Why you should wash your bed linen twice a week

It’s nice to go to a clean bed that smells good. The smell of freshness and clean sheets promote relaxation and healthy sleep. Regular replacement of bed linens will help in the morning to feel cheerful and sleepy. But how often should they be laundry?

On when it is time to change bedding, several factors affect. It all depends on how many tenants in the house, do you have children or animals, perhaps one of the household members is allergic?

Beds should always be washed at high temperature: from 60 degrees and above. Naturally, you need to sort the linen by type of fabric. And washed bedding with air conditioning will be very soft and smell nice. You need to dry bed linen in a well-ventilated room, and even better - in the fresh air.

“We spend a third of our lives in bed,” says New York microbiologist Philip Tierno. You need to monitor the cleanliness of bed linen as carefully as you need to monitor your health. After all, if this is not done, then the growing microcosm in the folds of bed linen can cause many ailments. For that to happen, You need to change your bed linen once a week..

A person naturally produces about one hundred liters of sweat a year while in bed. If a hot climate and high humidity are added to everything, then sweat turns into “the perfect environment for fungal crops to grow.” In the summer, it is better to change clothes. twice-weekly.

Scientists conducted a study with which they assessed the level of fungal contamination of bed linen. They found that synthetic and feather pillows used for 1 to 20 years can contain up to 17 species of fungus.

In addition to this, some people share a bed with pets who bring pollen, soil particles and more to the bed. All this dirt can accumulate in dangerous amounts in one week.

It is not surprising that due to so many irritants, a runny nose and frequent sneezing can appear. The microbes are so close to our mouth and nose. Gravity is another culprit in the rapid contamination of the bed. It takes one or two weeks to get dust in our throat.

It is difficult for the naked eye to notice all the dirt accumulated on the bed for a week. But it is, and it is definitely not worth sleeping in. What do you think?


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