In what helps St. Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg, how to ask her for help and get protection

St. Blessed Xenia of Petersburg was considered yurodious all her life. Many thought that this woman lost her mind after her husband passed away. However, the saint possessed knowledge inaccessible to others. She also saw the world differently than ordinary people.

Saint Xenia St. Petersburg The story of this woman is unusual. She was born in the eighteenth century and, unfortunately, little is known about her childhood and parents. All we know is that her father's name was Gregory. The girl left very early. married. Young people lived in their hearts, but their happiness was short-lived. The life of Andrei Petrov suddenly ended for unknown reasons.

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Posted by Orthodox ️ (@molitva_pomagaet)

Ksenia was very shocked by this event. The girl is only 26 years old, and she is now a widow. Something in her mind has changed from that. She boldly put on the things of her deceased husband and now presented herself only by his name. So she wanted to. plead for forgiveness of all his sinsBecause he didn't have time to do it himself.

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Publication from Orthodoxy online (@pravoslavie.online_)

Most of the relatives of the girl was surprised that she gave all the property to those who were less fortunate in life. Relatives even wanted to go to court, accusing the girl of madness. However, experts spoke to her and found out that the young lady is in full health and her decision was conscious.

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Posted by dives et feli (@sila_slova_molitva)

Almost all her life Xenia wandered around the city. She did not seek permanent shelter or accept money. I didn't even want to change my clothes. When she fell into disrepair, the woman continued to walk in rags. So the years passed, Xenia almost turned into a city saint.

In time, she had an epiphany: There was a gift of healing and divination. She treated the children she held with her touch and predicted the fate of those who turned to her for help. Most of her predictions were known for their accuracy.

In 1803 Blessed Xenia of Petersburg died. But her spirit continued to heal those who were near the last resting place of this saint. Curiously, land from the hill, under which rests Xenia St. Petersburg, people disassembled many timesIt has amazing properties.

St. Xenia of St. Petersburg During her life, Xenia helped everyone who needed her. If she got any money, she always gave it to the poor. Saint Petersburg prays to all who need help. For example, her icon is often bowed to by women who can not have children. Also to the icons of the holy path is trampled by all who are engaged in trade. And the family peace of yurodny protects tirelessly. You just have to ask.

Prayer of Xenia of Petersburg

O holy, blessed Mother Xenia! Under the protection of the Most High, who lived, led and strengthened by the Mother of God, hunger and thirst, cold and heat, reproach and persecution, the gift of vision and wonderworking from God you received and under the shadow of the Almighty you rest. Now the Holy Church, like a fragrant color, glorifies you. Standing at the place of your burial, before the image of your saints, as if you were living with us, we pray to you: Accept our petitions and bring them to the throne of the merciful Father in heaven, as one who has boldness before Him; ask those who come to you for eternal salvation, for good deeds and undertakings, our generous blessing, from all troubles and sorrows, deliverance. Come with your holy prayers before our All-Merciful Savior for us, unworthy and sinful. Amen.

Life Wisdom and Editorial Advice

Our lives are changing. Fortunately, we have many heavenly protectors. Xenia is one of them. Be sure to pray to this saint if you feel connected to her. Very soon will be the day of Xenia St. Petersburg. On February 6, the Orthodox world remembers the deeds of the blessed defender.


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