The Americans have tried but failed to listen to Putin
Interesting information gets into the media lately. Who just is not listening USA. The newspaper said that the 35 Heads of State have been targets of listening. Even the closest allies of the United States were on the list of those who are listening, and thus humiliate disbelief.
However, the United States is much more important to listen to what President Putin said. Can you imagine that the United States did not even try to listen to the phone of the president? Certainly not. US tried many times to listen to the president of Russia, but were unable to do so. We priotkroem you some details that did not allow the Americans to listen Prezideta Vladimir Putin.
As you know, all the "Heard" the president used the ordinary telephone or the trunking system manufactured under license from companies in the US and Japan. There should be nothing surprising to say.
Continued under the cut ...
US manufacturers to easily hand over their customers, but manufacturers in other countries, or slightly better. If readers want an example of it on the surface. Siemens and other companies supplying communications equipment to Yugoslavia. It got to the point that the Yugoslav officers and generals with a certain superiority talked about the firm supplies equipment from the best western campaigns, and in this sense even viewed with some disdain on the "Russian" means of communication.
But when the hour has come for the Yugoslav army to defend their country, all the communications equipment turned-off, the connection between the troops was not there. Western technology have brought the Yugoslav army for their money. That's what you need to keep in mind. Russian never really believed in the western commercial honesty, after the story of the loss of communication in the Yugoslav army it was obvious - you can not trust anybody. However, wondered if someone says that Putin alone with their subordinates? Of course interested. And not only that, Putin said, and all the Soviet and then Russian leaders. It's always been interested in the West and Putin this was well informed.
I remember in one of his broadcasts on your favorite radio is one of the leading vehemently cursed Putin for what to communicate and maintain a secret encrypted channel, which would not be driving Putin him fly a special plane, which then flies where Putin meets. The plane just hanging in the air continuously to ensure the retransmission signal. You may say that is not convenient and cumbersome? Author easy to agree with you, but recent events have eloquently shown the correctness of Putin, not his opponents.
The history here is very simple. US use of the opportunities that it provides cellular communications technology. Getting a satellite signal is available for recording from anywhere in the world, quite small settings, and for them to climb into space is not necessary. Customize wiretap on a given channel can be on the ground. But this is the salt of Russian system, it does not output a signal to the constellation, or at least not in the Western satellites. The signal passes through the suborbital corridors. This aircraft and ships due, at least Russian satellites. In addition to this special encryption system.
The US has always taken, and are taking overt and covert attempts to listen to the conversations of the Russian president. Always wherever hung Russian plane connection with him hanging electronic reconnaissance aircraft USA. However, there are talks that the Russian president, what would they seek so carefully hidden? Do not forget that this conversation the head of the country's nuclear missile that can reach anywhere in the world and which has the guts to not only declare the existence of a mysterious kuz'kinu mother with the help of a shoe on the podium of the UN, but also to show that probably the worst mother of all who find in the a desire to take another Drang nach Osten. That is, Russia is forced to use its own system, to maintain its defense capability, independence and indentichnosti. But the United States use similar technology, but still using the constellations. That is not the blessed idea of Putin, it is a question of the country's defense capability, its president and its people.
If someone you think that all this is a waste, the Yugoslav scenario should return such a person to the reality of modern politics. If someone thinks that Russia no one is going to attack, such dreams have no basis in reality. The crisis exists today in the West occurred only because of Russia, Putin and those who oppose the United States. By all estimates, Russia was to fall, and Western banks have had to tear apart Russia, buying the land for fuflovye derivatives, which today are the debris, but before the crisis the money. But as we have to say, in Russia, Putin has happened. Then all these preparations have ended in financial disaster for the West.
Now, knowing that lost US and the EU because of Putin, one can understand why so loudly west grinds his teeth. If these countries can unrequited bomb Russia, they would with great probability is made. And for much less the sins of Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein have lost their lives. Who can tell me to get to resent the loss of twenty thousand lives of some of the Kurds, who live not known where and whether they are generally also called into question! Moreover, the components for the chemical weapons supplied the United States itself, something that is still provided, and Europe. Yes, they are gone the Kurds and the whole business. Russia is quite different. The ability to share it dozens of times to buy and sell, a financial event of universal value. The ability to address two critical issues with one blow expensive. Get rid of Russia as a threat to the existence of the cash in the west and sold the land to the enemy, is that the West relied on. By and large, the existence of Russia is a threat to the existence of the western model of civilization, where somebody necessarily ruled by someone. The Western world is not free.
Remember the Soviet Union, where the "Russian oppressors" living worse enslaved and the money went in the republic instead of what would have to settle in Russia. The Western model of colonial empires does not provide for such a development. The metropolis has always squeeze all the juice out of the colonies. A classic example would be the attitude of Moldova part of Romania. As is well known by growing wheat, Moldovans were to give it to the landowners and landowners Romanian Moldovans themselves satisfied with polenta. Here's the beauty of competition competition when there is direct where the laws of the failure to jail and beating with sticks. I did not give up wheat - get sticks on the soles and heels. You say that it is thing of the past? Our present is always in the past.
As is known before the war, and in 1929 Owned by the US broke the Great Depression. The consequences of it ended immediately before the outbreak of war in 1939. So on October 24 in the distant 1929 was an event. Brokers at the stock exchanges began to demand a refund for the purchased bonds. But then you need probably some caveats. Next we will focus on "margin" loans. Margin loans is a way of speculation, in which you pay only 10% of the shares. So stake of $ 1,000, will cost just 100. The point of purchase - receipt of income on the growth of quotations, that is, not having themselves shares you get the opportunity to participate in the exchange rate fluctuations on earnings, that is pure speculation. One of the conditions of acquisition of shares is an obligation to pay the full value of the shares at the request of the broker. These payment and demanded brokers 24 October 1929, ie 84 years ago. There was a cash crisis and the crisis lividnosti. That is, the banks had no cash, and of course the value of shares sharply downward. This happened not only in the US but also in Canada, UK, France and Germany.
Although one of the causes of the Great Depression (HP) called the law the Smoot - Hawley (Smoot Hawley Tariff Act. Then were applied tariff barriers, reflex responses caused damage trading counterparties). However, problems were not entirely west this. The law entered into force only a year after the beginning of HP in 1930. West looked at Russia. In the US mature new movement, which later led Martin Luther King. All this happened later, August 28, 1963. All this time the world has seen how heroically fought against the Soviet Union almost all over the world because the US company also supplied Hitler and we now know for sure.
The post-war construction in the Soviet Union impressed with Western society and, most importantly, all the same equality of peoples without distinction of origin, which was lacking America, people of different nationalities in the Soviet Union were equal and friendly. In the United States at this time there is still racial segregation. Energized emerging Marxism and the struggle for equality is culture grown on an understanding of what is happening in the world in general and in the Soviet Union in particular. From here and go to the roots, then what would be the speech of Martin Luther King «I Have a Dream». Here and here comes a danger to the United States. This is an example to follow is like fire in the United States are afraid.
To be fair to say that imitation is not only afraid of the authorities or big business, are afraid of him, and ordinary Americans. It is believed that the Americans are the freest nation in the world, it is not even a myth, it is an outright lie. Politically, Americans are free because the government frankly do not care about the needs of citizens, but cost-American clamped so that to raise his head and look around simply have neither the time nor the opportunity. It is believed that the Americans - a nation without complexes, it is also not true. Americans are probably the most notorious nation in the world.
The fear of losing their jobs, losing retirement savings, to stay without a car. It's real fears in size more like a phobia. For example in my trip to the New England states, and populated yankami redsoksami, I was able to see how life is critical in the small towns. Staying without a car there is certain death. It is a real case where the nearest store, pharmacy or restaurant, you need to get by car in 15 minutes. Staying without a car can not be a pensioner. In the pharmacy for medicines, to the restaurant to eat, the car here is not a luxury. Lunch in a restaurant is not a whim for an American cook at home will cost much more. Americans know very little about Russia. Who would not say, but Russia is a social state.
Perhaps to show how different Russia from the United States and was founded Rossotrudnichestvo agency headed by Yuri Zaitsev. Founded in 2008, the agency did not raise any problems until now and only now when the power of premonition of the US entry into a period of instability, the efforts of the FBI become more aggressive and heavier formulations. So Mr. Zaitsev "is" engaged in recruitment of US citizens. The story here is that. "Rossotrudnichestvo" campaign is mirrored USAID, with the only difference that the USAID activity is much wider and the money she received much more. This means that knowing Rossotrudnichestvo in actions to recruit US citizens, US intelligence agencies acknowledge that it made the same US organization in Russia. So Putin shut it properly.
After Putin to tax those who receive finasirovanie, USAID activity stopped because began to bring a completely opposite results. Instead DPS Russia, it would bring profit to the treasury, it is of course unacceptable. But there is another point. In the United States realized the futility of using hamsters that chew ready 24 hours a day, but will not do anything. If we add to all this and more taxes to the Russian treasury, it all looks like a conspiracy against the American people hamsters.
As for the real attempts to listen to phone the president of Russia, then a separate story. Everyone remembers that the Russian president has said many times that he does not have a mobile phone. By repeatedly comes to our information, the security services do not believe this and believe that Putin is "MOBILE", but he "made" on someone II Ivanov. To this end, we launched a program determining the caller's voice. All written public speeches Putin the US secret services, for the use of audio files for proxy authentication of subscribers by voice. US intelligence agencies are constantly wool telephone traffic around the world in hopes of finding a single word spoken by President Putin, however, it is all in vain.
Not without speculation. Because of the assumptions of some people in the West, "Divorce Putin and his wife" is also a kind of a special operation of the KGB (the West are very fond of this particular abbreviation) because Lyudmila Putin has always wanted to have a phone with you, it is unacceptable, because the signal can be easily calculated mestonahozhenie Russian president. Divorce is not an act of some nervousness. Not at all. With this divorce Putin manages to confuse the trail of what he needed to say a great master. Putin is very cautious and always follow the instructions in contrast to Yeltsin who constantly violate them. Here we met a new thing that instantly noticed by psychoanalysts, what is also needed to talk, but this is already another time and in another article.
if someone does not know, in the buildings of the FSB no internet in the form of optical or Weed "noodles" and severely suppressed vayfay around ... something like ...
However, the United States is much more important to listen to what President Putin said. Can you imagine that the United States did not even try to listen to the phone of the president? Certainly not. US tried many times to listen to the president of Russia, but were unable to do so. We priotkroem you some details that did not allow the Americans to listen Prezideta Vladimir Putin.
As you know, all the "Heard" the president used the ordinary telephone or the trunking system manufactured under license from companies in the US and Japan. There should be nothing surprising to say.
Continued under the cut ...

US manufacturers to easily hand over their customers, but manufacturers in other countries, or slightly better. If readers want an example of it on the surface. Siemens and other companies supplying communications equipment to Yugoslavia. It got to the point that the Yugoslav officers and generals with a certain superiority talked about the firm supplies equipment from the best western campaigns, and in this sense even viewed with some disdain on the "Russian" means of communication.
But when the hour has come for the Yugoslav army to defend their country, all the communications equipment turned-off, the connection between the troops was not there. Western technology have brought the Yugoslav army for their money. That's what you need to keep in mind. Russian never really believed in the western commercial honesty, after the story of the loss of communication in the Yugoslav army it was obvious - you can not trust anybody. However, wondered if someone says that Putin alone with their subordinates? Of course interested. And not only that, Putin said, and all the Soviet and then Russian leaders. It's always been interested in the West and Putin this was well informed.
I remember in one of his broadcasts on your favorite radio is one of the leading vehemently cursed Putin for what to communicate and maintain a secret encrypted channel, which would not be driving Putin him fly a special plane, which then flies where Putin meets. The plane just hanging in the air continuously to ensure the retransmission signal. You may say that is not convenient and cumbersome? Author easy to agree with you, but recent events have eloquently shown the correctness of Putin, not his opponents.
The history here is very simple. US use of the opportunities that it provides cellular communications technology. Getting a satellite signal is available for recording from anywhere in the world, quite small settings, and for them to climb into space is not necessary. Customize wiretap on a given channel can be on the ground. But this is the salt of Russian system, it does not output a signal to the constellation, or at least not in the Western satellites. The signal passes through the suborbital corridors. This aircraft and ships due, at least Russian satellites. In addition to this special encryption system.
The US has always taken, and are taking overt and covert attempts to listen to the conversations of the Russian president. Always wherever hung Russian plane connection with him hanging electronic reconnaissance aircraft USA. However, there are talks that the Russian president, what would they seek so carefully hidden? Do not forget that this conversation the head of the country's nuclear missile that can reach anywhere in the world and which has the guts to not only declare the existence of a mysterious kuz'kinu mother with the help of a shoe on the podium of the UN, but also to show that probably the worst mother of all who find in the a desire to take another Drang nach Osten. That is, Russia is forced to use its own system, to maintain its defense capability, independence and indentichnosti. But the United States use similar technology, but still using the constellations. That is not the blessed idea of Putin, it is a question of the country's defense capability, its president and its people.
If someone you think that all this is a waste, the Yugoslav scenario should return such a person to the reality of modern politics. If someone thinks that Russia no one is going to attack, such dreams have no basis in reality. The crisis exists today in the West occurred only because of Russia, Putin and those who oppose the United States. By all estimates, Russia was to fall, and Western banks have had to tear apart Russia, buying the land for fuflovye derivatives, which today are the debris, but before the crisis the money. But as we have to say, in Russia, Putin has happened. Then all these preparations have ended in financial disaster for the West.
Now, knowing that lost US and the EU because of Putin, one can understand why so loudly west grinds his teeth. If these countries can unrequited bomb Russia, they would with great probability is made. And for much less the sins of Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein have lost their lives. Who can tell me to get to resent the loss of twenty thousand lives of some of the Kurds, who live not known where and whether they are generally also called into question! Moreover, the components for the chemical weapons supplied the United States itself, something that is still provided, and Europe. Yes, they are gone the Kurds and the whole business. Russia is quite different. The ability to share it dozens of times to buy and sell, a financial event of universal value. The ability to address two critical issues with one blow expensive. Get rid of Russia as a threat to the existence of the cash in the west and sold the land to the enemy, is that the West relied on. By and large, the existence of Russia is a threat to the existence of the western model of civilization, where somebody necessarily ruled by someone. The Western world is not free.
Remember the Soviet Union, where the "Russian oppressors" living worse enslaved and the money went in the republic instead of what would have to settle in Russia. The Western model of colonial empires does not provide for such a development. The metropolis has always squeeze all the juice out of the colonies. A classic example would be the attitude of Moldova part of Romania. As is well known by growing wheat, Moldovans were to give it to the landowners and landowners Romanian Moldovans themselves satisfied with polenta. Here's the beauty of competition competition when there is direct where the laws of the failure to jail and beating with sticks. I did not give up wheat - get sticks on the soles and heels. You say that it is thing of the past? Our present is always in the past.
As is known before the war, and in 1929 Owned by the US broke the Great Depression. The consequences of it ended immediately before the outbreak of war in 1939. So on October 24 in the distant 1929 was an event. Brokers at the stock exchanges began to demand a refund for the purchased bonds. But then you need probably some caveats. Next we will focus on "margin" loans. Margin loans is a way of speculation, in which you pay only 10% of the shares. So stake of $ 1,000, will cost just 100. The point of purchase - receipt of income on the growth of quotations, that is, not having themselves shares you get the opportunity to participate in the exchange rate fluctuations on earnings, that is pure speculation. One of the conditions of acquisition of shares is an obligation to pay the full value of the shares at the request of the broker. These payment and demanded brokers 24 October 1929, ie 84 years ago. There was a cash crisis and the crisis lividnosti. That is, the banks had no cash, and of course the value of shares sharply downward. This happened not only in the US but also in Canada, UK, France and Germany.
Although one of the causes of the Great Depression (HP) called the law the Smoot - Hawley (Smoot Hawley Tariff Act. Then were applied tariff barriers, reflex responses caused damage trading counterparties). However, problems were not entirely west this. The law entered into force only a year after the beginning of HP in 1930. West looked at Russia. In the US mature new movement, which later led Martin Luther King. All this happened later, August 28, 1963. All this time the world has seen how heroically fought against the Soviet Union almost all over the world because the US company also supplied Hitler and we now know for sure.
The post-war construction in the Soviet Union impressed with Western society and, most importantly, all the same equality of peoples without distinction of origin, which was lacking America, people of different nationalities in the Soviet Union were equal and friendly. In the United States at this time there is still racial segregation. Energized emerging Marxism and the struggle for equality is culture grown on an understanding of what is happening in the world in general and in the Soviet Union in particular. From here and go to the roots, then what would be the speech of Martin Luther King «I Have a Dream». Here and here comes a danger to the United States. This is an example to follow is like fire in the United States are afraid.
To be fair to say that imitation is not only afraid of the authorities or big business, are afraid of him, and ordinary Americans. It is believed that the Americans are the freest nation in the world, it is not even a myth, it is an outright lie. Politically, Americans are free because the government frankly do not care about the needs of citizens, but cost-American clamped so that to raise his head and look around simply have neither the time nor the opportunity. It is believed that the Americans - a nation without complexes, it is also not true. Americans are probably the most notorious nation in the world.
The fear of losing their jobs, losing retirement savings, to stay without a car. It's real fears in size more like a phobia. For example in my trip to the New England states, and populated yankami redsoksami, I was able to see how life is critical in the small towns. Staying without a car there is certain death. It is a real case where the nearest store, pharmacy or restaurant, you need to get by car in 15 minutes. Staying without a car can not be a pensioner. In the pharmacy for medicines, to the restaurant to eat, the car here is not a luxury. Lunch in a restaurant is not a whim for an American cook at home will cost much more. Americans know very little about Russia. Who would not say, but Russia is a social state.
Perhaps to show how different Russia from the United States and was founded Rossotrudnichestvo agency headed by Yuri Zaitsev. Founded in 2008, the agency did not raise any problems until now and only now when the power of premonition of the US entry into a period of instability, the efforts of the FBI become more aggressive and heavier formulations. So Mr. Zaitsev "is" engaged in recruitment of US citizens. The story here is that. "Rossotrudnichestvo" campaign is mirrored USAID, with the only difference that the USAID activity is much wider and the money she received much more. This means that knowing Rossotrudnichestvo in actions to recruit US citizens, US intelligence agencies acknowledge that it made the same US organization in Russia. So Putin shut it properly.
After Putin to tax those who receive finasirovanie, USAID activity stopped because began to bring a completely opposite results. Instead DPS Russia, it would bring profit to the treasury, it is of course unacceptable. But there is another point. In the United States realized the futility of using hamsters that chew ready 24 hours a day, but will not do anything. If we add to all this and more taxes to the Russian treasury, it all looks like a conspiracy against the American people hamsters.
As for the real attempts to listen to phone the president of Russia, then a separate story. Everyone remembers that the Russian president has said many times that he does not have a mobile phone. By repeatedly comes to our information, the security services do not believe this and believe that Putin is "MOBILE", but he "made" on someone II Ivanov. To this end, we launched a program determining the caller's voice. All written public speeches Putin the US secret services, for the use of audio files for proxy authentication of subscribers by voice. US intelligence agencies are constantly wool telephone traffic around the world in hopes of finding a single word spoken by President Putin, however, it is all in vain.
Not without speculation. Because of the assumptions of some people in the West, "Divorce Putin and his wife" is also a kind of a special operation of the KGB (the West are very fond of this particular abbreviation) because Lyudmila Putin has always wanted to have a phone with you, it is unacceptable, because the signal can be easily calculated mestonahozhenie Russian president. Divorce is not an act of some nervousness. Not at all. With this divorce Putin manages to confuse the trail of what he needed to say a great master. Putin is very cautious and always follow the instructions in contrast to Yeltsin who constantly violate them. Here we met a new thing that instantly noticed by psychoanalysts, what is also needed to talk, but this is already another time and in another article.
if someone does not know, in the buildings of the FSB no internet in the form of optical or Weed "noodles" and severely suppressed vayfay around ... something like ...