Why on St. Catherine’s Day in France is a hat carnival
We celebrate Catherine’s Angel Day 5 times a year: February 5, February 17, March 20, December 7 and December 17. But the feast of St. Catherine of Alexandria, which the entire Orthodox world celebrates on December 7, is the most ancient and significant.
According to legend, Catherine of Alexandria was born on November 25, somewhere in the second half of the III century. At birth, the girl was named Dorothea. She possessed extraordinary beauty and wisdom and announced to her parents that she would only marry someone who surpassed her in all these qualities.
The girl’s mother, who was secretly a Christian, took her to her spiritual father for advice. “I know a wonderful young man who is incomparably superior to you in all your gifts,” said the elder and converted the girl to Christianity, giving her the name Katerina, which in Greek means “purity.”
Soon Catherine had a vision: she was transported to heaven and appeared before Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. Jesus gave her his ring and called her a bride. After waking up, this ring miraculously appeared on Catherine’s hand.
Pagans, whose errors Katerina constantly denounced, demanded that the girl renounce Christianity. She refused, for which she accepted a martyr's death by wheel. This happened in 304. The body of St. Catherine was transferred by angels to Mount Sinai.
Since then, it has been revered by both the church and the faithful. And the incorruptible relics of the Saint are still in the tomb at the altar of the main temple of the Monastery of St. Catherine in Sinai.
Traditions on St. Catherine’s Day on Katerina (November 24/December 7 according to the new style) in Russia usually snow fell and noisy festivities on the sleigh began. All the sleighs that are in the household, on this day it was supposed to roll down the mountain. Therefore, the holiday was called “Katherina Sannitsa”.
St. Catherine was especially venerated by women, since she was considered the intercessor of brides, as well as the assistant of mothers and pregnant women. The evening under Catherine was a time of magic. Every girl wanted to know if she was expecting a matchmaker this year.
In France, St. Catherine has long been considered the patroness of all unmarried girls over the age of 25, who are called Catherinette. Not surprisingly, it is to this Saint in the film “D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers” that young Cat asks to send her a nobleman.
GettyImages However, modern French women do not really rely on requests. On St. Catherine’s Day, they traditionally go on a cheerful procession through the streets in the best outfits and the most intricate hats, which are specially sewn before this.
In Paris, for example, a colorful procession moves to the statue of Saint, which is on the street Petit Carro. They are met by firefighters who choose the Queen of Hats. And numerous viewers from among men meanwhile have a chance to see the beauties at a full parade and, who knows, maybe even find their soul mate.
According to legend, it is necessary to put three candles, otherwise the girl’s birth may be interrupted. However, this is only a superstition that comes to us from the distant past.
The prayer of St. Catherine for the bridegroom "O, Holy Great Martyr Catherine, chosen of purity to the vessel, the pillar of Orthodoxy, reliable to our progenitor, who revealed to us herself the guilt to implore you, a legitimate ascetic, a saint on the holy mountain repose holyly!" We pray that you will receive the voice of our prayer from above, look at the misery of your servants, enlighten the darkness of our mind, make us wise in the mountains and not earthly.
Hasten us with your prayers to conquer the lusts of the flesh, the passions for peace, and the intrigues of the evil spirits who are waging an evil war against us: that by your intercession, in the days of this life of freedom, we shall be free from their hostile attacks and from their air tortures. Oh, wise maid!
Grant us everything, even to the benefit of the petition: you can ask much of the beloved Bridegroom, Christ our God. We know how much can the prayer of the righteous, accompanied by the blessing of the merciful God, to whom glory, honor and thanksgiving is always, now and ever and ever. Amen.
Prayer to St. Catherine for pregnancy “O Holy Virgin and Martyr Catherine!” We pray that you will see the evils of God’s servants, make us wise and not earthly. Hasten us with your prayers to conquer the lusts of the flesh, to the world the predilections and intrigues of the evil spirits who are waging an evil war against us; that by your intercession in the days of this life of freedom we may appear from their hostile attacks and at the end of their air tortures.
O wise maid! Grant us all the benefit of the petition, may you ask much of your beloved bridegroom, Christ our God. We know that the prayer of the righteous can be much, accompanied by the goodness of the Merciful God, but to Him is glory, honor and thanksgiving always, now and ever and ever.
St. Catherine’s Day is one of the first in many winter holidays, which are so revered among the people. Ahead of us waiting for the day of Andrew, Barbary, and also the magical Day of St. Nicholas, but today it is very important to correctly celebrate the Day of Catherine and offer her a sincere prayer. Good luck!

According to legend, Catherine of Alexandria was born on November 25, somewhere in the second half of the III century. At birth, the girl was named Dorothea. She possessed extraordinary beauty and wisdom and announced to her parents that she would only marry someone who surpassed her in all these qualities.
The girl’s mother, who was secretly a Christian, took her to her spiritual father for advice. “I know a wonderful young man who is incomparably superior to you in all your gifts,” said the elder and converted the girl to Christianity, giving her the name Katerina, which in Greek means “purity.”

Soon Catherine had a vision: she was transported to heaven and appeared before Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. Jesus gave her his ring and called her a bride. After waking up, this ring miraculously appeared on Catherine’s hand.

Pagans, whose errors Katerina constantly denounced, demanded that the girl renounce Christianity. She refused, for which she accepted a martyr's death by wheel. This happened in 304. The body of St. Catherine was transferred by angels to Mount Sinai.

Since then, it has been revered by both the church and the faithful. And the incorruptible relics of the Saint are still in the tomb at the altar of the main temple of the Monastery of St. Catherine in Sinai.
Traditions on St. Catherine’s Day on Katerina (November 24/December 7 according to the new style) in Russia usually snow fell and noisy festivities on the sleigh began. All the sleighs that are in the household, on this day it was supposed to roll down the mountain. Therefore, the holiday was called “Katherina Sannitsa”.

St. Catherine was especially venerated by women, since she was considered the intercessor of brides, as well as the assistant of mothers and pregnant women. The evening under Catherine was a time of magic. Every girl wanted to know if she was expecting a matchmaker this year.
In France, St. Catherine has long been considered the patroness of all unmarried girls over the age of 25, who are called Catherinette. Not surprisingly, it is to this Saint in the film “D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers” that young Cat asks to send her a nobleman.

GettyImages However, modern French women do not really rely on requests. On St. Catherine’s Day, they traditionally go on a cheerful procession through the streets in the best outfits and the most intricate hats, which are specially sewn before this.
In Paris, for example, a colorful procession moves to the statue of Saint, which is on the street Petit Carro. They are met by firefighters who choose the Queen of Hats. And numerous viewers from among men meanwhile have a chance to see the beauties at a full parade and, who knows, maybe even find their soul mate.
According to legend, it is necessary to put three candles, otherwise the girl’s birth may be interrupted. However, this is only a superstition that comes to us from the distant past.
- You can not physically work, repair, sew and build. This is especially true for pregnant women. If you follow the rule, St. Catherine will facilitate childbirth.
- The day of the Great Martyr Catherine falls on Christmas fast. Therefore, on this day you can not noisily celebrate, overeat and drink alcohol. Only lean dishes are allowed on the table.
The prayer of St. Catherine for the bridegroom "O, Holy Great Martyr Catherine, chosen of purity to the vessel, the pillar of Orthodoxy, reliable to our progenitor, who revealed to us herself the guilt to implore you, a legitimate ascetic, a saint on the holy mountain repose holyly!" We pray that you will receive the voice of our prayer from above, look at the misery of your servants, enlighten the darkness of our mind, make us wise in the mountains and not earthly.
Hasten us with your prayers to conquer the lusts of the flesh, the passions for peace, and the intrigues of the evil spirits who are waging an evil war against us: that by your intercession, in the days of this life of freedom, we shall be free from their hostile attacks and from their air tortures. Oh, wise maid!
Grant us everything, even to the benefit of the petition: you can ask much of the beloved Bridegroom, Christ our God. We know how much can the prayer of the righteous, accompanied by the blessing of the merciful God, to whom glory, honor and thanksgiving is always, now and ever and ever. Amen.
Prayer to St. Catherine for pregnancy “O Holy Virgin and Martyr Catherine!” We pray that you will see the evils of God’s servants, make us wise and not earthly. Hasten us with your prayers to conquer the lusts of the flesh, to the world the predilections and intrigues of the evil spirits who are waging an evil war against us; that by your intercession in the days of this life of freedom we may appear from their hostile attacks and at the end of their air tortures.
O wise maid! Grant us all the benefit of the petition, may you ask much of your beloved bridegroom, Christ our God. We know that the prayer of the righteous can be much, accompanied by the goodness of the Merciful God, but to Him is glory, honor and thanksgiving always, now and ever and ever.
St. Catherine’s Day is one of the first in many winter holidays, which are so revered among the people. Ahead of us waiting for the day of Andrew, Barbary, and also the magical Day of St. Nicholas, but today it is very important to correctly celebrate the Day of Catherine and offer her a sincere prayer. Good luck!
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