Makeup Alexandra Ambrosio
The most long-legged model from Africa 30-year-old Alessandra Ambrosio conquered the fashion world for its perfect figure, unusual face and joie de vivre, which is inherent in only a few models that sit on hard diet and exercise pace yourself. Alessandra started her modeling career as early as 12 years old, entered the modeling courses, after which they reach 20 years, it began to appear on the covers of the best-known publications, including Vogue, ELLE and Harper`s Bazaar. Now Alessandra, which has long been married and has a daughter, is associated with the American lingerie line Victoria`s Secret, because the model involved in the shows this company since 2001, that is more than 10 years. Half Polish and half Italian Alessandra quite versatile personality: she loves dancing, surfing and loves Brazilian music. But now take a look at her makeup, which plays an important role for the media persons who is Ambrosio.
1. Alessandra really unusual face and I can not keep my mouth shut, not to say that it reminds me of former passion George Clooney Elisabetta Canalis (I think her name is so), which in turn is similar, just on a transsexual. But Alessandra more pleasing than Elisabetta is probably why it is much more successful. She does not take away, and does not attract ... I am absolutely indifferent to Alessandria, such as in the same Naomi Campbell. Makeup Ambrosio in the photo below it very becoming, as hair color perfect harmony with the golden shade of eyeshadow. But that's commendable that makeup artists have done it at the bottom of the face I can not, because the texture shine terrible. Lips look ugly.
2. Oh, vamp ... This makeup is also a person Alessandra. In general, no matter what she did not use a make almost everything looks quite advantageous. I know that there is a type of women, but very few of them ... I finally understand why the person Alessandra unusual - the outer corners of the eyes, as it were raised, but the inside of the eyebrows on the contrary goes down (near the nose). By the way, red lipstick in the photo below reminded me of gouache, but matte color is very beautiful, no doubt. Though I like the scarlet lipstick on her lips only blondes, but there are exceptions ...
3. Photograph extremely unfortunate. "Sleek hairstyle", too. Makeup itself nice, but I would not devote so fiercely eyes if so brightly dyed lips. Still, in this case I'm old-fashioned - or eyes or lips. That option 2 all is well, but there is.
4. Beautifully something my mother dear! More would have been serёzhechki this topic and it would be just perfect (not very blue dress looks good with these earrings here). Smoky ice immediately identified her "cat's eyes" and they were just incredibly beautiful brown color + they began to play in a special way. Hairstyle elegant, light negligence gave his peppercorn image.
5. I'm telling you - or your eyes or lips. Simply gorgeous makeup! Makeup artist "hip-hip, hooray!" Beautiful skin tone, perfectly matched blush, good gloss on the lips and, of course, arrows ... I envy those who can do here are neat and clear direction.
6. Minimum focus on the eyes and on the cheeks maximum. In my opinion it does not go Alessandra. Yes, I think every other girl a makeover would not a person, the more that nuclear blush peach color like some kind of rash that Lee.
7. Habitual makeup VS. Pink cheeks, pink lips ... No, no, Ambrosio nice to look at, but it would be a little younger, the make-up would have been more to the point.
8. Make-up again in gold tones (it MUST Haven which year in a row). I like everything I do not think that such Alessandra plump lips (all photos she smiles, so you will not understand what was going on). Only here in this photo she still looks more like a Canalis, which I absolutely do not like and that Clooney in it found?
9. Familiar hair coloring. Now it is very fashionable (not remember the name of such a method for painting, but I do not brondirovanie). Make-up is excellent, it goes very bright eye makeup.
10. Wah, what a woman! Beautiful makeup, that's just a person too "bleached" and so beautiful no doubt. By the way, the eyes in this photo appear larger because nakrasili lower eyelid with a white pencil (it should take note). Hair color super (such juicy)!
11. Oh, well, no ... This lipstick has long been a "no roll". In the 80-90 Alessandra with lip color would be the most beautiful woman in the village, but now, in my opinion, this color is not relevant. Some dirty pink he's there ...
12. Red, red everywhere she goes ... very red, so I do not mind such abundance. Arrows and red (well, there probably rich and carrot) shine - the perfect combination.
13. Standard makeup. I note teeth - white and even.
14. If no makeup, I thought that Ales only woke up and put on the shirt of her husband. With all the same make-up looks more strictly. Again golden shadow, black eyeliner and pale shine. Do a make-up, not lose. Always true.
1. Alessandra really unusual face and I can not keep my mouth shut, not to say that it reminds me of former passion George Clooney Elisabetta Canalis (I think her name is so), which in turn is similar, just on a transsexual. But Alessandra more pleasing than Elisabetta is probably why it is much more successful. She does not take away, and does not attract ... I am absolutely indifferent to Alessandria, such as in the same Naomi Campbell. Makeup Ambrosio in the photo below it very becoming, as hair color perfect harmony with the golden shade of eyeshadow. But that's commendable that makeup artists have done it at the bottom of the face I can not, because the texture shine terrible. Lips look ugly.

2. Oh, vamp ... This makeup is also a person Alessandra. In general, no matter what she did not use a make almost everything looks quite advantageous. I know that there is a type of women, but very few of them ... I finally understand why the person Alessandra unusual - the outer corners of the eyes, as it were raised, but the inside of the eyebrows on the contrary goes down (near the nose). By the way, red lipstick in the photo below reminded me of gouache, but matte color is very beautiful, no doubt. Though I like the scarlet lipstick on her lips only blondes, but there are exceptions ...

3. Photograph extremely unfortunate. "Sleek hairstyle", too. Makeup itself nice, but I would not devote so fiercely eyes if so brightly dyed lips. Still, in this case I'm old-fashioned - or eyes or lips. That option 2 all is well, but there is.
4. Beautifully something my mother dear! More would have been serёzhechki this topic and it would be just perfect (not very blue dress looks good with these earrings here). Smoky ice immediately identified her "cat's eyes" and they were just incredibly beautiful brown color + they began to play in a special way. Hairstyle elegant, light negligence gave his peppercorn image.
5. I'm telling you - or your eyes or lips. Simply gorgeous makeup! Makeup artist "hip-hip, hooray!" Beautiful skin tone, perfectly matched blush, good gloss on the lips and, of course, arrows ... I envy those who can do here are neat and clear direction.

6. Minimum focus on the eyes and on the cheeks maximum. In my opinion it does not go Alessandra. Yes, I think every other girl a makeover would not a person, the more that nuclear blush peach color like some kind of rash that Lee.
7. Habitual makeup VS. Pink cheeks, pink lips ... No, no, Ambrosio nice to look at, but it would be a little younger, the make-up would have been more to the point.

8. Make-up again in gold tones (it MUST Haven which year in a row). I like everything I do not think that such Alessandra plump lips (all photos she smiles, so you will not understand what was going on). Only here in this photo she still looks more like a Canalis, which I absolutely do not like and that Clooney in it found?

9. Familiar hair coloring. Now it is very fashionable (not remember the name of such a method for painting, but I do not brondirovanie). Make-up is excellent, it goes very bright eye makeup.

10. Wah, what a woman! Beautiful makeup, that's just a person too "bleached" and so beautiful no doubt. By the way, the eyes in this photo appear larger because nakrasili lower eyelid with a white pencil (it should take note). Hair color super (such juicy)!
11. Oh, well, no ... This lipstick has long been a "no roll". In the 80-90 Alessandra with lip color would be the most beautiful woman in the village, but now, in my opinion, this color is not relevant. Some dirty pink he's there ...
12. Red, red everywhere she goes ... very red, so I do not mind such abundance. Arrows and red (well, there probably rich and carrot) shine - the perfect combination.

13. Standard makeup. I note teeth - white and even.
14. If no makeup, I thought that Ales only woke up and put on the shirt of her husband. With all the same make-up looks more strictly. Again golden shadow, black eyeliner and pale shine. Do a make-up, not lose. Always true.