What to do with a gray bra

White linen is an indispensable thing in the wardrobe, because every woman has a light blouse or dress. And he looks gentle and refined. But only if the linen is really white, and not grayed from frequent washing or yellow from frequent wearing. So. How to properly wash thingsDo you want them to stay white for long?

Editorial "Site" I'll share with you a couple of great life hacks for laundry. My favorite things shine white again!

Of course, you can always use store bleachers, only they do not always work, and the price bites on them. We offer to use proven methods that have proven their effectiveness millions of times. But using these methods, it is important to consider what kind of fabric in front of you, because methods that bleach cotton things, hopelessly spoil other fabrics.

Bleaching cotton underwear Chlork, blue and boiling water - this is a magical set for bleaching cotton things. The methods may seem a little outdated, but will give a head start to any modern bleach. Just keep in mind, these methods are only suitable for cotton.

  1. Digestion
    The oldest and most proven way to bleach white cotton. Boiling will help get rid of the grayness of linen, shedding divorces and yellow spots. The method is a bit time-consuming and requires the right inventory, but it’s worth it. So, you'll need an enameled container and a wooden shoulder blade for stirring. Cover the bottom of the pan with white cloth. Pour water there and add half a bar of grated household soap to it. Put the kit in soap solution, put the container on the fire, boil for about 30 minutes, stirring with a spatula. After rinsing with cold water. If the bra has been lying in the closet for a long time and looks deplorable, you can add ammonia (2 tablespoons) to the water.

  2. Soaking in bleach
    One of the oldest and most effective methods for whitening. Thanks to him, you can wash the molted bra, ingrained traces of sweat, various spots. This helps to restore the original color. With the tool you need to work carefully so that it does not get on the skin. And you should not abuse bleach, because chlorine thins the fibers of the fabric. So, mix 3 liters of water, a tablespoon of bleach and the same amount of powder. Load the laundry in the resulting solution and leave for half an hour. During this time, the stains should come off. After carefully rinsing the underwear in warm and cold water alternately.

  3. Application of blue
    You can order blue in online stores, because the pharmacy does not sell it now. It will cost a penny, and whiten effectively. You can use a bruise. bleachRemove the yellow. In addition, the use of blue prevents the appearance of yellowness. In water at room temperature add a blue (proportions are indicated on the pack). Stir carefully, really carefully, because the remaining grains of blue can leave blue spots on things. Soak the linen in solution for 20 minutes, after rinsing several times.

The bleaching of linen made from delicate fabrics of lace, satin and synthetics can also be saved. After all, it can be bleached without boiling, soaking and using bleach. In pharmacies and stores are sold penny funds that will surprise you with their effectiveness. One of these methods will definitely suit you.

  1. Soda.
    Where without it, soda is a universal assistant to every hostess. It is also ideal for washing. Baking soda can bleach laundry from different fabrics. Plus, the soda perfectly disinfects it. Pour a liter of water into the basin, add two tablespoons of soda. Leave the laundry in this solution for two hours, and after rinsing in warm water.

  2. Peroxide
    This tool is perfect for lace underwear. It acts delicately, so you can not worry about the delicate lace and synthetics. Just remember that synthetic kits should be soaked in cool water so that they do not deform. Add hydrogen peroxide to the water: you need to take two tablespoons of the substance per liter. Put the laundry in solution, leave it for half an hour, and then rinse. Add 3% hydrogen peroxide to the water. You need to take two tablespoons of the substance per liter.

  3. Ammonia
    Ammonia will help remove yellow spots, even very old ones. The only drawback is a sharp smell, but it is successfully handled by ordinary underwear conditioner. Dissolve a tablespoon of ammonia in a liter of water. Soak your laundry and leave it for ten hours. After thoroughly rinsing in cool water.

White underwear is an extremely delicate thing, therefore, care requires accordingly. White underwear quickly grays, which makes it look untidy. Whitening can save the situation, but from the frequent use of all these tools, the fabric can become thinner. To less often resort to radical means, you need to remember a couple of simple rules.

First of all, white kits must be worn correctly. Wearing a light bra under dark things is not only tasteless, but also harmful to the fabric. Light underwear under dark things gray faster.

The most important thing in the care of underwear is the correct washing. There are rules that simply cannot be ignored. Before you throw your favorite bra into the washing machine, read them.

It is also important to store the laundry properly. It is advisable to keep white and colored away from each other, so its snow whiteness will remain. In addition, you can not allow the laundry to “lay down”, from this it turns yellow. Before you send underwear to the closet, make sure that it is well dried, because it is from humidity that the hated grayness appears.

If you still failed to prevent grayness or yellowness, try to remove them immediately, it is important to act quickly. With these life hacks, washing will not be difficult!

Don’t forget to share these useful life hacks with friends, and if you have your own ways to bring back the snow-white look, be sure to tell about it in the comments!


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