A sign that tells you when your Angel Day is celebrated will now not miss your holiday.
Many people know when to celebrate the day of the angel by date. However, not everyone knows exactly how to do this. After all, the name day is not just another reason to have a good time. This is an important day of remembrance of one of the saints in whose honor the man was named.
Angels are called to serve love and peace. They pray to God for us and intercede for us when they see that we are ill. The faithful support of a saint can only be obtained if he honors his memory throughout his life. That's why there's an angel day. How to do this, read further in the article.
Very often parents baptize a child because it is necessary, so it is customary. Not everyone thinks about the importance and power of the heavenly patron. Therefore, it is not surprising that even in adulthood, a person may not know at all when to celebrate the day of the angel and why it is necessary.
In this article, we will talk about female names. The editors have prepared a convenient tablet with the most common names by date. By the way, did you know that a saint can have multiple memory days? In this case, the name day is celebrated on the date closest to the birthday ahead of the calendar.
The Church does not require this rule. You can choose another suitable day to honor the memory of your heavenly patron. Anne may celebrate her Angel Day on one of the 18 days of the year. For example, February 16, February 23, April 8, April 13, June 25 and so on.
True Christians know the lives and deeds of their saints. They imitate the heavenly patrons, showing that they live a life worthy of their name. Angel Day is considered one of the most special events of the year. And this is not a reason for another noisy feast. It is more important to think about the spiritual.
On the name day, it is necessary to go to the temple to confess and commune the Holy Mysteries of Christ. It is also allowed to arrange a modest family lunch or dinner. However, if the day of the angel falls on a fasting day, only lean dishes can be on the table. In addition, during Lent, the celebration of any name day from weekdays is transferred to the weekend.
If you want to congratulate someone on Angel Day, you can give them something with a religious affiliation. Like an icon or a religious book. You can also give flowers, both fresh bouquets and dried flowers.
In the greeting card you should write: “Congratulations on the day of your angel.” I wish you and pray the Lord for your longevity, the peaceful course of your life in happiness, peace of mind, in good health through the prayers of your holy heavenly patron.
On the day of the angel, it is very important to recite a prayer to ask your saint for spiritual help. There are prayers dedicated to each saint. But there are also prayers that are suitable for honoring the memory of all heavenly patrons. We share the text of such a prayer.
The Holy Angel of Christ, as I approach you, I pray to you, my bright Guardian, given to me from Holy Baptism for the preservation of my soul and the body of my sinner. By my unrighteous deeds I infuriate your most pure Lordship and repel you with lies, slander, envy, condemnation, disobedience, hatred of neighbours and vindictiveness, condemnation, love of money, adultery, rage, stinginess, gluttony, verbose, evil and evil thoughts, proud temper and carnal lust.
Oh, my evil deeds! That's not what dumb animals do. How can you look at me, how can you approach me if I am like a stinking dog in my sins? The bright angel of Christ looking at me, how can I ask forgiveness if I fall into sins all the time? But I pray to you, my Holy Guardian, have mercy, be my helper and intercessor, protect me from the enemy of man with your pure prayers, always, now and ever, and for ever and ever! Amen!
When do you celebrate the day of the angel and what do you usually do on that day? We'll see you in the comments!

Angels are called to serve love and peace. They pray to God for us and intercede for us when they see that we are ill. The faithful support of a saint can only be obtained if he honors his memory throughout his life. That's why there's an angel day. How to do this, read further in the article.
Very often parents baptize a child because it is necessary, so it is customary. Not everyone thinks about the importance and power of the heavenly patron. Therefore, it is not surprising that even in adulthood, a person may not know at all when to celebrate the day of the angel and why it is necessary.
In this article, we will talk about female names. The editors have prepared a convenient tablet with the most common names by date. By the way, did you know that a saint can have multiple memory days? In this case, the name day is celebrated on the date closest to the birthday ahead of the calendar.

The Church does not require this rule. You can choose another suitable day to honor the memory of your heavenly patron. Anne may celebrate her Angel Day on one of the 18 days of the year. For example, February 16, February 23, April 8, April 13, June 25 and so on.
True Christians know the lives and deeds of their saints. They imitate the heavenly patrons, showing that they live a life worthy of their name. Angel Day is considered one of the most special events of the year. And this is not a reason for another noisy feast. It is more important to think about the spiritual.

On the name day, it is necessary to go to the temple to confess and commune the Holy Mysteries of Christ. It is also allowed to arrange a modest family lunch or dinner. However, if the day of the angel falls on a fasting day, only lean dishes can be on the table. In addition, during Lent, the celebration of any name day from weekdays is transferred to the weekend.

If you want to congratulate someone on Angel Day, you can give them something with a religious affiliation. Like an icon or a religious book. You can also give flowers, both fresh bouquets and dried flowers.

In the greeting card you should write: “Congratulations on the day of your angel.” I wish you and pray the Lord for your longevity, the peaceful course of your life in happiness, peace of mind, in good health through the prayers of your holy heavenly patron.
On the day of the angel, it is very important to recite a prayer to ask your saint for spiritual help. There are prayers dedicated to each saint. But there are also prayers that are suitable for honoring the memory of all heavenly patrons. We share the text of such a prayer.
The Holy Angel of Christ, as I approach you, I pray to you, my bright Guardian, given to me from Holy Baptism for the preservation of my soul and the body of my sinner. By my unrighteous deeds I infuriate your most pure Lordship and repel you with lies, slander, envy, condemnation, disobedience, hatred of neighbours and vindictiveness, condemnation, love of money, adultery, rage, stinginess, gluttony, verbose, evil and evil thoughts, proud temper and carnal lust.

Oh, my evil deeds! That's not what dumb animals do. How can you look at me, how can you approach me if I am like a stinking dog in my sins? The bright angel of Christ looking at me, how can I ask forgiveness if I fall into sins all the time? But I pray to you, my Holy Guardian, have mercy, be my helper and intercessor, protect me from the enemy of man with your pure prayers, always, now and ever, and for ever and ever! Amen!
When do you celebrate the day of the angel and what do you usually do on that day? We'll see you in the comments!
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