Cultural CODE— required reading
The struggle today is not between classes, ethnicities or religions, but between culture and ignorance.
Cultural code — the unique cultural features inherited from peoples ancestors;it is encoded in some form the information used to identify culture. This is not what is said or highlighted and what is hidden from the understanding, but is manifested in actions.
The cultural code of a nation helps to understand its behavioral responses, defines folk psychology.
Culture life of the people, his soul, his mind and heart, his past, present and future. The basis of any national culture is the principle of nationality.
"One of the unsolved problems of the twentieth century is that we still have a vague and biased view of what makes Japan a nation of Japanese, the USA as the country of Americans, France a nation of Frenchmen, and Russia a Russian country... Lack of this knowledge hinders the countries to understand each other.".
Ruth Benedict. Chrysanthemum and the sword.
To begin with, that the majority of even educated people do not understand very well the meaning of the phrase "Russian cultural code".
The V. I. Dahl's dictionary says that a "code mystery, the secret code mystery, the secret code". American psychoanalyst, Kloter repay in his book "Cultural code" wrote: "Cultural code is a cultural unconscious. It defines a set of images that are associated with any concept in our minds. That's not what we say or know and what is hidden even from our own understanding, but shows itself in our actions. The meaning of images in different cultures is not the same".
Any nation on the planet, is primarily a resident of their country and the thoughts and emotions he painted history and culture of the country in which he resides. And more than this the feature of this country is most evident in their psychological reactions.
The culture of a country influences (emotionally) on our experiences, the result of life experience the emotion gives us a tangible way. The emergence of a tangible image determines our thinking and shapes our (certain) actions. Tangible way makes us what we really are. That is, people from different countries, having a common human nature, have a separate from all "collective unconscious", the "cultural unconscious", Cultural Code.
Kloter repay have established a link between the behavior of people in society (including consumer) and the national culture. He showed it in practice as, for example, the Japanese traditional tea culture can be forced to buy coffee "Nestle", thus increasing its sale? And he made them, resulting from the usual children's doctor has become a billionaire.
This shows that there is a possibility to intervene in the cultural unconscious of the nation, to make adjustments, and then to recode a cultural code? Of course, he changes and not just "under pressure", but under the influence of other cultures.
The study of the cultural code remains one of the main keys to understanding the entity as a separate person and the nation as a whole through the cultural heritage of our ancestors, as a single national system, which has a great influence on the formation of the person and creating the benchmarks for the activities of any community.
Culture life of the people, his soul, his mind and heart, his past, present and future. The basis of any national culture is the principle of nationality.
N. DOB on nationality: "Nationality we understand not only as the ability to portray the beauty of nature, to use a mild expression overheard from people, right to represent the rituals, customs, but to become a true people's poet to feel the need of people's spirit, to live his life, to become level with him, to feel all the simple sense as a nation."
But outside of their culture or people exist. And national culture must confront the degeneration of any nation. The destruction of culture is destruction of the nation.
That is why, after the destruction of the USSR bears the brunt of Russian culture. Special attention was given to youth, which is steel instead of traditional culture to be promoted to inculcate the alien subculture to spend state money festivals rockers, hip-hop, metal, furry, yappy, etc., to instill into the forming consciousness of the young man that this is the real modern culture. Thus, the enemies of Russia interfering in the cultural unconscious of the nation, its changing cultural code.
Traditions can be transmitted through the air, like the flu, for their transfer needs institutions that act as bearers, custodians and monitors observance of the traditions. An example is the Jewish tradition. Jews scattered around the world, thanks to the synagogue to preserve their identity, their ethnic identity and cultural characteristics.
Philosopher Alexander Dugin writes on this subject: "In Europe, there were several versions of the integration of immigrants. The most effective was the idea of assimilation of immigrants. By the way, in America too. And although they say that America is a meltingpot (melting pot), it is a different culture, but Huntingon, speaking of America, pointed out that there is a Cultural Code – WaspWhiteAnglo-SaxonProtestants – white Anglo-Saxon Protestants. They have developed this Code so hard, and yellow, and the Chinese, Hispanics, and blacks, Russians, Jews, and Europeans that came to US, took him. This Code is meant cultural assimilation with the preservation of some of their national characteristics, but only some. In fact, the basic Code is embedded in US very hard."
As you can see, in the United States have long understood that the nation state spiritually unites the cultural code, because there is a very tightly implemented and carefully controlled, that there was no substitution. We have, unfortunately, almost twenty years eroded it and only recently our government began to realize that by destroying national cultural code, we will lose Russia as it lost great power of the Soviet Union
Vladimir Putin article "Russia: the national question," first spoke about the national cultural code: "...the cultural code that has undergone in recent years, serious challenges, which have tried and are trying to crack. Nevertheless, he definitely survived. However, it must be nourished, strengthened and protected.
A huge role here belongs to education. Choice of educational program, diversity in education is an undeniable achievement. This variety should be based on unshakable values, fundamental knowledge and understanding of the world. The civic goal of education, the educational system is to give everyone the necessary amount of cultural knowledge, which is the basis of national self-identity.
First and foremost, the focus should be on improving in the educational process the role of such subjects as Russian language, Russian literature, Russian history – of course, in the context of all the wealth of national traditions and cultures.
The requirements must define and state policy in the field of culture. This refers to tools such as television, movies, the Internet, popular culture in General, which shape public consciousness and set behavioral examples and norms.
Remember how the Americans with the help of Hollywood formed consciousness of several generations. And introducing not the worst – and from the point of view of national interests, and from the point of view of public morality – values. There is a lot to learn," – said Vladimir Putin.
According to V. Putin, education plays "a huge role" in the consolidation of national "culture code". The state is obliged and has the right and their efforts and their resources to send to the conscious decision of social problems. Including the formation of a worldview that binds the nation.
Calm, focus, strength, freedom – what attracted Russian all ages. The key word here is "space" for understanding the Russian Code. Because the mystical expanses of Russia, with its natural elements, shaped by a common spiritual thread Russian nature, Russian mental aura, the controversial Russian character which defies any logic or common sense, mysterious Russian soul, which to this day are trying to solve, once again making sure that it is impossible to comprehend. "A foreigner will never understand, his mind will always be incomprehensible and alien to the worship of the personal soul and the cult of the folk soul born of Russian life." From a letter of Sergei Yesenin An. Marienhafe.
Attracted to the Russian in all ages – not calm and focused Russian, and samples of high ideals of beauty, truth and justice. In the opinion of Gumilev, Alexander Nevsky laid the tradition of the Union (of the XIII century the Alliance with the Golden Horde) with the peoples of Asia "based on national and religious tolerance, which attracted the Russian people, who lived in the neighboring territories".
In the Russian civilization coexisted for hundreds of people, no one lost their language and culture. In Soviet times, about 100 people, who had no written language, got it from Russians along with textbooks, schools and Russian teachers. Finland, where 80% of the population were Finns had only entered the part of Russia in 1809 gained its national culture. Such phenomena as "reservation" in Russia did not exist.
In Russia, the identity of Nations and nationalities inhabiting the country, carefully preserved, in no other country of the world there was not such policy.
Russia historically formed as a cultural power, and the dynamics of its development and systematic integrity the pivotal role played by the culture, culture as experience, memory, search of the life sense of being. This is the Russian, the Russian understanding of the culture that even when other peoples and countries were looking for the order and prosperity, the Russian people tried to grasp the spiritual meanings of his life. Historically, the Russian "state–civilization" the fundamental role of spiritual factors and the base value of the "Russian cultural dominance".
The head of Dagestan Ramazan Abdulatipov says that the main contradiction of modern Russia — the conflict of culture and ignorance. "We and all the peoples of Russia, the United around the Russian people, its culture, traditions and statehood. Discussing the "principles of state cultural policy", we must understand that it is not only Russian, but also on more than a hundred people of the country and the near abroad, for whom the Russian language and Russian culture have been adopted. It's a Russian cultural space, which offers age-old collaboration of many Nations.
As the President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin, our "civilizational identity is based on preservation of Russian cultural dominance, which are not only ethnic Russians, but all carriers of this identity regardless of nationality"
In the new historical conditions naturally began to form a new civic and cultural identity, which in accordance with the laws of succession interact traditional Soviet and modern values and meaning of life.
But this process was largely covered by the element, leading to deformation of human and interethnic relations in the maze of "troubled times". There has been a crisis of culture and morals of individuals and society. National, religious and other issues has escalated due to the weakening in them the cultural and moral factors of dignity and duty.
Discussion at the State Council of the "Fundamentals of state cultural policy" is a manifestation of power, what we, Russians, in the new historical conditions once again have to fight for their cultural identity as citizens of a single Fatherland.
Today we are talking about the need to mobilize in our common Patriotic spirit, the spiritual potential of Russian, Russian culture, without which it is impossible to ensure stability, sustainability and viability of the state and society.
The main challenge of the Russian multinational society is the growing ignorance of the people, which aggressively penetrates all spheres of human activity. Hence the calls of irresponsibility, lawlessness, corruption, depravity, fanaticism, extremism, aggression.
Dealing with the problems of culture, education, I often refer to a clause in the Charter of the United Nations, UNESCO, which recorded important, in my opinion, the words that "for the maintenance of human dignity requires the wide spread culture and education among all people." Hence the understanding that the battlefront today is not between classes, ethnicities or religions, but between culture and ignorance, where culture is truth, goodness, beauty, love, freedom, a virtue, and ignorance is a lie, the evil, the ugliness, the hatred, that is slavery and humiliation of human and national dignity.
That is a Culture that exalts the dignity of the human person and society, gathering people in the state and in the nation — is able to establish decent relations between people and Nations. And ignorance divides people and Nations, destroy the state, destroy the nation.
Deformed cultural environment determines the processes that occur in the youth of the former Soviet Union. In addition, this excessive enthusiasm of the government and society of economic criteria to the detriment of cultural and moral. It is important to understand that ultimately, culture is more important.
This means that the state, government, society, people, even in the most troubled times are meant to stay on the side of culture, to act in the name of culture, and not to fall into "trendy" ignorance, including imposing economic interests and political expediency.
In the country significantly weakened the cultural integration of the regions and peoples of the country. This job is very important, because the main contradiction of modern Russia — this contradiction is not between nationalities and religions, and between culture and ignorance. This means that the welfare, stability and creative future of Russia are connected with the victory of the cultural project in the country.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/sdrujina?w=wall-68594028_84162
Cultural code — the unique cultural features inherited from peoples ancestors;it is encoded in some form the information used to identify culture. This is not what is said or highlighted and what is hidden from the understanding, but is manifested in actions.
The cultural code of a nation helps to understand its behavioral responses, defines folk psychology.
Culture life of the people, his soul, his mind and heart, his past, present and future. The basis of any national culture is the principle of nationality.

"One of the unsolved problems of the twentieth century is that we still have a vague and biased view of what makes Japan a nation of Japanese, the USA as the country of Americans, France a nation of Frenchmen, and Russia a Russian country... Lack of this knowledge hinders the countries to understand each other.".
Ruth Benedict. Chrysanthemum and the sword.
To begin with, that the majority of even educated people do not understand very well the meaning of the phrase "Russian cultural code".
The V. I. Dahl's dictionary says that a "code mystery, the secret code mystery, the secret code". American psychoanalyst, Kloter repay in his book "Cultural code" wrote: "Cultural code is a cultural unconscious. It defines a set of images that are associated with any concept in our minds. That's not what we say or know and what is hidden even from our own understanding, but shows itself in our actions. The meaning of images in different cultures is not the same".
Any nation on the planet, is primarily a resident of their country and the thoughts and emotions he painted history and culture of the country in which he resides. And more than this the feature of this country is most evident in their psychological reactions.
The culture of a country influences (emotionally) on our experiences, the result of life experience the emotion gives us a tangible way. The emergence of a tangible image determines our thinking and shapes our (certain) actions. Tangible way makes us what we really are. That is, people from different countries, having a common human nature, have a separate from all "collective unconscious", the "cultural unconscious", Cultural Code.

Kloter repay have established a link between the behavior of people in society (including consumer) and the national culture. He showed it in practice as, for example, the Japanese traditional tea culture can be forced to buy coffee "Nestle", thus increasing its sale? And he made them, resulting from the usual children's doctor has become a billionaire.
This shows that there is a possibility to intervene in the cultural unconscious of the nation, to make adjustments, and then to recode a cultural code? Of course, he changes and not just "under pressure", but under the influence of other cultures.
The study of the cultural code remains one of the main keys to understanding the entity as a separate person and the nation as a whole through the cultural heritage of our ancestors, as a single national system, which has a great influence on the formation of the person and creating the benchmarks for the activities of any community.
Culture life of the people, his soul, his mind and heart, his past, present and future. The basis of any national culture is the principle of nationality.
N. DOB on nationality: "Nationality we understand not only as the ability to portray the beauty of nature, to use a mild expression overheard from people, right to represent the rituals, customs, but to become a true people's poet to feel the need of people's spirit, to live his life, to become level with him, to feel all the simple sense as a nation."
But outside of their culture or people exist. And national culture must confront the degeneration of any nation. The destruction of culture is destruction of the nation.
That is why, after the destruction of the USSR bears the brunt of Russian culture. Special attention was given to youth, which is steel instead of traditional culture to be promoted to inculcate the alien subculture to spend state money festivals rockers, hip-hop, metal, furry, yappy, etc., to instill into the forming consciousness of the young man that this is the real modern culture. Thus, the enemies of Russia interfering in the cultural unconscious of the nation, its changing cultural code.
Traditions can be transmitted through the air, like the flu, for their transfer needs institutions that act as bearers, custodians and monitors observance of the traditions. An example is the Jewish tradition. Jews scattered around the world, thanks to the synagogue to preserve their identity, their ethnic identity and cultural characteristics.
Philosopher Alexander Dugin writes on this subject: "In Europe, there were several versions of the integration of immigrants. The most effective was the idea of assimilation of immigrants. By the way, in America too. And although they say that America is a meltingpot (melting pot), it is a different culture, but Huntingon, speaking of America, pointed out that there is a Cultural Code – WaspWhiteAnglo-SaxonProtestants – white Anglo-Saxon Protestants. They have developed this Code so hard, and yellow, and the Chinese, Hispanics, and blacks, Russians, Jews, and Europeans that came to US, took him. This Code is meant cultural assimilation with the preservation of some of their national characteristics, but only some. In fact, the basic Code is embedded in US very hard."
As you can see, in the United States have long understood that the nation state spiritually unites the cultural code, because there is a very tightly implemented and carefully controlled, that there was no substitution. We have, unfortunately, almost twenty years eroded it and only recently our government began to realize that by destroying national cultural code, we will lose Russia as it lost great power of the Soviet Union
Vladimir Putin article "Russia: the national question," first spoke about the national cultural code: "...the cultural code that has undergone in recent years, serious challenges, which have tried and are trying to crack. Nevertheless, he definitely survived. However, it must be nourished, strengthened and protected.
A huge role here belongs to education. Choice of educational program, diversity in education is an undeniable achievement. This variety should be based on unshakable values, fundamental knowledge and understanding of the world. The civic goal of education, the educational system is to give everyone the necessary amount of cultural knowledge, which is the basis of national self-identity.
First and foremost, the focus should be on improving in the educational process the role of such subjects as Russian language, Russian literature, Russian history – of course, in the context of all the wealth of national traditions and cultures.
The requirements must define and state policy in the field of culture. This refers to tools such as television, movies, the Internet, popular culture in General, which shape public consciousness and set behavioral examples and norms.
Remember how the Americans with the help of Hollywood formed consciousness of several generations. And introducing not the worst – and from the point of view of national interests, and from the point of view of public morality – values. There is a lot to learn," – said Vladimir Putin.
According to V. Putin, education plays "a huge role" in the consolidation of national "culture code". The state is obliged and has the right and their efforts and their resources to send to the conscious decision of social problems. Including the formation of a worldview that binds the nation.
Calm, focus, strength, freedom – what attracted Russian all ages. The key word here is "space" for understanding the Russian Code. Because the mystical expanses of Russia, with its natural elements, shaped by a common spiritual thread Russian nature, Russian mental aura, the controversial Russian character which defies any logic or common sense, mysterious Russian soul, which to this day are trying to solve, once again making sure that it is impossible to comprehend. "A foreigner will never understand, his mind will always be incomprehensible and alien to the worship of the personal soul and the cult of the folk soul born of Russian life." From a letter of Sergei Yesenin An. Marienhafe.
Attracted to the Russian in all ages – not calm and focused Russian, and samples of high ideals of beauty, truth and justice. In the opinion of Gumilev, Alexander Nevsky laid the tradition of the Union (of the XIII century the Alliance with the Golden Horde) with the peoples of Asia "based on national and religious tolerance, which attracted the Russian people, who lived in the neighboring territories".
In the Russian civilization coexisted for hundreds of people, no one lost their language and culture. In Soviet times, about 100 people, who had no written language, got it from Russians along with textbooks, schools and Russian teachers. Finland, where 80% of the population were Finns had only entered the part of Russia in 1809 gained its national culture. Such phenomena as "reservation" in Russia did not exist.
In Russia, the identity of Nations and nationalities inhabiting the country, carefully preserved, in no other country of the world there was not such policy.
Russia historically formed as a cultural power, and the dynamics of its development and systematic integrity the pivotal role played by the culture, culture as experience, memory, search of the life sense of being. This is the Russian, the Russian understanding of the culture that even when other peoples and countries were looking for the order and prosperity, the Russian people tried to grasp the spiritual meanings of his life. Historically, the Russian "state–civilization" the fundamental role of spiritual factors and the base value of the "Russian cultural dominance".
The head of Dagestan Ramazan Abdulatipov says that the main contradiction of modern Russia — the conflict of culture and ignorance. "We and all the peoples of Russia, the United around the Russian people, its culture, traditions and statehood. Discussing the "principles of state cultural policy", we must understand that it is not only Russian, but also on more than a hundred people of the country and the near abroad, for whom the Russian language and Russian culture have been adopted. It's a Russian cultural space, which offers age-old collaboration of many Nations.
As the President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin, our "civilizational identity is based on preservation of Russian cultural dominance, which are not only ethnic Russians, but all carriers of this identity regardless of nationality"
In the new historical conditions naturally began to form a new civic and cultural identity, which in accordance with the laws of succession interact traditional Soviet and modern values and meaning of life.
But this process was largely covered by the element, leading to deformation of human and interethnic relations in the maze of "troubled times". There has been a crisis of culture and morals of individuals and society. National, religious and other issues has escalated due to the weakening in them the cultural and moral factors of dignity and duty.
Discussion at the State Council of the "Fundamentals of state cultural policy" is a manifestation of power, what we, Russians, in the new historical conditions once again have to fight for their cultural identity as citizens of a single Fatherland.
Today we are talking about the need to mobilize in our common Patriotic spirit, the spiritual potential of Russian, Russian culture, without which it is impossible to ensure stability, sustainability and viability of the state and society.
The main challenge of the Russian multinational society is the growing ignorance of the people, which aggressively penetrates all spheres of human activity. Hence the calls of irresponsibility, lawlessness, corruption, depravity, fanaticism, extremism, aggression.
Dealing with the problems of culture, education, I often refer to a clause in the Charter of the United Nations, UNESCO, which recorded important, in my opinion, the words that "for the maintenance of human dignity requires the wide spread culture and education among all people." Hence the understanding that the battlefront today is not between classes, ethnicities or religions, but between culture and ignorance, where culture is truth, goodness, beauty, love, freedom, a virtue, and ignorance is a lie, the evil, the ugliness, the hatred, that is slavery and humiliation of human and national dignity.
That is a Culture that exalts the dignity of the human person and society, gathering people in the state and in the nation — is able to establish decent relations between people and Nations. And ignorance divides people and Nations, destroy the state, destroy the nation.
Deformed cultural environment determines the processes that occur in the youth of the former Soviet Union. In addition, this excessive enthusiasm of the government and society of economic criteria to the detriment of cultural and moral. It is important to understand that ultimately, culture is more important.
This means that the state, government, society, people, even in the most troubled times are meant to stay on the side of culture, to act in the name of culture, and not to fall into "trendy" ignorance, including imposing economic interests and political expediency.
In the country significantly weakened the cultural integration of the regions and peoples of the country. This job is very important, because the main contradiction of modern Russia — this contradiction is not between nationalities and religions, and between culture and ignorance. This means that the welfare, stability and creative future of Russia are connected with the victory of the cultural project in the country.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/sdrujina?w=wall-68594028_84162