Traditions on St. Catherine's Day
December 7 is a special day in the Orthodox calendar. All believers of the world celebrate the holiday Saint Catherine. This is a significant holiday both in the church and in the people. People celebrate it for a very long time, and therefore there are many traditions, signs and prohibitions on this day.
This is what the editorial board will tell you today. "Site". Let's talk history. great-martyr Catherine And a bright holiday in her honor.
To understand the whole essence of this holiday, first you need to learn the history of Catherine. The future saint was born in the second half of the III century in Alexandria. The family of the girl was rich and noble, so Catherine received an excellent education.
She was smart and very handsome, there was no remission from the cavaliers. But none of them became her chosen one. Catherine vowed that she would only marry someone who was wiser than her.
The mother of the girl, who was secretly a Christian, took Catherine to her spiritual father for advice. The elder listened to Catherine and said that he knew a young man who surpassed her in everything - a heavenly groom. His image engendered in the soul of Catherine the desire to see him.
In farewell, the elder handed Catherine the icon of the Most Holy Mother of God with Jesus in her arms and ordered her to pray to see the Son of God. Catherine did so, she prayed all night and was honored to see the Mother of God, who asked the baby to look at the girl.
However, Jesus refused to look at the girl, saying that she, like all Gentiles, was ugly and disgusting. Catherine was saddened and again went to look for an answer from the elder. He initiated her into the mysteries of Christianity and baptized Catherine. Then again a vision appeared to her, in which Jesus looked at her affectionately and gave her a ring, making him his bride.
At that time, a magnificent festival of pagans was held in Alexandria, to which the emperor Maximin himself arrived. Those who professed Christianity were sacrificed, and Catherine’s heart could not stand such injustice. She went straight to the emperor and told him about the teachings of Christ. The emperor was captivated by the beauty of the girl and decided to trick her.
He summoned the 50 wisest men of the empire, but the saint prevailed over the wise. They also believed in Christ and were burned. Then Maximin tried to seduce Catherine and offered her to marry him, but the saint refused. The emperor was terribly angry, he subjected Catherine to terrible tortures and sent to prison.
The next day Catherine was brought to the court and under pain of wheeling offered to offer sacrifice to the gods. She refused and went to the wheels herself. However, Angel destroyed the instruments of execution. After this miracle, Empress Augustus and Prince Porphyry with two hundred soldiers believed in Christ and were beheaded. Then Maximinus again offered the holy marriage, but she rejected it.
Catherine to the last was faithful to her heavenly bridegroom and with a prayer on her lips she laid her head on the block. The relics of Saint Catherine were transferred by angels to Mount Sinai. Since then, St. Catherine has been revered by both the church and believers.
In the people Catherine is considered the patroness of a happy marriage, even if her fate was not the best way. Therefore, Catherine is accepted to ask for female happiness and a happy marriage. Young girls on this day not only offered prayers to the saint, but also conducted divination to find out about their betrothed.
Girls looking for love were traditionally advised to go to church on the morning of December 7 and pray before the icon of St. Catherine. Since the holiday falls on Christmas fast, it was noisily forbidden to celebrate. However, many girls gathered for parties, asking Catherine about the groom and guessing at the betrothed. It should be noted that the church is not encouraged.
The ban on St. Catherine’s Day, like any Orthodox holiday, martyrdom It prescribes its prohibitions. Most of them are related to the fact that the holiday falls on the Christmas fast. On this day you can not noisily celebrate, overeat and drink alcohol. Only lean dishes are allowed on the table.
Girls on this holiday is undesirable to engage in heavy physical labor and needlework. It is believed that this will make future birth difficult. So it is better to take a break from homework on this day. It is impossible on this day to make fires and burn the stove, this is considered a bad omen.
It is also worth remembering the three candles at the icon of Catherine. According to legend, it is necessary to put three candles, otherwise the girl's birth may be interrupted. However, this is only a superstition that comes to us from the distant past. It is enough to offer Catherine a prayer and ask her what she wants.
As in any other public holiday, in St. Catherine's Day We can predict the weather. For this, our ancestors used signs.
St. Catherine’s Day is one of the first in many winter holidays, which are so revered among the people. Ahead of us waiting for the day of Andrew, Barbary, and also the magical Day of St. Nicholas, but today it is very important to correctly celebrate the Day of Catherine and offer her a sincere prayer. Good luck!
We mentioned that it was fasting time. Recently, we wrote about how to eat during the Christmas fast and what you should know about it.
Did you like the article? Be sure to share with friends, and also do not forget to congratulate all Catherine on the holiday!

This is what the editorial board will tell you today. "Site". Let's talk history. great-martyr Catherine And a bright holiday in her honor.
To understand the whole essence of this holiday, first you need to learn the history of Catherine. The future saint was born in the second half of the III century in Alexandria. The family of the girl was rich and noble, so Catherine received an excellent education.
She was smart and very handsome, there was no remission from the cavaliers. But none of them became her chosen one. Catherine vowed that she would only marry someone who was wiser than her.

The mother of the girl, who was secretly a Christian, took Catherine to her spiritual father for advice. The elder listened to Catherine and said that he knew a young man who surpassed her in everything - a heavenly groom. His image engendered in the soul of Catherine the desire to see him.
In farewell, the elder handed Catherine the icon of the Most Holy Mother of God with Jesus in her arms and ordered her to pray to see the Son of God. Catherine did so, she prayed all night and was honored to see the Mother of God, who asked the baby to look at the girl.

However, Jesus refused to look at the girl, saying that she, like all Gentiles, was ugly and disgusting. Catherine was saddened and again went to look for an answer from the elder. He initiated her into the mysteries of Christianity and baptized Catherine. Then again a vision appeared to her, in which Jesus looked at her affectionately and gave her a ring, making him his bride.

At that time, a magnificent festival of pagans was held in Alexandria, to which the emperor Maximin himself arrived. Those who professed Christianity were sacrificed, and Catherine’s heart could not stand such injustice. She went straight to the emperor and told him about the teachings of Christ. The emperor was captivated by the beauty of the girl and decided to trick her.
He summoned the 50 wisest men of the empire, but the saint prevailed over the wise. They also believed in Christ and were burned. Then Maximin tried to seduce Catherine and offered her to marry him, but the saint refused. The emperor was terribly angry, he subjected Catherine to terrible tortures and sent to prison.

The next day Catherine was brought to the court and under pain of wheeling offered to offer sacrifice to the gods. She refused and went to the wheels herself. However, Angel destroyed the instruments of execution. After this miracle, Empress Augustus and Prince Porphyry with two hundred soldiers believed in Christ and were beheaded. Then Maximinus again offered the holy marriage, but she rejected it.
Catherine to the last was faithful to her heavenly bridegroom and with a prayer on her lips she laid her head on the block. The relics of Saint Catherine were transferred by angels to Mount Sinai. Since then, St. Catherine has been revered by both the church and believers.

In the people Catherine is considered the patroness of a happy marriage, even if her fate was not the best way. Therefore, Catherine is accepted to ask for female happiness and a happy marriage. Young girls on this day not only offered prayers to the saint, but also conducted divination to find out about their betrothed.
Girls looking for love were traditionally advised to go to church on the morning of December 7 and pray before the icon of St. Catherine. Since the holiday falls on Christmas fast, it was noisily forbidden to celebrate. However, many girls gathered for parties, asking Catherine about the groom and guessing at the betrothed. It should be noted that the church is not encouraged.

The ban on St. Catherine’s Day, like any Orthodox holiday, martyrdom It prescribes its prohibitions. Most of them are related to the fact that the holiday falls on the Christmas fast. On this day you can not noisily celebrate, overeat and drink alcohol. Only lean dishes are allowed on the table.
Girls on this holiday is undesirable to engage in heavy physical labor and needlework. It is believed that this will make future birth difficult. So it is better to take a break from homework on this day. It is impossible on this day to make fires and burn the stove, this is considered a bad omen.
It is also worth remembering the three candles at the icon of Catherine. According to legend, it is necessary to put three candles, otherwise the girl's birth may be interrupted. However, this is only a superstition that comes to us from the distant past. It is enough to offer Catherine a prayer and ask her what she wants.

As in any other public holiday, in St. Catherine's Day We can predict the weather. For this, our ancestors used signs.
- If the weather on St. Catherine’s Day is clear, then frosty winter is ahead.
- If the weather is warm, then frosts should be expected only after the Barbarian Day.
- If the yard is fog and thaw - frosts will come in 10 days.
- If snow falls on dry land, the next year will be poor harvest.
- Small stars in the sky to snowfall.
St. Catherine’s Day is one of the first in many winter holidays, which are so revered among the people. Ahead of us waiting for the day of Andrew, Barbary, and also the magical Day of St. Nicholas, but today it is very important to correctly celebrate the Day of Catherine and offer her a sincere prayer. Good luck!
We mentioned that it was fasting time. Recently, we wrote about how to eat during the Christmas fast and what you should know about it.
Did you like the article? Be sure to share with friends, and also do not forget to congratulate all Catherine on the holiday!