The underwear closet was like Dante's hell until I learned the trick that completely changed my life.
How closetSo you don't have to iron them? It's a good question, isn't it? So many housewives closely monitor the order in the wardrobe, and each tries to carefully fold everything. But then the husband or children look in the closet. And after them, Mama passed. But what do we do? How do you save the situation?
An interesting story happened with my friend Eugene. She has long been a model wife and soon five years as a wonderful mother. The house was always clean and beautiful. It's fine everywhere because she's been watching it. She told me that perfect In the apartment is not easy, but there is no choice, as the house has two children (husband is also considered) and a long-haired cat.
But at some point, the nerves of Zhenya began to give up. “The closet was a mess. The closet is old, and a cat has learned to climb there. I offered my husband to buy a new wardrobe, because there is not enough room for our belongings and bed supplies. He frowned, grunted, and said, "We'll see." I waited, but nothing happened.”
“Patience broke when I found a battered cat in the closet several times in a row. It was written on his face: “What, guide, my stop?” Should I go out? Of course, Murzik, we do. The cat was cleaned, and there was so much wool left that one more could be done. I went crazy and read a serious lecture to my husband. She also used crumpled bed linen, generously seasoned with cat hair. The lecture worked and a new closet arrived in two days.
Perfect order Experienced housewives advise tremble Not only clothing, but also bedding. So it will be much more convenient to find the right size, find out where and what to take, on whose bed should be this or that blanket. If you arrange the fabrics in the usual way for everyone, then they will rather be crumpled and fall out of the bowels of the cabinet.
Some advise not to bother and pick up fabrics of either the same colors or the same size. So problems with finding the right thing should not arise. But if it is not fundamental to have perfectly smooth underwear, then you can roll the fabric into a kind of roulette. It'll help. save a lot of space.
We understand that not every house has a dimensionless wardrobe-narnia, where you can easily cram not only bedding, but also fur coats, winter jackets, all stocks of shoes, curtains, several blankets, pillows and a couple of mattresses. How do we fix this? You can buy special dividers in the departments "All for the house" or boxes-transformers. They're folded together. occupy very little spaceIf necessary, they can be turned into boxes.
If there is more room in the house, then you can distribute the bedding of each family member in the house. stand-up. So you will not need to spend a lot of time looking for the right pillowcase and blanket. Everyone will have their own treasure chest. And do not forget to put aromatic sachets there, so that the fabric is soaked in a pleasant smell.
Sure, in the arsenal of each housewife there will be a unique option of sharing a good dozen stocks of bed linen. Someone likes it. bedlikeSome people like colored things more. So and on the move determines what you need to make guests, and what the child.
A million boxes and shelves in the closet have a sea of fans. But there are also those who do not like it. Such hostess can use a proven method. Just lay down In a pillowcase. And space is saved, and you do not need to look for anything for long. Isn't that genius?
Share with our subscribers personal life hacks to maintain order in your home. How to put things in the closetSo that they do not squirm and are easy to find? Tell me about your own experience.

An interesting story happened with my friend Eugene. She has long been a model wife and soon five years as a wonderful mother. The house was always clean and beautiful. It's fine everywhere because she's been watching it. She told me that perfect In the apartment is not easy, but there is no choice, as the house has two children (husband is also considered) and a long-haired cat.
But at some point, the nerves of Zhenya began to give up. “The closet was a mess. The closet is old, and a cat has learned to climb there. I offered my husband to buy a new wardrobe, because there is not enough room for our belongings and bed supplies. He frowned, grunted, and said, "We'll see." I waited, but nothing happened.”

“Patience broke when I found a battered cat in the closet several times in a row. It was written on his face: “What, guide, my stop?” Should I go out? Of course, Murzik, we do. The cat was cleaned, and there was so much wool left that one more could be done. I went crazy and read a serious lecture to my husband. She also used crumpled bed linen, generously seasoned with cat hair. The lecture worked and a new closet arrived in two days.

Perfect order Experienced housewives advise tremble Not only clothing, but also bedding. So it will be much more convenient to find the right size, find out where and what to take, on whose bed should be this or that blanket. If you arrange the fabrics in the usual way for everyone, then they will rather be crumpled and fall out of the bowels of the cabinet.
Some advise not to bother and pick up fabrics of either the same colors or the same size. So problems with finding the right thing should not arise. But if it is not fundamental to have perfectly smooth underwear, then you can roll the fabric into a kind of roulette. It'll help. save a lot of space.

We understand that not every house has a dimensionless wardrobe-narnia, where you can easily cram not only bedding, but also fur coats, winter jackets, all stocks of shoes, curtains, several blankets, pillows and a couple of mattresses. How do we fix this? You can buy special dividers in the departments "All for the house" or boxes-transformers. They're folded together. occupy very little spaceIf necessary, they can be turned into boxes.
If there is more room in the house, then you can distribute the bedding of each family member in the house. stand-up. So you will not need to spend a lot of time looking for the right pillowcase and blanket. Everyone will have their own treasure chest. And do not forget to put aromatic sachets there, so that the fabric is soaked in a pleasant smell.

Sure, in the arsenal of each housewife there will be a unique option of sharing a good dozen stocks of bed linen. Someone likes it. bedlikeSome people like colored things more. So and on the move determines what you need to make guests, and what the child.
A million boxes and shelves in the closet have a sea of fans. But there are also those who do not like it. Such hostess can use a proven method. Just lay down In a pillowcase. And space is saved, and you do not need to look for anything for long. Isn't that genius?

Share with our subscribers personal life hacks to maintain order in your home. How to put things in the closetSo that they do not squirm and are easy to find? Tell me about your own experience.
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