth Zinaida spent in the women's gymnasium, and at the age of 16 years entered the art school Tenisheva, where, by the way, at that time taught Ilya Repin. However, Zinaida studied there for only a month: literally immediately after that, in 1902, she left for a trip, the end point of which was Italy. There she made her first sketches and sketches.

If Zinaida studied at the art school for only a month, then Osip Braz, whose studio she regularly visited for three years, could become a real mentor in art for her. At the same time, it was difficult for the aspiring artist to leave her home forever: all these years she often visited Neskuchny, she loved to paint the surroundings of the village.

There, in Neskuchny, she first met her cousin Boris, who came to visit them with his mother. They quickly became friends, began to spend a lot of time together. As a result, engineering student Boris Serebryakov proposed to Zinaida. They married and moved to Paris in 1905. The city on the Seine struck young travelers: they went together to exhibitions, museums, Zinaida again painted a lot.

"The World of Art." In 1911, returning to Russia, Zinaida Serebryakova joined the society “World of Art”, whose members were Nicholas Roerich, Apollinari Vasnetsov, Leon Bakst. Artists of this society advocated modernity and symbolism in art, believed that art should primarily reflect the personality of the artist. The works of Zinaida Serebryakova were distinguished by the fact that in them the artist found the sublime even in the most everyday scenes, tried to express her love for the beauty of the world as much as possible.

The life of the Serebryakov family radically changed after the revolution, which Zinaida met in the same Neskuchny. There was a civil war: the house in Neskuchny along with a large number of paintings Serebryakova burned down, she had to move to her husband in Moscow. They were not destined to live together long: in 1919 Boris died of typhus. Deprived of her means of subsistence, the artist asked for protection from the Soviet authorities: the certificate of protection signed by Lunacharsky actually saved her life and the lives of her four children.

However, the artist cannot join the futuristic style popular at that time in the country, so she finds herself on the periphery of art. Then in the autumn of 1924 she left for Paris, having received a profitable order. She will not be able to return: she will see her children next time in 36 years, during the Khrushchev thaw. For the rest of her life, Zinaida Serebriakova lived in Paris, traveling and painting a lot. She died there on 19 September 1967.

via diletant.media/articles/30944205/


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