10 juicy facts about underwear
unlikely that you'll like, if someone starts to literally digging in your underwear, it's one of the most intimate items of clothing and allowed him only a select few. However, the relationship of humanity with the underwear are not so clear and chaste as it may seem at first glance. People are inventing different kinds of underwear, sometimes rather unexpected, use their and other people's clothes for profit and even kill each other with the help of underwear. We invite you to plunge into the world of clothing, which is a direct descendant of the biblical fig leaf.
1. Briefs protected izdevatelstvV films and animated series of American schoolchildren are common scenes in which the most powerful guy in the class mocks, "botanist", pulling on his pants so that they cut between the buttocks - in English this sense is called «wedgie» . Of course, it is quite harmless children's joke, but there were occasions when it became wedgie cause serious injury or even death. For example, 21-January-2013 58-year-old Denver Oklahoma St. Clair was killed during a drunken showdown with his adopted son. When the young man finished the arguments, he decided to punish her stepfather wedgie and pulled his pants literally on the ears, causing the man gasped.
If St. Clair knew about the invention of 8-year-old twins from Ohio may quarrel with the stepson would not end so tragically. In 2007, the year Jared and Justin Serovich home playing with each other, including - making each other wedgie. Some of the adults present jokingly said that would be nice to come up with briefs with protection from such abuse. No sooner said than done. Boys patented underwear model «Rip Away 1000" Velcro that when pulling the pant unzips, not letting them bump into the skin. After the presentation of the invention, the twins woke popular - they were invited to various TV shows, and even invented them cowards "lit up" in the cartoon "Cloudy, possible precipitation: Revenge of GMOs».
2. Linen for sladkoezhek
In 1975, Lee Brady and David Sanderson, businessmen from Chicago, decided to release a product that would literally blew the market and they succeeded - after a while on the shelves of Chicago stores were "Sweet cowards" (eng. «Candy Pants») - the world's first edible underwear. However, the partners had to sweat to register a patent for his invention, but in the end it was received. In the midst of the hype around «Candy Pants» they brought their creators $ 150 thousand, but over time the hype pouleglas - apparently, Americans literally ate sweet cowards.
Brady and Sanderson argued that their popularity is due not only cowards original material, but also taste. According to one of the briefs have tried sweet, the taste they resemble breath freshening gum, which is in the mouth gradually turns into a sticky nasty mess.
3. Temple Lingerie mormonov
Mormons - one of the most controversial religious movements in Christianity, not least because they allow their followers to have multiple wives, while the rest of their beliefs about intimate life, quite chaste. For example, Mormons are categorically opposed to a person enters into a sexual relationship with a lover before the wedding, in addition, among them a strict ban on masturbation. In an effort to protect the members of the religious movement of the sin of lust, these guardians of morality come down to the fact that the congregation of the Mormon Church are required to wear underwear a well-defined sample.
Mormon underwear is white T-shirt and white boxers. On each piece of laundry present religious symbol, and you can buy it only in specialty stores or on the Internet sites of Mormon.
Temple lingerie was an occasion for numerous jokes on Mormon Mitt Romney - rival Barack Obama in the presidential election of 2012 in the United States. Perhaps countless cartoons depicting Romney in a traditional Mormon underwear, became one of the reasons for his defeat in the presidential race.
4. Children stringiKompaniya «Abercrombie & Fitch», producing fashionable clothes, not just at the center of the scandal - for example, in 2002, the public is outraged shirts with caricatures of Asians and slogans like "Wong Brothers Laundry: Two Vong make white clothes." More hype rose after-market teen strings with mixed inscriptions «Eye candy» (translated as "Pleasing to the eye") and «Wink Wink» (in English so designated wink).
Shocked Americans deluged the company with complaints demanding to stop the release of strings, but «Abercrombie & Fitch» did not go on about the company, explained that "underwear for girls created in order to make them look nice and relaxing, and any distortion of the mission remain conscience consumers ". Thong was wildly popular with teenage girls, but many parents were not thrilled with the bold experiments of the company and announced a boycott of its products.
5. Men's underwear, as a tool of exchange analitikov
Economic crises tend to make consumers 'belt-tightening': to avoid expensive purchases, especially of luxury items and goods are not among the basic necessities. While car sales «Ferrari» and clever coffee machines are falling, the demand for some other goods remains relatively stable - they include, for example, men's briefs. According to economist Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, if "collapsing" of men's underwear market, it shows that is not just a crisis, but a real economic disaster.
The recent global economic collapse happened in the year 2008 and the world economy is still reeling from its effects. Experts point out that at the beginning of the crisis sales of men's underwear for the first time in many years, fell by 2, 3%. The economic recovery is also reflected in the market, "boxers" and heats - in 2011, the global sales of men's underwear rose by 6, 4%, to $ 3, 08 billion to $ 3, 28.
6. Prison glamur
As you know, in prison inmates the opportunity to learn some skills - while behind bars, convicted can learn, for example, carpentry, to become a cook, electrician, bricklayer and master tailoring. Do not think that only prisoners trusted stitching rough gloves - so, in the 1990s, concluded a US prison got the order for manufacturing of a lingerie company for «Victoria's Secret». It should be noted that the order was carried out and in time - probably a lot of American fashionistas sported tattooed arms sewed clothes, not knowing what it is made.
It is noteworthy that the situation with the underwear in the very American prisons has been and still is not as glamorous as the production of «Victoria's Secret» - so, the State Inspectorate, visited in 2011, the prison in Teylorvill (Illinois), found that the staff issue inmates dirty laundry. British prison in this regard is somewhat better - for example, when the famous London prison "Brixton" was overcrowded, inmates were given two pairs of clean underwear in a week.
7. Underwear for spoiling vozduh
Flatulence, that is, uncontrolled release of gases accumulating in the gut - not the most pleasant physiological phenomenon, but there is an effective way to prevent involuntary "damage the air" - enough to wear special underwear.
The British company «Shreddies» produces male and female underwear, which masks the unpleasant odor of intestinal gas - the effect is achieved through the use of a special material called «Zorflex». Initially underwear was designed for people suffering from diseases of the digestive tract, but thanks to its wonderful properties, product quickly gained popularity among ordinary consumers.
«Zorflex» is used not only in the production of laundry, but for example, for the manufacture of dressings and other medical supplies. Unusual fabrics have been used in the armed forces - the United Kingdom provides its military special underwear, which also applies «Zorflex». These pants can be worn for months without fear of skin irritation and development of infectious diseases. By the way, thanks to the British Army company «Shreddies» got its name - the physical and combat training of soldiers there spend so much time that their usual cotton underwear is quickly erased in patches (Eng. «Shred» - «flap", "rag").
8. Red Stockings - engine naukiNe secret that color blindness - quite a common visual impairment, but in fact, its existence was discovered by English chemist John Dalton only in 1790. As you probably guessed, it is named after him the phenomenon got its name.
History of the discovery of color blindness is quite juicy. John Dalton was born into a Quaker family - supporters of the religious movement, which originated in the UK in the middle of XVII-th century. Quakers hold conservative style of clothing, their wardrobe consisted only of strict dark things without patterns and ornaments. Can you imagine the reaction of prudish parents Dalton, when the son prepodnёs mother's birthday a couple of bright scarlet stockings: to say that it was a scandal - to say nothing. John had a long time to assure his mother that he bought the stockings because they seem to him a dark blue, while his brother claimed that, too, sees the blue stockings.
This case prompted Dalton to suggest that some people perceive color is not like most others, however, he explained the phenomenon by the fact that his eyes filled with liquid blue tint. Chemist even asked his colleagues after his death to make a "squeeze" out of his eyeballs, to test this hypothesis.
9. On the dangers of synthetic underwear
In the early 1990s a group of experts at Cairo University has been studying the impact of material underwear sperm production. As test used three groups of dogs: the first participants, the control group showed off without panties, two dogs, researchers put cotton clothes, and went to third parties "synthetics." Scientists specifically choose the size of linen so that the dog was comfortable and with the air to circulate freely - because synthetic fabric, as you know, almost no "breathes».
The experiment lasted for three years and all this time the researchers carefully monitor changes in the quality and quantity of sperm and overall test. After the first 24 months it turned out that the control of dogs and "cotton" groups have no health problems, but the dog, dressed in "synthetic", experts have noticed a decrease sperm production, sperm, with some pathology and deterioration of overall health. After that scientists have "stripped" dogs second and third groups, and continued to watch them during the year. The majority of participants in the third group returned to normal sperm, although the two males were minor violations.
Experts have not been able to find out for sure the reason for the negative impact of synthetic fabric on sperm production. One theory is that the culprit - static electricity caused by friction "synthetic" about the hair or the skin surface.
10. Second-hand izvraschentsevLyubomu for a normal person to put the idea of someone else's underwear may seem disgusting, but residents of some of the poorer countries, which are now referred to as "developing", not to disgust - for example, in Zimbabwe, over the years import of used underwear, which enjoyed quite a high popularity . Business has reached such a scale that in December of 2011 the authorities were forced to prohibit the sale of unhygienic it second-hand.
Used underwear traded in more developed countries, but there it is popular not because of the scarcity of new product. For example, in Japan in the early 1990s it was extremely common vending of used panties, which, according to Advertising belonged schoolgirls. The government was able to curb the greedy speculators and machines removed - mainly due to the fact that the sale of linen covered by the law on trade in antiques: according to him, for the sale of used items require a special permit, which the businessmen, of course, was not. However, the Japanese say that these machines can be found today, though they are not in the most crowded places.
Scandals with the sale of used underwear and occurred in the United States - for example, a resident of South Carolina, Christine Vetter, was arrested for sending his underwear and used tampons and condoms - an unusual service for women offer their site visitors "for adults».
via factroom.ru
1. Briefs protected izdevatelstvV films and animated series of American schoolchildren are common scenes in which the most powerful guy in the class mocks, "botanist", pulling on his pants so that they cut between the buttocks - in English this sense is called «wedgie» . Of course, it is quite harmless children's joke, but there were occasions when it became wedgie cause serious injury or even death. For example, 21-January-2013 58-year-old Denver Oklahoma St. Clair was killed during a drunken showdown with his adopted son. When the young man finished the arguments, he decided to punish her stepfather wedgie and pulled his pants literally on the ears, causing the man gasped.

If St. Clair knew about the invention of 8-year-old twins from Ohio may quarrel with the stepson would not end so tragically. In 2007, the year Jared and Justin Serovich home playing with each other, including - making each other wedgie. Some of the adults present jokingly said that would be nice to come up with briefs with protection from such abuse. No sooner said than done. Boys patented underwear model «Rip Away 1000" Velcro that when pulling the pant unzips, not letting them bump into the skin. After the presentation of the invention, the twins woke popular - they were invited to various TV shows, and even invented them cowards "lit up" in the cartoon "Cloudy, possible precipitation: Revenge of GMOs».
2. Linen for sladkoezhek

In 1975, Lee Brady and David Sanderson, businessmen from Chicago, decided to release a product that would literally blew the market and they succeeded - after a while on the shelves of Chicago stores were "Sweet cowards" (eng. «Candy Pants») - the world's first edible underwear. However, the partners had to sweat to register a patent for his invention, but in the end it was received. In the midst of the hype around «Candy Pants» they brought their creators $ 150 thousand, but over time the hype pouleglas - apparently, Americans literally ate sweet cowards.
Brady and Sanderson argued that their popularity is due not only cowards original material, but also taste. According to one of the briefs have tried sweet, the taste they resemble breath freshening gum, which is in the mouth gradually turns into a sticky nasty mess.
3. Temple Lingerie mormonov

Mormons - one of the most controversial religious movements in Christianity, not least because they allow their followers to have multiple wives, while the rest of their beliefs about intimate life, quite chaste. For example, Mormons are categorically opposed to a person enters into a sexual relationship with a lover before the wedding, in addition, among them a strict ban on masturbation. In an effort to protect the members of the religious movement of the sin of lust, these guardians of morality come down to the fact that the congregation of the Mormon Church are required to wear underwear a well-defined sample.
Mormon underwear is white T-shirt and white boxers. On each piece of laundry present religious symbol, and you can buy it only in specialty stores or on the Internet sites of Mormon.

Temple lingerie was an occasion for numerous jokes on Mormon Mitt Romney - rival Barack Obama in the presidential election of 2012 in the United States. Perhaps countless cartoons depicting Romney in a traditional Mormon underwear, became one of the reasons for his defeat in the presidential race.
4. Children stringiKompaniya «Abercrombie & Fitch», producing fashionable clothes, not just at the center of the scandal - for example, in 2002, the public is outraged shirts with caricatures of Asians and slogans like "Wong Brothers Laundry: Two Vong make white clothes." More hype rose after-market teen strings with mixed inscriptions «Eye candy» (translated as "Pleasing to the eye") and «Wink Wink» (in English so designated wink).

Shocked Americans deluged the company with complaints demanding to stop the release of strings, but «Abercrombie & Fitch» did not go on about the company, explained that "underwear for girls created in order to make them look nice and relaxing, and any distortion of the mission remain conscience consumers ". Thong was wildly popular with teenage girls, but many parents were not thrilled with the bold experiments of the company and announced a boycott of its products.
5. Men's underwear, as a tool of exchange analitikov

Economic crises tend to make consumers 'belt-tightening': to avoid expensive purchases, especially of luxury items and goods are not among the basic necessities. While car sales «Ferrari» and clever coffee machines are falling, the demand for some other goods remains relatively stable - they include, for example, men's briefs. According to economist Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, if "collapsing" of men's underwear market, it shows that is not just a crisis, but a real economic disaster.
The recent global economic collapse happened in the year 2008 and the world economy is still reeling from its effects. Experts point out that at the beginning of the crisis sales of men's underwear for the first time in many years, fell by 2, 3%. The economic recovery is also reflected in the market, "boxers" and heats - in 2011, the global sales of men's underwear rose by 6, 4%, to $ 3, 08 billion to $ 3, 28.
6. Prison glamur

As you know, in prison inmates the opportunity to learn some skills - while behind bars, convicted can learn, for example, carpentry, to become a cook, electrician, bricklayer and master tailoring. Do not think that only prisoners trusted stitching rough gloves - so, in the 1990s, concluded a US prison got the order for manufacturing of a lingerie company for «Victoria's Secret». It should be noted that the order was carried out and in time - probably a lot of American fashionistas sported tattooed arms sewed clothes, not knowing what it is made.
It is noteworthy that the situation with the underwear in the very American prisons has been and still is not as glamorous as the production of «Victoria's Secret» - so, the State Inspectorate, visited in 2011, the prison in Teylorvill (Illinois), found that the staff issue inmates dirty laundry. British prison in this regard is somewhat better - for example, when the famous London prison "Brixton" was overcrowded, inmates were given two pairs of clean underwear in a week.
7. Underwear for spoiling vozduh

Flatulence, that is, uncontrolled release of gases accumulating in the gut - not the most pleasant physiological phenomenon, but there is an effective way to prevent involuntary "damage the air" - enough to wear special underwear.

The British company «Shreddies» produces male and female underwear, which masks the unpleasant odor of intestinal gas - the effect is achieved through the use of a special material called «Zorflex». Initially underwear was designed for people suffering from diseases of the digestive tract, but thanks to its wonderful properties, product quickly gained popularity among ordinary consumers.
«Zorflex» is used not only in the production of laundry, but for example, for the manufacture of dressings and other medical supplies. Unusual fabrics have been used in the armed forces - the United Kingdom provides its military special underwear, which also applies «Zorflex». These pants can be worn for months without fear of skin irritation and development of infectious diseases. By the way, thanks to the British Army company «Shreddies» got its name - the physical and combat training of soldiers there spend so much time that their usual cotton underwear is quickly erased in patches (Eng. «Shred» - «flap", "rag").
8. Red Stockings - engine naukiNe secret that color blindness - quite a common visual impairment, but in fact, its existence was discovered by English chemist John Dalton only in 1790. As you probably guessed, it is named after him the phenomenon got its name.

History of the discovery of color blindness is quite juicy. John Dalton was born into a Quaker family - supporters of the religious movement, which originated in the UK in the middle of XVII-th century. Quakers hold conservative style of clothing, their wardrobe consisted only of strict dark things without patterns and ornaments. Can you imagine the reaction of prudish parents Dalton, when the son prepodnёs mother's birthday a couple of bright scarlet stockings: to say that it was a scandal - to say nothing. John had a long time to assure his mother that he bought the stockings because they seem to him a dark blue, while his brother claimed that, too, sees the blue stockings.
This case prompted Dalton to suggest that some people perceive color is not like most others, however, he explained the phenomenon by the fact that his eyes filled with liquid blue tint. Chemist even asked his colleagues after his death to make a "squeeze" out of his eyeballs, to test this hypothesis.
9. On the dangers of synthetic underwear
In the early 1990s a group of experts at Cairo University has been studying the impact of material underwear sperm production. As test used three groups of dogs: the first participants, the control group showed off without panties, two dogs, researchers put cotton clothes, and went to third parties "synthetics." Scientists specifically choose the size of linen so that the dog was comfortable and with the air to circulate freely - because synthetic fabric, as you know, almost no "breathes».
The experiment lasted for three years and all this time the researchers carefully monitor changes in the quality and quantity of sperm and overall test. After the first 24 months it turned out that the control of dogs and "cotton" groups have no health problems, but the dog, dressed in "synthetic", experts have noticed a decrease sperm production, sperm, with some pathology and deterioration of overall health. After that scientists have "stripped" dogs second and third groups, and continued to watch them during the year. The majority of participants in the third group returned to normal sperm, although the two males were minor violations.
Experts have not been able to find out for sure the reason for the negative impact of synthetic fabric on sperm production. One theory is that the culprit - static electricity caused by friction "synthetic" about the hair or the skin surface.
10. Second-hand izvraschentsevLyubomu for a normal person to put the idea of someone else's underwear may seem disgusting, but residents of some of the poorer countries, which are now referred to as "developing", not to disgust - for example, in Zimbabwe, over the years import of used underwear, which enjoyed quite a high popularity . Business has reached such a scale that in December of 2011 the authorities were forced to prohibit the sale of unhygienic it second-hand.

Used underwear traded in more developed countries, but there it is popular not because of the scarcity of new product. For example, in Japan in the early 1990s it was extremely common vending of used panties, which, according to Advertising belonged schoolgirls. The government was able to curb the greedy speculators and machines removed - mainly due to the fact that the sale of linen covered by the law on trade in antiques: according to him, for the sale of used items require a special permit, which the businessmen, of course, was not. However, the Japanese say that these machines can be found today, though they are not in the most crowded places.
Scandals with the sale of used underwear and occurred in the United States - for example, a resident of South Carolina, Christine Vetter, was arrested for sending his underwear and used tampons and condoms - an unusual service for women offer their site visitors "for adults».
via factroom.ru
Dutch created the illusion of traveling through Asia without leaving Amsterdam
At Amsterdam airport in each urinal is a copy of the flies