Dutch created the illusion of traveling through Asia without leaving Amsterdam
Travel is easier than kazhetsya
25-year-old Zillah van den Born managed to deceive his family and friends, and to instill in them the idea that it is at the five-week vacation in Southeast Asia. In fact, it is all the time in Amsterdam, laying photos on Facebook in order to give people the proper illusion.
This lie has been developed within the framework of Zillah student project with which she wanted to show that the status of the user's Facebook and their photographs are indicative of real life. "I did it to show people that we have carefully filter the fact that the spread in social networks - she explained - thus we make the network an ideal world, which may not exist in reality. My goal was to show how easy it is to distort reality. It is well known that photos can be processed. But we often overlook the fact that we have exactly the same process and the reality of our lives ».
For five weeks, during which the Zilla "traveled" in Asia, she made friends believe that she really has visited Thailand, Cambodia and Laos. Her family came to the airport to accompany her, but later she boarded a train and headed back to her apartment in Amsterdam. Over the next 42 days she stayed at home and using "Photoshop" deftly portrays himself in the background tropical resorts and beautiful beaches. It shows that engaged in all kinds of exciting things, such as diving (in fact, all underwater pictures were taken in her own pool, and then edited to make them look all exotic). And all the exotic Asian dishes, as shown in the photographs, Zilla or prepare their own meals or ordered in Asian restaurants in Amsterdam. And Zillah photos standing next to a Buddhist monk, were actually filmed in a Thai Buddhist temple. But this temple was in Amsterdam, of course.
And yet Zillah an imitation of the Thai hotel room in his bedroom, using his old Christmas decorations and umbrella. That it was necessary to deceive the parents during conversations on Skype. And make it look more plausible, she sent text messages to family and friends in the middle of the night. She also sent them some Asian souvenirs bought in the shops of Amsterdam, and photographs taken in the Artis Zoo in the "garden of butterflies." The plan worked perfectly: he believed in everything except the boyfriend Zillah, who knew of the deception from the beginning.
// player.vimeo.com/video/69182140 video>
// player.vimeo.com/video/68079155 video>
// player.vimeo.com/video/70293572 video>
via factroom.ru

25-year-old Zillah van den Born managed to deceive his family and friends, and to instill in them the idea that it is at the five-week vacation in Southeast Asia. In fact, it is all the time in Amsterdam, laying photos on Facebook in order to give people the proper illusion.

This lie has been developed within the framework of Zillah student project with which she wanted to show that the status of the user's Facebook and their photographs are indicative of real life. "I did it to show people that we have carefully filter the fact that the spread in social networks - she explained - thus we make the network an ideal world, which may not exist in reality. My goal was to show how easy it is to distort reality. It is well known that photos can be processed. But we often overlook the fact that we have exactly the same process and the reality of our lives ».

For five weeks, during which the Zilla "traveled" in Asia, she made friends believe that she really has visited Thailand, Cambodia and Laos. Her family came to the airport to accompany her, but later she boarded a train and headed back to her apartment in Amsterdam. Over the next 42 days she stayed at home and using "Photoshop" deftly portrays himself in the background tropical resorts and beautiful beaches. It shows that engaged in all kinds of exciting things, such as diving (in fact, all underwater pictures were taken in her own pool, and then edited to make them look all exotic). And all the exotic Asian dishes, as shown in the photographs, Zilla or prepare their own meals or ordered in Asian restaurants in Amsterdam. And Zillah photos standing next to a Buddhist monk, were actually filmed in a Thai Buddhist temple. But this temple was in Amsterdam, of course.

And yet Zillah an imitation of the Thai hotel room in his bedroom, using his old Christmas decorations and umbrella. That it was necessary to deceive the parents during conversations on Skype. And make it look more plausible, she sent text messages to family and friends in the middle of the night. She also sent them some Asian souvenirs bought in the shops of Amsterdam, and photographs taken in the Artis Zoo in the "garden of butterflies." The plan worked perfectly: he believed in everything except the boyfriend Zillah, who knew of the deception from the beginning.
// player.vimeo.com/video/69182140 video>
// player.vimeo.com/video/68079155 video>
// player.vimeo.com/video/70293572 video>
via factroom.ru
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