Let sleeping dogs until it quiet.
< nikpavl2002
Do not say, but recent developments have made it possible to see whose person was the former president of Ukraine Yanukovych and whose interests are protected. Ten years ago, Putin first tried to implement its plan to integrate Ukraine into the "great and indivisible", which he intended to recreate within the boundaries of the former USSR. It is from the Ukraine was to begin the process of unification of the Slavic lands. Through the efforts of Russian special services in the eastern part of Ukraine was a powerful "fifth column", headed by Prime Minister Yanukovich, who just had become president, so while in office, implement a mechanism of "voluntary entry» Ukraine into the "one and indivisible "as its western margin.
Then there was the first "disconnect" in the implementation of the plan related to the falsification of the Party of Regions voting results of presidential elections and the subsequent opposition protest movement. So for the first time at the hearing, a new concept of "Independence", which became a real challenge to the implementation of Putin's plan. solve it assumed in the style of "KGB special operations", which in vacant holiday homes and sanatoria was placed around Kiev Russian special forces personnel. That he had to disperse the Maidan and bring to power Yanukovych, who, in turn, asked Putin to give "fraternal assistance" to the Ukrainian people in the restoration of constitutional order in the country. Accommodation Russian troops in Ukraine would guarantee the successful promotion of its interests. This plan failed because the Russian special forces are not "worked" for reasons which are still a state secret.
Yanukovych took the events on the Maidan in 2004, as a personal defeat, and would prefer to go for treatment in the "native" Russia. The re-emergence of his political "cage" of power contributed to the recent opponent, and while President Yushchenko, who in the presidential elections in 2009, no less successfully transferred his powers to "re-elected" President Yanukovych. Putin's plan concerning Ukraine regained real features. True again, a problem whose solution could not be found at all times stay Yanukovych as president of Ukraine. We are talking about placing Russian troops on the territory of Ukraine. All the information about it has also become a state secret. In addition, Putin has tried to solve the problem of entering the South-East of Ukraine in the Russian Federation with the help of Poland by canceling -Molotova Ribbentrop Pact, but failed. For unknown reasons the plane with signatories from Poland crashed.
Putin's last hope was a plan to destabilize the political situation in Ukraine and Ukrainians themselves under arms. Its implementation began in early December 2013th and led to the emergence of the Euro-Maidan, the defeat which was to commemorate the establishment of a "criminal dictatorship" in the country. That Yanukovych was supposed to be the guarantor of promoting the interests of Russia in Ukraine. The fact that he was willing to do anything for the establishment of the dictatorship, the organization suggests the shooting of protesters on Independence. Talk about the weakness of the regime of Yanukovych and his "watchers" would be wrong. This mechanism worked hard and used all possible resources. Therefore, the fall of the regime was a complete surprise, like a stampede of Yanukovych and his associates, which could not but lead Putin furious. A well-planned operation was successfully failed for no apparent reason. This event took place in a series defies logic.
Undertook to correct the situation by Putin himself. He in no small measure helped inaction of the new government of Ukraine is in a state of euphoria from the victory, which was not. Thanks to her, "legitimate", but removal of the President Yanukovych was able to announce in Russia, where he received protection and a chance to return to Ukraine.
Putin has not lost hope that the Russian propaganda disoriented population in South-East of Ukraine is ready to stand up and fight with the new government under the banner of reunification with Russia, and it would give him an excuse for the invasion of Ukraine. It is for this purpose in Kharkov was convened Congress Party of Regions, which planned to show the video treatment fugitive president to his party members. Kharkiv was elected to the start point of a "crusade" against Kiev. No wonder Miroshnichenko and Shufrich tried defer a decision by the Verkhovna Rada on Yanukovych for 48 hours, so that he was seen by delegates as the legitimate president. But this plan failed. Then it was decided to "stimulate" the processes of confrontation "fifth column" of the new government by sending troops into the territory of Crimea. True, this was done in the framework of the agreement on the status of the Black Sea Fleet base in Sevastopol without the use of force against the population and the authorities of the Crimea. Provocation did not work, and the expected intensification of protest actions in South-east is clearly not observed. But just recently the problem with that was not what confirmation of the Congress in Kharkov. I think that Putin did not consider it an unfortunate accident. Action is a reaction. However, the population of Ukraine have not the best night while staying in the dark about the plans of the aggressor and possible further action.
In order to give "credibility" to their intentions, Putin made a public show in the Federation Council mandate to obtain input on the part of the Russian army in Ukraine. Frankly, such a mandate he has been in the form of solutions of the same Council of the invasion of Georgia, because nobody does not respond back.
This kind of decision of the Federation Council has motivated the international community to respond adequately, which is obviously not included in the plans of Putin himself, who wanted to use the threat of invasion, as an instrument of pressure on the authorities in Ukraine. It was only the threat of intentions and no more.
Why so? Yes, because no one bothered him do it in 2004 and in 2010, when conditions were much more favorable today. Likely to have objective reasons that have arisen and now. In addition to the failed intervention Putin got real problems in the country, and this is very serious. Jeopardized the very existence of the Putin regime. The process will gain momentum, and here and possible sanctions from the international community. Hopefully, the command of the army and navy Russia appreciated the option complete loss of control of troops throughout the country. This has already happened in Libya and Syria, as well as during the events of the "Arab Spring." No wonder they say: "let sleeping dogs until it quietly».
It is time to realize that wish - does not mean to be able to. And it is not in Ukraine, but the fact that lawlessness force in world politics came to an end. There was a force capable of crushing the resistance of any army in the world. It is known the US and NATO. Now came the turn of Russia.
Source nikpavl2002.livejournal.com/
Do not say, but recent developments have made it possible to see whose person was the former president of Ukraine Yanukovych and whose interests are protected. Ten years ago, Putin first tried to implement its plan to integrate Ukraine into the "great and indivisible", which he intended to recreate within the boundaries of the former USSR. It is from the Ukraine was to begin the process of unification of the Slavic lands. Through the efforts of Russian special services in the eastern part of Ukraine was a powerful "fifth column", headed by Prime Minister Yanukovich, who just had become president, so while in office, implement a mechanism of "voluntary entry» Ukraine into the "one and indivisible "as its western margin.
Then there was the first "disconnect" in the implementation of the plan related to the falsification of the Party of Regions voting results of presidential elections and the subsequent opposition protest movement. So for the first time at the hearing, a new concept of "Independence", which became a real challenge to the implementation of Putin's plan. solve it assumed in the style of "KGB special operations", which in vacant holiday homes and sanatoria was placed around Kiev Russian special forces personnel. That he had to disperse the Maidan and bring to power Yanukovych, who, in turn, asked Putin to give "fraternal assistance" to the Ukrainian people in the restoration of constitutional order in the country. Accommodation Russian troops in Ukraine would guarantee the successful promotion of its interests. This plan failed because the Russian special forces are not "worked" for reasons which are still a state secret.
Yanukovych took the events on the Maidan in 2004, as a personal defeat, and would prefer to go for treatment in the "native" Russia. The re-emergence of his political "cage" of power contributed to the recent opponent, and while President Yushchenko, who in the presidential elections in 2009, no less successfully transferred his powers to "re-elected" President Yanukovych. Putin's plan concerning Ukraine regained real features. True again, a problem whose solution could not be found at all times stay Yanukovych as president of Ukraine. We are talking about placing Russian troops on the territory of Ukraine. All the information about it has also become a state secret. In addition, Putin has tried to solve the problem of entering the South-East of Ukraine in the Russian Federation with the help of Poland by canceling -Molotova Ribbentrop Pact, but failed. For unknown reasons the plane with signatories from Poland crashed.
Putin's last hope was a plan to destabilize the political situation in Ukraine and Ukrainians themselves under arms. Its implementation began in early December 2013th and led to the emergence of the Euro-Maidan, the defeat which was to commemorate the establishment of a "criminal dictatorship" in the country. That Yanukovych was supposed to be the guarantor of promoting the interests of Russia in Ukraine. The fact that he was willing to do anything for the establishment of the dictatorship, the organization suggests the shooting of protesters on Independence. Talk about the weakness of the regime of Yanukovych and his "watchers" would be wrong. This mechanism worked hard and used all possible resources. Therefore, the fall of the regime was a complete surprise, like a stampede of Yanukovych and his associates, which could not but lead Putin furious. A well-planned operation was successfully failed for no apparent reason. This event took place in a series defies logic.
Undertook to correct the situation by Putin himself. He in no small measure helped inaction of the new government of Ukraine is in a state of euphoria from the victory, which was not. Thanks to her, "legitimate", but removal of the President Yanukovych was able to announce in Russia, where he received protection and a chance to return to Ukraine.
Putin has not lost hope that the Russian propaganda disoriented population in South-East of Ukraine is ready to stand up and fight with the new government under the banner of reunification with Russia, and it would give him an excuse for the invasion of Ukraine. It is for this purpose in Kharkov was convened Congress Party of Regions, which planned to show the video treatment fugitive president to his party members. Kharkiv was elected to the start point of a "crusade" against Kiev. No wonder Miroshnichenko and Shufrich tried defer a decision by the Verkhovna Rada on Yanukovych for 48 hours, so that he was seen by delegates as the legitimate president. But this plan failed. Then it was decided to "stimulate" the processes of confrontation "fifth column" of the new government by sending troops into the territory of Crimea. True, this was done in the framework of the agreement on the status of the Black Sea Fleet base in Sevastopol without the use of force against the population and the authorities of the Crimea. Provocation did not work, and the expected intensification of protest actions in South-east is clearly not observed. But just recently the problem with that was not what confirmation of the Congress in Kharkov. I think that Putin did not consider it an unfortunate accident. Action is a reaction. However, the population of Ukraine have not the best night while staying in the dark about the plans of the aggressor and possible further action.
In order to give "credibility" to their intentions, Putin made a public show in the Federation Council mandate to obtain input on the part of the Russian army in Ukraine. Frankly, such a mandate he has been in the form of solutions of the same Council of the invasion of Georgia, because nobody does not respond back.
This kind of decision of the Federation Council has motivated the international community to respond adequately, which is obviously not included in the plans of Putin himself, who wanted to use the threat of invasion, as an instrument of pressure on the authorities in Ukraine. It was only the threat of intentions and no more.
Why so? Yes, because no one bothered him do it in 2004 and in 2010, when conditions were much more favorable today. Likely to have objective reasons that have arisen and now. In addition to the failed intervention Putin got real problems in the country, and this is very serious. Jeopardized the very existence of the Putin regime. The process will gain momentum, and here and possible sanctions from the international community. Hopefully, the command of the army and navy Russia appreciated the option complete loss of control of troops throughout the country. This has already happened in Libya and Syria, as well as during the events of the "Arab Spring." No wonder they say: "let sleeping dogs until it quietly».
It is time to realize that wish - does not mean to be able to. And it is not in Ukraine, but the fact that lawlessness force in world politics came to an end. There was a force capable of crushing the resistance of any army in the world. It is known the US and NATO. Now came the turn of Russia.
Source nikpavl2002.livejournal.com/