Petersburg mystery of Vladimir Putin
The city on the Neva River in the postwar years, the father of the current president in this house on Baskov Lane on the 5th floor got a room in a communal area of about 20 meters. Fifteen years ago, the house was made major repairs, the tables have turned all the internal layout, so the room where the future president of the country grew, no longer exists.
When Vladimir Putin became the master of the Kremlin, the prices of apartments in this house increased by 2-3 times. And many residents of "Putin's" home benefited from this gift of fate, having sold their apartments "new Russian". And now each of the new owners believe that he lives in the apartment where he lived up to the head of the Russian state.
"Presidential" school (once she had the number 193) is also in Baskov Lane. It Vladimir Putin attended the first through eighth grade. Later this school was disbanded. The building is now occupied by the Economic Vocational Lyceum. Home and School is located 50 meters from each other, so in the winter, Vladimir Putin ran learn without a coat.
Vladimir Putin went on to study at the elite school 281. It was the only city in the experimental school with focus on chemistry, which caters only ninth-and tenth, and taught famous professors from the Institute of Technology.
Kondratieff is located on Avenue Sports Club "Turbostroitel." Exterior of the building is very unsightly. From the walls of the club were more than one hundred masters of sports, two world-class athlete and one president of Russia. Vladimir Putin came to "Turbostroitel" 13-year-old boy. There is still the mat, where he studied combat future president.
Vladimir Putin is a frequent guest high school sports in St. Petersburg. The last time the head of state spent here a master class for children and adolescents. Vladimir Putin stepped on the mat in a white kimono, tied a black belt, and barefoot. The President, together with the kids spent a workout - running sideways, side steps, tumbled over the left and right shoulder.
Vasilevsky Island, 22 line, 7. Here is the law faculty of St. Petersburg State University, graduating Vladimir Putin. Here studied Dmitry Medvedev, Viktor Cherkesov, Dmitry Kozak.
On the facade of the building is a memorial plaque uchivshemusya and works on law school professor and the first mayor of the city on the Neva Anatoly Sobchak. In the future, it may be near a memorial plaque in honor of the current president.
Foundry Avenue, 4. In this building, better known as the "Big House", after graduation with honors in 1975, Vladimir Putin, including three fellow students was sent to serve in the First Chief Directorate.
Young worker KGB Vladimir Putin at his dacha with his head.
With the fall of the Berlin Wall Vladimir Putin's return home to St. Petersburg, appointed as assistant vice-rector of the University of Leningrad on international issues. His office was located in a wing of the former building of the Twelve Colleges at the University Embankment, 7/9. He was in charge of international students and graduate students.
In the same 1990 on the recommendation of the rector of Leningrad State University Stanislaus Merkureva Vladimir Putin becomes advisor to the Chairman of the Leningrad City Council Anatoly Sobchak. Moved to the Mariinsky Palace, where now housed Legislative Assembly of Saint Petersburg. In Mariinsky Palace began political life of Vladimir Putin.
But after the election of Mayor Anatoly Sobchak Northern Capital June 12, 1991, Vladimir Putin became chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of City Hall. After the August coup City Hall of the Mariinsky Palace moved to Smolny, where would sit up late Vladimir Putin.
Vladimir Putin - the vice-mayor of St. Petersburg. 1995.
The last three years before moving to Moscow, Vladimir Putin lived on Vasilevsky Island in the three-room apartment at 2nd line, 17, apartment 24.
In the morning, Vladimir Putin worked in nearby fizzaryadkoy Rumyantsev garden every morning made crosses on the University Embankment.
The restaurant of the hotel "Nevsky Palace". 1995. Mikhail Gorbachev - is no longer master of the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin - not yet master of the Kremlin.
Wish for happiness in the new millennium the future President
As vice-mayor of St. Petersburg, Vladimir Putin visited the restaurant "Compound" in Pavlovsk. He liked it so much the restaurant's menu, he became a regular institution. The general public learned about the "Compound" after here celebrated his 48th birthday Vladimir Putin. Since then, the restaurant have visited a lot of famous people. Among them - Jacques Chirac, Mstislav Rostropovich, Prince Michael, Catherine Deneuve, Maurice Bejart, Yevgeny Primakov, Mikhail Zadornov, Zhvanetski, Michael Anybody ...
On board the ship-restaurant "New Island" sailing on the Neva River, celebrated his 51th birthday Vladimir Putin.
via rian.ru
When Vladimir Putin became the master of the Kremlin, the prices of apartments in this house increased by 2-3 times. And many residents of "Putin's" home benefited from this gift of fate, having sold their apartments "new Russian". And now each of the new owners believe that he lives in the apartment where he lived up to the head of the Russian state.

"Presidential" school (once she had the number 193) is also in Baskov Lane. It Vladimir Putin attended the first through eighth grade. Later this school was disbanded. The building is now occupied by the Economic Vocational Lyceum. Home and School is located 50 meters from each other, so in the winter, Vladimir Putin ran learn without a coat.

Vladimir Putin went on to study at the elite school 281. It was the only city in the experimental school with focus on chemistry, which caters only ninth-and tenth, and taught famous professors from the Institute of Technology.

Kondratieff is located on Avenue Sports Club "Turbostroitel." Exterior of the building is very unsightly. From the walls of the club were more than one hundred masters of sports, two world-class athlete and one president of Russia. Vladimir Putin came to "Turbostroitel" 13-year-old boy. There is still the mat, where he studied combat future president.

Vladimir Putin is a frequent guest high school sports in St. Petersburg. The last time the head of state spent here a master class for children and adolescents. Vladimir Putin stepped on the mat in a white kimono, tied a black belt, and barefoot. The President, together with the kids spent a workout - running sideways, side steps, tumbled over the left and right shoulder.

Vasilevsky Island, 22 line, 7. Here is the law faculty of St. Petersburg State University, graduating Vladimir Putin. Here studied Dmitry Medvedev, Viktor Cherkesov, Dmitry Kozak.

On the facade of the building is a memorial plaque uchivshemusya and works on law school professor and the first mayor of the city on the Neva Anatoly Sobchak. In the future, it may be near a memorial plaque in honor of the current president.

Foundry Avenue, 4. In this building, better known as the "Big House", after graduation with honors in 1975, Vladimir Putin, including three fellow students was sent to serve in the First Chief Directorate.

Young worker KGB Vladimir Putin at his dacha with his head.

With the fall of the Berlin Wall Vladimir Putin's return home to St. Petersburg, appointed as assistant vice-rector of the University of Leningrad on international issues. His office was located in a wing of the former building of the Twelve Colleges at the University Embankment, 7/9. He was in charge of international students and graduate students.

In the same 1990 on the recommendation of the rector of Leningrad State University Stanislaus Merkureva Vladimir Putin becomes advisor to the Chairman of the Leningrad City Council Anatoly Sobchak. Moved to the Mariinsky Palace, where now housed Legislative Assembly of Saint Petersburg. In Mariinsky Palace began political life of Vladimir Putin.

But after the election of Mayor Anatoly Sobchak Northern Capital June 12, 1991, Vladimir Putin became chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of City Hall. After the August coup City Hall of the Mariinsky Palace moved to Smolny, where would sit up late Vladimir Putin.

Vladimir Putin - the vice-mayor of St. Petersburg. 1995.

The last three years before moving to Moscow, Vladimir Putin lived on Vasilevsky Island in the three-room apartment at 2nd line, 17, apartment 24.

In the morning, Vladimir Putin worked in nearby fizzaryadkoy Rumyantsev garden every morning made crosses on the University Embankment.

The restaurant of the hotel "Nevsky Palace". 1995. Mikhail Gorbachev - is no longer master of the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin - not yet master of the Kremlin.

Wish for happiness in the new millennium the future President

As vice-mayor of St. Petersburg, Vladimir Putin visited the restaurant "Compound" in Pavlovsk. He liked it so much the restaurant's menu, he became a regular institution. The general public learned about the "Compound" after here celebrated his 48th birthday Vladimir Putin. Since then, the restaurant have visited a lot of famous people. Among them - Jacques Chirac, Mstislav Rostropovich, Prince Michael, Catherine Deneuve, Maurice Bejart, Yevgeny Primakov, Mikhail Zadornov, Zhvanetski, Michael Anybody ...

On board the ship-restaurant "New Island" sailing on the Neva River, celebrated his 51th birthday Vladimir Putin.

via rian.ru