Do not violate the rules of laundry etiquette, I read all the instructions to my daughter before going to bed
Which underwear to choose? Agree, there is not always time for a long and painstaking selection of suitable underwear. But you need to do this, because to appear at an important meeting in your underwear outside is a real moveton. We understand how not to fall into such an insidious trap, always look fashionable and elegant.
What kind of underwear to choose the ideal people does not exist. But some ladies still try their best to grasp the fashion straw. Perhaps they sincerely believe that only stylish things can save the situation. Therefore, choose what, in their opinion, will look good. And to fit in such a thing, ladies wear body clothes.
Bodie is a much needed wardrobe item. It is able to correct minor shortcomings of the figure. But if you pick up even such a thing is not in size, then hide the shortcomings. It won't work.. Moreover, in this case, it is very easy to highlight those parts of the body that were not planned for public display. Carefully make sure that you are as comfortable as possible in body. And the landing of trousers a priori did not presuppose the occurrence of such an unpleasant embarrassment.
Sometimes even celebrities have failures due to ignorance of the rules of underwear etiquette. They wear what becomes the common property. After all, the paparazzi do not sleep, which means that every such moment necessarily falls. camera-view. So that nothing sticks out anywhere, try to choose seamless underwear. There will be no extra lines with him. The clothes will sit on you perfectly.
Using corrective underwear is also not prohibited, but be careful not to lose the size. Too small option will not reduce the hated centimeters, but, on the contrary, will focus on them all the attention. Moreover, sometimes it is better to choose clothes to the color of your outfit. That way, you won't be in a bad situation if your underwear shines through somewhere.
Pay attention to the selection of clothes for shoulder-wear, thin straps or clothes without sleeves. Then in the field of view of the public can also accidentally get what should not. Pay attention to special straps or linens without straps. You can look beautiful and stylish at the same time.
Achieving questionable views is very easy. If you put on linen of different colors and shades under clothes from not the densest materials. Then your flowers, butterflies, bunnies or leopard spots will definitely become public. Of course you're right. patternJust before you leave, make sure nothing shines through anywhere.
With the neckline, you also need to be extremely careful. If the neckline is very deep, then you should pay attention to neckline. It is designed just to effectively demonstrate their advantageous sides. If the neckline is located on the back, it is better to give preference to butterfly underwear. It is carefully fastened in front with the help of Velcros and laces. Everything is reliable, and the back will look as exquisite as possible.
What clothes to choose and not to lose upgrade your underwear arsenal every six months or at least every year. This type of clothing wears out quickly enough, so hurry to please yourself with a new set. For example, in France, there is an opinion that you should pamper yourself with new underwear every time you go to the store for soap, shampoo or deodorant. Good advice.
Do you stick with everyone? laundry? Or do you often notice a young woman on the street who wanted to sneeze at him? Share your opinion in the comments.

What kind of underwear to choose the ideal people does not exist. But some ladies still try their best to grasp the fashion straw. Perhaps they sincerely believe that only stylish things can save the situation. Therefore, choose what, in their opinion, will look good. And to fit in such a thing, ladies wear body clothes.
Bodie is a much needed wardrobe item. It is able to correct minor shortcomings of the figure. But if you pick up even such a thing is not in size, then hide the shortcomings. It won't work.. Moreover, in this case, it is very easy to highlight those parts of the body that were not planned for public display. Carefully make sure that you are as comfortable as possible in body. And the landing of trousers a priori did not presuppose the occurrence of such an unpleasant embarrassment.

Sometimes even celebrities have failures due to ignorance of the rules of underwear etiquette. They wear what becomes the common property. After all, the paparazzi do not sleep, which means that every such moment necessarily falls. camera-view. So that nothing sticks out anywhere, try to choose seamless underwear. There will be no extra lines with him. The clothes will sit on you perfectly.
Using corrective underwear is also not prohibited, but be careful not to lose the size. Too small option will not reduce the hated centimeters, but, on the contrary, will focus on them all the attention. Moreover, sometimes it is better to choose clothes to the color of your outfit. That way, you won't be in a bad situation if your underwear shines through somewhere.

Pay attention to the selection of clothes for shoulder-wear, thin straps or clothes without sleeves. Then in the field of view of the public can also accidentally get what should not. Pay attention to special straps or linens without straps. You can look beautiful and stylish at the same time.

Achieving questionable views is very easy. If you put on linen of different colors and shades under clothes from not the densest materials. Then your flowers, butterflies, bunnies or leopard spots will definitely become public. Of course you're right. patternJust before you leave, make sure nothing shines through anywhere.
With the neckline, you also need to be extremely careful. If the neckline is very deep, then you should pay attention to neckline. It is designed just to effectively demonstrate their advantageous sides. If the neckline is located on the back, it is better to give preference to butterfly underwear. It is carefully fastened in front with the help of Velcros and laces. Everything is reliable, and the back will look as exquisite as possible.

What clothes to choose and not to lose upgrade your underwear arsenal every six months or at least every year. This type of clothing wears out quickly enough, so hurry to please yourself with a new set. For example, in France, there is an opinion that you should pamper yourself with new underwear every time you go to the store for soap, shampoo or deodorant. Good advice.

Do you stick with everyone? laundry? Or do you often notice a young woman on the street who wanted to sneeze at him? Share your opinion in the comments.
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