What Makeup Approaches Add Years
No matter how old you are, makeup that ages can be done at 15 and 40! Today's edition. "Site" I will tell you, dear reader, What mistakes Makeup should not be done so as not to add an extra 5-10 years.
Proper makeup should emphasize facial features, adding attractiveness, and certainly not age.
Mistakes in makeup
The shade of the tone cream "A tone lighter - 10 years younger!" - this slogan from the early 2000s should be urgently forgotten. Brightening the face, you only accentuate the presence of the tonal cream and the shortcomings that it is designed to mask. By the way, if you choose the tone base for a darker tone, the same result will come out. Ideal when the cream is almost invisible on the face.
Catch useful make-upMoisturized skin always looks healthier dry - this is the unspoken rule of any woman. Properly prepared, moisturized before applying tone skin gives an impeccable result.
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Solar Flare shadows suit any eye color, but blue and green eyes emphasize especially, because red-orange shades are contrasting in relation to these colors. MUA: Alexander Sannikov, national makeup artist of jane iredale in Russia. Model: Svetlana @project__anna
A post shared by jane iredale® Russia (@janeiredale_russia) on Jun 22, 2020 at 6:04am PDT
The use of Highlighter is a controversial product. It can both refresh and highlight the shortcomings. Therefore, I advise you to use a fine highlighter with a thin layer. The skin will look fresher and younger.
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Coody do the highlighter?? To squash the haylaiteri: dry, creamy, yak olivets, so look at the color that on the padton. It's like putting up a grinding grind: dribno dispersion, rough grinding. On the skin day, it is completely dispersive, aja such a highlighter mensh is closed to the skin the more natural look. Rough grinding is possible on evening makeup. Highlighter is the one who can see a part of the body. Tse, mabut, nevid'em part of the bagatioh makeup. Highlighter is used for sculpting the guise, which is for the purpose of grabbing the mediocre. We may have overdone it, we may have done it both ways, but we may not be able to do it with a little bit of crimson, but with a little bit of navpaki. So what do you do with a highlighter? Yogo in every way applied to the writing areas of the guise: - in the inner cut of the eye, so much for the better to criticize our eyes that are stained, all the way to the house, I don't see the role of a pamphlet. The back of the nose, to try to kill the todi, if it's small, smoky. You don't have to be a harrower, you don't have to be a harrower. You put a hive on the top of the nose and put a hump on the top of the nose. We're going to have to go to the bottom of our mouths, and we're going to have to go to the bottom of our mouths, and we're going to have to go to the bottom of our mouths, and we're going to have to go to the bottom of our heads, and we're going to have to go to the bottom of our heads. #make #make#makeyeveryone#makeyazhmikolaяv#makeuphiv#makeuphov#makeupahden#paese#@paeskosmetik#kudinaeshihaylaiter#hylaiter#makeuphashovanastrilka#makeuphyazh
A post shared by Ivanna Maliglufka (@ivanna_maliglufka) on Jun 23, 2020 at 2:56am PDT
Don't get carried away by powdering your nose. When the powder on the face is too much, and even over the tonal cream, it will emphasize all the small wrinkles.
The powder is great at masking the greasy shine, but its excess will make the skin too pale. Also, the powder dries the skin quite strongly. The surest way to use powder: only in the T-zone of the face and a little on the cheeks.
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The main rule is to apply powder only after full absorption of the tonal cream, otherwise it will lie unevenly. Cover the face with powder is best with the help of a brush: so you can give the makeup a complete look. By circular movements, the powder is typed on the brush, the remnants are shaken off, the tool is applied to the skin with smooth light movements in the direction from top to bottom. The powder perfectly helps to get matte skin without greasy shine. However, unnecessarily weighting the entire face with powder, in the end you will get a flat, unnatural appearance, and the skin will age faster. The powder settles in lines of wrinkles and pores, giving the skin a gaunt appearance. The powder is perfect where it is needed, tightly on the T-zone of your face and slightly on your cheeks. #makeup #powdering #secretymakia
A post shared by? Cosmetics Bags? (@pinkberries.ru) on Aug 23, 2018 at 11:52pm PDT
Lipstick Aging is not in itself burgundy or plum lipstick, but inept handling it. For example, unknowingly, many ladies mistakenly combine burgundy lipstick with a very light tonal cream and do not “support” such lip makeup with harmonizing blush. Contrast in makeup It is too strong and the image is too dark.
If you prefer bright lip makeup, then you need to make sure that the contour is clear and the lipstick is not clogged into folds. I suggest choosing a contour lip pencil in a lipstick tone or a darker tone. This life hack will help you look young and stylish, regardless of age!
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4th day of the marathon #tuningujusgoar? I don't have much makeup in my own way? but still I tried? @goar_avetisyan #makeup#makeup#makeup#makeup#makeup#makeup#socchi#lashlashlashes#shadow#maroonypomada#beauty#beauty#beauty#live#
A post shared by Ekaterina Oganisyan (@ekaterina_makeup.sochi) on Apr 25, 2020 at 7:54am PDT
It is not necessary to apply pearl shadows above the fold of the century. Such shadows have a feature to emphasize the relief of wrinkles and irregularities. The same can be done by the texture of matte shadows of rough grinding. Matte shadows will help smooth out disadvantages if they are soft and silky or with satin effect.
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Hello everyone? today I am again improving my knowledge in the field of makeup with @ermilovatatyana . The video lesson was especially useful for me as I have long wanted to learn how to work with pigments ultrachameleons. The first steps I took now will improve my skills. So far I've only tried it on myself. #makeup #makeup #makeup #makeup_vasya #chita #chita #chita_city #caseswissing #pigments #running #ultrachameleons
A post shared by Makeup artist l Chita (@v.asya_makeup) on May 19, 2020 at 2:47am PDT
Natural makeup, of course, in fashion, but do not neglect it. In addition, the focus on the eyes has not hurt anyone. Mascara to create a volume to help you, because wide-open eyes can “wipe” ten years from your face.
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Hairstyle of the week? Rarely do I make up the last 4 years, but rather 3-3.5. A lot of people I met during this period think I don’t like making up. When they meet me or my photo, they are surprised and complimented. In fact, I like to make up, although my set of tools and shades has not changed for 5 years, and I have been drawing arrows for 13 years (the pencil has been replaced by a liner-marker over the years). I was a teenager who didn’t go to the store without makeup. In college, for a walk, in the store, with the dog I was stable with mascara (90% also with shooters). Over the years, blush has been added (which is now called a sculptor, then painted with brown blushes). Highlater at the age of 27 began to serve as pearl shadows. Does my husband’s family give me mascara for 5 years? The family budget was spent on an eyebrow pencil (which came into my life at 26) and a billion lipsticks. I have 10 shades of red, some wine, plum, purple, etc. I love lipstick, they are many, they are bright? Moved away. I don’t wear makeup because of laziness or struggle for naturalness. I do not wear makeup because of the inevitable stage of cosmetic removal. I don't. I don't like washing off mascara. I don’t like rubbing my lips with bright lipstick. Don't like it when I forget to rub my eyes with my hand, kiss a child's red lips, or soil my clothes? Therefore, on the way out without photo capture or guests of world stars, I try to limit myself to makeup without mascara and lipstick. I like myself, but I can see that eyelashes would be cooler? I'm planning to try laminating eyelashes. The build-up depresses me in advance by the need to make a correction, for the same reason, 4 years without gel polish. But maybe you'll see me soon with 5D volume and eyebrow long. How do you say, don't swear? #mommy #decree #makeup without carcasses #makeup #love yourself #sunnygorsk
A post shared by Lisa (@kozipop) on Sep 6, 2019 at 12:28pm PDT
Not everyone is aware of the insidiousness of eyebrow makeup, considering them harmless, and in vain. It is necessary to draw them clear and graphic, well-painted with rich color, and “plus ten years” you are provided.
Makeup artists advise blondes to choose a pencil for eyebrows one, or even two tones darker, and brunettes tone lighter.
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"Won't the eyebrows be black?" No, they won't? In my arsenal only high-quality and professional material? Are there shades that are suitable not only for dark and blonde, but also for blondes, and even red lioness? Why and where do I use black coloring? I use black paint only for staining eyelashes. Only once painted eyebrows with black paint, but it was the desire of the client and exposure was very minimal. I only use black henna to create mixes and mix shades for dark chocolate girls. Creating absolutely ALL mixes depends on your shade of hair on your head. Never make a blonde with dark eyebrows or vice versa, unless the client asks for it? I love your hair, so I won’t hurt you. Your @cosmaali!
A post shared by BROWS | CHELYABINSK LAWS (@co.brow) on Mar 23, 2020 at 1:03am PDT
Some believe that eyelash painting is the simplest part of makeup. At the same time, many women, without knowing it, even in a case as simple as they think, make the same gross mistakes. I suggest you learn how to apply mascara correctly. All fashionistas on notice!
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That's what makes you old!!! Mistakes that make you look older You don't use the primer. If the most microscopic wrinkles become noticeable, if you apply over the tonal cream. And -- hop -- you look 5 years older. To avoid this, applying a primer will help: it will fill in small irregularities, and the tonal tool will lie perfectly. You don't paint your eyebrows. If your name is not Lily Collins or Cara Delevingne, leaving your eyebrows without makeup, you add 3-5 years. The fact is that the thick and wide eyebrows that came into fashion in the 2010s became a symbol of youth and well-groomedness in contrast to the “string, surprised-raised”, which our mothers and grandmothers diligently plucked. You do not choose your shade of tonal cream “A tone lighter – 10 years younger!” – this slogan from the early 2000s should be urgently forgotten. By brightening the face, you only accentuate the presence of the tonal cream and the shortcomings that it is designed to mask and vice versa, darker – the same result. The ideal option is that the cream is not noticeable on the skin at all. Hair that you paint in one tone, immediately turns them into an unnatural mass, resembling a wig. Or the idea that you're painting gray hair. Both add years to your life. You draw too wide arrows. Thick black lines make your eyes fall, which visually ages you by several years. Give preference to pencils and shake them. You choose cold colors. Very few girls really go cold tones. Usually these are owners of natural blond hair, light skin, light eyes and blond eyebrows. All the rest of the cold shades add years, while the warm, on the contrary, young. • #cosmetologist Krasnodar, #makeup that will age, #wrinkles
A post shared by Your beautician Evgenia Kostyuk (@kosmetolog_evgenia_kostyuk) on Dec 1, 2018 at 11:07am PST
Please don’t repeat these mistakes in your makeup. And most importantly, remember that the pledge beautiful This is not makeup, but a smile, shine in the eyes and a smooth posture. I wish you beauty and confidence!
Proper makeup should emphasize facial features, adding attractiveness, and certainly not age.
Mistakes in makeup

The shade of the tone cream "A tone lighter - 10 years younger!" - this slogan from the early 2000s should be urgently forgotten. Brightening the face, you only accentuate the presence of the tonal cream and the shortcomings that it is designed to mask. By the way, if you choose the tone base for a darker tone, the same result will come out. Ideal when the cream is almost invisible on the face.
Catch useful make-upMoisturized skin always looks healthier dry - this is the unspoken rule of any woman. Properly prepared, moisturized before applying tone skin gives an impeccable result.
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Solar Flare shadows suit any eye color, but blue and green eyes emphasize especially, because red-orange shades are contrasting in relation to these colors. MUA: Alexander Sannikov, national makeup artist of jane iredale in Russia. Model: Svetlana @project__anna
A post shared by jane iredale® Russia (@janeiredale_russia) on Jun 22, 2020 at 6:04am PDT
The use of Highlighter is a controversial product. It can both refresh and highlight the shortcomings. Therefore, I advise you to use a fine highlighter with a thin layer. The skin will look fresher and younger.
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Coody do the highlighter?? To squash the haylaiteri: dry, creamy, yak olivets, so look at the color that on the padton. It's like putting up a grinding grind: dribno dispersion, rough grinding. On the skin day, it is completely dispersive, aja such a highlighter mensh is closed to the skin the more natural look. Rough grinding is possible on evening makeup. Highlighter is the one who can see a part of the body. Tse, mabut, nevid'em part of the bagatioh makeup. Highlighter is used for sculpting the guise, which is for the purpose of grabbing the mediocre. We may have overdone it, we may have done it both ways, but we may not be able to do it with a little bit of crimson, but with a little bit of navpaki. So what do you do with a highlighter? Yogo in every way applied to the writing areas of the guise: - in the inner cut of the eye, so much for the better to criticize our eyes that are stained, all the way to the house, I don't see the role of a pamphlet. The back of the nose, to try to kill the todi, if it's small, smoky. You don't have to be a harrower, you don't have to be a harrower. You put a hive on the top of the nose and put a hump on the top of the nose. We're going to have to go to the bottom of our mouths, and we're going to have to go to the bottom of our mouths, and we're going to have to go to the bottom of our mouths, and we're going to have to go to the bottom of our heads, and we're going to have to go to the bottom of our heads. #make #make#makeyeveryone#makeyazhmikolaяv#makeuphiv#makeuphov#makeupahden#paese#@paeskosmetik#kudinaeshihaylaiter#hylaiter#makeuphashovanastrilka#makeuphyazh
A post shared by Ivanna Maliglufka (@ivanna_maliglufka) on Jun 23, 2020 at 2:56am PDT
Don't get carried away by powdering your nose. When the powder on the face is too much, and even over the tonal cream, it will emphasize all the small wrinkles.
The powder is great at masking the greasy shine, but its excess will make the skin too pale. Also, the powder dries the skin quite strongly. The surest way to use powder: only in the T-zone of the face and a little on the cheeks.
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The main rule is to apply powder only after full absorption of the tonal cream, otherwise it will lie unevenly. Cover the face with powder is best with the help of a brush: so you can give the makeup a complete look. By circular movements, the powder is typed on the brush, the remnants are shaken off, the tool is applied to the skin with smooth light movements in the direction from top to bottom. The powder perfectly helps to get matte skin without greasy shine. However, unnecessarily weighting the entire face with powder, in the end you will get a flat, unnatural appearance, and the skin will age faster. The powder settles in lines of wrinkles and pores, giving the skin a gaunt appearance. The powder is perfect where it is needed, tightly on the T-zone of your face and slightly on your cheeks. #makeup #powdering #secretymakia
A post shared by? Cosmetics Bags? (@pinkberries.ru) on Aug 23, 2018 at 11:52pm PDT
Lipstick Aging is not in itself burgundy or plum lipstick, but inept handling it. For example, unknowingly, many ladies mistakenly combine burgundy lipstick with a very light tonal cream and do not “support” such lip makeup with harmonizing blush. Contrast in makeup It is too strong and the image is too dark.
If you prefer bright lip makeup, then you need to make sure that the contour is clear and the lipstick is not clogged into folds. I suggest choosing a contour lip pencil in a lipstick tone or a darker tone. This life hack will help you look young and stylish, regardless of age!
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4th day of the marathon #tuningujusgoar? I don't have much makeup in my own way? but still I tried? @goar_avetisyan #makeup#makeup#makeup#makeup#makeup#makeup#socchi#lashlashlashes#shadow#maroonypomada#beauty#beauty#beauty#live#
A post shared by Ekaterina Oganisyan (@ekaterina_makeup.sochi) on Apr 25, 2020 at 7:54am PDT
It is not necessary to apply pearl shadows above the fold of the century. Such shadows have a feature to emphasize the relief of wrinkles and irregularities. The same can be done by the texture of matte shadows of rough grinding. Matte shadows will help smooth out disadvantages if they are soft and silky or with satin effect.
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Hello everyone? today I am again improving my knowledge in the field of makeup with @ermilovatatyana . The video lesson was especially useful for me as I have long wanted to learn how to work with pigments ultrachameleons. The first steps I took now will improve my skills. So far I've only tried it on myself. #makeup #makeup #makeup #makeup_vasya #chita #chita #chita_city #caseswissing #pigments #running #ultrachameleons
A post shared by Makeup artist l Chita (@v.asya_makeup) on May 19, 2020 at 2:47am PDT
Natural makeup, of course, in fashion, but do not neglect it. In addition, the focus on the eyes has not hurt anyone. Mascara to create a volume to help you, because wide-open eyes can “wipe” ten years from your face.
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Hairstyle of the week? Rarely do I make up the last 4 years, but rather 3-3.5. A lot of people I met during this period think I don’t like making up. When they meet me or my photo, they are surprised and complimented. In fact, I like to make up, although my set of tools and shades has not changed for 5 years, and I have been drawing arrows for 13 years (the pencil has been replaced by a liner-marker over the years). I was a teenager who didn’t go to the store without makeup. In college, for a walk, in the store, with the dog I was stable with mascara (90% also with shooters). Over the years, blush has been added (which is now called a sculptor, then painted with brown blushes). Highlater at the age of 27 began to serve as pearl shadows. Does my husband’s family give me mascara for 5 years? The family budget was spent on an eyebrow pencil (which came into my life at 26) and a billion lipsticks. I have 10 shades of red, some wine, plum, purple, etc. I love lipstick, they are many, they are bright? Moved away. I don’t wear makeup because of laziness or struggle for naturalness. I do not wear makeup because of the inevitable stage of cosmetic removal. I don't. I don't like washing off mascara. I don’t like rubbing my lips with bright lipstick. Don't like it when I forget to rub my eyes with my hand, kiss a child's red lips, or soil my clothes? Therefore, on the way out without photo capture or guests of world stars, I try to limit myself to makeup without mascara and lipstick. I like myself, but I can see that eyelashes would be cooler? I'm planning to try laminating eyelashes. The build-up depresses me in advance by the need to make a correction, for the same reason, 4 years without gel polish. But maybe you'll see me soon with 5D volume and eyebrow long. How do you say, don't swear? #mommy #decree #makeup without carcasses #makeup #love yourself #sunnygorsk
A post shared by Lisa (@kozipop) on Sep 6, 2019 at 12:28pm PDT
Not everyone is aware of the insidiousness of eyebrow makeup, considering them harmless, and in vain. It is necessary to draw them clear and graphic, well-painted with rich color, and “plus ten years” you are provided.
Makeup artists advise blondes to choose a pencil for eyebrows one, or even two tones darker, and brunettes tone lighter.
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"Won't the eyebrows be black?" No, they won't? In my arsenal only high-quality and professional material? Are there shades that are suitable not only for dark and blonde, but also for blondes, and even red lioness? Why and where do I use black coloring? I use black paint only for staining eyelashes. Only once painted eyebrows with black paint, but it was the desire of the client and exposure was very minimal. I only use black henna to create mixes and mix shades for dark chocolate girls. Creating absolutely ALL mixes depends on your shade of hair on your head. Never make a blonde with dark eyebrows or vice versa, unless the client asks for it? I love your hair, so I won’t hurt you. Your @cosmaali!
A post shared by BROWS | CHELYABINSK LAWS (@co.brow) on Mar 23, 2020 at 1:03am PDT
Some believe that eyelash painting is the simplest part of makeup. At the same time, many women, without knowing it, even in a case as simple as they think, make the same gross mistakes. I suggest you learn how to apply mascara correctly. All fashionistas on notice!
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That's what makes you old!!! Mistakes that make you look older You don't use the primer. If the most microscopic wrinkles become noticeable, if you apply over the tonal cream. And -- hop -- you look 5 years older. To avoid this, applying a primer will help: it will fill in small irregularities, and the tonal tool will lie perfectly. You don't paint your eyebrows. If your name is not Lily Collins or Cara Delevingne, leaving your eyebrows without makeup, you add 3-5 years. The fact is that the thick and wide eyebrows that came into fashion in the 2010s became a symbol of youth and well-groomedness in contrast to the “string, surprised-raised”, which our mothers and grandmothers diligently plucked. You do not choose your shade of tonal cream “A tone lighter – 10 years younger!” – this slogan from the early 2000s should be urgently forgotten. By brightening the face, you only accentuate the presence of the tonal cream and the shortcomings that it is designed to mask and vice versa, darker – the same result. The ideal option is that the cream is not noticeable on the skin at all. Hair that you paint in one tone, immediately turns them into an unnatural mass, resembling a wig. Or the idea that you're painting gray hair. Both add years to your life. You draw too wide arrows. Thick black lines make your eyes fall, which visually ages you by several years. Give preference to pencils and shake them. You choose cold colors. Very few girls really go cold tones. Usually these are owners of natural blond hair, light skin, light eyes and blond eyebrows. All the rest of the cold shades add years, while the warm, on the contrary, young. • #cosmetologist Krasnodar, #makeup that will age, #wrinkles
A post shared by Your beautician Evgenia Kostyuk (@kosmetolog_evgenia_kostyuk) on Dec 1, 2018 at 11:07am PST
Please don’t repeat these mistakes in your makeup. And most importantly, remember that the pledge beautiful This is not makeup, but a smile, shine in the eyes and a smooth posture. I wish you beauty and confidence!
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