How to Wear Invisible Thongs
It was always surprising to see stars at events with cuts on dresses up to the waist. Moralists in one voice called girls shameless. Even photographers tried to capture the charms of celebrities, but this was not the case. Turns out, panties There are. No clamped sides, manifestations of the texture of underwear under the fabric of clothes, unsuccessfully selected color - all these issues are solved by "invisible" thongs.
Editorial “Website It will tell about the miracle thongs, which, as it turned out, celebrities wear since the early 2000s. However, they became the most popular only now, when feminine and frank dresses appeared in fashion.
To pick up underwear under a tight or frank outfit is very difficult. The sides are clamped, the bands of panties are visible. The world media and the public were outraged at the Venice Film Festival: how could Julia Salemi and Diana Mello appear on the red carpet without underwear? Nothing amoral, though, this C-thong is the most revolutionary underwear item in recent memory.
The panties got their name due to their appearance: in the form of the third letter of the Latin alphabet. Miniature pants are a small piece of fabric stretched over an elastic wire. C-thongs are attached to the body using silicone inserts, as are bras without straps or silicone chest linings.
Fashion for such underwear is set by young stars, but now they are also worn by ordinary girls. Of course, it is a little difficult to imagine that such a device is securely attached to the body. But women who wear similar thongs say it's pretty panties.
So-called invisible thongs are also for men. We do not know for what purpose they wear them, but the fact remains. Maybe in the near future will come up with nanobearing, which will not be felt on the body, but will mask all the piquant places. But we think that for everyday wear, it is still better to choose classic underwear made of natural fabrics, and imperceptible ones - only for going out in an open dress.
We also talked about why modern women give up underwear.
Tell us in the comments how you feel about the C-thongs and whether you already wore them. Share this article with your friends on social media!

Editorial “Website It will tell about the miracle thongs, which, as it turned out, celebrities wear since the early 2000s. However, they became the most popular only now, when feminine and frank dresses appeared in fashion.

To pick up underwear under a tight or frank outfit is very difficult. The sides are clamped, the bands of panties are visible. The world media and the public were outraged at the Venice Film Festival: how could Julia Salemi and Diana Mello appear on the red carpet without underwear? Nothing amoral, though, this C-thong is the most revolutionary underwear item in recent memory.

The panties got their name due to their appearance: in the form of the third letter of the Latin alphabet. Miniature pants are a small piece of fabric stretched over an elastic wire. C-thongs are attached to the body using silicone inserts, as are bras without straps or silicone chest linings.

Fashion for such underwear is set by young stars, but now they are also worn by ordinary girls. Of course, it is a little difficult to imagine that such a device is securely attached to the body. But women who wear similar thongs say it's pretty panties.

So-called invisible thongs are also for men. We do not know for what purpose they wear them, but the fact remains. Maybe in the near future will come up with nanobearing, which will not be felt on the body, but will mask all the piquant places. But we think that for everyday wear, it is still better to choose classic underwear made of natural fabrics, and imperceptible ones - only for going out in an open dress.
We also talked about why modern women give up underwear.
Tell us in the comments how you feel about the C-thongs and whether you already wore them. Share this article with your friends on social media!