How to Ask Princess Olga for Help
Olga Day in 2022 It is celebrated on Sunday, July 24. St. Olga was canonized as the first ruler to accept the Christian faith. Olga became a pioneer in religious affairs. Then her grandson Vladimir in 988 will baptize the whole of Kievan Rus.
Olga Day in 2022 on July 24, 969, Grand Duchess Olga left this world. Since the moment sainthood This day was truly significant and important. Not only do all Olga, Olenki and Olechka celebrate their name day, but also believers rejoice. They go to the temples and exalt the words of prayer of the equal-to-the-apostles saint.
Usually, call on Olga Mothers to ask for protection for their children. Pray for those who have lost a child for various reasons. The princess is asked for the support of the widow, as well as those who are just entering the Christian faith. Since Olga was the first to be baptized, she helps others. You can pray to Olga with a request for an early marriage, for protection of the crop, for a hint in a difficult situation. Of course, the princess should pray with requests for a speedy peace.
To ask for peace from the Kievan Princess Olga is as follows: “Saint Olga, our great princess and wise virgin.” You were equal to the apostles in declaring the holy faith Christian. You are a great intercessor of heaven and helper, so we call on you, ask for support and help. Saint Olga, protect us. Be our mother in the sky, be our mother on earth, with your prayers. Ask Christ for mercy and peace for your earthly children, so that the name of God may be honored and glorified in all our families and people as a whole.
Protect us, great Equal-to-the-Apostles Saint, hear our prayers and words. Help us on earth so that peace may come soon and the terrible trials cease. Hear our prayers, Princess, how you heard your subjects and helped them. We exalt the words of peace to heaven and hope in you, wisest virgin. Pray to God for us, your descendants. Send us peace, goodness, health and well-being.”
Righteous assistant, it so happened that olga It is celebrated in the midst of agricultural work in the field. There is no strict prohibition on doing something. The Equal-to-the-Apostles Saint, on the contrary, helps and supports workers, protects their crops from natural disasters. About the saint even said once: "Olga - in the field of help."
If necessary, then in the prayer of St. Olga you can mention the good weather and mercyWho works? For our ancestors it was very important that the Princess of Kiev did not get angry with them. So there could be no talk of quarrels, quarrels, laziness and gossip on this day.
Olga’s Bright Day in 2022 The Feast of St. Olga has always been excellent weather forecast Soon enough. For example, if the cows slept in the pasture on this day and drank little water, then it was worth waiting for rain. You can smell the flowers and trees that bloom in the summer. Many insects that rushed to collect pollen were also harbingers of precipitation.
Good sign. For humans there was a cluster of Pleiades, which is in the constellation Taurus. If it was as bright as possible in the night sky, it promised a rich harvest and a successful harvest. For fishermen, such a constellation promised a large catch of fish, and for hunters - an extremely large prey.

Olga Day in 2022 on July 24, 969, Grand Duchess Olga left this world. Since the moment sainthood This day was truly significant and important. Not only do all Olga, Olenki and Olechka celebrate their name day, but also believers rejoice. They go to the temples and exalt the words of prayer of the equal-to-the-apostles saint.
Usually, call on Olga Mothers to ask for protection for their children. Pray for those who have lost a child for various reasons. The princess is asked for the support of the widow, as well as those who are just entering the Christian faith. Since Olga was the first to be baptized, she helps others. You can pray to Olga with a request for an early marriage, for protection of the crop, for a hint in a difficult situation. Of course, the princess should pray with requests for a speedy peace.

To ask for peace from the Kievan Princess Olga is as follows: “Saint Olga, our great princess and wise virgin.” You were equal to the apostles in declaring the holy faith Christian. You are a great intercessor of heaven and helper, so we call on you, ask for support and help. Saint Olga, protect us. Be our mother in the sky, be our mother on earth, with your prayers. Ask Christ for mercy and peace for your earthly children, so that the name of God may be honored and glorified in all our families and people as a whole.

Protect us, great Equal-to-the-Apostles Saint, hear our prayers and words. Help us on earth so that peace may come soon and the terrible trials cease. Hear our prayers, Princess, how you heard your subjects and helped them. We exalt the words of peace to heaven and hope in you, wisest virgin. Pray to God for us, your descendants. Send us peace, goodness, health and well-being.”

Righteous assistant, it so happened that olga It is celebrated in the midst of agricultural work in the field. There is no strict prohibition on doing something. The Equal-to-the-Apostles Saint, on the contrary, helps and supports workers, protects their crops from natural disasters. About the saint even said once: "Olga - in the field of help."
If necessary, then in the prayer of St. Olga you can mention the good weather and mercyWho works? For our ancestors it was very important that the Princess of Kiev did not get angry with them. So there could be no talk of quarrels, quarrels, laziness and gossip on this day.

Olga’s Bright Day in 2022 The Feast of St. Olga has always been excellent weather forecast Soon enough. For example, if the cows slept in the pasture on this day and drank little water, then it was worth waiting for rain. You can smell the flowers and trees that bloom in the summer. Many insects that rushed to collect pollen were also harbingers of precipitation.

Good sign. For humans there was a cluster of Pleiades, which is in the constellation Taurus. If it was as bright as possible in the night sky, it promised a rich harvest and a successful harvest. For fishermen, such a constellation promised a large catch of fish, and for hunters - an extremely large prey.
Strict aunt worked as a chef, she cooked for me the best squash caviar in the world.
Traditions on St. Olga’s Day on July 24, which can not be broken