My mother-in-law forced me to iron the bed linen, but I found a way to get the ironed kit without fussing with the iron.
Fresh and linen It is capable of reproducing a real furor. Who wouldn’t want to fall asleep and wake up on beautiful sheets? Responsible housewives time and again carefully iron bed linens. Not everyone does, though. Moreover, modern ladies believe that ironing things is a waste of time. Whose side is the truth on? Is there a way to get clean underwear without using an iron?
Young mother Marina complained in one of the social networks: “Time is not enough.” Sometimes I forget to even eat. But things have to be ironed. Even socks and laces. Our mother-in-law lives with us and she is very scrupulous in terms of cleanliness, cleaning and order. And if there is no perfect picture, then boring lectures cannot be avoided. I don't want to argue with her, but I would love to throw the iron out the window.
“Unfortunate with your mother-in-law, Marinka. I had a golden mother-in-law. The earth is soft feathers. Immediately talked me out of useless ironing. I thought it was better to spend this time on rest or other household chores. At first I thought she was testing me like that, but no. My mother-in-law suggested a very useful trick. So it will turn out and make underwear smooth, and do not bother with an iron, said Marina housewife Tamara.
Simple tips How to make sure that laundry does not need to iron? The washing machine spares nothing, and the clothes on the output turn out really dented. But there is a solution. Just need to. linen from the washing machine as soon as it's finished washing. Carefully straighten the fabric, slightly stroke it with your hands and fold it several times. Let her lie down for 10 minutes. After such a life hack, you need to hang clean underwear and wait for complete drying. Perhaps it will not be perfectly smooth, but it will no longer be necessary to iron.
Many housewives prefer to get rid of the issue with ironing clothes very easily and quickly. They buy washing machines with drying function. Undoubtedly, the old models of such machines from the heart dented things even more. But modern technology does not stand still. Today, there is a decent range of devices that carefully dried They're going to ferry it, leave no holes.
“Grandma once taught me to sit on my underwear to smooth out.” She said she did it herself when she was young. You remove it from the rope, fold it several times, make sure that there are no cracks left anywhere, and sit on it. The fabric should be smoothed due to the heat of the human body. And no fuss with irons, advises librarian Larissa.
“And my son taught me to iron,” Julia says in the comments, “I was so tired that I did not want anything, and there is still a lot of laundry to iron.” But the baby once came and said that ironing sheets and blankets is not necessary, because the child pays little attention to them. Since then, I have only ironed pillowcases and not twisted myself because of unnecessary routine.”
Girls, I tell you how to speed up the ironing process twice. You just need to cover the ironing board with foil. It turns out that while you iron the top of the bed linen, the inside will also smooth out. The foil heats up and aligns the fabric on its side. Take advantage of your health, Olga shared her life hack.
Fresh clean underwear The opinions of everyone are different. Someone is not going to give up. smoothingBecause it's a kind of relaxation and a way to get distracted. Someone likes to immediately buy a washing machine with a drying function or buy a special ironing rink. Yes, there is such a device as well. Of course, for special fabrics, such a device is not suitable, but you can deal with bed one or two.
Modern. world dictates its rules life. Time runs very quickly, and more and more housewives refuse to iron clothes due to the inexpediency of such an undertaking. You can choose a set of underwear from fabrics that are much harder to crumple. You can slow down the speed of the washing machine so that it does not get so carried away. In general, do everything to save your own strength, energy and good mood.
You. ironing? Or don't you think it matters? Do you have your own tricks that help pacify crumpled fabrics? Tell us about it in the comments.

Young mother Marina complained in one of the social networks: “Time is not enough.” Sometimes I forget to even eat. But things have to be ironed. Even socks and laces. Our mother-in-law lives with us and she is very scrupulous in terms of cleanliness, cleaning and order. And if there is no perfect picture, then boring lectures cannot be avoided. I don't want to argue with her, but I would love to throw the iron out the window.
“Unfortunate with your mother-in-law, Marinka. I had a golden mother-in-law. The earth is soft feathers. Immediately talked me out of useless ironing. I thought it was better to spend this time on rest or other household chores. At first I thought she was testing me like that, but no. My mother-in-law suggested a very useful trick. So it will turn out and make underwear smooth, and do not bother with an iron, said Marina housewife Tamara.

Simple tips How to make sure that laundry does not need to iron? The washing machine spares nothing, and the clothes on the output turn out really dented. But there is a solution. Just need to. linen from the washing machine as soon as it's finished washing. Carefully straighten the fabric, slightly stroke it with your hands and fold it several times. Let her lie down for 10 minutes. After such a life hack, you need to hang clean underwear and wait for complete drying. Perhaps it will not be perfectly smooth, but it will no longer be necessary to iron.
Many housewives prefer to get rid of the issue with ironing clothes very easily and quickly. They buy washing machines with drying function. Undoubtedly, the old models of such machines from the heart dented things even more. But modern technology does not stand still. Today, there is a decent range of devices that carefully dried They're going to ferry it, leave no holes.

“Grandma once taught me to sit on my underwear to smooth out.” She said she did it herself when she was young. You remove it from the rope, fold it several times, make sure that there are no cracks left anywhere, and sit on it. The fabric should be smoothed due to the heat of the human body. And no fuss with irons, advises librarian Larissa.
“And my son taught me to iron,” Julia says in the comments, “I was so tired that I did not want anything, and there is still a lot of laundry to iron.” But the baby once came and said that ironing sheets and blankets is not necessary, because the child pays little attention to them. Since then, I have only ironed pillowcases and not twisted myself because of unnecessary routine.”

Girls, I tell you how to speed up the ironing process twice. You just need to cover the ironing board with foil. It turns out that while you iron the top of the bed linen, the inside will also smooth out. The foil heats up and aligns the fabric on its side. Take advantage of your health, Olga shared her life hack.

Fresh clean underwear The opinions of everyone are different. Someone is not going to give up. smoothingBecause it's a kind of relaxation and a way to get distracted. Someone likes to immediately buy a washing machine with a drying function or buy a special ironing rink. Yes, there is such a device as well. Of course, for special fabrics, such a device is not suitable, but you can deal with bed one or two.

Modern. world dictates its rules life. Time runs very quickly, and more and more housewives refuse to iron clothes due to the inexpediency of such an undertaking. You can choose a set of underwear from fabrics that are much harder to crumple. You can slow down the speed of the washing machine so that it does not get so carried away. In general, do everything to save your own strength, energy and good mood.
You. ironing? Or don't you think it matters? Do you have your own tricks that help pacify crumpled fabrics? Tell us about it in the comments.
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