How to choose bed linens
We spend at least a third of our lives in bed, so the desire to provide ourselves with a comfortable and healthy sleep, which is impossible without high-quality bedding, looks completely justified.
Underwear made of poor-quality fabric can be too hard or too slippery, under it it can be hot all the time or, conversely, cold. And those creepy coils that hurt to sleep on...
"Site" will tell you how not to fall for the tricks of manufacturers to choose a really pleasant to the touch, well through air and moisture, durable and easy to care bedding.
Quality of bed linen
Summing up, we say that you should not be afraid of imported bedding, but when buying it is worth paying attention to the brightness of colors, smell and color. density.
And if you know how to handle a sewing machine, be sure to learn how to sew a sheet on a rubber band. This is a great way to save money in the family budget, not to mention comfort in use.
To prevent deception of consumers and counteract the circulation of counterfeit products, the Government of Russia from December 2019 introduces mandatory labeling (chipping) of bedding.
The validity of this measure raises questions. On the one hand, it will significantly reduce the share of counterfeiting in the market. On the other hand, it will require additional costs from manufacturers and may lead to higher prices.
Hygiene experts say that making a bed right after waking up can hurt us, and psychologists and somnologists are convinced that there are scientific reasons to make it every day. Which one is right and which one is perfect in the bedroom?

Underwear made of poor-quality fabric can be too hard or too slippery, under it it can be hot all the time or, conversely, cold. And those creepy coils that hurt to sleep on...

"Site" will tell you how not to fall for the tricks of manufacturers to choose a really pleasant to the touch, well through air and moisture, durable and easy to care bedding.
Quality of bed linen
- Kit size
In my youth, there were three standards of bed linen - single, one-and-a-half and double. And now there are terms that are sometimes difficult to understand: Euro, Euro-2, Maxi.
Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the label, which indicates the exact size of the kit, and correlate the data with the length and width of your mattress, blankets and pillows.
The situation is complicated by the fact that many manufacturers deliberately forget about the requirements of GOST 31307-2005 “Bedding white”. General technical specifications.” “The length and width of the blanket in the finished form should be more than the corresponding measurements of the blankets by at least 5 cm”, – these requirements have not been canceled.
In fact, the size of imported (most often Chinese) linen can vary by 5-10 cm, often in the smaller direction. If it also shrinks after washing, then filling the blanket in such a duvet becomes a difficult task. - Tissue composition and density
Bed linen should pass air, "breathe" and absorb moisture. Better choose. lingeriesilk, linen or the most common cotton.
Cotton fabrics, depending on the technology of interlacing threads, exist in several types (cotton, bladder, satin, biomatin, ranfors). On imported fabrics, regardless of the weaving technology, they write “cotton”.
Often write “cotton 100%”, and after the first wash, the linen is covered with coils, which are uncomfortable to sleep on. Therefore, do not hesitate when buying to grind the canvas with your hands, put it on the lumen and look at the inside out.
According to GOST 31307-2005, “textile fabrics used for bed linen should have a surface density of at least 110 g / m”.
Sometimes on the label of bed linen you can see not GOST, but TU. Such bed linen has a lower density and, accordingly, less strength. These products quickly become unusable. - Manufacturer
If the packaging says “Made in Russia”, then this is not always the case. Almost all manufacturers today buy fabrics in China, Uzbekistan, Turkey, and sew underwear in Russia.28
The density of fabric and production technology of foreign manufacturers is different from ours. In the composition of Chinese fabric, for example, synthetic threads are very often added. - Dyeing of fabric
Smell the fabric. In production, formaldehyde is used in tissue staining. And unscrupulous manufacturers rarely adhere to the standards established by GOSTs.
Single sets look simpler, cheaper and easier to care for. But if you choose a fabric with a pattern, be prepared that it can water. Color on the front and back should be almost the same.
If the label indicates a wash temperature of 60 degrees and above, then the dye is stable. Quality paint is available, but it always affects the price.
Summing up, we say that you should not be afraid of imported bedding, but when buying it is worth paying attention to the brightness of colors, smell and color. density.
And if you know how to handle a sewing machine, be sure to learn how to sew a sheet on a rubber band. This is a great way to save money in the family budget, not to mention comfort in use.
To prevent deception of consumers and counteract the circulation of counterfeit products, the Government of Russia from December 2019 introduces mandatory labeling (chipping) of bedding.
The validity of this measure raises questions. On the one hand, it will significantly reduce the share of counterfeiting in the market. On the other hand, it will require additional costs from manufacturers and may lead to higher prices.
Hygiene experts say that making a bed right after waking up can hurt us, and psychologists and somnologists are convinced that there are scientific reasons to make it every day. Which one is right and which one is perfect in the bedroom?