Putin isn't real. Putin gets younger and forgets the German language ?
Putin gets younger and forgets the German language ?
Demand identification of Putin.
Interview with the Real Putin
Putin has been replaced! Shock!!
Will Russia survive another 12 years of Putin’s rule?
In 1992, there were 148 million Russians, in 2000 147 million, in 2010 142 million.
See how illiterately Putin lies
Putin's Lies About Ukraine
One of the most important tools of Putin’s propaganda is the TV show Straight Line. It is based on outright lies. But sometimes there are self-exposure sessions.
In March 2014, Putin said that the Russian military had nothing to do with the seizure of power in Crimea by armed gangs.
And in April, he admitted that it was the Russian army that occupied the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
Putin has known Timchenko since the early 90s.
archive.premier.gov.ru/events/. . .
Consequently, Putin claims that Gennady Timchenko made his billions back in Soviet times. That's a hundred percent lie.
According to the Finnish Tax Inspectorate, Timchenko’s income in 1999 was 327,000 euros. However, after Putin came to power, Timchenko’s affairs sharply went uphill. Already in 2000, he declared more than one and a half million euros, in 2001 - almost 5 million euros.
www.putin-itogi.ru/putin-korru. . .
In 2008, Timchenko was included in the list of dollar billionaires of Forbes magazine with a fortune of $ 2.5 billion. By 2014, Timchenko’s fortune is estimated at $15.3 billion.
www.forbes.ru/profile/gennadii. . .
The new government of Ukraine was approved by an overwhelming majority of the Parliament.
112.ua/video/arseniy-yacenyuk-. . .
The parliament that appointed the government was elected on 28 October 2012. Russia recognized the elections as fully compliant with democratic standards.
www.mid.ru/BDOMP/Brp_4.nsf/arh. . .
Preparing the Russians for a possible occupation of southeastern Ukraine, Putin is looking for excuses for his aggression, and as usual, he is lying again.
www.echo.msk.ru/blog/boris_vis. . .
"Novorossiya" before the revolution called the territories included in the Russian Empire as a result of the Russian-Turkish wars of the second half of the XVIII century. These territories were initially settled mostly by Ukrainians, as evidenced by the results of the first All-Russian census of 1897.
www.hist.msu.ru/Labs/UkrBel/bo... (page 24,28,29,36)
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A3%D. . .
uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9D%D. . .
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A5%D. . .
In February 1918, as a result of the Brest Peace, the sovereign Ukrainian People’s Republic was recognized, which included almost the entire modern South-East of Ukraine, with the exception of Crimea.
Putin without a mask 2015 – video banned in Russia
Putin without a mask 2015, video
The last twelve years have been called a time of stability. All this time in power in our country is Vladimir Putin. What is the price of this stability? Or maybe it's a myth?
The unbiased science of statistics suggests that not everything is as good in Russia as state television wants it to be. Mortality is rising. Social inequality is taking on fantastic forms. From the permissiveness of the security forces groans and ordinary workers and their bosses – businessmen. Corruption is devouring Russia like a cancer.
Officials, without hesitation, demonstrate their love for a beautiful life - luxurious palaces, multimillion-dollar yachts and wristwatches, which are comparable in cost to the average pension for 208 years.
Putin without a mask 2015 – video banned in Russia
Russia is among the leaders in the number of dollar billionaires and this indicator is growing every year. But among the richest people in our country, there are no people who have made money with new technologies. The newest Russians are yesterday unknown people who shared super profits from oil, gas, coal, metals, electricity. Their only merit is the acquaintance with Vladimir Putin during his work in the city hall of St. Petersburg.
Is that the price of stability? Will it go on for another 12 years? After all, this is how Vladimir Putin is going to reappoint himself as president. Will Russia survive? Can we stand it?
This is the documentary “The Real Putin”, shot by an initiative group of citizens of the Russian Federation.
-! All the characters of the film expressed their personal opinion. The film used textual, audio-visual content that is publicly available. Public display and distribution of the film are welcome.