My beloved aunt saw that I wash in the morning, she did not reproach me since childhood, the lesson learned forever.

Which wash is better?Morning or evening? My beloved aunt once saw me run the washing machine in the morning and caused a scandal. All right, a little rowdy. She likes to talk in high tones if there is a reason. And here I am with my laundry!

Aunt Tanya believes in all kinds of signs. Washing clothes, of course, also applies to this. I didn’t think that such a banal household process managed to acquire a lot of superstitions. What I learned from my aunt and why you can not wash things in the morning, I tell later in the article.

Previously, washing things was quite a resource-consuming process. Back in Soviet times, it was necessary to do this manually, until the first electric cars appeared in the 1950s. It is clear that not every Soviet person could afford such household appliances. So the hostess had to cope on their own.

Many did it in the morning, because after work in the evening and other things were enough. In addition, washing clothes at this time was just convenient, as by the morning of the next day it was dry. But to get up for this had no light or dawn. Otherwise, the woman risked missing the morning hours spent with her family at breakfast and fees for work and school.

From a practical point of view, washing things in the morning is inconvenient. The day has just begun and you are tired. And if you imagine it's Monday, then the whole working week can go awry. Washing in the morning will lead to loss of strength and lack of energy.

Our ancestors never did laundry in the morning. According to legend, who will do this, he will face problems and troubles. There is a clear time for washing that should be followed.

If you wash in the morning, you can wash off success and happiness. However, in the evening you can not wash, because at this time the evil spirit begins to walk. In addition, if you wash things in the evening, they may not have time to dry until the morning. Therefore, it is better to dry them during the day.

According to legend, clothes that dry under the sun’s rays will have healing properties. Such things cure diseases and warm their master. You can't dry clothes at night. It will bring illness and hardship into your life. Do not leave your clothes to dry at night. It's easy to curse things like that.

Also important is whether the lunar rays hit the clothes. People used to believe they had a negative effect on her. If you dress in such things in the morning, the whole next day can go to waste, and a person will become a bait for illness and failure.

There are also many signs associated with the days of the week. It is believed that on Monday you can not do any important business, which means washing too. Things washed on Monday will dry for a week. On Tuesday, you should not wash your clothes, otherwise you will be in trouble. Saturday washing - to financial problems and quarrels.

So when do we do the laundry? The best time is before lunch. As they say, the middle ground! And the best day is Wednesday. If necessary, you can start the washing on Friday. This day is considered neutral.

And, of course, remember that you should not do laundry or cleaning on holidays. Otherwise, you will not only be in trouble, but you will also lose money. Better not play with fate!

Tell me, do you believe in such signs?


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