Evolution of Putin: 28 magazine covers with the Russian president.
In the midst of the Ukrainian and Crimean crisis Vladimir Putin has once again become a protagonist covers the world's media. Forbes recalls the evolution of the image of the Russian leader in the Western press
Well I can tell, afraid of mother Russia. Afraid means respect.
- Polish magazine UwazamRze Historia, 21.03.2014
Main topic of the issue called "The Empire counter-attacks." It refers to the fact that, despite the fact that the Soviet Union collapsed, Russia today is no different from the red empire. The Kremlin remains hostage to the generals and security services, the economy is inefficient, oligarchic elite shakes oil and gas, and hinders the development of other industries, as a result of Russia will be sentenced to the depletion of mineral deposits.
magazine The Economist, 22.12.2012
"A short guide to Hell": the revision number in the New Year put into the fiery river is not only the Russian leader, and his colleagues from Iran, Syria and North Korea - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Bashar Assad and Kim Jong-un, as well as the late Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. The heads of the Western powers - Barack Obama, Angela Merkel and Benjamin Netanyahu - are in a privileged position. The material itself was drawn up on the basis of advice to travelers about what to do to go to hell.
magazine Time, 05.03.2012
"The Shrinking Russian Prime Minister" (a play on the name of the movie The Incredible Shrinking Man): the story correspondent Simon Schuster that Putin's power has become more fragile, despite the inevitable victory in the March elections, already honored with accusations by Dmitry Peskov. Putin's spokesman called the author "Russophobe and putinofobom»
magazine Bloomberg Businessweek, 09.02.2012
"Last fight Putin": the most creative cover depicting Russian Prime Minister "woven" from the concepts that form the political and economic agenda in the Russian Federation at the beginning of the year: "United Russia", "corruption", "Gazprom", "billionaires" "Chechnya" and others.
magazine Time, 12.12.2011
"The problem for Putin" Vladimir Putin has ruled the country for 12 years, until the post-Soviet generation does not ask the question: why the country during that time did not have a better life? Analysis surge of protest activity after the Duma elections in December.
magazine The Economist, 10.12.2011
"Putin's Russia: the ice is broken": Vladimir Putin's time to seriously clean up the Kremlin and modernize the economy - for the sake of the whole of Russia and for its own sake. Forecast of development of political and economic situation in Russia after the Duma elections and on the eve of the rally on Bolotnaya Square on December 10.
magazine Courrier International, 07.12.2011
"Back in the USSR": a review of the new Putin. Dmitry Peskov announced version 2.0 of Putin's policies is analyzed after the failure of the Duma elections "United Russia" and put into question the prospects for the prime minister at the start of the presidential campaign.
magazine The Economist, 16.08.2008
"Russia is reviving. The response by the West? ": The August 2008 conflict between Russia and Georgia updated the theme of Moscow's geopolitical ambitions and its readiness to resist Western influence in the former Soviet republics.
magazine Time, 31.12.2007
"Vladimir Putin: the king of the new Russia": the canonical picture of Putin authorship Plato symbolizes the moment of maximum power of the Russian leader. "Man of the Year" has already said the Munich speech and enriched political lexicon the terms "energy superpower" and "sovereign democracy", but the Russian economy has not yet felt the impact of the global crisis.
magazine The Economist, 16.12.2006
"Do not Mess with Russia" not the most accurate photo collage is Vladimir Putin's classic image of Chicago gangsters. Instead of the gun in the hands of the hero of the cover - filling gun: at the turn of 2006-2007, the West is seriously worried habits of the Russian authorities to "play muscle power" and threatened to blackmail partners termination of deliveries of resources.
magazine Time, 10.11.2003
"Hello, comrade." Vladimir Putin and his team prefer to play hard: locked up in prison, the richest man in the country accumulating assets worth billions of dollars, are at war with the enemies of the Kremlin. The Russian president intends to return to the Soviet form of government?
"Ukrainsky Tizhden» 15-21.03.2013
Journal of The New Yorker, 03.02.2014
Olympics Putin. On the cover of the weekly - Vladimir Putin, in the image of the skater, the Putin five sit on the jury. The main theme of this issue is devoted to the Olympic Games in Sochi. Author figure - the artist Barry Blitt, cartoonist The New Yorker, whose works are so acute that it is not always passed to the press.
magazine Piaui, 05.08.2013
Putin Snowden: Brazilian magazine about culture bravely beat the story in the latest issue of the former CIA officer Edward Snowden, who, after two months of forced stay in the "Sheremetyevo" finally escape to freedom. The President of Russia has put the only condition of the American Refugee Status: stop harming US national security. However, in addition to drawing on the cover, no mention Snowden or Putin's August issue of Piaui, seems to be no.
magazine Economist, 02.2014
On the cover - skater Vladimir Putin, who performs a pirouette, and behind it - almost fell through the ice partner with the word "Russia" on the back. Main material number is called "Triumph of Vladimir Putin" is dedicated to the pre-Olympic and Russia. The authors of the journal wrote that, in spite of the authority, influence and success personally Vladimir Putin, the country does not feel much, but its revival, which is so much talk in the run-up to the Olympics, does not look quite impressive. In Russia, there are still corruption, capital flight and intellect, low productivity and lack of competitiveness. The reason - in the political system established by the President, the authors believe. As a result, Russia may share the fate of the Soviet Union, if not solve the economic problems. Olympics Festival is successful political year for Putin, the magazine writes.
Le magazine du Monde, 25.01.2014
This French magazine article Poutine, le mâle absolu (it can be translated as "Putin: a perfect male", but lost the game with the expression «mal absolu» - absolute evil) went on the beaten track - Show masculinity of the Russian president and the connection of this image with the regime. The illustrations in the article - and fishing bare-chested, and horseback riding. Correspondent recalls how methodically the press service of the president represents all new images of Putin and Putin's macho-athlete. "Nothing is more solid than the power", - says the journalist the words of the philosopher Michel Foucault, who adds that, according to Foucault, the body of the king in the XVII century, it was not a metaphor, but a political reality, "his physical presence was essential to the functioning of the monarchy." In Russia, according to Le magazine du Monde, a personality cult came to a global level, while keeping the basic features of the tsarist and Soviet power.
magazine Reflex, 06.02.2014
While at the site of the Czech political magazine Reflex-only preview of the article "Winter Olympics 2014: Putin's games at any cost." The full text of the magazine came out in February 6. But the general attitude of Czech journalists understand. Putin called the "Ice King ice regime" and the Olympics - "beating all conceivable record." "Winter Olympics in the subtropics, where the lowest temperature in February - about zero, in an area with very complex geology and frequent landslides, where to lay the foundation of buildings should be three times as much cement is already a victory over nature" - ironically Reflex. < br />
New Statesman 06.03.2014
On the cover of the magazine New Statesman Putin appeared in the image of the Soviet military. "Who is next to Russia after Ukraine?" - Made the cover of the English edition. In the March issue, by the way, came even a column in which the author writes that in addition to corruption, dictatorship and other negative factors, one of the causes of what is happening with Ukraine - a historical misunderstanding, that the Ukrainians - a nation, not the younger brother of Moscow.
Newseek Polska 10.03.2014
Polish Newsweek, referring to the threat to the West from Putin, even dared to wear the Russian president in a straitjacket. The title, on the cover reads: "Evil Empire." Text him no less sinister: "If the world will not keep Mr. Putin right now, a minute may be too late».
The Economist 08.03.14
At the beginning of March 2014 there was one more issue of The Economist Vladimir Putin on the cover. "While you're reading this, 46 million people are being held hostage in Ukraine" - so begins the main cover story dedicated to the deployment of Russian troops in the Crimea. According to the journalists, through their actions Putin has trampled on the norms to strengthen the international order. And the Russian president is a serious threat to its neighbors, while the Ukrainians know that Russia under the influence of the country will be "weak and dependent", and Europe give hope to overcome the corruption and strengthen the economy. Yes, and the occupation of the Crimea, according to The Economist, must not go unpunished for Putin.
Time, 03.2014
The American magazine Time, at the time of Putin declared man of the year, once again put the photo on the cover of the president. "The Russian leader seems to hold all the cards in the Crimea. But until now, he did not win, "- notes edition. Time insists, if the invasion in Ukraine to Putin and would be disastrous, the winner of the conflict, he just will not leave.
Der Spiegel, 10.03.2014
"Pyro. Who can stop Putin? "- Asks the German edition. On the cover of the March issue of the weekly fresh Russian president, whose face is read contempt and indifference, surround it clearly not appropriate in scale Western leaders - British Prime Minister David Cameron, US President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Last holding a white flag - a symbol of how sluggish soft-bodied heads of democratic states are resisting the onslaught passionarity Putin.
The Week (British edition), 08.03.2014
The Week, 07.03.2014
IR (Latvia), 12.03.2014
Before the West are uncomfortable questions, to which he must respond, to stop the "new occupation", writes the Latvian magazine IR. The author believes that nothing "smart head" in the West believe, Ukrainian conflict does not reach a stage when it is necessary to interfere with the Western countries. The situation of the massacre separates one centimeter, which will move the trigger machine, if someone from the military in Crimea, will hand over the nerves.
The magazine The Nation, 03.03.2014
Article honorary professor at Princeton and New York University's Stephen Cohen's "Lies about Russia. As the American media misrepresent Putin, Sochi and Ukraine. " The author is married to Katrina Vanden Huvel, chief editor of the left edition Nation. Cohen writes that the "demonization" of Putin in the news is equivalent to "toxic" and malpractice media bordering on alarmist statements since the "cold war».
"Coverage of events in Russia, the American press is degraded for many years, although the country is still important to US national security. This is evidenced by the current tsunami of shamefully unprofessional and politically inflammatory articles in major newspapers and magazines - especially about the Olympics, the Ukraine and the same - President Vladimir Putin. This vicious practice became widespread in the media the new normal "- with those words begins his article Cohen.
Polish magazine Polityka, 05.03.2014
"Second Crimean War" - so titled second theme rooms. The magazine reminds the Crimean war the 50s of the 19th century has left bad memories in the historical memory of the French and the British. General from the Crimean War and the crisis in the Crimea, according to the magazine, more than enough. In the 19th century, Crimea was under the control of the weakened Ottoman Empire in the 21 th - weakened post-revolutionary Ukraine. In both cases, the peninsula claimed by Russia. And then, and now the conflict were involved Western powers, which scared Russian geopolitical consequences of success. However, if Russia will lose this battle, exposing the weakness of the Russian government that it hides the tough rhetoric of the "cold war", says the magazine.
The magazine NEWS, 03.03.2014
Source: www.forbes.ru
Well I can tell, afraid of mother Russia. Afraid means respect.
- Polish magazine UwazamRze Historia, 21.03.2014
Main topic of the issue called "The Empire counter-attacks." It refers to the fact that, despite the fact that the Soviet Union collapsed, Russia today is no different from the red empire. The Kremlin remains hostage to the generals and security services, the economy is inefficient, oligarchic elite shakes oil and gas, and hinders the development of other industries, as a result of Russia will be sentenced to the depletion of mineral deposits.

magazine The Economist, 22.12.2012
"A short guide to Hell": the revision number in the New Year put into the fiery river is not only the Russian leader, and his colleagues from Iran, Syria and North Korea - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Bashar Assad and Kim Jong-un, as well as the late Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. The heads of the Western powers - Barack Obama, Angela Merkel and Benjamin Netanyahu - are in a privileged position. The material itself was drawn up on the basis of advice to travelers about what to do to go to hell.

magazine Time, 05.03.2012
"The Shrinking Russian Prime Minister" (a play on the name of the movie The Incredible Shrinking Man): the story correspondent Simon Schuster that Putin's power has become more fragile, despite the inevitable victory in the March elections, already honored with accusations by Dmitry Peskov. Putin's spokesman called the author "Russophobe and putinofobom»

magazine Bloomberg Businessweek, 09.02.2012
"Last fight Putin": the most creative cover depicting Russian Prime Minister "woven" from the concepts that form the political and economic agenda in the Russian Federation at the beginning of the year: "United Russia", "corruption", "Gazprom", "billionaires" "Chechnya" and others.

magazine Time, 12.12.2011
"The problem for Putin" Vladimir Putin has ruled the country for 12 years, until the post-Soviet generation does not ask the question: why the country during that time did not have a better life? Analysis surge of protest activity after the Duma elections in December.

magazine The Economist, 10.12.2011
"Putin's Russia: the ice is broken": Vladimir Putin's time to seriously clean up the Kremlin and modernize the economy - for the sake of the whole of Russia and for its own sake. Forecast of development of political and economic situation in Russia after the Duma elections and on the eve of the rally on Bolotnaya Square on December 10.

magazine Courrier International, 07.12.2011
"Back in the USSR": a review of the new Putin. Dmitry Peskov announced version 2.0 of Putin's policies is analyzed after the failure of the Duma elections "United Russia" and put into question the prospects for the prime minister at the start of the presidential campaign.

magazine The Economist, 16.08.2008
"Russia is reviving. The response by the West? ": The August 2008 conflict between Russia and Georgia updated the theme of Moscow's geopolitical ambitions and its readiness to resist Western influence in the former Soviet republics.

magazine Time, 31.12.2007
"Vladimir Putin: the king of the new Russia": the canonical picture of Putin authorship Plato symbolizes the moment of maximum power of the Russian leader. "Man of the Year" has already said the Munich speech and enriched political lexicon the terms "energy superpower" and "sovereign democracy", but the Russian economy has not yet felt the impact of the global crisis.

magazine The Economist, 16.12.2006
"Do not Mess with Russia" not the most accurate photo collage is Vladimir Putin's classic image of Chicago gangsters. Instead of the gun in the hands of the hero of the cover - filling gun: at the turn of 2006-2007, the West is seriously worried habits of the Russian authorities to "play muscle power" and threatened to blackmail partners termination of deliveries of resources.

magazine Time, 10.11.2003
"Hello, comrade." Vladimir Putin and his team prefer to play hard: locked up in prison, the richest man in the country accumulating assets worth billions of dollars, are at war with the enemies of the Kremlin. The Russian president intends to return to the Soviet form of government?

"Ukrainsky Tizhden» 15-21.03.2013

Journal of The New Yorker, 03.02.2014
Olympics Putin. On the cover of the weekly - Vladimir Putin, in the image of the skater, the Putin five sit on the jury. The main theme of this issue is devoted to the Olympic Games in Sochi. Author figure - the artist Barry Blitt, cartoonist The New Yorker, whose works are so acute that it is not always passed to the press.

magazine Piaui, 05.08.2013
Putin Snowden: Brazilian magazine about culture bravely beat the story in the latest issue of the former CIA officer Edward Snowden, who, after two months of forced stay in the "Sheremetyevo" finally escape to freedom. The President of Russia has put the only condition of the American Refugee Status: stop harming US national security. However, in addition to drawing on the cover, no mention Snowden or Putin's August issue of Piaui, seems to be no.

magazine Economist, 02.2014
On the cover - skater Vladimir Putin, who performs a pirouette, and behind it - almost fell through the ice partner with the word "Russia" on the back. Main material number is called "Triumph of Vladimir Putin" is dedicated to the pre-Olympic and Russia. The authors of the journal wrote that, in spite of the authority, influence and success personally Vladimir Putin, the country does not feel much, but its revival, which is so much talk in the run-up to the Olympics, does not look quite impressive. In Russia, there are still corruption, capital flight and intellect, low productivity and lack of competitiveness. The reason - in the political system established by the President, the authors believe. As a result, Russia may share the fate of the Soviet Union, if not solve the economic problems. Olympics Festival is successful political year for Putin, the magazine writes.

Le magazine du Monde, 25.01.2014
This French magazine article Poutine, le mâle absolu (it can be translated as "Putin: a perfect male", but lost the game with the expression «mal absolu» - absolute evil) went on the beaten track - Show masculinity of the Russian president and the connection of this image with the regime. The illustrations in the article - and fishing bare-chested, and horseback riding. Correspondent recalls how methodically the press service of the president represents all new images of Putin and Putin's macho-athlete. "Nothing is more solid than the power", - says the journalist the words of the philosopher Michel Foucault, who adds that, according to Foucault, the body of the king in the XVII century, it was not a metaphor, but a political reality, "his physical presence was essential to the functioning of the monarchy." In Russia, according to Le magazine du Monde, a personality cult came to a global level, while keeping the basic features of the tsarist and Soviet power.

magazine Reflex, 06.02.2014
While at the site of the Czech political magazine Reflex-only preview of the article "Winter Olympics 2014: Putin's games at any cost." The full text of the magazine came out in February 6. But the general attitude of Czech journalists understand. Putin called the "Ice King ice regime" and the Olympics - "beating all conceivable record." "Winter Olympics in the subtropics, where the lowest temperature in February - about zero, in an area with very complex geology and frequent landslides, where to lay the foundation of buildings should be three times as much cement is already a victory over nature" - ironically Reflex. < br />

New Statesman 06.03.2014
On the cover of the magazine New Statesman Putin appeared in the image of the Soviet military. "Who is next to Russia after Ukraine?" - Made the cover of the English edition. In the March issue, by the way, came even a column in which the author writes that in addition to corruption, dictatorship and other negative factors, one of the causes of what is happening with Ukraine - a historical misunderstanding, that the Ukrainians - a nation, not the younger brother of Moscow.

Newseek Polska 10.03.2014
Polish Newsweek, referring to the threat to the West from Putin, even dared to wear the Russian president in a straitjacket. The title, on the cover reads: "Evil Empire." Text him no less sinister: "If the world will not keep Mr. Putin right now, a minute may be too late».

The Economist 08.03.14
At the beginning of March 2014 there was one more issue of The Economist Vladimir Putin on the cover. "While you're reading this, 46 million people are being held hostage in Ukraine" - so begins the main cover story dedicated to the deployment of Russian troops in the Crimea. According to the journalists, through their actions Putin has trampled on the norms to strengthen the international order. And the Russian president is a serious threat to its neighbors, while the Ukrainians know that Russia under the influence of the country will be "weak and dependent", and Europe give hope to overcome the corruption and strengthen the economy. Yes, and the occupation of the Crimea, according to The Economist, must not go unpunished for Putin.

Time, 03.2014
The American magazine Time, at the time of Putin declared man of the year, once again put the photo on the cover of the president. "The Russian leader seems to hold all the cards in the Crimea. But until now, he did not win, "- notes edition. Time insists, if the invasion in Ukraine to Putin and would be disastrous, the winner of the conflict, he just will not leave.

Der Spiegel, 10.03.2014
"Pyro. Who can stop Putin? "- Asks the German edition. On the cover of the March issue of the weekly fresh Russian president, whose face is read contempt and indifference, surround it clearly not appropriate in scale Western leaders - British Prime Minister David Cameron, US President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Last holding a white flag - a symbol of how sluggish soft-bodied heads of democratic states are resisting the onslaught passionarity Putin.

The Week (British edition), 08.03.2014

The Week, 07.03.2014

IR (Latvia), 12.03.2014
Before the West are uncomfortable questions, to which he must respond, to stop the "new occupation", writes the Latvian magazine IR. The author believes that nothing "smart head" in the West believe, Ukrainian conflict does not reach a stage when it is necessary to interfere with the Western countries. The situation of the massacre separates one centimeter, which will move the trigger machine, if someone from the military in Crimea, will hand over the nerves.

The magazine The Nation, 03.03.2014
Article honorary professor at Princeton and New York University's Stephen Cohen's "Lies about Russia. As the American media misrepresent Putin, Sochi and Ukraine. " The author is married to Katrina Vanden Huvel, chief editor of the left edition Nation. Cohen writes that the "demonization" of Putin in the news is equivalent to "toxic" and malpractice media bordering on alarmist statements since the "cold war».
"Coverage of events in Russia, the American press is degraded for many years, although the country is still important to US national security. This is evidenced by the current tsunami of shamefully unprofessional and politically inflammatory articles in major newspapers and magazines - especially about the Olympics, the Ukraine and the same - President Vladimir Putin. This vicious practice became widespread in the media the new normal "- with those words begins his article Cohen.

Polish magazine Polityka, 05.03.2014
"Second Crimean War" - so titled second theme rooms. The magazine reminds the Crimean war the 50s of the 19th century has left bad memories in the historical memory of the French and the British. General from the Crimean War and the crisis in the Crimea, according to the magazine, more than enough. In the 19th century, Crimea was under the control of the weakened Ottoman Empire in the 21 th - weakened post-revolutionary Ukraine. In both cases, the peninsula claimed by Russia. And then, and now the conflict were involved Western powers, which scared Russian geopolitical consequences of success. However, if Russia will lose this battle, exposing the weakness of the Russian government that it hides the tough rhetoric of the "cold war", says the magazine.

The magazine NEWS, 03.03.2014

Source: www.forbes.ru